Thursday 23 November 2017

Forex Rollover

tutorial forex

Qué es Forex?

Dese la vuelta

En el mercado spot forex, las operaciones deben ser liquidadas en dos días hábiles. Si un comerciante vende 100.000 euros el martes, el comerciante debe entregar 100.000 euros el jueves, a menos que la posición se remite. Como servicio a nuestros comerciantes, FOREXYARD automáticamente transfiere todas las posiciones abiertas a la siguiente fecha de liquidación a las 5:00 pm hora de Nueva York. El rollover implica el intercambio de la posición que se mantiene para una posición que expira la siguiente fecha de liquidación. Las posiciones que se intercambian normalmente no se valoran al mismo precio. La diferencia en la cantidad varía grandemente basado en el par de la modernidad, el diferencial de la tarifa de interés entre las dos monedas, y fluctúa día a día con el movimiento de precios. Para posiciones abiertas a las 5.00 pm EST hay un rollover diario (pago de intereses) que usted paga por una posición abierta dependiendo de su nivel de margen establecido y posición en el mercado. Si no desea ganar o pagar intereses sobre sus posiciones, simplemente asegúrese de que estén cerradas a las 5.00 pm EST, el fin establecido del día de mercado.

Recursos | Futuros globales

Rollover Forex

Qué es Rollover? Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. Cada divisa tiene una tasa de interés asociada a ella, y porque la divisa se negocia en pares, cada comercio implica no sólo dos (2) monedas diferentes, pero sus dos (2) tipos de interés diferentes. Si la tasa de interés de la divisa que compró es mayor que la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió, entonces usted ganará rollover (rollo positivo). Si el tipo de interés de la divisa que compró es inferior al tipo de interés de la moneda que ha vendido, entonces pagará rollover (rol negativo). Rollover puede agregar un costo adicional significativo o beneficio para su comercio.

Rollover Ejemplos Al comprar el par EUR / USD, está comprando el Euro y vendiendo el Dólar Americano para pagarlo. Si la tasa de interés del euro es del 4,00%, y la tasa de los EE. UU. es del 2,25%, usted está comprando la moneda con la tasa de interés más alta, y obtendrá rollover (alrededor de 1,75% sobre una base anual). Si vende el par EUR / USD, está vendiendo la moneda con la tasa de interés más baja, y pagará rollover (aproximadamente 1,75% sobre una base anual), ya que está pagando la tasa de interés del euro y ganando la tasa de interés de EE. UU.

Una de las estrategias de forex más populares en el siglo XXI ha sido el Carry Trade. El Carry Trade aprovecha tanto las diferencias en las tasas de interés entre los países como el alto apalancamiento disponible del mercado de divisas. * * El apalancamiento puede aumentar dramáticamente sus ganancias y pérdidas. El comercio de divisas con un nivel alto o incluso moderado de apalancamiento puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores.

Cuándo se reserva el rollover? 5:00 PM en Nueva York se considera el principio y final del día de la negociación de divisas. Cualquier posición que esté abierta a las 5:00 PM ET fuerte se considera que se llevará a cabo durante la noche, y están sujetos a rollover. Una posición abierta a las 5:01 PM no está sujeta a un rollover hasta el día siguiente, mientras que una posición abierta a las 4:59 PM está sujeta a un rollover a las 5:00 PM.

Un crédito o débito para cada posición abierta a las 5:00 PM aparece en su cuenta en una hora y se aplica directamente al saldo de su cuenta.

Fines de semana y días festivos La mayoría de los bancos de todo el mundo están cerrados los sábados y domingos, por lo que no hay rollover en estos días, pero la mayoría de los bancos siguen aplicando interés por esos dos días. Para tener en cuenta eso, el mercado de divisas registra tres (3) días de rollover los miércoles, lo que hace un típico rollover del miércoles tres veces (3x) la cantidad el martes. No hay rollover en vacaciones, pero un día extra de rollover se reserva dos (2) días hábiles antes de la fiesta. Por lo general, rollover vacaciones sucede si alguna de las monedas negociadas tiene una gran fiesta. Por lo tanto, el Día de la Independencia en Estados Unidos, el 4 de julio, cierra los bancos estadounidenses, y un día extra de rollover se agrega a las 5:00 PM del 1 de julio para todos los pares de dólares estadounidenses.

Dese la vuelta

Qué es Rollover?

Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. Cada moneda tiene una tasa de interés asociada a ella, y porque la divisa se negocia en pares, cada comercio implica no sólo dos monedas diferentes, pero sus dos tipos de interés diferentes. Si la tasa de interés de la divisa que compró es mayor que la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió, entonces usted ganará rollover (rollo positivo). Si el tipo de interés de la divisa que compró es inferior al tipo de interés de la moneda que ha vendido, entonces pagará rollover (rol negativo). Rollover puede agregar un costo adicional significativo o beneficio para su comercio.

La estación de comercio de FXCM calcula e informa automáticamente todo el rollover para usted.

Ejemplos de rollover?

Cuando compres el par EUR / USD, estás comprando el euro y vendiendo el dólar de los Estados Unidos para pagarlo. Si la tasa de interés del euro es del 4,00% y la del tipo de los Estados Unidos es de 2,25%, está comprando la divisa con la tasa de interés más alta y obtendrá un rollover - aproximadamente 1,75% sobre una base anual. Si vende el par EUR / USD, está vendiendo la divisa con el tipo de interés más alto y pagará un rollover - alrededor del 1,75% sobre una base anual, ya que está pagando la tasa de interés del euro y ganando la tasa de interés de los Estados Unidos.

Una de las estrategias de forex más populares en el siglo XXI ha sido el "Carry Trade". El "Carry Trade" aprovecha las diferencias en las tasas de interés entre los países y el alto apalancamiento disponible del mercado de divisas.

Cuándo se reserva el rollover?

5 p. m. en Nueva York se considera el comienzo y el final del día de la negociación de divisas. Se considera que todas las posiciones abiertas a las 5 de la madrugada se mantienen durante la noche y están sujetas a vuelco. Una posición abierta a las 5:01 p. m. no está sujeta a vuelco hasta el día siguiente, mientras que una posición abierta a las 4:59 p. m. está sujeta a rollover a las 5 p. m.

Un crédito o débito para cada puesto abierto a las 5 p. m. aparece en su cuenta en una hora y se aplica directamente al saldo de su cuenta.

Fines de semana y festivos

La mayoría de los proveedores de liquidez (que incluyen bancos globales, instituciones financieras, corredores de bolsa y otros creadores de mercado) en todo el mundo están cerrados los sábados y domingos, por lo que no hay rollover en estos días, pero la mayoría de los proveedores de liquidez siguen aplicando intereses por esos dos días. Para tener en cuenta eso, el mercado de divisas reserva tres días de rollover los miércoles, lo que hace un típico rollover del miércoles tres veces la cantidad el martes. No hay rollover los días festivos, pero un día extra de rollover dos días hábiles antes de las vacaciones. Por lo general, rollover vacaciones sucede si alguna de las monedas negociadas tiene una gran fiesta. Por lo tanto, el Día de la Independencia en Estados Unidos, el 4 de julio, cierra a los proveedores de liquidez estadounidenses, y un día adicional de rollover se agrega a las 5 p. m. el 1 de julio para todos los pares de dólares estadounidenses.

Dónde se muestra el rollover?

FXCM sigue de cerca y muestra claramente las tasas de rollover. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que las tasas de interés son proporcionadas a FXCM por múltiples proveedores de liquidez. Se hace todo lo posible para mostrar las tasas de renovación un día antes de que se publiquen en su cuenta. Sin embargo, en tiempos de extrema volatilidad del mercado, las tasas pueden cambiar intradía.

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de las tasas de renovación en la estación de negociación. Puede ver las tasas de renovación de hoy abriendo una cuenta de demostración.

Para ver las tarifas de hoy, use la vista Tarifas de negociación simple. Haga clic en la pestaña Tarifas de negociación simple en la parte superior de la ventana Tarifas de negociación. Las tasas de renovación para todos los pares de divisas se encuentran en las columnas Roll S y Roll B. Roll S le mostrará cuánto rollover pagará o ganará si vende 1 porción del par de divisas (y tiene la posición abierta a las 5 p. m.). Si el número mostrado es negativo, usted paga esa cantidad. Si el número es positivo, usted gana esa cantidad. El monto mostrado se denomina en la moneda utilizada por la cuenta, lo que significa que si la cuenta de operaciones es en dólares de los Estados Unidos, el monto de la transferencia se muestra en dólares estadounidenses.

Las tasas de renovación y las políticas varían de un agente a otro?

Sí. Además de nuestra política de transparencia en el rollover de la información, FXCM puede pasar a las tasas de rollover atractivas de sus clientes en ambos lados de cada par de divisas, debido al volumen de negociación nocional promedio que FXCM genera a los proveedores de liquidez con los que trata.

1 Proveedores de liquidez: Los proveedores de liquidez incluyen bancos globales, instituciones financieras, corredores de bolsa y otros fabricantes de mercado.

Preguntas frecuentes:


Inversión de alto riesgo Advertencia: La negociación de divisas y / o contratos por diferencias en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de sus fondos depositados y por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse perder. Antes de decidir negociar los productos ofrecidos por FXCM usted debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos, situación financiera, necesidades y nivel de experiencia. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. FXCM proporciona asesoramiento general que no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos, situación financiera o necesidades. El contenido de este sitio web no debe interpretarse como un consejo personal. FXCM recomienda consultar con un asesor financiero independiente. Haga clic aquí para leer la advertencia de riesgo completo.

FXCM Markets no está sujeto a la supervisión reglamentaria que rige a otras entidades de FXCM, que incluye pero no está limitada a Commodity Futures and Trading Commission, National Futures Association, Financial Conduct Authority y Australia Securities and Investment Commission. FXCM Markets no está destinado a ser utilizado por residentes de: Estados Unidos, Canadá, Unión Europea, Japón, Hong Kong o Australia. FXCM Markets se compromete a mantener los más altos estándares de comportamiento ético y profesionalismo, así como un alto nivel de confianza y confianza, todos los cuales son pilares de la cultura corporativa de FXCM. FXCM se ha ganado una reputación de imparcialidad, honestidad e integridad, y considera que este es nuestro activo corporativo más valioso. Reconocemos que nuestra reputación depende de la adhesión de nuestros empleados a los más altos estándares de conducta ética y profesionalismo en el desempeño de sus deberes, sin los cuales nuestra historia de logros no habría sido posible. Para más información póngase en contacto con nosotros.

Copyright y copia; 2016 Mercados de divisas. Todos los derechos reservados.

Dese la vuelta

En esta lección vamos a cubrir Rollover. Comenzaremos explicando el concepto de rollover y luego pasaremos a un ejemplo de cómo se calcula. Le mostraremos cómo aprovechar el rollover, ya que muchos comerciantes exitosos lo hacen una parte integral de su estrategia comercial.

Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. El tipo de interés objetivo asociado a cada moneda (generalmente establecido por el Banco Central de esa moneda) se muestra en la página principal de Dailyfx. com. Aquí hay un ejemplo:

Como cubrimos en la lectura de una cotización de la divisa. Cada vez que tome una posición de FX usted está comprando una moneda y la venta en la otra. Su posición, por lo tanto, ganará la tasa de interés de la moneda que ha comprado, y usted deberá la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió. La diferencia neta se acreditará en su cuenta o se le cobrará de su cuenta todos los días en rollover, que es la hora de EE. UU. Es importante tener en cuenta que el vuelco sólo se produce en posiciones que se mantienen abiertas a las 5 pm Hora del Este. Si cierra un comercio antes del tiempo de renovación o lo abre después del tiempo de refinanciación, no se pagará ni se le debe ningún interés.

Vamos a pasar por un ejemplo en un poco, pero para hacer las cosas simples, la cantidad de rollover que se paga o ganó por cada par se puede ver en la ventana de tarifas de negociación de la estación de operaciones. "Roll S" es la cantidad que usted ganará o debe por cada lote si ha vendido el par. "Roll B" es la cantidad que usted ganará o debe por cada lote si ha comprado el par.

Echemos un vistazo a un ejemplo.

Cuando usted compra el par AUD / USD, está comprando el dólar australiano, y vendiendo el dólar estadounidense.

Aquí está la matemática:

En este ejemplo, estamos comprando una porción de 10k de AUD / USD en una cuenta basada en dólares estadounidenses. Así que vamos a ganar un 3% anual en 10,000 AUD. Esto sale a 300 AUD por año. Para determinar el valor de rollover de un día dividiremos por 365, lo que nos da 0.82 AUD de interés por día.

En el otro lado del comercio, somos cortos aproximadamente $ 8,800 USD (la tarifa de AUD / USD es 0.8780 en el momento de la escritura). Para este lado del comercio, le debemos 0,25% a los dólares de los EE. UU. que somos cortos. Tan 8,800 * 0,0025 es $ 22 los EEUU. Divide eso por 365, y obtendrá $ 0.06.

Ahora sabemos que si compramos un 10k mucho de AUD / USD ganaremos 0.82 AUD y debemos $ 0.06 USD. Para compensar estos dos juntos, primero convertiremos los 0,82 AUD a USD Dollars. Para ello simplemente multiplicamos por 0,8780 (la actual tasa de AUD / USD Spot) que nos lleva a $ 0,72 US.

$ 0.72- $ 0.06 = $ 0.66. Por lo tanto, de acuerdo a nuestras matemáticas, debemos ganar alrededor de $ 0.66 dólares por día para comprar un 10k mucho de AUD / USD. Vayamos a la plataforma de negociación y veamos lo que se enumera en el rollo B.

Podemos ver aquí que muestra 0.49 junto a RollB. Por qué no coincide? La razón es que las tasas de interés que usamos en nuestro ejemplo: 3% para el Dólar de la UA y 0,25% para el Dólar de EE. UU., son simplemente las tasas objetivo establecidas por los bancos centrales de esos países. Los participantes en el mercado (es decir, los bancos) determinarán dónde deben estar los tipos reales de préstamos y depósitos a un día. Por lo tanto, por desgracia, nuestro cálculo y este ejemplo aquí es sólo para ayudar a entender el vuelco conceptualmente. Hacer el cálculo basado en las tasas objetivo nunca le llevará al valor de refinanciamiento exacto que se cobra o se gana, pero es un buen ejercicio para entender cómo funciona el refinanciamiento.

La siguiente pregunta que muchos comerciantes preguntan es "por qué nos cobran más de lo que podemos ganar en rollover?" Usted puede ver aquí otra vez que si estamos de largo AUD / USD ganaremos $ 0.49, pero si somos cortos que vamos a Debe $ 1.07. La respuesta es que los bancos introducen un diferencial sobre las tasas de interés. Ellos nos pagarán un poco menos que la tarifa de la noche a la mañana cuando les prestamos, y nos cobrarán un poco más que la tarifa de una noche que nos prestamos de ellos. El resultado final es que, por desgracia, los comerciantes siempre se cobran más de lo que ganamos cuando se trata de rollover (Esto también es por qué Roll S y Roll B pueden ser negativos a veces).

Eso no niega el poderoso impacto que el rollover puede tener en una estrategia comercial. Algunos comerciantes sólo entrarán en posiciones que les permitan ganar en rollover.

Vayamos a la vista Tasas de negociación simple y veamos qué par de divisas nos paga la mayoría de la transferencia.

Podemos ver aquí que va un corto 10k mucho de GBP / AUD nos paga $ 0.81 por día en rollover. Eso puede no sonar como mucho, pero funciona a $ 295.65 de interés al año que vamos a ganar. Y ese interés se gana incluso si el par no mueve un solo pip. También teniendo en cuenta que sólo pudimos haber publicado alrededor del 1% o menos en el margen para mantener ese comercio, $ 295 es un porcentaje significativo de retorno. La celebración de una posición a largo plazo para recoger el diferencial de la tasa de interés se conoce como un "carry trade", y es una de las estrategias más populares en el mercado.

Ahora tenemos que tener en cuenta que un carry trade ciertamente no es libre de riesgos. La tasa spot en sí misma, por supuesto, fluctúa, y que puede trabajar a favor o en contra de nosotros. Además, las tasas de interés a menudo cambian y la cantidad que usted gana o debe cada día por lo tanto, también cambiará. Así que si usted va a ser un comerciante de llevar, asegúrese de permanecer en la parte superior de los movimientos de la tasa de interés y el sentimiento.

Una cosa importante a tener en cuenta es el miércoles Rollover. Esto puede ser un poco confuso, así que no te preocupes si no lo consigues enseguida.

FX es generalmente un mercado deliverable de dos días. Eso significa que las posiciones se liquidarán 2 días desde que se abren. Miércoles a las 5pm, las posiciones se pasan a las posiciones del jueves. Estas posiciones se resolverían técnicamente el sábado. Los bancos están cerrados el sábado, por lo que en su lugar pasan el fin de semana hasta el lunes. Así que el corto de él, es que el rollover del miércoles es típicamente 3 días de interés. No se aplica rollover a posiciones que se mantienen abiertas los sábados y domingos. Las vacaciones también pueden afectar el programa de renovación. Puede consultar fácilmente los días festivos especiales y cómo afectan el rollover en nuestro Calendario de Rollover actualizado con regularidad.

Así que eso cubre rollover y cómo se calcula. Espero que ahora entienda un poco sobre cómo aprovecharlo también.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Comprender los créditos y los débitos de la transferencia de Forex

Las operaciones realizadas con corredores en el mercado de divisas al contado (forex of FX), están sujetas a recibir intereses o intereses debitados, si las posiciones se mantienen durante la noche. Esto se conoce como rollover interés. Este artículo explicará por qué ocurre el vuelco y cómo los comerciantes pueden beneficiarse (o entender los débitos) de él. También vamos a echar un vistazo a las consideraciones fiscales de los intereses de vuelco.

Tutorial: Forex Qué es Rollover interés? Los intereses de rollover se pagan o se cargan a los comerciantes que tienen posiciones de divisas abiertas a las 5 p. m. EST cada día que el comercio está abierto. Las operaciones abiertas antes de las 5 de la madrugada EST y mantenidas hasta después de este tiempo, se consideran celebradas durante la noche y, por lo tanto, están sujetas a crédito o débito de intereses, dependiendo de la posición que el operador tenga abierta.

Si un crédito o débito se aplica a la cuenta del comerciante se determina por la moneda del país que el comerciante compró o vendió en relación con la moneda de otro país. Todas las monedas operan en pares. Lo que significa que la moneda de un país es siempre relativa a la moneda de otro país. Un ejemplo de esto es el EUR / USD. Por lo tanto, el monto de los intereses recibidos por el comerciante, por la celebración de la par EUR / USD durante la noche, se determinará por la diferencia en los tipos de interés que prevalecen en cada lugar cuando ocurre el vuelco.

En la mayoría de los casos, los corredores de divisas de venta al por menor pasan automáticamente por encima de las operaciones. Los corredores minoristas hacen esto para evitar que los comerciantes, la mayoría de los cuales son especuladores. De tener que entregar la moneda real a la parte en el otro lado del comercio. Asentamiento. Que es el día que el comerciante tendría que entregar la moneda real a la persona en el lado opuesto de la operación, es de dos días después de que la transacción tuvo lugar. Con los corredores de rodar sobre posiciones, los oficios pueden dejarse abiertas sin la entrega real de todo el valor de la posición de la moneda que tiene lugar. Si no se produjo un vuelco, el comerciante tendría que entregar el valor nominal de la moneda. Esto se debe a que el mercado de divisas es donde se negocian los contratos en los que una moneda se intercambia por otra; Esto será entregado en dos días hábiles. (Para obtener más información sobre liquidación y otros temas de divisas, eche un vistazo a nuestra Tabla de prácticas de Forex.

Los intereses de reinversión se pagan o se adeudan en función del valor total del comercio y no simplemente del margen utilizado para el comercio. Por ejemplo, si un comerciante está sosteniendo un lote de EUR / USD, se le acreditarán o debitarán intereses por $ 100,000 (el valor total de un lote), y no sólo el margen puesto para el comercio.

También es importante tener en cuenta que el rollover no es un cargo por el uso de apalancamiento. Es un error común que si el rollover es debitado de un comerciante éste es el coste del apalancamiento que un corredor proporcionó para este comerciante. Este no es el caso. El débito o crédito se basa en la diferencia entre las tasas de interés de los países involucrados en el par de divisas que el comerciante mantiene.

Créditos y débitos a la cuenta de negociación Los créditos o débitos, en interés, se pagan en función de la moneda, el par de divisas que el comerciante ha comprado y si la moneda de ese país tiene una tasa de interés más alta o más baja. Por ejemplo, si un comerciante compra el par USD / JPY, lo que significa que compran el dólar y venden el yen japonés, y el dólar tiene una tasa de interés más alta (2%) que el yen (0,5%), entonces el comerciante será Acreditaron el diferencial de tipos de interés - aproximadamente 1,5% al ​​año (sin apalancamiento). Si el comerciante vende el USD / JPY, lo que significa que venden el dólar y compra el yen, entonces se les debitará el diferencial de tasas de interés entre los dos países. (Conozca los factores que influyen en las tasas de interés en las Fuerzas Detrás de los Tipos de Interés).

En pocas palabras, a un comerciante se le pagará un interés cada día que posea la moneda que devenga intereses más altos, o se le cobrará cada día que posea la moneda con menor interés. Las tasas de interés de los países están determinadas por una serie de factores económicos y cambian con el tiempo.

Debido a que los bancos de todo el mundo generalmente están cerrados el sábado y el domingo, el interés para estos días se aplica el miércoles. Esto significa que si un comercio se deja abierto el miércoles y se celebra después de las 5 p. m. EST, ese comercio será acreditado o debitado por un extra de dos días de interés.

Los corredores hacen automáticamente todo esto para los comerciantes. Un crédito o débito simplemente se mostrará en la cuenta para cada puesto que estaba abierto a las 5 p. m. EST. Esto podría ocurrir a través de un débito o crédito en la cuenta del comerciante, normalmente bajo un rollover o rollover. También puede ser debitado o acreditado a un comerciante a través de un ajuste en el precio de entrada.

Aprovechamiento de rollover El rollover de recepción es un flujo de ingresos adicional por encima de las ganancias de capital regulares. Por esta razón, las operaciones se pueden establecer no sólo para aprovechar las ganancias de capital, sino también los ingresos por intereses. Los comerciantes del día pueden permitir que las posiciones se mantengan abiertas ligeramente más largas para ganar el ingreso de interés, si son largas una tasa de interés más alta teniendo la moneda. Además, los comerciantes de swing y los inversores pueden decidir sólo tomar posiciones a más largo plazo en pares de divisas, donde pueden ser largas la tasa de interés más alto teniendo moneda.

Además, si un comerciante espera que un par de divisas se mantenga relativamente plano para el año, o terminar el año en torno a los valores actuales, pueden aprovechar el diferencial de tasas de interés en las monedas, y hacer una ganancia hermosa, si de hecho las monedas Se quedan alrededor del mismo valor (esto también supone que las tasas de interés no cambian). Si un inversor va a lo largo de la EUR / JPY creyendo que va a cerrar el año en aproximadamente el mismo valor, pueden hacer un gran beneficio mediante el uso de forex mercado de apalancamiento. Una ganancia del 2% debido al diferencial de la tasa de interés podría significar un retorno del 20% si se utiliza el apalancamiento 10: 1. Esto también significa que el inversor podría perder un 2% (o un 20% o más si es apalancado a este nivel o superior) simplemente manteniendo la moneda con menor interés durante un año.

Consideraciones fiscales Rollover interés es muy similar al interés pagado a un saldo de la cuenta bancaria. Por lo tanto, el refinanciamiento se grava como ingreso por intereses, y se debe mantener un registro separado de las ganancias de capital con fines impositivos. Los corredores muestran el interés recibido y cargado en las declaraciones de actividades comerciales en línea.

El rollover de fondo es el interés que se debita o se acredita a las cuentas de un comerciante cuando las posiciones se llevan a cabo después de las 5 p. m. EST. Si el interés se acredita depende de si el comerciante es largo el tipo de interés más alto teniendo la moneda. Si lo son, recibirán un crédito; Si no, recibirán un débito. El cambio de rollo se realiza automáticamente y no se requiere nada al comerciante excepto para realizar el seguimiento de los intereses por separado para fines fiscales (que se enumeran en los informes de la cuenta). Rollover se calcula sobre el valor total de la posición, y, por lo tanto, puede proporcionar beneficios adicionales para el comerciante o causar una disminución de los beneficios, o el aumento de las pérdidas. (Para obtener más información, consulte Introducción a las tasas de cambio de divisas y flotas y fijas.)

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Inversión de alto riesgo Advertencia: La negociación de divisas y / o contratos por diferencias en el margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida en exceso de sus fondos depositados y por lo tanto, no debe especular con el capital que no puede permitirse perder. Antes de decidir negociar los productos ofrecidos por FXCM usted debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos, situación financiera, necesidades y nivel de experiencia. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio en margen. FXCM proporciona asesoramiento general que no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos, situación financiera o necesidades. El contenido de este sitio web no debe interpretarse como un consejo personal. FXCM recomienda consultar con un asesor financiero independiente.

Haga clic aquí para leer la advertencia de riesgo completo.

FXCM es un Comerciante de la Comisión de Futuros registrado y Comerciante de Divisas al por menor con la Commodity Futures Trading Commission y es miembro de la National Futures Association. NFA # 0308179

FXCM Inc., una compañía cotizada en Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE: FXCM), es una sociedad de cartera y su único activo es una participación mayoritaria en FXCM Holdings, LLC. Forex Capital Markets, LLC ( "FXCM LLC") es una filial directa de FXCM Holdings, LLC. Todas las referencias en este sitio a "FXCM" se refieren a FXCM Inc. y sus subsidiarias consolidadas, incluyendo FXCM Holdings, LLC y Forex Capital Markets, LLC.

Tenga en cuenta que la información de este sitio web está dirigida únicamente a clientes minoristas y que algunas de las representaciones aquí contenidas pueden no ser aplicables a los Participantes Elegibles del Contrato (es decir, a los clientes institucionales) según se define en la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías y la Sección 1 (a) (12).

Copyright y copia; 2015 Mercados de divisas. Todos los derechos reservados.

55 Water St. 50th Floor, Nueva York, NY 10041 Estados Unidos

Forex Rollover Consideraciones

Actualizado: 19 de marzo 2013 a las 11:08

El diferencial de tipos de interés entre un par de monedas puede ser su mejor amigo o su peor enemigo cuando el comercio de divisas, ya que afecta a las tasas de refinanciación de divisas.

Los refinanciamientos de Forex afectan a casi cualquier operador que ocupe posiciones durante la noche y pueden tener un impacto especialmente fuerte en una estrategia de carry trade (más información).

Además, este importante efecto de la tasa de interés se magnifica en pares de divisas que tienen un alto diferencial de tasas de interés entre las monedas involucradas.

En las siguientes secciones se describirán los aspectos básicos de los traspasos de divisas, incluyendo cómo funcionan y la importancia de los spreads de swap (obtener más información).

Conceptos básicos de Rollover de Forex

La mayoría de los comerciantes de divisas que ocupan posiciones de la noche a la mañana se han encontrado con el rollover. Desde la perspectiva de un comerciante forex personal, este evento diario suele ocurrir automáticamente en muchos corredores de divisas en línea si una posición se celebra a las 5 pm hora de Nueva York.

En general, tales posiciones de noche se acreditarán pips si el comerciante es largo la moneda de alta tasa de interés, pero cotizó pips si el comerciante es corto la moneda de alta tasa de interés.

Los comerciantes que tienen posiciones en el tiempo de rollover normalmente encontrarán que sus posiciones serán pips cargados o pips acreditados automáticamente cuando son rodados de la fecha de valor spot al siguiente día hábil por su corredor.

Forex Rollover Mecánica

La mecánica real de un rollover implica un intercambio de divisas en el que la posición está cerrada por su fecha de valor spot original y luego reabierto en una fecha de valor un día hábil adicional en el futuro.

Además, los miércoles, cuando la fecha de valor de su posición suele ser rodada de viernes a lunes, el cargo por rollover o crédito incluirá los dos días adicionales de interés que se acumulan durante el fin de semana.

Este intercambio de rollover generalmente se hará a diferentes tasas en cada fecha. Además, si el vuelco se produce a la tasa histórica de lo que la posición al contado está siendo mantenido por el comerciante en, a continuación, el canje se conoce generalmente como un rollover tasa histórica.

Forex Rollover Spreads

Algunos corredores de divisas en línea ofrecen mejores diferenciales en rollovers que otros. Esto puede tener un impacto significativo en su línea de fondo si planea mantener posiciones de divisas durante la noche sobre una base regular.

Swing comerciantes, los comerciantes de tendencia y llevar a los comerciantes todos tienden a caer en esta categoría de posiciones de explotación durante la noche, ya que generalmente el comercio a largo plazo plazo que lo que los comerciantes intradía tienden a centrarse.

En consecuencia, los comerciantes de la divisa personal sería bien aconsejado para comprobar cómo su corredor maneja rollovers y lo que sus precios de intercambio es como si pueden estar haciendo vuelco con frecuencia.

Forex Rollover Ejemplo

Como ejemplo de una transacción de rollover, considere la situación de un operador de divisas que está ejecutando una posición larga en dólares australianos contra el yen japonés por valor spot, o dos días hábiles a partir de hoy en la cantidad de 1 millón de dólares australianos con un corredor de divisas Que realiza vuelcos automáticos.

Además, eran AUD / JPY largo en una tarifa de 75.00 y el intercambio del rollover en su corredor es 10 pips.

A las 5pm hora de Nueva York, el corredor podría vender 1 millón de dólares australianos de este comerciante contra el Yen japonés para el punto del valor en su tarifa existente de 75.00.

A continuación, recomprarían simultáneamente 1 millón de dólares australianos contra el yen japonés para el comerciante por valor el siguiente día hábil a 74,90, una tasa de 10 pips mejor para reflejar los puntos de swap.

En este proceso de refinanciación, el comerciante recogería 10 pips en su posición AUD / JPY y mejoraría la tasa en su posición larga de 75.00 a 74.90 debido al diferencial de tipos de interés que favorece el dólar australiano sobre el yen japonés.

Declaración de riesgo: La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted pierda más que su depósito inicial. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.

Dese la vuelta

Qué es Rollover?

Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. Cada moneda tiene una tasa de interés asociada a ella, y porque la divisa se negocia en pares, cada comercio implica no sólo dos monedas diferentes, pero sus dos tipos de interés diferentes. Si la tasa de interés de la divisa que compró es mayor que la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió, entonces usted ganará rollover (rollo positivo). Si el tipo de interés de la divisa que compró es inferior al tipo de interés de la moneda que ha vendido, entonces pagará rollover (rol negativo). Rollover puede agregar un costo adicional significativo o beneficio para su comercio.

La estación de comercio de FXCM calcula e informa automáticamente todo el rollover para usted.

Ejemplos de rollover?

Cuando compres el par EUR / USD, estás comprando el euro y vendiendo el dólar de los Estados Unidos para pagarlo. Si la tasa de interés del euro es del 4,00% y la del tipo de los Estados Unidos es de 2,25%, está comprando la divisa con la tasa de interés más alta y obtendrá un rollover - aproximadamente 1,75% sobre una base anual. Si vende el par EUR / USD, está vendiendo la divisa con el tipo de interés más alto y pagará un rollover - alrededor del 1,75% sobre una base anual, ya que está pagando la tasa de interés del euro y ganando la tasa de interés de los Estados Unidos.

Una de las estrategias de forex más populares en el siglo XXI ha sido el "Carry Trade". El "Carry Trade" aprovecha las diferencias en las tasas de interés entre los países y el alto apalancamiento disponible del mercado de divisas.

Cuándo se reserva el rollover?

5 p. m. en Nueva York se considera el comienzo y el final del día de la negociación de divisas. Se considera que todas las posiciones abiertas a las 5 de la madrugada se mantienen durante la noche y están sujetas a vuelco. Una posición abierta a las 5:01 p. m. no está sujeta a vuelco hasta el día siguiente, mientras que una posición abierta a las 4:59 p. m. está sujeta a rollover a las 5 p. m.

Un crédito o débito para cada puesto abierto a las 5 p. m. aparece en su cuenta en una hora y se aplica directamente al saldo de su cuenta.

Fines de semana y festivos

La mayoría de los proveedores de liquidez (que incluyen bancos globales, instituciones financieras, corredores de bolsa y otros creadores de mercado) en todo el mundo están cerrados los sábados y domingos, por lo que no hay rollover en estos días, pero la mayoría de los proveedores de liquidez siguen aplicando interés por esos dos días. Para tener en cuenta eso, el mercado de divisas reserva tres días de rollover los miércoles, lo que hace un típico rollover del miércoles tres veces la cantidad el martes. No hay rollover los días festivos, pero un día extra de rollover dos días hábiles antes de las vacaciones. Por lo general, rollover vacaciones sucede si alguna de las monedas negociadas tiene una gran fiesta. Por lo tanto, el Día de la Independencia en Estados Unidos, el 4 de julio, cierra a los proveedores de liquidez estadounidenses, y un día adicional de rollover se agrega a las 5 p. m. el 1 de julio para todos los pares de dólares estadounidenses.

Dónde se muestra el rollover?

FXCM sigue de cerca y muestra claramente las tasas de rollover. Por favor, tenga en cuenta que las tasas de interés son proporcionadas a FXCM por múltiples proveedores de liquidez. Se hace todo lo posible para mostrar las tasas de renovación un día antes de que se publiquen en su cuenta. Sin embargo, en tiempos de extrema volatilidad del mercado, las tasas pueden cambiar intradía.

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de las tasas de renovación en la estación de negociación. Puede ver las tasas de renovación de hoy abriendo una cuenta de demostración.

Para ver las tarifas de hoy, use la vista Tarifas de negociación simple. Haga clic en la pestaña Tarifas de negociación simple en la parte superior de la ventana Tarifas de negociación. Las tasas de renovación para todos los pares de divisas se encuentran en las columnas Roll S y Roll B. Roll S le mostrará cuánto rollover pagará o ganará si vende 1 porción del par de divisas (y tiene la posición abierta a las 5 p. m.). Si el número mostrado es negativo, usted paga esa cantidad. Si el número es positivo, usted gana esa cantidad. El monto mostrado se denomina en la moneda utilizada por la cuenta, lo que significa que si la cuenta de operaciones es en dólares de los Estados Unidos, el monto de la transferencia se muestra en dólares estadounidenses.

Las tasas de renovación y las políticas varían de un agente a otro?

Sí. Además de nuestra política de transparencia en el rollover de la información, FXCM puede pasar a las tasas de rollover atractivas de sus clientes en ambos lados de cada par de divisas, debido al volumen de transacción nocional promedio que FXCM genera a los proveedores de liquidez con los que trata.

1 Proveedores de liquidez: Los proveedores de liquidez incluyen bancos globales, instituciones financieras, corredores de bolsa y otros fabricantes de mercado.

Preguntas frecuentes:

Preguntas frecuentes de Rollover

Qué es un rollover?

En el mercado spot forex, las operaciones deben ser liquidadas en dos días hábiles. Por ejemplo, si un comerciante vende 100.000 euros el martes, entonces el comerciante debe entregar 100.000 euros el jueves, a menos que la posición se remite. Como servicio a los clientes, todas las posiciones de divisas abiertas al final del día (5:00 PM, hora de Nueva York) se transfieren automáticamente a la siguiente fecha de liquidación. El ajuste de rollover (o swap) es simplemente la contabilidad del costo de carry-on en el día a día. Obtenga más información sobre nuestra política de rollover.

Dónde puedo encontrar las tasas de renovación de Forex de TradeKing?

Las tasas de rollover son accesibles desde la plataforma de trading de ForexTrader y en MyAccount. Las tarifas de hoy están generalmente disponibles a las 12:00 pm hora del este y reflejan las tarifas para el día de negociación actual. El monto mostrado se denomina en la moneda base de la cuenta.

Cuándo se aplica el rollover?

Los rollovers se procesan a las 5:00 pm hora del este, por lo que cualquier posición abierta en ese momento se activará automáticamente y se aplicará un débito o crédito a su cuenta.

Cómo se determina la tasa de vuelco?

Las tasas de vuelco se determinan en base al diferencial de tasas de interés de las dos monedas basado en el precio spot actual y el nivel de servicio al cliente. No hay comisión u otra tarifa por este servicio. Puede ver las tasas de renovación actuales en Mi cuenta.

Las posiciones que se mantienen durante la noche los miércoles ganarán o incurrirán en un extra de dos días de interés (debido al fin de semana). Además, las posiciones con una fecha de valor que cae en un día festivo también incurren o ganan intereses adicionales.

Cómo puedo evitar pagar cargos por rollover?

No se paga ni se paga ningún interés si abre y cierra una posición en el mismo día de negociación.

Los rollovers sólo se aplican a posiciones mantenidas durante la noche, o al cierre de la sesión de NY a las 5:00 pm hora del este. Algunos corredores aplicarán rollovers sobre una base segundo por segundo; Sin embargo, esta política puede acabar costándole más dinero en costos de transacción en forma de cargos por rollover.

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ayuda forex

El comercio de divisas (Forex) se ofrece a los inversores autodirigidos a través de TradeKing Forex. TradeKing Forex, LLC. Y TradeKing Securities, LLC son compañías separadas, pero afiliadas. Las cuentas Forex no están protegidas por la Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC).

El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Aumentar el apalancamiento aumenta el riesgo. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos financieros, el nivel de experiencia de inversión y la capacidad de asumir riesgos financieros. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Lea la información completa. Tenga en cuenta que los contratos de oro y plata al contado no están sujetos a regulación bajo la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos.

TradeKing Forex, LLC. Actúa como un corredor de introducción a GAIN Capital Group, LLC ( "Capital GAIN"). Su cuenta forex se mantiene y mantiene en GAIN Capital, que actúa como agente de compensación y contraparte en sus operaciones. GAIN Capital está registrado en la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) y es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA) (ID # 0339826). TradeKing Forex, LLC. Es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (ID # 0408077).

Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Haga clic aquí para revisar el folleto Características y riesgos de las opciones estandarizadas antes de comenzar las opciones de compra. Los inversionistas de opciones pueden perder el monto total de su inversión en un período relativamente corto de tiempo.

El comercio en línea tiene un riesgo inherente debido a la respuesta del sistema y tiempos de acceso que pueden variar debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema y otros factores. Un inversionista debe entender estos y riesgos adicionales antes de negociar.

† 4,95 dólares para transacciones en línea de acciones y opciones, agregue 65 centavos por contrato de opción. TradeKing cobra un adicional de $ 0.35 por contrato en ciertos productos de índice donde los cargos de cambio cobran. Consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes para obtener más detalles. TradeKing agrega $ 0.01 por acción en la orden entera para las existencias tasadas menos de $ 2.00. Consulte nuestra página de comisiones y comisiones para comisiones sobre operaciones con corredores, acciones a bajo precio, spreads de opciones y otros valores.

* TradeKing ocupó el puesto # 1 en Servicio al Cliente en la encuesta Broker SmartMoney Junio ​​2008 y Junio ​​2010; Galardonado con la calificación de cinco estrellas más alta en servicio al cliente y herramientas de negociación en la encuesta de broker de junio 2009 y junio de 2010; Ocupó el puesto # 1 en Servicio al cliente en la encuesta de broker de junio de 2011 y la encuesta de broker de junio de 2012; Nombrado el corredor del descuento # 1 total en la encuesta del corredor de agosto de 2007; Y corredor del descuento # 1 total en la encuesta del corredor de agosto de 2006. Estas encuestas se basan en las siguientes categorías: comisiones y honorarios, fondos mutuos y productos de inversión, servicios bancarios, herramientas de negociación, investigación y servicio al cliente. SmartMoney es una marca registrada de SmartMoney, una empresa de publicación conjunta entre Dow Jones & Company, Inc. y Hearst℠ Partnership. TradeKing recibió 4 de 5 estrellas en Barron 12 (marzo de 2007), 13 (marzo, 2008), 14 (marzo, 2009), 15 (marzo 2010), 16 (marzo 2011) y 17 (marzo 2012) clasificaciones anuales de Los mejores corredores en línea basados ​​en tecnología comercial, usabilidad, móvil, variedad de ofertas, servicios de investigación, análisis e informes de cartera, servicio al cliente y educación y costos. Clasificado entre los "Mejores para Operadores de Opciones" 2008-12. Clasificado # 1 en usabilidad en la encuesta de Marzo de 2011 Barron. Clasificado entre los "mejores para la inversión a largo plazo" 2011-12 Barron de la encuesta. En los comentarios que acompañan a los rankings de marzo de 2008, Barron's declaró que "el sitio de TradeKing presenta nuevas y sofisticadas herramientas que se centran en encontrar y ejecutar estrategias de opciones". Barron's es una marca registrada de Dow Jones & Company © 2012. TradeKing fue calificado número uno en Servicio al Cliente en Kiplinger noviembre 2008 "Best of Online Brokers" Personal Broker de Finanzas Investigación basada en la Investigación y Herramientas, Comisiones y Tarifas, Opciones de Inversión, Facilidad de Uso, servicio de atención al cliente. Kiplinger es una marca registrada de The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. © 2012. La documentación que respalda las concesiones y reclamaciones de servicios y herramientas de TradeKing también está disponible a solicitud llamando al 877-495-5464 o por correo electrónico a [email & # 160; protected]

Las cotizaciones se retrasan por lo menos 15 minutos, a menos que se indique lo contrario. Datos de mercado impulsados ​​e implementados por SunGard. Datos fundamentales de la empresa proporcionados por Factset. Estimaciones de ingresos proporcionadas por Zacks. Datos de fondos mutuos y ETF proporcionados por Lipper y Dow Jones & Company.

El contenido, las investigaciones, las herramientas y los símbolos de acciones u opciones son sólo para fines educativos y ilustrativos y no implican una recomendación o solicitud para comprar o vender un valor en particular o para participar en una estrategia de inversión en particular. Las proyecciones u otra información con respecto a la probabilidad de varios resultados de inversión son hipotéticas por naturaleza, no están garantizadas por exactitud o integridad, no reflejan los resultados reales de inversión, no toman en cuenta comisiones, intereses de margen y otros costos y no son garantías de Resultados futuros.

Todas las inversiones implican riesgo, las pérdidas pueden exceder el principal invertido y el rendimiento pasado de un producto de seguridad, industria, sector, mercado o financiero no garantiza los resultados o devoluciones futuros. TradeKing ofrece a los inversionistas autodirigidos servicios de corretaje de descuentos y no hace recomendaciones ni ofrece asesoramiento financiero, legal o fiscal. Usted es el único responsable de evaluar los méritos y riesgos asociados con el uso de los sistemas, servicios o productos de TradeKing. Si tiene preguntas adicionales sobre sus impuestos, visite IRS. gov o consulte a un profesional de impuestos. TradeKing no puede proporcionar ningún asesoramiento fiscal.

Los inversionistas deben considerar cuidadosamente los objetivos de inversión, los riesgos y los cargos y gastos de un fondo de inversión o ETF antes de invertir. El folleto de un fondo mutuo / ETF contiene esta y otra información y se puede obtener enviando un correo electrónico [email & # 160; protegido].

TradeKing selecciona y define como All-Stars ciertos comentaristas de mercado independientes que son reconocidos personalidades de la industria y comerciantes experimentados y que proporcionan comentarios de mercado oportunos a través del blog All-Star de TradeKing en http://community. tradeking. com/members/tk-all - Estrella / blogs. La biografía de cada comentarista de All-Star, las calificaciones relacionadas y la divulgación de su relación con TradeKing se pueden encontrar en la lista de blogs All-Star, disponible en http://community. tradeking. com/members/tk-all-star/details. La selección de los comentaristas de All-Stars se basa únicamente en la calidad y el estilo del contenido proporcionado. TradeKing no mide, aprueba ni supervisa el desempeño o la corrección de ninguna declaración o recomendación hecha por comentaristas independientes de All-Stars en TradeKing. com. La documentación de apoyo para cualquier reclamación hecha en este post será suministrada a petición del autor de la publicación, quien es el único responsable de las opiniones expresadas en él. Enviar un mensaje privado a All-Stars usando el enlace debajo de la imagen de perfil.

Las estrategias de opciones de piernas múltiples implican riesgos adicionales. Y puede dar lugar a tratamientos impositivos complejos. Consulte a un profesional de impuestos antes de implementar estas estrategias.

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Cómo calculo las tasas de rotación de Forex?

Utilice las tasas de vuelco para calcular el interés en un comercio de divisas.

Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Imágenes

La negociación en el mercado cambiario - o Forex - ocurre en parejas. Usted compra una moneda extranjera mientras que simultáneamente vende otra. Si usted tiene un comercio abierto al final del día de negociación - típicamente a las 5 p. m. hora del Este - usted gana interés en la moneda comprada y debe intereses en el otro. Dependiendo de cuál tiene la tasa de interés más alta, su corredor paga o le cobra rollover - la diferencia entre los dos importes de interés. Una tasa de rollover es esta cantidad expresada por 100,000 unidades de divisas negociadas. Los corredores suelen cotizar tasas de rollover en su sitio web y en su software comercial.

Póngase en contacto con su broker de Forex para averiguar la tasa de interés a un día para cada moneda en un par que está negociando. Éstos se cotizan sobre una base anual y varían entre corredores. Por ejemplo, suponga que compró el euro frente al dólar estadounidense. Supongamos que la tasa de interés del euro es del 1 por ciento y la tasa de interés del dólar estadounidense es del 0,75 por ciento.

Divida cada porcentaje de tasa de interés por 100 para convertirlo en un decimal. En este ejemplo, divida 1 por ciento por 100 para obtener 0.01. Divide 0,75 por ciento por 100 para obtener 0,0075.

Restar el tipo de interés en la moneda que vendió de la tasa de interés en la moneda que compró. Cuando la moneda comprada tiene la tasa de interés más alta, obtendrá un resultado positivo y ganará rollover. Si la moneda comprada tiene una tasa de interés más baja, obtendrá un resultado negativo y pagará la transferencia. En este ejemplo, resta 0.0075 de 0.01 para obtener 0.0025. Ganará rollover porque el euro tiene la tasa de interés más alta.

Multiplique su resultado del Paso 3 por 100.000. Divide this result by 365. In this example, multiply 0.0025 by 100,000 to get 250. Divide 250 by 365 to get 0.68.

Multiply your Step 4 result by the currency pair’s exchange rate to calculate the rollover rate in U. S. dollars per 100,000 units traded. Do this only if the U. S. dollar is the second currency in the pair. If the U. S. dollar is the first, your Step 4 result is the rollover rate in U. S dollars. In this example, assume the exchange rate on the euro versus the U. S. dollar is 1.3255. Because the U. S. dollar is the second currency, multiply 0.68 by 1.3255 to get a rollover rate of $0.90. This means your broker pays rollover at a daily rate of 90 cents per 100,000 euros purchased vs. the U. S. dollar.

Divide the number of units you bought or sold of the first currency in the pair by 100,000. Multiply your result by the rollover rate to calculate the rollover on your trade. Concluding the example, assume you bought 50,000 euros. Divide 50,000 by 100,000 to get 0.5. Multiply 0.5 by $0.90 to get $0.45. This means you earn 45 cents of rollover on your 50,000 euro trade at the end of each day it’s held open.


The Forex market and banks are closed on weekends and holidays. To account for this, brokers typically pay or charge triple the rollover rate on Wednesdays and double rollover two business days before a holiday.

Photo Credits

Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images

Sobre el Autor

Bryan Keythman has performed stock investment research and writing for a consulting firm since 2008. He also has prior experience sourcing and underwriting commercial real-estate investment and development opportunities for a commercial real-estate developer. Keythman holds a Bachelor of Science in finance.

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La negociación de acciones, opciones, futuros y divisas implica especulación, y el riesgo de pérdida puede ser sustancial. Los clientes deben considerar todos los factores de riesgo relevantes, incluyendo su propia situación financiera personal, antes de la negociación. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, así como sus propios factores de riesgo.

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Spreads, Straddles y otras estrategias de opción de múltiples piernas pueden implicar costos de transacción sustanciales, incluyendo múltiples comisiones, lo cual puede impactar cualquier retorno potencial.

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Integrating forex rollover into your trading strategy can increase the profitability of your trades. While the amount of daily rollover you earn seems small, keep in mind that it can add up over time. And the more lots you trade, the larger the rollover you can earn. One thing to keep in mind if you want to earn money from this strategy is proper timing. For example, the end of the trading day is 5:00 PM EST in New York. If your position is still open at that time, your account will automatically be credited the rollover. In fact, you can open a position at 4:59 PM and see it credited to your account at five.

One strategy that you can use to make money from forex rollover is the carry trade. This strategy is based on the idea that you earn rollover when you buy a currency pair where the primary currency has a higher interest rate than the secondary one. For example, if you buy the AUD/JPY currency pair and the interest rate of the Australian dollar is 1.5% and that of the Japanese yen is 0.5%, you will earn 1% rollover.

To implement the carry trade strategy using forex rollover, let’s say you buy one lot of AUD/JPY and hold it for one year. For a typical lot of 100,000, this means you’ve earned $1,000 without having to do any actual trading. In addition, you should choose a currency pair where the currency with the higher rate is likely to appreciate in value against the one with the lower rate. This means that you can profit not only from the rollover but also from the appreciation in exchange rates. Another benefit of using the carry trade strategy is that the interest rate differentials serve as a protective buffer against adverse exchange rate movements. To provide additional protection, cautious traders can set stop loss orders at strategic points.

One secret of making money using forex rollover is to open positions on Wednesday, since rollover rates are tripled on that day. The reason for this is that trades opened during this day (which is considered a Thursday) will not be settled until Saturday. However, since the banks are closed on weekends, the trade will be settled on Monday; hence three days of rollover have accumulated.

A forex rollover strategy you can try using this anomaly is to trade AUD/JPY. This strategy is based on the odd fact that on Wednesdays, the price of this currency pair goes down. To set up, open hourly charts of this currency pair. One to two hours before the rollover will be applied (around 15:00), open a short position. When a new bar on the chart opens at around 16:00, close your position and take your profit. Like all strategies, it results in an occasional loss, but over the long term you should see a consistent profit. However, you should also keep in mind that no strategy is infallible and you should accept the risk of losing if you choose this strategy.


Qué es Rollover? Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. Each currency has an interest rate associated with it, and because forex is traded in pairs, every trade involves not only 2 different currencies, but their two different interest rates. Si la tasa de interés de la divisa que compró es mayor que la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió, entonces usted ganará rollover (rollo positivo). Si el tipo de interés de la divisa que compró es inferior al tipo de interés de la moneda que ha vendido, entonces pagará rollover (rol negativo). Rollover puede agregar un costo adicional significativo o beneficio para su comercio. The Trading Station automatically calculates and reports all rollover for you.

Ejemplos de rollover? When you buy the EUR/USD pair, you are buying the Euro, and selling the US Dollar to pay for it. If the Euro interest rate is 4.00%, and the US rate is 2.25%, you are buying the currency with the higher interest rate, and you will earn rollover -- about 1.75% on an annual basis. If you sell the EUR/USD pair, you are selling the currency with the lower interest rate, and you will pay rollover -- about 1.75% on an annual basis, since you are paying the Euro interest rate and earning the US interest rate.

One of the most popular forex strategies in the twenty first century has been the Carry Trade. El término "Carry Trade & quot; takes advantage of both the differences in interest rates between countries and the high available leverage of the forex market.*

*Leverage is a double-edged sword, and can dramatically amplify your profits. También puede aumentar sus pérdidas de forma tan dramática. El comercio de divisas con cualquier nivel de apalancamiento puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores.

Cuándo se reserva el rollover? 5 pm in New York is considered the beginning and end of the forex trading day. Any positions that are open at 5 pm sharp are considered to be held overnight, and are subject to rollover. A position opened at 5:01 pm is not subject to rollover until the next day, while a position opened at 4:59 pm is subject to rollover at 5 pm.

A credit or debit for each position open at 5 pm appears on your account within an hour, and is applied directly to your accounts balance.

Weekends and Holidays: Most banks across the globe are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no rollover on these days, but most banks still apply interest for those two days. To account for that, the forex market books 3 days of rollover on Wednesdays, which makes a typical Wednesday rollover three times the amount on Tuesday. There is no rollover on holidays, but an extra days worth of rollover 2 business days before the holiday. Por lo general, rollover vacaciones sucede si alguna de las monedas negociadas tiene una gran fiesta. Therefore, Independence Day in the USA, July 4, closes American banks, and an extra day of rollover is added at 5 pm on July 1 for all US dollar pairs.

Dónde se muestra el rollover? The FCM closely tracks and clearly displays rollover rates. Please be advised, interest rates are provided by multiple global banks. Se hace todo lo posible para mostrar las tasas de renovación un día antes de que se publiquen en su cuenta. Sin embargo, en tiempos de extrema volatilidad del mercado, las tasas pueden cambiar intradía.

Here is an example of the rollover rates. You can see today's rollover rates by Opening a Demo Account.

Para ver las tarifas de hoy, use la vista Tarifas de negociación simple. Haga clic en la pestaña Tarifas de negociación simple en la parte superior de la ventana Tarifas de negociación. Las tasas de renovación para todos los pares de divisas se encuentran en las columnas Roll S y Roll B. Roll S will show you how much rollover you will pay or earn if you sell 1 lot of the currency pair (and have the position open at 5pm). Si el número mostrado es negativo, usted paga esa cantidad. Si el número es positivo, usted gana esa cantidad. The amount shown is denominated in the currency used by the account, which means that if the trading account is in US dollars, the rollover amount is shown in US dollars.

Las tasas de renovación y las políticas varían de un agente a otro? Sí. In addition to the policy of complete transparency in reporting rollover, our FCM is one of the worlds largest Forex Dealer Members, with over 125,000 live accounts traded through the FCM's trading platforms. Because it generates over $365 billion per month in notional trading volume to the banks it deals with, the FCM is able to pass to its clients outstanding rollover rates on both sides of every currency pair.

Rollover Fees

When keeping positions overnight while trading forex, you will inevitably come across the fee charged by your broker to perform rollovers.

Basically, for individual trading forex via retail forex brokers, a rollover fee in the forex market consists of the amount that the broker will charge or pay for you to hold a trading position overnight.

Rollover Fees and Interbank Tom/Next Swaps

This rollover fee charged by your broker is directly related to the so-called Tom/Next swap that is sometimes abbreviated T/N.

This swap is usually expressed in pips or fractions of pips, and it is typically charged by forex forward market makers operating in the over the counter or OTC market for you to swap out a position from value tomorrow or tom until the next trading day, which will then be spot.

Professional forex traders that have held spot positions overnight from the previous trading day will generally perform any necessary tom/next swaps on those positions as one of the first things they do in the morning after they arrive at work.

Rollover Fees at Retail Forex Brokers

In passing on their costs of doing business, most retail forex brokers will charge a rollover fee for positions held past their stated cutoff point. The fee will usually be expressed in pips and will be similar to and based on the tom/next swap fee prevailing in the forex forward market.

Rollovers will usually be executed automatically by the broker whenever a retail trader holds a trading position after the 5:00 PM New York time cutoff.

Rollover Spreads

In addition to the rollover fee, retail forex brokers will also usually charge a bid/offer spread on performing rollovers. As a result, they will generally pay you less to roll a long position on the higher interest rate currency in a currency pair than you will pay to roll a short position in the same currency pair.

Those traders who intend to hold positions over a long time frame - such as trend traders or carry traders for example - are especially exposed to the costs incurred by this rollover spread if they just allow their retail forex broker to roll their positions out until the next day automatically every night.

Accordingly, if you plan on holding long term forex positions, then you might want to check around with various brokers to compare their rollover spreads. Also, if you have access to the forward market, you can roll the trades out to a future date rather than allowing automatic rollovers to occur.

The Valuation of Rollover Fees

Basically, rollover fees will depend on interest rates differentials and the resulting cost of carrying a position overnight. Accordingly, if you intend to hold a long position in a higher interest rate currency against a lower interest rate currency, then you can expect to be paid the rollover fee by your broker.

Alternatively, if you plan on holding a short position in the higher interest rate currency and a long position in the lower interest rate currency overnight, you should then expect to pay the rollover fee to your forex broker.

Declaración de riesgo: La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Existe la posibilidad de que usted pierda más que su depósito inicial. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted.

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La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Ninguna información o opinión contenida en este sitio debe ser tomada como una solicitud u oferta para comprar o vender cualquier moneda, capital u otros instrumentos financieros o servicios. El rendimiento pasado no es ninguna indicación o garantía de rendimiento futuro. Por favor, lea nuestra renuncia legal.

Forex Rollover Credits and Debits Singapore FOREX

Forex Rollover Credits and Debits

If you hold a position overnight you could receive interest, or you could be debited interest. When this happens in Forex it is called rollover interest. It is important that you understand what this interest is and how you can profit from it. You should also think about the tax implications of this interest.

What is Forex Rollover Interest?

Rollover interest is credited or debited to a forex trader who has an open position when 5pm EST comes around each trading day. If you open a trade before 5pm EST and hold it until after this time it is considered an overnight trade and subject to rollover interest. You can determine whether you will be debited or credited depending on the currency pair you are trading.

The rollover interest you stand to get is based on the total value of the trade. This means that if you have a standard lot of one currency you are going to get interest on the cost of a lot and not the margin of the trade. The interest is also based on the different interest rates of the countries involved in the currency pair.

Credits and Debits

The credits and debits of rollover interest relates to the currency you have bought in the pair and whether the currency has a higher interest rate than the other. If you have the USD/NZD pair and the US dollar has a higher interest rate than the NZ dollar you will be credited the difference between the interest rates. However, if the trader is buying the US dollar and selling the NZ dollar then they will be debited the difference in interest rates.

This can simply be put as the trader being paid interest for every day that they hold the high interest currency. The trader will have to pay for every day they hold the low interest currency in the pair. The interest for the weekend is generally applied to the account on the Wednesday. If the trade is still open on the Wednesday then the trader is credited or debited two additional days interest.

The crediting and debiting of trading accounts is automatically done by the broker. The interest is generally shown as a rollover or roll in the account breakdown.

Profiting From the Rollover

There are a lot of forex traders that use the rollover interest as a means of making money on the forex market. There are day traders that hold positions overnight in order to get the interest. Swing and long-term traders may use these currency pairs for trading because of the rollover interest they can get.

There are traders who buy pairs which are set to remain flat for the year. These traders are making all their money on the interest they receive from having the pair. Of course, you have to keep an eye on the interest rates of you are going to do this. If the low interest rate currency changes then you may not be getting as much profit.

The Tax Considerations

When dealing with tax rollover interest is viewed in the same way that interest on a bank account is viewed. This means that rollover income is taxed as interest income and should be kept track of differently.

How do I Calculate Forex Rollover Rates?

by Karen Rogers, Demand Media

Forex rollover rates vary with the currency pair you trade.

The foreign currency exchange market, also known as Forex, is an over-the-counter electronic exchange. The Forex exchange opens at 7 p. m. Sunday and closes 4 p. m. Friday, New York time. Every Forex trade must be settled within two business days. After that, your broker calculates the rollover rate for your trades. This rate is the amount of interest you are paid if you bought the currency pair or the amount of interest you are charged if you sold the currency pair.

Step 1

Designed to be traded in pairs, the first currency of the pair is known as the base currency. The second currency is known as the counter currency, or quote currency. When you enter a trade, you are simultaneously buying one of the currencies and selling the other. Interest is earned on the currency you buy and charged on the currency you sell. The difference is known as the rollover rate.

Step 2

Review the available currency pairs on your broker's website and choose one to trade. You can go to the countries' central bank website to obtain the short-term interest rate for each currency. For example, you can find the euro short-term interest rate at the European Central Bank website. Calculate the rollover rate by subtracting the interest rates. For example, if the euro interest rate is 3 percent and the U. S. dollar is 1.25 percent, the rollover interest rate is 1.75 percent (3.00 percent minus 1.25 percent).

Step 3

Calculate the rollover interest amount. For example, trade one contract consisting of 100,000 EUR/USD with interest rates of 3.00 and 1.25, respectively. To compute the daily interest, multiply the trade size by the difference between the currency interest rates, then divide that amount by 365 days. Your calculation looks like this: (100,000 x (3.00 percent minus 1.25 percent)) / 365 days, which equals the daily rollover interest rate of $4.79. If you buy the EUR/USD, you earn $4.79 each day the trade remains open. If you sell the EUR/USD, you pay $4.79 every day you keep the trade open.


You can find the current rollover rates on your Forex account trading platform.

What is Rollover in the Forex Market?

Rick Wright

Hello traders! This week’s newsletter finds me relaxed and refreshed as I just took a month off from teaching and took a small road trip through Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas to see some friends, relatives, and the beautiful scenery. One of the great perks of trading is the freedom of time to just get up and go at a moment’s notice. I hope every one of you can do this as well! The actual topic of this week’s newsletter isn’t about vacations, but about an interesting quirk in the spot forex market called “rollover.” Let’s get to it!

First of all, let’s define what “rollover” is, and as usual, we’ll use Investopedia. com to get started.

Rollover – Move a forex position to the following delivery date, in which case the rollover incurs a charge. The forex fee arises from the difference in interest rates between the two currencies underlying a transaction. Sometimes investors can earn a credit if they are purchasing the currency with the higher of the two interest rates. Investors are often required to maintain certain margin positions with their brokers to earn a credit from rollover.

In essence, at 5pm EST, the broker is closing your position and re-opening it; at the same time, he is either crediting your account or debiting your account based on the short term interest rate differential that banks charge to borrow unsecured funds on an overnight basis. (That is quite a mouthful!) Please note that these rates are NOT based on central bank rates commonly found on forex trading websites.

Because we are trading currency PAIRS, one currency will usually have a higher interest rate than the other for this purpose. If you are long the currency with the higher rate, your broker will pay you at rollover; if you are short the currency with the higher rate, your broker will charge you for holding that position. So far so good, right? Here is where it gets extra tricky.

Because forex is generally a two-day deliverable market, meaning your position doesn’t actually “settle” until two business days after you open the position, your rollover money for most trading days will be at a similar rate, for example $1 per lot. However, since banks aren’t open on Saturday and Sunday, and the banks will probably still charge you the interest for those two days, your rollover rate on Wednesday will be triple what the other rollover monies will be.

So how can we use the rollover to help us make more money in the market? If you are a very short term trader, a daytrader, for example, you probably won’t care what the rollover rate is if you are out of your trades by 5pm EST. However, what about longer term traders? There are many traders who will only trade from the positive side of the rollover equation if they will be holding trades for days, weeks, or months at a time. Let’s take a look at a table to determine what that means.

In this FXCM screenshot, it shows four currency pairs, their bid and ask prices, the width of their spreads, high and low on the day so far and the rollover interest for the sell side, and rollover interest on the buy side. I’m looking for the largest positive number to make money longer term with the rollover interest payments. Obviously, you can see the largest number is on the buy side of the NZDUSD. This 0.41 means that you will get paid forty one cents for every rollover day that you hold a micro lot of the currency pair on a long trade. Not much on a single day trade, but what about if you hold that trade for a year? That would be $149.65 in the year-not a bad percent return on this micro lot trade!

However, please don’t think you just found the Holy Grail in forex trading, expecting to almost double your money by piling into this pair. We still must consider where we are on the chart. If you take a look at the NZDUSD on a daily chart, we’ve been in a significant downtrend for months, losing hundreds of pips over the last year. The extra few cents a day is small consolation when you are getting crushed by being on the wrong side of the trend!

So what did we learn this week? That the spot market has another way to earn money, by being on the right side of the interest rollover payment. Wednesday’s payment is 3 times the other days because of the weekend/two day settlement; but this interest payment can’t overcome a strong trending market going the wrong way!

Hasta la próxima vez,

Spreads and Rollover

*Prices shown on our website are indicative and for reference only. Rollover rate shown is for the minimum trade size of 1 lot.

About Spread

The difference between the two quoted prices at any one time is known as the "spread", and this indicates the amount you need to overcome in the currency pair price difference to start being profitable.

Below is an example of the sell price, buy price and the spread between the two prices for EUR/USD.

No commission. Low trading cost.

Z. com Trade does not charge commission on your forex trades.

A lower spread equals a lower trading cost

Z. com Trade is committed to offering consistent ultra-tight spreads to ensure you are able to maximise your profitability.

*Spreads may widen beyond our advertised spreads depending on trade size and market volatility.

About Rollover

Rollover rate refers to the interest rate differential between two currencies of a currency pair that is bought or sold. If the interest rate on the currency you bought is higher than the interest rate of the currency you sold, you will earn the interest differential (i. e. rollover). Conversely, if the interest rate on the currency you bought is lower than the interest rate on the currency you sold, then you will pay the rollover amount.

Rollover occurs when positions are held overnight through Trading Close. Open positions are automatically rolled over every trading day at 6:00 a. m. Hong Kong Time (i. e. 5:00 a. m. during New York Summer Time period) to prevent physical settlement. The realised rollover amount will be settled (i. e. subtracted or added to the account balance and available for withdrawal (positive rollovers only) on the next business day after Trading Close (i. e. T+1).

For open positions held overnight through Wednesday's Trading Close, "3-Day" rollover will be realised in order to account for settlement of trades through the weekend period. For any position held overnight through Friday’s Trading Close and closed on the following Monday, "1-Day" rollover will be realised.

*The rollover rate as shown above is merely indicative.

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RISK OF TRADING IN LEVERAGED FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTRACTS: Service relating to leveraged foreign exchange trading is provided by GMO-Z. com Forex HK Limited. The risk of loss in leveraged foreign exchange trading can be substantial. You may sustain losses in excess of your initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. You may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, your position may be liquidated. You will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. RISK OF TRADING IN OVER-THE-COUNTER GOLD BULLION/SILVER CONTRACTS: Service relating to Over-the-counter Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by GMO-Z. com Bullion HK Limited. Over-the-counter Gold Bullion/Silver ("Bullion") trading carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") and therefore trading Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC which includes but is not limited to Client Money rules. Before deciding to trade Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment or even more in extreme circumstances (such as Gapping underlying markets) and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require. COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION Use of "cookies" Your visit to this site may be recorded for analysis on the number of visitors to the site and general usage patterns. Some of this anonymous information(i. e. your age, gender and interests) will be gathered through the use of "cookies". Cookies are small bits of information that are automatically stored on a person's web browser in their computer that can be retrieved by this site. Should you wish to disable these cookies you may do so by changing the setting on your browser. However, you will be unable to enter certain part(s) of our website. If we do ask you to provide personal information, we will always specify the purpose for which such personal information is collected and ensure that it is only used for the purpose specified at the time of collection.

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For positions open at 5pm EST, there is a daily rollover interest rate that a trader either pays or earns, depending on your established margin and position in the market. If you do not want to earn or pay interest on your positions, simply make sure it is closed at 5pm EST, the established end of the market day. Since every currency trade involves borrowing one currency to buy another, interest rollover charges are an inherent part of FX trading. Interest is paid on the currency that is borrowed, and earned on the one that is purchased. If a client is buying a currency with a higher interest rate than the one he/she is borrowing, the net differential will be positive – and the client will earn funds as a result. Please note that clients must be on 2% margin in order to earn funds.

Venta corta sin un Uptick

A diferencia del mercado de renta variable, no hay restricción en la venta en corto en el mercado de divisas. Existen oportunidades de negociación en el mercado de divisas independientemente de si un comerciante es largo o corto, o de qué manera el mercado se está moviendo. Dado que el comercio de divisas siempre implica comprar una moneda y vender otra, no hay sesgo estructural en el mercado. Por lo tanto, un comerciante tiene un acceso igual al comercio en un mercado en aumento o en caída.

Mercado de la equidad: Haciendo la transición al Forex

Los mercados de renta variable se pueden utilizar como un indicador clave para el movimiento en el mercado Forex. As technology has enabled greater ease with respect to transportation of capital, investing in global equity markets has become far more feasible. En consecuencia, un mercado de renta variable en cualquier parte del mundo sirve como una oportunidad ideal para todos, independientemente de su ubicación geográfica. The result of this has become a strong correlation between a country’s equity markets and its currency: if the equity market is rising, investment dollars are coming in to seize the opportunity. Alternatively, falling equity markets will have domestic investors selling their shares of local publicly traded firms only to seize investment opportunities abroad.

CFD Rollovers (Expiration Dates)

What is a CFD Rollover?

Before your position(s) expire on CFD instruments you are trading, FOREXYARD automatically swaps expiring contracts with new contracts according to the real-time value of the instrument you are trading. This swapping of contracts is known as a “Rollover”.

When do Rollovers occur?

The Expiration Dates of contracts (when Rollovers occur/ are triggered) depend on the instrument you are trading. Upcoming CFD Expiration Dates are as follows:

Please note that the expiring CFDs will be rolled over to a new contract with a different price, according to the schedule in this page, on all platforms. The difference in price between the expiring CFD and the new CFD will be debited/credited to your account for any open position(s) that you hold. Your equity will not be affected at all.

CFD instruments will be rolled over on the expiration dates as per the table below.

Please note that:

Positions open at 21:00 GMT on the expiration date will be adjusted via a swap charge or credit to reflect the difference in price between the expiring and new contracts

To avoid CFD rollovers, clients can close their CFD positions before the expiration date.

Any existing pending order(s) (i. e. Stop Loss, Take Profit, Entry Stop or Entry Limit) placed on an instrument is automatically removed on the expiration date at 21:00 GMT.

* Los precios de acciones arriba son de intercambios alternativos. * ForexYard. com es compensado por sus servicios & # 13; A través del spread bid / ask.

Educación Forex

Forex Glossary

The process of advancing the settlement date to another settlement date and adjusting the value of the position based on the interest rate differential of the two currencies in the pair.

A forex transaction typically has a settlement date set two days in advance. This means that the position will automatically close in two days. In order to keep the position open longer we "roll" the position over. Technically this involves closing the positions and opening a new position, however in retail forex this process is generally done automatically. Typically rollovers are performed at 5PM EST.

As part of the daily rollover process open positions are either debited or credited for the difference in the interest rates of the position being held verses the one being sold. For example, if a trader is long 1 lot of the USD/TRY, where currently the USD has a much lower interest rate than the TRY, the trader will be charged for holding that position, and a trader who is short will be credited for holding that position.

Forex Trading Terms (Alphabetical)

What are Forex Rollovers?

Written by: PaxForex analytics dept - Friday, 08 January 2016 0 comments

In the forex market rollover is the process of extending the settlement date of an open position. In most currency trades . a trader is required to take delivery of the currency two days after the transaction date. However, by rolling over the position - simultaneously closing the existing position at the daily close rate and re-entering at the new opening rate the next trading day - the trader artificially extends the settlement period by one day.

Cada moneda tiene una tasa de interés asociada a ella, y porque la divisa se negocia en pares, cada comercio implica no sólo dos monedas diferentes, pero sus dos tipos de interés diferentes. Si la tasa de interés de la divisa que compró es mayor que la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió, entonces usted ganará rollover (rollo positivo). Si el tipo de interés de la divisa que compró es inferior al tipo de interés de la moneda que ha vendido, entonces pagará rollover (rol negativo). Rollover puede agregar un costo adicional significativo o beneficio para su comercio.

Most banks across the globe are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no rollover on these days, but most banks still apply interest for those two days. To account for that, the forex market books three days of rollover on Wednesdays, which makes a typical Wednesday rollover three times (3x) the amount on Tuesday. There is no rollover on holidays, but an extra days worth of rollover is booked two business days before the holiday. Por lo general, rollover vacaciones sucede si alguna de las monedas negociadas tiene una gran fiesta.

Here is one example; when you buy the EUR/USD pair, you are buying the euro, and selling the U. S. dollar to pay for it. If the euro interest rate is 1.00%, and the U. S. rate is 0.25%, you are buying the currency with the higher interest rate, and you will earn rollover -- about 0.75% on an annual basis. Conversely, you sell the EUR/USD pair, you are selling the currency with the higher interest rate, and you will pay rollover -- about 0.75% on an annual basis, since you are paying the euro interest rate and earning the U. S. interest rate.

Receiving rollover is an additional income stream over and above regular capital gains. For this reason, trades can be set up not only to take advantage of capital gains, but also interest income. Day traders can allow positions to stay open slightly longer to gain interest income, if they are long a higher interest rate bearing currency. Also, swing traders and investors may decide to only take longer term positions in currency pairs where they can be long the higher interest rate bearing currency.

Laino Group número de registro 21973 IBC 2014. Advertencia de riesgo: Tenga en cuenta que el comercio de productos apalancados puede implicar un nivel significativo de riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, asegúrese de comprender los riesgos involucrados y tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia. Busque asesoramiento independiente si es necesario.

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Tarifas de Rollover Forex

Vea nuestras tarifas actuales

Las tasas de rollover que se muestran a continuación son tarifas indicativas y están sujetas a cambios basados ​​en la volatilidad del mercado.

Una tasa de refinanciamiento de Forex se define como el interés añadido o deducido para mantener una posición de par de divisas abierta durante la noche. Estas tasas se calculan como la diferencia entre el tipo de interés a un día para dos monedas que un operador de Forex está celebrando tanto si compra un par de divisas como si es corto (vendiendo un par de divisas). Conocer el rollover o la tasa de swap puede ser importante para calcular los beneficios y las pérdidas de cualquier posición mantenida durante la noche. Infórmese para averiguar qué tasa se está cobrando y la moneda base que está usando la tasa de interés. Las tasas de robo / swap pueden cambiar con frecuencia, por lo que revise esta página frecuentemente si considera tener varias posiciones de par de divisas durante la noche. La retención de posiciones durante la noche puede ocasionar débitos o créditos en intereses contabilizados en una cuenta y durante el período de renovación; El interés se agrega automáticamente.


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ALTO RIESGO ADVERTENCIA: El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo que puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El apalancamiento crea un riesgo adicional y una exposición de pérdidas. Antes de decidir intercambiar divisas, considere cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y tolerancia al riesgo. Usted podría perder parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial; No invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Infórmese sobre los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y busque asesoramiento de un asesor financiero o fiscal independiente si tiene alguna pregunta.

AVISO ADVISORIAL: FXDD proporciona referencias y enlaces a blogs seleccionados y otras fuentes de información económica y de mercado como un servicio educativo para sus clientes y prospectos y no respalda las opiniones o recomendaciones de los blogs u otras fuentes de información. Se aconseja a los clientes y prospectos considerar cuidadosamente las opiniones y análisis que se ofrecen en los blogs u otras fuentes de información en el contexto del análisis individual y la toma de decisiones del cliente o prospectos. Ninguno de los blogs u otras fuentes de información debe considerarse como un historial. El desempeño pasado no garantiza resultados futuros y FXDD aconseja específicamente a clientes y prospectos revisar cuidadosamente todas las reclamaciones y representaciones hechas por asesores, bloggers, gerentes de dinero y vendedores de sistemas antes de invertir fondos o abrir una cuenta con cualquier distribuidor de Forex. Cualquier noticia, opinión, investigación, datos u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión o comercialización. FXDD declina expresamente cualquier responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida de capital o beneficios sin limitación que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o confianza en dicha información. Al igual que con todos estos servicios de asesoramiento, los resultados anteriores nunca son una garantía de resultados futuros.

Ampliar para obtener datos en tiempo real

Rollover in the Forex Market

By Raul Canessa C.

Every time we trade in the Forex market, all positions must be closed within two business days. Despite this, every trader has the option to renew all his open positions easily without the need for physical delivery of the foreign exchange contracts with which he is negotiating.

For example, if a trader buys $10,000 on Monday is in the obligation to make delivery of those $10,000 no later than Wednesday of the same week, unless he want to renew the position, which is called Rollover. Currently, most Forex brokers include among their services to their customers the option of renewing their open positions automatically (the rollover is credited or debited automatically if the client does not close their positions before a certain hour) or manually, which is also known as tom/next swaps a trade for the next day of the position´s settlement.

Thus, rollovers or swaps involve the application of a credit or debit in the operator’s trading account, which is based on the positions that remain open in the market at precisely 17:00 pm EST and differentials in interest rates between the currencies that make up the pairs with which we are trading. In this case, if we have an open position in which we proceeded to sell the currency that has the highest interest rate, our trading account will be debited (the account will be charged with the difference in the interest rate applied on the total volume of the position). But if in that position the same currency was bought, the account will be credited by the broker (the money deposited in the account is equal to the interest rate differential applied to the size of the position).

In this way, we can define the Rollover as the interest paid or received by the investor or trader to keep open a position in the Forex market for longer than one day or more exactly for holding a position overnight . Each currency has an interest rate associated and because in the foreign exchange market all transactions are made with currency pairs, then each transaction involves besides two different currencies, two different interest rates. In the event that the interest rate on the purchased currency is higher than the interest rate of the currency sold, then the trader receives the rollover interest ( positive rollover ), but if the interest rate of the currency purchased is less than the interest rate of the currency sold, then the trade must pay the rollover interest ( negative rollover ).

We must take into account that both the interest and the procedures in respect of rollover may vary depending on the broker. In fact, there are brokers that due to the trading volume they generate for their liquidity providers are able to offer their customers highly competitive rollover rates to both sides of each currency pair with which these companies operate regularly.

In the table below you can check the interest rate differential between the currencies that make up the main currency pairs in the Forex markets and over which the rollovers are based on:

Currently, swap rates are calculated at the interbank level and represent financial instruments. Depending on the volumen that is being traded, the swaps may or may not be taken into account by the trader. For example, if we trade with microlots (1000 units of the base currency) the rollover value is of only few cents but if the volume of our trades is much higher (lots of 100000 units of the base currency) everything changes because the rollovers increases its value in proportion. This will be easier to understand with the examples shown at the end of the article.

Because the rollover depends on the interest rates of different currencies, its value varies from one currency pair to other. For example, the Rollover for the EUR USD may be $1 per lot while the Rollover for GBP / USD could be $10 for one traded lot.

We must keep in mind that for intraday traders (traders whose trades duration is less than a day therefore their positions are generally closed before the 17:00 pm EST) the rollover has no effect whatsoever therefore it should not be taken into account.

When is charged the Rollver?

The start and end of daily operations in the Forex market is considered 17:00 New York time (even though the Forex market operates 24 hours a day without interruption). Any position in the market that is hold after 17:00 is considered to be kept for an additional interbank day (in other words is considered an overnight position ) and therefore is subject to rollover. However, if a position is open at 17:01 is not subject to rollover until next day because it is not considered an overnight position, while a position that is opened at 16:59 will be subject to rollover precisely at 17:00. Both debit and credit due to rollover for all open positions is charged to the account at 17:00 which will be reflected in the balance during the next hour.

In most cases, banks around the world are closed on Saturday and Sunday, which means that the Rollover is not applied directly during these days. However, the interest corresponding to those two days is cleared on Wednesday of the following week, so that day is settled the rollover of 3 days. In the case of holidays the rollover is not settled, but the interest for one day is counted 2 business days before the holiday arrives. Generally, the Rollover interest of a holiday is applied in case the country of one of the currencies in which we are trading in the market have an important festive date.

For example, during the Independence Day of the United States (July 4), the country’s banks are closed and therefore the rollover interest for that day is implemented on July 1 at 17:00 for all currency pairs that include the U. S. dollar (USD) such as EUR/USD or GBP/USD.

Rollover Calculation

Normally, in the trading platforms of Forex brokers the credit/debit interest due to rollover appears in a column of the window where the market quotes and positions are shown. Likewise, if a trader holds open positions in the market for more than a day, the platform will tell him the amount credited or debited from the account due to rollover, which appears in the trades window.

To calculate the rollover interest the following formula is used:

-Rollover Interest = [(Position size) x (current rate of the base currency) x (annualized interest differential)] x number of days.

-Annualized interest differential = (base currency interest rate – quote currency interest rate) / 360 days per year.

The following examples show how rollovers are calculated for different currency pairs:

Example # 1: GBP/USD

Operation completed: Purchase of 1 minilot of GBP/USD to be sold the next day. In this buy trade the trader receives the rollover because the interest rate of the purchased currency (EUR) is higher than the interest rate of the currency sold (USD).

Contract Value: 10,000 GBP (1 minilot is equal to 10000 units). Opening Quotation: 1.8000 USD/GBP (dollars per pound). Differential rates: GBP 5.00% – 2.00% U. S. = 3.00% = 0.030.

Calculation of daily Rollover: 10000 x 1.8000 USD/GBP x (0.030/360) x 1 day = +1.7496 USD per day.

Example # 2: USD/JPY

Operation completed: Sale of 2 lots of USD/JPY to be cleared the next day. In this sale trade the trader pays the rollover because the interest rate of the currency sold (USD) is higher than the interest rate of the currency purchased (JPY).

Contract Value: 200,000 USD (1 lot is equal to 100000 units).

Opening Quotation: 122.00 JPY/USD (yens per dollar).

Differential rates: USD 2,00% – JPY 0,50% = 1,50% = (0.015)

Calculation of daily Rollever: 2 x 100000 x 122.00 JPY/USD x -(0.015/360) x 1 day = -1016.6666 JPY per day = -8,333 USD per day.

Example # 3: EUR/USD

Operation completed: Purchase of 1 minilot of EUR/USD to be sold in three days. In this case the trader receives the rollover because the interest rate of the purchased currency (EUR) is higher than the interest rate of the currency sold (USD).

Contract Value: 10000 EUR. Opening Quotation: 1.35 USD/EUR (dollars per euro). Differential rates: EUR 2,00% – USD 1,00% = 1,00% = (0.010)

Calculation of Rollover for 3 days: 10000 x 1,35 USD/EUR x -(0.01/360) x 3 days = +1,125 USD for 3 days.

The Rollover of these examples were calculated based on actual values of interest rates and currency prices. However, it is important to note that both interest rates and the prices are constantly changing so the rollvers too.

As mentioned above, if a trader has open positions at 17:00 pm EST, the system of the broker’s trading platform will debit or credit the rollover automatically directly from the trading account. Now, if a position is kept open for several days from 17:00 pm EST of the day it was opened, the amount of money credited or debited daily is equals to the rollover multiplied by the number of days that the position remained active before being closed.

Rollovers, Interest Rate Differentials, and Value Dates

Forex traders make money trading currency, either buying low then selling high, or selling high then buying low. Profits and losses are determined by the relative purchase and sale prices in opening and closing positions. However, profits and losses will also be affected by the different interest rates of the currency pair, by when the trades actually settle, and how long the position is held.

Whenever you have an open position in forex trading, you are exchanging 1 currency for another. This is true whether you open a long or short position in a specific currency. If you are long in 1 currency, then you are short in the other. For instance, if you buy British pounds (GBP ) with U. S. dollars (USD ), then you are exchanging USD for GBP, which is the same as selling USD short for GBP. Buying GBP/USD is the same as selling short USD/GBP.

If you have no open currency position, then you are said to be flat or square . Sometimes closing a position is termed squaring up .

Value Dates

The day that a currency is traded is known as the trade date . or entry date . This is the date when your order for a trade was entered and accepted by your broker. Then the trade is settled sometime later, when the transaction is actually completed. The date of settlement is known as the value date (aka settlement date . delivery date ).

Because settlement takes time, especially between continents with different time zones, most currency trades settle in 2 good business days, which is often depicted as T+2 . The exception is North American currency pairs, such as those pairs consisting of the United States dollar, the Canadian dollar (CAD ), or the Mexican peso (MXN), which settle in 1 good business day ( T+1 ). So, for instance, USD/CAD would settle in 1 good business day, while USD/EUR would settle in 2 good business days.

For an FX forward contract. the value date is the contract maturity date plus 1 day for North American currency pairs or 2 days for other pairs.

A good business day is a day that is not a holiday or weekend in either currency country. Because different countries have different holidays, this can sometimes lead to a value date that is 6 or 7 days from the trade date, particularly at the beginning and end of the year.

Global Financial Holidays

Goodbusinessday. com is a continuously updated source of information on holidays and observances affecting global financial markets—bank holidays, public holidays, currency non-clearing days and trading and settlement holidays affecting exchanges. Data is organized by country, city, currency and exchange. Interactive calendars and one-click search facilities provide the information you need in an instant.

Because currency trading is a 24-hour, global market, there needs to be an agreement as to what constitutes the end of the day. By convention, settlement time on the value date is at that time that corresponds to 5 P. M. Eastern Standard Time (EST). After the settlement time, the trade day advances, so the trade day for a trade after 5 P. M. EST on Monday is considered Tuesday. So a trade in EUR/USD on 3 P. M. Monday Eastern time would settle on Wednesday at 5 P. M. However, if the same currency pair was traded at 6 P. M. on Monday, then the trade day would be Tuesday and the value date would be Thursday at 5 P. M. EST. A T+2 currency pair that was traded after 5 P. M. on Wednesday would settle on Monday, assuming Thursday, Friday, and Monday are good business days.

Rollovers and Interest Rate Differentials

In the spot market, the settlement of a currency trade, in most cases, requires the actual delivery and acceptance of the currency. However, most forex traders do not trade currency with the intention of taking or making delivery of the currency—they trade for profits from speculation. Hence, most brokers who cater to the speculators automatically roll over the contracts from 1 value date to the next on each good business day until the trader closes the transaction—a process called, naturally enough, a rollover . Rollovers, in effect, continually delays the actual settlement of the trade until the trader closes her position.

On an open position, interest is earned on the long currency and paid on the short currency every time the position is rolled over. The interest that is earned or paid is usually the target interest rate set by the central bank of the country that issued the currency. When the interest rates of the 2 countries are different, then there is an interest rate differential which will result in a net earning or payment of interest. If the interest rate associated with the base currency is higher than the quote currency, then the trader earns the interest differential; otherwise, the trader will have to pay the interest differential. This net interest is often called the rollover rate and is calculated and either added or deducted from the trader’s account at the rollover time of each trading day that the position is open. Whether it is added or deducted depends on whether the rollover rate is positive or negative—hence, when it is added it is called a positive rollover (aka positive roll ) and a negative rollover (aka negative roll ) is subtracted. This interest is added or deducted every day that the position is rolled over—a one-day rollover .

However, interest is calculated for every day that the position is held, including weekends and holidays, so the amount of interest credited or debited depends on the number of days between rollovers. So a weekend rollover . which is any T+2 trade that takes place after the settlement time on Wednesday (or Thursday for a T+1 currency pair), will involve 3 times as much interest as a one-day rollover because there are 3 days instead of just 1 day between rollovers. If the rollover period is extended because of holidays, then the additional holidays are counted as well. Hence, any currency pair traded after the settlement time on Wednesday (for a T+2 pair) or Thursday (for a T+1 pair) will have a 3-day rollover, and will pay or cost 3 times as much in interest as a 1-day rollover.

Forex brokers also charge some interest, so the exact amount of interest that you will earn or pay will depend on the broker. If you have a large amount in your account, you may be able to negotiate a smaller interest rate spread. Virtually all trading platforms make the appropriate interest adjustments to your account automatically, so you do not have to calculate the interest. Some brokers apply the interest by adjusting your average open positions; others apply it directly to your margin balance. Most trading platforms show the interest earned or paid as a separate column in the Closed Positions panel and also as a summary. Most trading platforms will also show the amount of positive or negative rollover for each currency pair that can be traded with the platform, thereby informing the trader before the trade of the interest rate differential.

Since the amount of the interest is determined by the interest rate differential, the most interest can be earned by going long in the currency that pays the highest interest and going short in the currency that charges the lowest interest. This is the basis of the carry trade . where the trader hopes to make most of his money by earning interest rather than by trading. Currently, the New Zealand dollar and the Japanese yen have the greatest interest rate differential among the major currency pairs, with New Zealand paying the highest interest and Japan charging the lowest interest.

Countries don’t change interest rates often, so a trader earning money from the interest rate differential does not have to worry about timing the market. However, the carry trade is not risk-free because adverse movements in the exchange rate can more than offset any profits in interest. In fact, the carry trade can exacerbate adverse movements in the exchange rate, because there are many traders attempting to profit from the interest rate differential, so when the exchange rate moves adversely to the carry traders, they all attempt to close out their positions at the same time, which further lowers the value of the high-interest currency against that of the low-interest currency. For this reason, many carry traders choose other currencies that also have a high interest rate, such as the Australian dollar (AUD), so that adverse moves are not magnified as much by carry traders closing out their positions.

A good business day is a day when banks in both currency countries are open—this excludes Saturday and Sunday, and holidays in either country.

Settlement time is 5 P. M. Eastern Standard Time on a good business day. For a 24-hour market, the day begins and ends at settlement time, and the next day begins right after settlement time. So, for instance, Tuesday in the forex market begins at 5:01 P. M EST Monday.

The value date or settlement date is 2 good business days after the trade for most currency pairs and 1 good business day for the major North American currency pairs.

Because most traders do not want to make or take delivery of the currency, most forex brokers automatically roll over the current value date to the next value date at each settlement time.

Interest accrues every day that the position is open, whether it is a business day or not.

Interest is only credited on a positive roll or debited on a negative roll when the contract is rolled over at settlement time (5 P. M. EST). If the contract is not rolled over, then there is no accrual of interest. So a position that was opened and closed before settlement time will not earn any accrued interest.

The amount of interest depends on the interest rate differential between the currency pair minus the interest rate spread that the forex broker charges.

Use practice accounts of different brokers to compare the actual interest earned or charged for a particular currency pair.

Do not do business with a broker that does not clearly show the amount of interest earned or paid, both for individual positions and as an account total.

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Forex Market Daily Interest Rollover

In the spot fx market, trades settle in two business days and open trading positions held at time of rollover are automatically rolled over by the forex broker to the next settlement date, the open trade position is swapped for a new position expiring the following settlement date at 5pm EST rollover. This is also known as "tomorrow, next day" or simply "tom next."

For example, if you buy 200,000 Euros on Monday, you must deliver 200,000 Euros on Wednesday. On Wednesdays, the amount added or subtracted to an account as a result of rolling over a position tends to be around three times the usual amount. This "3-Day" rollover accounts for settlement of trades through the weekend period.

How does this affect your forex trading account?

If you are long the currency bearing the higher interest rate then you should earn interest, automatically credited to your trading account. Conversely, if you are short the currency bearing the higher interest rate then you should experience a small debit to your account.

Be aware that most forex brokers require a 2% margin set for your account in order to receive interest. If not, you will have to pay for the rollover, it doesn't matter whether you are long or short the currency bearing the higher interest rate

For day traders, who almost never hold any overnight positions, the rollover is not applicable because there are no positions to roll, and therefore no interest is earned or paid.

If you are a swing, position or long term trader, the rollover will affect your account since you'll earn or pay interest on a daily basis. Therefore, it is recommend to set your account at 2% margin and only try to long the currency bearing the higher interest rate.

A strategy for the longer term trader is the carry trade, which relies on a big interest rate differential between the two traded currencies. For example the NZD/JPY currency cross pair.

Currently, traders earn a $13 daily rollover interest, credited to their accounts at 5PM EST while holding a long position in this pair for each standard lot(1 standard lot equals 100,000 units) traded; BUT, if you are short NDZ/JPY, your account will be debited $14/day for each standard lot traded! Interesting fact to know, isn't it?

If you are long 300,000 EUR/USD at rollover (5PM est) and EUR/USD at rollover is trading at 1.3200, the EUR short-term interest rate is 3.50% and the USD short-term interest rate is 5.25%, the rollover debit or credit to your account would be as follows:

Number of lots (Units) x (base currency interest rate - quote currency interest rate) / 365 days per year x current base currency rate = daily rollover interest debit/credit

Therefore: 300,000 x (3.50% - 5.25%) / 365 x 1.3200 = -$16,98 daily rollover interest debit

-$16,98 rollover debit will be subtracted to your trading account at 5PM EST as a result of rolling over since you are long the currency bearing the lower interest rate.

* The above calculation is an example only and is to be used for educational and informative purposes only since the amount actually debited or credited to your account will vary depending on the forex broker. Most brokers display the daily rollover interest fees on their online trading platform.

Forex Trading Rollovers

Rollovers occur when a transaction continues for more than two days, and the Forex trading order is automatically rolled over to the next day.

Because the Forex trading market is a spot market. where trandsaction are made instantaneously, trades must settle in two business days. But don’t worry… You don’t have to sell everything after two days! This is exactly why we have the option for Forex trading rollovers.

In Forex system trading you have the option of a rollover, so that your transaction will remain relevant for two more days. Forex trading Rollover can happen every two days, so your investment stays indefinitely.

Rollover Charges and Interest Rates

Every rollover has a certain transaction cost, which is set according to the Forex site and software you are using. This information needs to be looked over before you invest, so there won't be any surprises.

Rollover charges are different according to the currency you invest in, and this should also come into account when deciding how to trade.

Forex trading Rollovers occur when the NY trading market closes at 17:00 ET. Traders sometimes earn interests on rollovers. US interest rates, for example, are higher than Japan's, so if you are holding a long USD/JPY you will be able to accumulate interest for the rollover. On the other hand, holding the JPY will means paying interest on the rollover.

When the rollover is made, the currency can also move up or down for a few pips. so also take that into account when you notice changes in the Forex currency the day after.

Trudy Bates - Market Expert

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Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche.

Each currency has an interest rate associated and since the Forex is traded on currency pairs, each transaction involves two currencies and two interest rates. If the interest rate of the currency you bought is higher than the interest rate of the currency you sold, then you will earn rollover (positive roll). If the interest rate of the currency you bought is lower than the interest rate of the currency you sold, then you pay a Rollover (negative roll). Rollovers can add significant extra cost or profit to your operation.

At 5 p. m. in New York is considered the beginning and end of the forex trading day. Any positions that are open at 5 p. m. (ET) sharp are considered to be held overnight, and are subject to rollover. A position opened at 5:01 p. m. (ET) is not subject to rollover until the next day, while a position opened at 4:59 p. m. (ET) is subject to rollover at 5 p. m. (ET)

When you buy the EUR / USD, you are buying the euro and selling the US dollar to pay for it. If the euro interest rate is 4.00% and the rate of the US dollar is 2.25%, you are buying the currency that has the highest interest rate, which causes you to gain in Rollover 1.75% annually. If you sell the EUR / USD, you are selling the currency with the higher interest rate and are paying a Rollover of approximately 1.75% annually, since you'd be paying the euro interest rate and earning the interest rate of the dollar.

The Islamic Accounts that BelforFx offers have no Rollovers; for all other accounts our Trading platforms automatically calculate and report all Rollovers.



EM debits or credits clients' accounts, and handles rollover interest at competitive rollover rates for all positions held open after 22:00 GMT.

Although there is no rollover on Saturdays and Sundays when the markets are closed, banks still calculate interest on any position held over the weekend. To level this time gap, EM applies a 3-day rollover strategy on Wednesdays.


Rollover is the process of extending the settlement date of an open position (i. e. date by which an executed trade must be settled). The forex market allows two business days for settling all spot trades, which implies the physical delivery of currencies

In margin trading, however, there is no physical delivery, so all open positions must be closed daily at end-of-day (22:00 GMT) and re-opened on the following trading day. This pushes out the settlement by one more trading day. This strategy is called rollover.

Rollover is agreed on through a swap contract which comes at a cost or gain for traders. EM does not close and re-open positions but debits/credits trading accounts for positions held open overnight, depending on the current interest rates (LIBOR/LIBID with added mark-up).


Every currency trade is based on borrowing one currency in order to buy another. Interest is paid on the borrowed currency and earned on the purchased currency. For instance, if we assume that the interest rates in Japan and the US are 0.25% p. a. and 2.5% p. a. respectively, and you have a buy position of 1 lot in USDJPY at 118.50, you will earn 2.5% per year on your USD and pay 0.25% per year on your borrowed JPY.

This means that with an open position you gain USD 6.16 per day [100,000* (2.5%-0.25%)/365]. This amount is credited to your account and equivalent to 0.73 pips per day [118.50* (2.5%-0.25%)/365]. Similarly, if you have a short position in USDJPY, you lose USD 6.16 per day. Thus rollover interest can provide an added stream of profit or loss for you.


22:00 GMT is considered to be the beginning and the end of a forex trading day. Any positions which are still open at 22:00 GMT sharp are subject to rollover and will be held overnight. Positions opened at 22:01 are not subject to rollover until the next day, but if you open a position at 21:59, a rollover will take place at 22:00 GMT. For each position open at 22:00 a credit or debit appears on your account within 1 hour, and will be directly applied to your equity account.

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Risk Warning: Contracts for Difference ('CFDs') are complex financial products that are traded on margin. Trading CFDs conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, ya que el apalancamiento puede funcionar tanto para su ventaja como para su desventaja. Como resultado, CFDs puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores, ya que puede perder todo su capital invertido. Usted no debe arriesgar más de lo que está preparado para perder. Antes de decidir negociar, debe asegurarse de que entiende los riesgos involucrados teniendo en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión y el nivel de experiencia. El desempeño pasado de CFDs no es un indicador confiable de resultados futuros. La mayoría de los CFDs no tienen fecha de vencimiento establecida. Por lo tanto, una posición de CFD madura en la fecha que usted elija para cerrar una posición abierta existente. Busque asesoramiento independiente, si es necesario. Please read EM's full 'Risk Disclosure Statement'.

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Forex Rollover Fee

If you hold a spot forex position overnight, that is the position is “rolled over”, then you may pay or receive what’s called the rollover fee .

And the rollover fee is calculated by the difference in the interest rates that apply to the two currencies in the currency pair that you’re trading.

If you buy a currency pair where the base currency has a higher interest rate than the terms currency, then you’ll receive interest, and vice versa. For example if you buy the AUDUSD, and the interbank interest rates are higher in Australia than in the US, then you may recieve a rollover fee. On the other hand, if the interest rates are higher in the US, then you may have to pay a rollover fee. Usually the rollover fee is a relatively small amount, compared to the profits and losses of a system.

What you'll see on your statement, is something like this during the Rollover:

For a short position in 3 standard contracts ($300 000) in the EUR/USD:

14th June 2006 6:18 am. Comprar. Rate 1.2542. Counter amount 376 2 60 DB

14th June 2006 6:18 am. Vender Rate 1.2542 5 . Counter amount 376 2 75 CR

In this situation, the rollover fee as you can see is 0.5 pips, which is $5 per contract.

Because we're in 3 contracts, this is 1.5 pips or $15 for that day.

Currently the trade is 31 pips in profit per contract (profit of $930).

One difference with some brokers, is that you may need to have a certain amount of margin, say 2% margin, before the amounts are paid to you. Less than this, you may have to pay the rollover fee in both situations. This is different with different brokers though.

New to forex? Learn forex trading basics from this discussion on forex trading secrets .

All trading involves a high risk of financial loss, and the information on this site is for general information purposes only and is not financial advice in any form. See your own financial advice before taking any action.

All forms of trading involves risk of financial loss.

Note that this site may have paid advertising or commissions generated for referrals to products and services, and forex brokers made from this site.

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Testimonials and trading results of products and services from some people or users of products, does not guarantee or indicate similar results from another user of that product or service.

Forex Glossary


A spot transaction is generally due for settlement within two good business days. This is not to say the trader has to accept delivery of the transacted currencies - most retail brokers will automatically roll over open positions allowing the traders to hold their positions indefinitely. Technically speaking, there is a simultaneous closing of an open position for today’s settlement date and the opening of the same position for the next day’s settlement date (another two good business days ).

The cost of rolling over a transaction is based on the interest rate differential between the two currencies in a transaction. For example, if a trader is long (bought) the currency with a higher rate of interest, he/she will earn an interest diferential. If the trader is short (sold) the currency with a higher rate of interest an interest differential, the trader will have to be pay the interest rate differential.

Rollover Rates (Swap)

For positions open at your broker’s “cut - off time” (23:59 sever time), there is a daily rollver interest rate that a trader either pays or earns, depending on your established margin and position in the market.

If you do not want to earn or pay intersest in your position, simply make sure they are all closed before 23:59 server time, the established end of the market day. Alternatively, you can (and should) select Islamic Account, when you Open your Real Account with us.

Since every currency trade involves borrowing one currency to buy another . interest rollover changes are part of Forex Trading. Interest is paid on the currency that is borrowed, and earnd on the one that is bought.

If you are buying a currency with a higher Interest Rate than the one you are borrowing, then the net interest rate differential will be positive (i. e. USDJPY) and you will earn funds as a result.

Conversely, if the interest rate differential is negative, then you will have to pay funds.

In the currency trading terminal ‘swap’ is automatically converted into the balance currency. Operation is conducted at 23:59 Server Time. From Friday to Monday, Swap is charged once . From Wednesday to Thursday Swap is charged at triple rate .

How to calculate the Swap Rate

Swap occurs at a set cut off time every day, currently 00:00 server time. It is basically the interest rate which we calculated againtst the volume that you are trading whcih will be added or taken away from each trade that is not closed before that swap occurs. To avoid the swap on the positions, the traders need to be closed before the end of the market day. Swap is not a fee of anyform, it is the interest charged for borrowing currencies.

Each currency pair/simbol has a differenct swap rate, which you can find in the specificatiions tanle

Swap calculation is:

PIP value * Number of lots * Swap rate * Number of Nights

We will betrading EUR/GBP (0.82133). A buy position held for 3 nights with a USD base currency.

There are 2 ways to calculate swap manually.

The first determines the Pip value in the base currency of the account before the calculation, meaning the swap value is already in our base currency.

Therefore first determine thepip value for 1 lot EUR/GBP in USD base currency – which is 15.05 USD per Pip, so:

PIP value * Number of lots * Swap rate * Number of Nights

15 * 1 * -0.14. * 3 = -6.32 USD

The second uses of PIP value of the pairs TEAM currency to determine theswap charge and then converts it to the base currency of the account after the swap calculation iscomplete:

PIP value * Number of lots * Swap rate * Number of Nights

10 * 1 * -0.14. * 3 = -4.20 GBP

now you need to determine how much is -4.20 GBP in US dollars:

-4.20 GBP * 1.50614 (GBP/USD rate) = – 6.32 USD

Rollover Dates

Trading Contracts for Difference (CFDs) and other leveraged products carries a high level of risk to your capital as prices may move rapidly against you. Losses can exceed your deposits and you may be required to make further payments. These products may not be suitable for all clients therefore ensure you understand the risks and seek independent advice. Lider Forex operates in partnership with Fortrade Ltd, a company incorporated in the UK (No 08619610). Fortrade Ltd are authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority under reference number 609970 This website does secure your private information using a SSL Certificate and 128 bit SSL security

What is Rollover in the Forex Market?

Suscríbase al boletín semanal publicado por Online Trading Academy. ¡Reciba el boletín completo con gráficos!

Hello traders! This week’s newsletter finds me relaxed and refreshed as I just took a month off from teaching and took a small road trip through Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas to see some friends, relatives, and the beautiful scenery. One of the great perks of being a trader is the freedom of time to just get up and go at a moment’s notice. I hope every one of you can do this as well! The actual topic of this week’s newsletter isn’t about vacations, but about an interesting quirk in the spot forex market called “rollover.” Let’s get to it!

First of all, let’s define what “rollover” is, and as usual, we’ll use Investopedia. com to get started.

Rollover – Move a forex position to the following delivery date, in which case the rollover incurs a charge. The forex fee arises from the difference in interest rates between the two currencies underlying a transaction. Sometimes investors can earn a credit if they are purchasing the currency with the higher of the two interest rates. Investors are often required to maintain certain margin positions with their brokers to earn a credit from rollover.

In essence, at 5pm EST, the broker is closing your position and re-opening it; at the same time, he is either crediting your account or debiting your account based on the short term interest rate differential that banks charge to borrow unsecured funds on an overnight basis. (That is quite a mouthful!) Please note that these rates are NOT based on central bank rates commonly found on forex trading websites.

Because we are trading currency PAIRS, one currency will usually have a higher interest rate than the other for this purpose. If you are long the currency with the higher rate, your broker will pay you at rollover; if you are short the currency with the higher rate, your broker will charge you for holding that position. So far so good, right? Here is where it gets extra tricky.

Because forex is generally a two-day deliverable market, meaning your position doesn’t actually “settle” until two business days after you open the position, your rollover money for most trading days will be at a similar rate, for example $1 per lot. However, since banks aren’t open on Saturday and Sunday, and the banks will probably still charge you the interest for those two days, your rollover rate on Wednesday will be triple what the other rollover monies will be.

So how can we use the rollover to help us make more money in the market? If you are a very short term trader, a daytrader, for example, you probably won’t care what the rollover rate is if you are out of your trades by 5pm EST. However, what about longer term traders? There are many traders who will only trade from the positive side of the rollover equation if they will be holding trades for days, weeks, or months at a time. Let’s take a look at a table to determine what that means.

In this FXCM screenshot, it shows four currency pairs, their bid and ask prices, the width of their spreads, high and low on the day so far and the rollover interest for the sell side, and rollover interest on the buy side. I’m looking for the largest positive number to make money longer term with the rollover interest payments. Obviously, you can see the largest number is on the buy side of the NZDUSD. This 0.41 means that you will get paid forty one cents for every rollover day that you hold a micro lot of the currency pair on a long trade. Not much on a single day trade, but what about if you hold that trade for a year? That would be $149.65 in the year-not a bad percent return on this micro lot trade!

However, please don’t think you just found the Holy Grail in forex trading, expecting to almost double your money by piling into this pair. We still must consider where we are on the chart. If you take a look at the NZDUSD on a daily chart, we’ve been in a significant downtrend for months, losing hundreds of pips over the last year. The extra few cents a day is small consolation when you are getting crushed by being on the wrong side of the trend!

So what did we learn this week? That the spot market has another way to earn money, by being on the right side of the interest rollover payment. Wednesday’s payment is 3 times the other days because of the weekend/two day settlement; but this interest payment can’t overcome a strong trending market going the wrong way!


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Riesgo: DailyForex no se hace responsable de ninguna pérdida o daño resultante de la confianza en la información contenida en este sitio web, incluyendo noticias de mercado, análisis, señales comerciales y revisiones de corredores de Forex. Los datos contenidos en este sitio web no son necesariamente en tiempo real ni precisos, y los análisis son opiniones del autor y no representan las recomendaciones de DailyForex ni de sus empleados. El comercio de divisas en margen conlleva un alto riesgo y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Como producto apalancado, las pérdidas pueden exceder los depósitos iniciales y el capital está en riesgo. Antes de decidir negociar Forex o cualquier otro instrumento financiero, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo.

Forex Rollover Rates:

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3. They have a 5 minute setup pledge. They say it only takes 5 minutes to download and install the robot. It was quite easy if you like to read stuff etc. You might take a little longer or if you are new to meta trader 4 brokers may take you a little longer but too long at all. Quite easy to setup.

4. Only trades the EUR/USD. For some people that is probably a drawback. I kind of like it. The reason its a very stable and well traded pair. So the spreads are very low no matter what broker you use.

5. It is a clickbank product so it has a 60 day money back guarantee. If its not making you money just send an email to clickbank and they will refund your money.

Forex MegaDroid RCTPA technology can offer now a different new approach to forex trading, forecasting trades instead of analysing old data and "guessing" profitable trades, is that what you are after?

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Comparing MegaDroid Vs. FAP Turbo Vs IVYBot

Technologically Superior with its US Patented RCTPA Technology, making it able to predict with advanced accuracy of up to 99%. Only trades USD, Euro. Very accurate results, with almost 99% winnings after 3 months of trial.

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One of the first Forex Trading Robots to hit the Market. Back then, a 75% Accuracy Prediction was considered a fantastic Feat. Trades all currencies, if you want action, go for this one

Advancement to the program has come to a halt. Programmers are no longer actively working on this. Sold as-is basis.

IVYBot, the newest forex robot system to join the family of automatic trading software.

Ok, one thing you MUST know about IVYBot is that its nothing different from FAP Turbo as its from the same developers, and uses the same technology. No patents as of yet, and no track records thus far. Basically the system is everything like FAP Turbo, in a different, packaging

Yes, tonnes of other people are talking about FAP Turbo as well as the recently launched IVYbot. Yes all three are automated Forex Trading robots, but the fact that FAP Turbo came out earlier is the probably cause of its fame. IVYbot shares the same hype as FAP as its from the same developers, and thus heavily marketed due to its high commission. However, IVYbot has no track records and no patennts.

MegaDroid came out a bit later, it has not been commercialized that much yet, but with its new RCTPA technology Patent, MegaDroid Forex Trading robot is by far the superior Forex trading robot. Scores of Professional Forex Traders has switched over to MegaDroid as the patented RCTPA technology offers stronger prediction accuracy!

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned PRO, MegaDroid will be able to suit your needs as it is fully automated, and takes a very short time to master. The core component is its Patented RCTPA Technology, which is one of its kind in the market.

Forex Megadroid only trades in US/EURO, thus the trades are a lot more accurate. FAP Turbo and IVYbot trades all currencies, which of course gives it more variables for mistakes. In terms of activity, Forex Megadroid trades probably once or twice a week, but wiht super precision, making it 100% winning for us through the months we have tested it out. FAP and IVY trades a few times an hour! Sometimes even 1-3 times a min! Lot of movement. So if its ACTIVITY you want, get FAP and IVYbot, if its RESULTS that you desire, get Forex Megadroid.

Forex Megadroid Settings: Settings for Forex Megadroid is best at 10% Risk level, and Medium Aggressiveness. The program itself is a no brainer, and true to promise, it DOES take barely 5 mins to set up. It comes wiht default settings by the developer and its best to be followed. The manual Comes with REASONS why the settings are set this way. There is nothing special about the settings, its just 2 settings really, Risk Level and Aggressiveness. By default, its 10% Risk, Med Aggressiveness. This is the best setting, and with this settings, forex megadroid trades about 1-2 times a week with super precision. You CAN do 90% risk level, but that totally defeats the purpose of MAKING MONEY! jajaja

Megadroid has been featured on various fronts, including: CNN Money, CNBC, Money Networks, Bloomberg and scores of other Financial Magazines and Programs.

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Rollover Tarixləri

Rollover Tarixləri fxliderWb 2016-03-24T09:27:28+00:00

LiderForex “futures” müqavilələrində CFD ticarəti təklif edir. Bu əməliyyatlar üzrə müqavilələr təyin olunmuş tarix müddətinə bağlanılır. Bizim üçün dəyərli olan bütün müştərilərimizin alqı-satqı əməliyyatını davamlı olaraq həyata keçirə bilmələri üçün LiderForex vaxtı bitmiş müqavilələri yeni qiymətdə göstərilmiş müqavilələrlə dəyişir.

CFD dəyişilmə tarixi:



APR – 10, 2016, 21:00 GMT

APR – 17, 2016, 21:00 GMT


APR – 24, 2016, 21:00 GMT

Əgər müqavilələrdə qiymətlər arasında nəzərə çarpacaq dərəcədə fərq olsa onda bu fərq hesabınıza uyğun tənzimlənəcək və bu fərq sizin hesab üzrə gəlir və ziyana təsir etməyəcəkdir.

Müqavilələrin bitiş taixinə CFD hesabı açan müştərilərimiz qiymət tənzimlənməsini öz hesabında debet və ya kredit kimi müşahidə edəcəkdir. Bundan əlavə, yeni əməliyyatlarda həyata keçirilən “stop” və “limit” əmrlərinə yeni market qiymətləri tətbiq ediləcəkdir.

Qiymət tənzimləməsinə məruz qalmaq istəməyən müştərilər köhnə hesablarını müqavilələrin bitiş tarixindən əvvəl bağlayib yeni hesab aça bilər.

CFD və Forex əməliyyatları barədə əlavə məlumat almaq istəyirsinizsə bizimlə əlaqə saxlayın.


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CFD Rollover

It is well known that when traidng in Forex and CFD markets investors may maintain their positions open not only for a couple of hours, but for longer time periods as well. So, rollover can be defined as the transfer of these positions to the next day.

What Is a Rollover?

“Rollover” is a well known term among economists and may have different meanings depending on the sphere of application.

According to an economic dictionary, rollover may have the following meanings:

Prolongation of credit deadline by its technical repayment and simultaneous resumption of a new credit

Transfer of funds from one form of investment to another

Notion of “rollover” is widely spread among traders and is actively applied by dealing centers and brokerage companies.

CFD rollover, as a process of transferring positions to the next day, assumes swap accrual.

CFD Rollover and Swap

Swap is an interest, that is debited from or credited to trader’s position for the rollover (overnight) to the next trading day. Calculation of Swap for precious metals is linked to the corresponding currency, US Dollar or Euro. Thus, for example XAUUSD instrument (Gold against US Dollar) the quoted currency is the U. S. Dollar. When the client open a short position on this instrument, the client pays for borrowing gold at a discounted rate and receives the accrual for deposit U. S. dollars based on the interbank rates. The same scheme operates for other instruments from the Metals Group.

Calculation of the Swap for stock indices is performed in the currency of the country of the index. Thus, in case of FTSE100 instrument, British stock Index CFD is linked to British Pound. While opening a short position on the instrument, the client pays for borrowing contracts for Index and receives an accrual for depositing British Pounds on the basis of the interbank rate. The same scheme works for other indices.

In case of Commodity CFDs. Swap calculation is performed in the quote currency of the instrument. For example, OIL, Light Sweet Crude Oil (WTI) is linked to U. S. Dollar. While opening a short position on the instrument, the client pays for borrowing contracts for oil at a reduced rate and receives an accrual for depositing US Dollars on the basis of relevant interbank rate.

Swap for Stock CFDs is usually appointed as a fixed sum - actually negative one for long as well as short positions. Less often, just as in case of Currency pairs, Swap is linked to short-term interbank rates, but in this case, companies may add their own quite significant interest, thereby, worsening the conditions for clients.

It is well known that on Forex Markets currency pairs are being bought and sold, and every currency has its own interest rate, determined by national banks.

On CFD market the rollover is calculated based on the rollover of the underlying asset and the asset quoted. The difference between asset interest rates is the basis of rollover determination. If when buying a currency its rate is higher than the interest rate on the sold currency, the rollover is accrued on the trading position. If while buying a currency its rate is lower than the interest rate on the currency sold, the rollover is debited from the trading position. Thus, rollover may create additional income as well as cause additional losses. Moreover, the amount of charge or cheating is directly proportional to the amount of the transaction.

IFC Markets es una compañía financiera innovadora líder que ofrece a los inversionistas privados y corporativos un amplio conjunto de herramientas comerciales y analíticas. The company provides its clients with Forex and CFD trading through its own-generated NetTradeX trading platform, which is available on PC, iOS, Android and Mobile. The company also offers MT4 trading platform available on PC, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Mobile and Smartphone. For comparison of the platforms, you can observe the advantages of both.

© IFCMARKETS. CORP. 2006-2016 IFC Markets es un agente líder en los mercados financieros internacionales que ofrece servicios de comercio en línea de divisas, así como futuros, índices, acciones y CFDs de materias primas. La empresa ha estado trabajando desde 2006, atendiendo a sus clientes en 12 idiomas de 60 países de todo el mundo, en total conformidad con los estándares internacionales de servicios de corretaje.

Advertencia de riesgo Advertencia: La negociación en Forex y CFDs en OTC Market implica un riesgo significativo y las pérdidas pueden exceder su inversión.

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Forex Rollover Swap

The video below was a class that I gave to the company’s employees on October 16, 2012. The goal is to explain the concept of rollover in the forex market. which is synonymous with the term swap. The transcript is below .

Shaun: Okay, so we’re going to go over rollover and what it is. It’s really the interest that accrues for holding an open forex position. When we place a trade. you guys know that we’re trading on leverage .

When we trade one lot of the EURUSD. we are trading €100,000 and then we’re selling whatever the equivalent is in USD at the time. Right now the rate is 1.30. That means that we are buying €100,000 and exchanging that for $130,000. This is when EURUSD is equal to 1.3000.

Make sense so far. Leider, everybody wants interest and they want their pound of flesh. You’re not just paying it for the money in your account. you’re actually owing interest and earning interest for the positions that you have open. If you again use a current example. interest rates are at historic lows. They use the overnight rate for setting the rollover and swap rate on a position. The euro overnight lending rate is set at 0.01%. It’s basically free money .

The US dollar has an overnight lending rate of 0.15%. These are annual rates. It’s pretty equivalent to what you’re getting paid on a CD. almost nothing. Aber, that goes have a cost associated with it. When you look in MetaTrader. MT4 references it as the swap. In the industry. it’s more commonly known as rollover .

You have to pay interest for the positions that you do have open because they have value. When we decide to buy the EURUSD. that means that we own euros and we sold dollars. In interest terms. that means that we are owed interest on the euros and we owe interest on the dollars .

Chris: That would be bad because the US dollar is more ?

Shaun: Right. If you’re buying the euro. and this is in magical fairy land where you earn and pay the exact same amount of rollover for buying and selling. and we’ll get into exceptions in a minute. but in the “ pure scenario ”, you’re only earning 0.01% annual interest on your euro position. You’re paying 0.15% interest on your dollar position. If you’re buying EUR/USD and held that position for a year. you would expect to accrue a loss of 0.14%, which is the euro overnight interest rate (0.01%) minus the dollar overnight interest rate (0.15%).

If you did the exact opposite and sold EUR/USD. you only owe 0.01% overnight interest. but you make 0.15% percent interest .

Chris: Are you assuming that you have the position open for an entire year ?

Shaun: Ja. Jetzt, of course these rates change. These are overnight rates. which means that over night they change on a daily basis. The amount will fluctuate – slowly – aber, it does fluctuate .

This is in the hypothetical example where you bought EURSD. the overnight rates never change and you held the position for precisely one year .

Chris: It’s for one whole lot ?

Shaun: Ja. It’s precisely one lot. One lot is the equivalent of 100,000 base currency units. Our base currency here is the euro. 100,000 of the base currency is 100,000 Euro.

Let’s go through and calculate the rollover in our scenario of buying one standard lot of EURUSD. Apply the 0.01% rate to the €100,000 position. 0.0001 * €100,000 = €10. Natürlich, you must put that back in dollar terms. €10 * $1.3000/€ ( the current exchange rate ) gleich ist $13. Die $13 is the credit for the holding the EURUSD position for an entire year .

The calculations are the same for the dollar. except for the fact that it’s now a debit. The position of $130,000 * -0.015 ( this is a negative number because we owe it ) gleich ist… does anyone have a calculator on their phone. We all do ; we’re programmers .

Shaun: We have a $13 credit and a $195 loss from the rollover. $182 is the amount of money that we’re going to lose after one year in our hypothetical scenario with the EURUSD exchange rate not fluctuating. the overnight interest rates not fluctuating and us holding our position for precisely one year .

The next thing is that we need to go over the mechanics of rollover and how it is charged. It’s a little quirky. I’m stating the obvious. but there are seven days per week .

Chris: What’s with MB Trading only giving 50:1 nutzen. What does that mean ?

Shaun: It doesn’t matter for the swap. If you have a position of €100,000. you owe interest on the €100,000 .

Andy: You owe the interest on the leveraged amount ?

Shaun: Ja. It’s on the leveraged amount. When we opened that €100,000 position. we did that with $2,000 auf 50:1 leverage or $1,000 auf 100:1 nutzen. You’re not paying or receiving interest on your margin amount. You’re paying or receiving it on the leveraged amount .

Chris: So if I were doing that with MB Trading. I’d have to do it with two lots ?

Shaun: Nein. The interest is the same. You have a €100,000 position .

Chris: To leverage that much. don’t I have to double my margin ?

Shaun: Ja. Instead of using $1,000, now you use $2,000 to open the one lot trade .

Rollover is seven days a week. but we know that trading doesn’t happen on the weekends. En divisas. trading really happens from Sunday afternoon to Friday afternoon. This is more of a technicality. The only really important days are Monday. Dienstag, Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. They need to charge interest for seven days even though there are only five days that are important .

What they do is charge a single day of interest on Monday. Dienstag, Thursday and Friday. By convention and for no good reason. Wednesday’s rollover carries the interest charges for Wednesday. Saturday and Sunday .

Chris: Why don’t they do it on Monday ?

Shaun: Ich weiß es nicht. Why don’t they do it on Thursday ?

Terry. Or why don’t they spread it out across the week evenly ?

Shaun: Why don’t you pay 1.5 Tagen? That’s just the way it is .

This is referred to as triple rollover Wednesday .

Andy: That’s the for the past weekend. korrigieren?

Shaun: Nein. It has nothing to do with the weekends. Rollover occurs precisely at 5 PM ET. When you look at the charts of most brokers. they are mostly based on broker time. But in the forex industry by convention. 5 pm ET is the start of a new day. 5 pm ET on Sunday is actually the start of Monday. 5 pm ET on Monday is actually the start of Tuesday’s trading day. Tuesday’s trading day concludes at 4:59 pm on Tuesday .

Andy: But on Wednesday. you get charged for the past Saturday and Sunday ?

Shaun: Even if you didn’t have the trade open. If you decide – very poorly – bei 4:59 pm on Wednesday that you’re going to open a trade. and you close the trade two minues later at 5:01 pm on Wednesday. you are going to earn or pay triple rollover .

Andy: Ach, so it has nothing to do with the last weekend. They just charge you three times for whatever happens on that day .

Shaun: It’s a market quirk. If you hold that position precisely at 5 pm, you owe interest. If you do not. you do not owe interest. If you had the trade open for 23 hours and 59 Minuten, but you closed it before 5 pm, no triple rollover. But if you have it at 5 pm, then you pay triple rollover .

It’s the same concept on Monday. Dienstag, Thursday and Friday. except it’s only single rollover .

Chris: What’s to keep people from finding a favorable currency comparison and just opening trades for two minutes every day ?

Shaun: Lots of people try that and it doesn’t work because of Verbreitung costs. Notice that the rollover rates are so tiny. We’re talking about 0.01% per annum. Divide that per day and it’s a silly amount. It’s so negligible that you don’t really care .

There are exceptions. There’s Golden Week and this involves the yen. There are days where triple rollover Wednesday becomes nine times Wednesday. You earn the interest for two weeks of trading .

Andy: Do brokers do that to get people to trade with them or something. Is that a for fun thing or is there an actual reason :

Shaun: It’s because Japan shuts down for two weeks .

Chris: It’s only in yen pairs ?

Shaun: Ja. Anything involving a yen pair in May has Golden Week where you have a monster rollover day. It’s kind of the way it is .

People do try to take advantage of it. When interest rates were higher a couple of years ago. there was a big differential between the pound and the yen. The pound had an interest rate of 5.25% and the yen. as it is today. had an annual interest rate near zero at 0.25%. I think today that it’s 0.1. The point is that there was a massive difference between the two of 5%. You could earn that on the leveraged position .

Chris: Does that make the price spike ?

Shaun: Yeah. it does. People want to earn this money. This is what drives currency market. the shift in the interest rates. People chase yield. If I can open an account in GBP and I can earn 5.25%, if I’m holding yen. that’s looking really attractive to me .

I might consider the idea of converting my yen into pounds so that I can the extra 5%. This is referred to as a carry trade. It’s the idea of using leveraged money to earn the difference in the interest rates. It’s possible and it can be lucrative. The problem is that it depends on your timing of exchange rates .

If you expect that … let me think of a scenario that applies to today. Let’s say that the ECB decides to reverse course. and this is not likely to happen at all. Ahora mismo. they’re trying to keep their interest almost at zero. Let’s say they decided to stop intervening in the market and to charge a real interest rate. The euro interest rate would go through the roof. which motivates people to put their money into euros instead of dollars. Yen, Australian dollars. whatever. If you expect that trend to continue for several years. that is a great motivation for buying that currency. Not only do you earn the increasing differential in the two currencies ’ Zinsen, but more people are likely to follow the trade. The higher an interest rate is. the more likely people are to buy that currency .

That was the reason behind Brazil’s hot market as of about two years ago. Interest rates were 13-14% and everything was appreciating through the roof. You could sit back and know that you were going to make 14% in reals. The problem is that if you top the market like when the market yielded 14%, you earned 14% in reals and then the price plummeted by 30%. Timing is critical .

That’s the fundamental reason that the market exists. That’s why people trade currencies. Not just for exchanges of payments. but for speculation. that is entirely why people participate. It looks like free money. There are all sorts of examples .

Oddly enough. most of the mortgages in Poland are denominated in Swiss francs. The reason is that the Swiss had a very. very low interest rate compared to what the Polish zloty was charging at the time. If you could pay 0.5%, why are you going to pay 5% interest to have it denominated in zlotys ?

Gut, the reason is because the Swiss franc has been appreciating for several years. Now half of Polish homeowners are severely underwater because the value of their loans has appreciated by 20 oder 30%. They only make their income in zlotys. That’s the risk of the market. Those are the kind of real world examples of why people decide to participate and why rollover is really important .

This is the electronic form of how it applies to our traders and our customers speculating in markets. The real mechanics behind it are more tangible like in the mortgage example .

Andy: Is it common for strategies to keep track of I would make money. so I want to hold my trade until I hit my interest point for the day ?

Shaun: You could. but it’s a silly risk. If you think that it’s dangerous to be in now. you’re going to stay in risking an average of 120 pips of movement in the EURUSD so that you can capture the equivalent of 0.25 Zacken.

Andy: Okay, so it’s pretty much worthless .

Terry. Your current interest rate. is that something that a strategy has access to at the market level. Are we able to go out and query that ?

Terry. Also, it means that it has to be fed that values from some other source. which means …

Shaun: Nope. It has nothing to do with Backtesting. It doesn’t make assumptions about rollover. It isn’t present in MetaTrader on a historical basis. It is available in real time and I can show you guys where to find that. It’s not something that most people look at as part of a strategy. It is an important part. but it shouldn’t be the maker or breaker. It should be a little bit of juice. You use it to pad the margins a little bit or it might be a drag on performance. It should not be the primary reason why you’re entering a trade now at 4:59 pm so that you can capture the tenth of a pip in interest cost and pay 2.5 pips in the process .

The one thing that I wanted to point out. auch, is that everything that I explained is kind of hypothetical. You either lose 0.14% or you make 0.14% on an annual basis. In der Realität, that’s not how most brokers work. It’s a good way that they pad their margins .

This is how they make a slight amount of money on traders that aren’t trading. through the difference in the rollover rates that they charge. In the example that I sent you. and assuming that we opened MetaTrader and that it was a perfectly equal market. you would see that buying costs you. MetaTrader shows you in dollars. but I’m just going to put it in percentages. You expect a return of -0.14% for buying EURUSD and a return of +0.14% for selling EURUSD .

What happens most of the time is that everything gets skewed against you. The cost becomes a bigger number and the profit becomes a smaller number .

Chris: You’re saying it’s the broker that does this ?

Shaun: Ja. It can be the broker or it can be the ultimate liquidity provider behind the broker. but yes. the interest rates are set and then they get shifted. Natürlich, someone earns that differential .

Terry. Also, obviously. these are within the bounds of legal priorities based on trading rules ?

Shaun: Ja. It is a cost. I don’t know of anybody that discloses it. I don’t know who the ultimate beneficiary is to be honest .

Terry. It’s the broker .

Shaun: That’s my assumption that the broker is making the difference. If they net their trades. they should be capturing that difference. If you have 50,000 clients and most of them are piled into the EURUSD. there’s only going to be a certain amount of net exposure. Only say 10% of that difference is going to be net long or short. You can net out the difference between these two and keep all of it .

It’s not super lucrative. but it’s money sitting there and they take it .

Terry. A dime times 50,000 is lucrative .

Shaun: Ja. It adds up .

Terry. Especially when it’s all electronic .

Chris: Maybe I’m behind the times. but I thought they were pressuring the euro zone to ease .

Chris: But they’re already way below the dollar .

Shaun. Gut, the target headline rate in the euro zone is 1.25%, which is the result of the central bank intervening. They’re buying Spanish bonds. Italian bonds. Im Grunde, the bonds that literally nobody wants. They’re buying them so that the interest rates go down .

If I’m going to loan money. you have to make the call for your business or multinational corporation. You have to decide. Do you want to tie up money in junk debt for a year and get 6% in Spanish bonds. Or do you want to loan to the ECB directly at 0.01%. You get paid almost nothing. but at least you know you’ll get your euros back .

Terry. Gut, it depends on how long you’re planning on being in it and what you think the future is going to turn. If you think that’s going to turn. then go ahead and camp on it now and get it for nothing .

Terry. If you can afford to be in it that long .

Shaun: Ja, and that’s why there are interest rate curves. That’s a whole different subject .

If you lend for a day. and let’s use the US Treasury as the simplest example. we start out with bills at the short end of the duration. Bills are anything about a 90 day coupon and out to a year. You can buy a treasury note for the one year. two year. five year and ten year. Each duration is supposed to get higher and higher. but the further out you go. you’re supposed to get a higher rate of interest. It’s rather negligible compared to the duration. The difference between the overnight and the 3 month is pretty substantial. The difference between the 10 year and 30 year is supposed to be more substantial. but obviously the time involved is almost beyond comparison .

That’s why in the original EURUSD example I said that the overnight rate is this. because that’s what we use in Forex. What people are really looking at when they’re deciding whether or not to take out mortgages or to loan money in different sovereign bonds. they’re looking at one year yields. ten year yields .

Terry. It seems like it doesn’t make sense to go past ten years. Three decades is a long time to tie something up .

Shaun: In that market I would agree. but there were people in the 1970s that caught the US Treasury in the height of the stagflation when interest rates in the US were at 17%. They loaned money when the short term rates were actually inverted. People were taking the easy money earning 17% annually over 3-6 Monaten. The smart money locked up those interest rates at 14% for thirty years. They made 14% per annum .

Shaun: … compounded for 30 Jahre. They guys that made the thirty years made a killing and as close to risk free as you could get at the time .

Heute, I would argue that’s suicide. I don’t think the dollar will be around in 30 Jahre. Aber, that’s a different story .

Andy: When do these costs get calculated. Every day at 5 o’clock. they say you gained two cents or whatever. When did that fee get charged .

Shaun: Interest rates are a really complicated subject. They’re actually the result of a huge scandal right now that I know none of you know about. none of the people that I know know about. but that everyone should be up in arms about. It’s called the LIBOR Scandal .

LIBOR is where overnight interest rates are set. It’s not a free market. It’s voted on by a group of 30 some-odd banks. It’s all the normal culprits. the people that are despised and rightfully so. the Goldman Sachs of the world. Barclay’s. RBS. Bank of America. Any bank that you’ve heard of that’s international. they’re probably one of the banks that set the LIBOR rates .

They all get to vote and decide what is tonight’s interest rate for the US dollar. When they set the rate. that’s what every bank in the world uses to set its overnight lending rate .

Chris: They just pull it out of thin air or they base it on something ?

Shaun: They pull it out of thin air. They just vote. There’s a formulawhere they throw out the most extreme votes and keep the average of the middle ones .

It’s the most important market in the world because it affects everything that connects to money. It affects stocks. real companies. Anleihen, mortgages. Währungen… it affects everything .

What happened this summer was that the Bank of England got caught encouraging Barclay’s to manipulate the LIBOR rate. As you can image. banks have a strong interest in voting whether the LIBOR goes up or down. It affects all sorts of things like how much they have to pay savers in their CDs. How much do they charge for a mortgage. They have all sorts of motivations to keep the interest rates as absolutely low as possible to benefit themselves. That’s what happened .

LIBOR is set in London. but it really doesn’t matter. All the banks are international. It’s really just a committee .

Andy: With no government oversight ?

Shaun: It was with the active collusion of the Bank of England and the Federal Reserve. They encouraged the banks to keep the interest rates low because it aligned with their policy objectives .

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Trade Rollover

The forex market is active 24 hour a day which makes for some unique market dynamics, like rollover.

Why Rollover Exists

Trade rollover occurs when a broker swaps a trader's positions the day an order would actually have to be fulfilled. So, instead of your market position being closed and you being given the actual money, the broker rolls your position over to the next day.

It used to be that you'd have to ask a broker to roll over your position. Nowadays, however, it's largely assumed that a trader wants a rollover, and unless they specify otherwise, a rollover will be automatic.

Paying and Receiving Money For Trade Rollover

Traders both receive and pay rollover fees. Rollover fees are the difference between the interest rate of the two currencies that make up the currency pair. Basically, that money is earning interest, even over a single night, and if you are making more interest on that currency than in the other currency, the broker will credit your account with that interest rate differential. Likewise, if the rate is lower, the broker will debit your account that amount.

Some brokers require a slightly higher margin level – sometimes 2% instead of 1% – for a trader to claim rollover fees.

In most cases, rollover fees are quite small and are insignificant amounts of money for most traders, but if a bank or broker were to keep the rollover cost/benefits, the thousands or millions of accounts that the bank holds would all add up, and that would be a whole lot of money being shifted around – as far as the bank or broker is concerned – at random.

Rollover forex

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What Is Forex Rollover In The Spot Market?

Even though the US dominates many markets most of Spot Forex is still traded through London, England. So for this description we shall use London time. Most deals in Forex are done as Spot deals .

Spot deals are nearly always due for settlement two business days day later . This is referred to as the value date or delivery date. On that date the counterparties take delivery of the currency they have sold or bought .

In Spot FOREX the majority of the time the end of the business day is 21:59 (London time). Any positions still open at this time are automatically rolled over to the next business day, which again finishes at 21:59. This is necessary to avoid the actual delivery of the currency.

As Spot FOREX is predominantly speculative most of the time the traders never wish to actually take delivery of the actual currency. They will instruct the brokerage to always rollover their position . Many of the brokers nowadays do this automatically and it will be in their polices and procedures.

The act of rolling the currency pair over is known as tom. next which, stands for tomorrow and the next day. Just to go over this again, your broker will automatically rollover your position unless you instruct him that you actually want delivery of the currency.

Another point noting is that most leveraged accounts are unable to actually deliver the currency as there is insufficient capital there to cover the transaction.

Remember that if you are trading on margin, you have in effect got a loan from your broker for the amount you are trading. If you had a 1 lot position you broker has advanced you the $100,000 even though you did not actually have $100,000.

The broker will normally charge you the interest differential between the two currencies if you rollover your position. This normally only happens if you have rolled over the position and not if you open and close the position within the same business day.

To calculate the broker's interest he will normally close your position at the end of the business day and again reopen a new position almost simultaneously .

For example, you open a 1 lot ($100,000) EUR/USD position on Monday 15th at 11:00 at an exchange rate of 0.9950. During the day the rate fluctuates and at 22:00 the rate is 0.9975. The broker closes your position and reopens a new position with a different value date.

The new position was opened at 0.9976 a 1 pip difference. The 1 pip deference reflects the difference in interest rates between the US Dollar and the Euro. In our example you are long Euro and short US Dollar. As the US Dollar in the example has a higher interest rate than the Euro you pay the premium of 1 pip.

Now the good news, if you had the reverse position and you were short Euros and long US Dollars you would gain the interest differential of 1 pip. If the first named currency has an overnight interest rate lower than the second currency then you will pay that interest differential if you bought that currency.

If the first named currency has a higher interest rate than the second currency then you will gain the interest differential. To simplify the above, if you are long (bought) a particular currency and that currency has a higher overnight interest rate you will gain.

If you are short (sold) the currency with a higher overnight interest rate then you will lose the difference. The explanation above is a little in-depth, to illustrate the details, normally your broker will calculate all this for you .

As an educated beginner or an experienced trader, you know a thing or two about interests and rollovers in Forex. For holding a trading position open past 17:00 pm, brokers calculate a rollover on it. You won’t see this in your account history, but what actually happens is: during a rollover a position is closed and re-opened again. Because different countries have different interest rates for their currencies, an interest differential between currency pairs occurs. This differential can be either positive or negative, which defines the outcome: interest is either earned or charged to your account.

The list of pairs that collect positive interest when bought or sold and pairs that collect negative interest is well known to experienced traders.

Among the currencies that collect positive swaps/rollover are normally: AUD/USD when Long (bought) USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY and other/JPY pairs when Long USD/CHF, GBP/CHF and other/CHF pairs when Long

You should be always able to check the swap rates table with your Forex broker. If you don’t know what swaps are awaiting for you after 5pm each day, please don’t tell me you’re a serious trader.

All you need to do is to buy a currency with a high interest rate against the currency with a low interest rate.

Popular currencies with high interest rate are: USD (not the case with recent economic situation), GBP, AUD and NZD. Popular currencies with low interest rate are: CHF and JPY.

Some pairs may change their positive interest earning features in the long run as country governments cut or raise interest rates, but overall the base list remains the same.

I’ve seen and you’ll see Forex brokers, who don’t care about those interest rate rules. What would be better than making all Forex rollover interest negative? Derecha?

“…Alright, let’s leave one or two pairs with a positive rollover for curious traders, but make everything else negative” — a simple trick used by a broker. As a result — traders are discouraged to hold positions past 17:00pm, the rollover time. Holding positions open for many days becomes expensive. What to do then? Avoid rollover and trade more frequently, may be. Well, good choice ;), that’s what brokers aim for in the first place.

Every trader may easily find what currency pairs should have a positive interest.

If you buy a currency pair where the base currency has a higher interest rate than the quote currency, then you’ll earn positive interest; if it is the other way around, you’ll pay interest. For example, if you buy GBPJPY and the interbank interest rates in UK are higher than in Japan, then a rollover should be positive by the end of the day and your broker should pay you the interest. But, say, if the interest rates in Japan were higher than in UK, then you’ll pay a rollover fee to your broker when you’re Long on GBP/JPY.

The only thing left to do is to learn what interest rates for currencies are now.

Let’s take an example: If the interest rate for EUR now is 3.25%, and for USD the rate is 1.0%, this means that when you Buy EUR/USD you are going to earn interest (positive rollover), if you are to Sell EUR/USD you’ll pay interest (negative rollover).

Example: If to calculate the interest for holding a Buy position on EUR/USD:

when buying EUR you earn 3.25% when selling USD you pay 1.0% Net total is 3.25% - 1.0% = 2.25% interest earned.

Simple, right? Now, you can check the latest interest rates, define currency pairs that collect positive interest and compare results against your Forex broker rollover fees…

**Forex Dark Lord**

9 Comments to this post

hobomojo | Dec 1, 2008 at 7:51 am

Carry trades ATM are bout’ as popular as highway roadkill. Can’t believe you’re discussing rollovers at a time when the majority of investors are unwinding their long positions in higher interest earning commodity currencies. Everywhere you look, people (real traders, not bots) are scurrying back to their safe havens - the Yen and (incredibly) the Greenback.

Trader | Dec 9, 2008 at 9:59 am

some times when there is a horible economic setuations like this. the market is not clear like before related to the news. and the bigest economic country now is the states when it falls the rest follwed them so its not effective these days i think

Forex Dark Lord | Dec 10, 2008 at 5:31 am

Ok, alright… I know, the timing for writing this post was probably wrong :) But the underlying point is not in what market is doing NOW, but rather what brokers are doing EVERY DAY: they make unsuspecting traders pay negative rollover difference for pairs where this rollover should be positive! Everything else, as you said, is global economy…

Anthony | Jun 3, 2009 at 5:04 pm

Does anyone know why, when you sometimes put on a trade where you’re paying out interest, even if the trade is only a 30k lot and held for an hour, the interest is $90. Very steep. I think I got screwed and someone else made off like a bandit on a trade. The interest should have been close to NOTHING!

Andy | Jun 6, 2009 at 9:02 am

Gedws | Sep 30, 2009 at 12:36 pm

Wrong Timing? Al I know is that I wanted to know this information and thanks to FDL I now have it. I trade based on technicals and my pip earnings thus far have exceeded the roll-over costs (actually some paid me ). The key info for me is what to do on Friday. If I hold a pair that costs me roll-over then I will give serious consideration to not holding the trade over the weekend. Since I’m hit with 3 days of fees on Wednesday for the hold-over. However, I may consider retaining a pair to earn the 3 days of interest (provided the technicals favor a hold). Thanks Forex Dark Lord for the enlightenment.

Grover Nickol | Apr 11, 2010 at 2:52 am

Nice idea. This is a great blog.

bpr | Jul 28, 2010 at 9:56 am

in my hunt for good brokers rollover was one of the criteria but sad to say I could not find one broker who charges honest rollover fees. Let me know if any body found one …

ARRATHYGAITTY | Dec 15, 2010 at 2:07 pm

Thanks for posting!

To Rollover or Not and Why

To Rollover or Not and Why Reviewed by ForexNewsNow on Jul 10 Rating: Read this forex strategy article about why and when traders rollover their positions with forex trading brokers and what the costs or benefits of doing so are.

ForexNewsNow & # 8211; To a forex trader, the term rollover generally refers to a change made to the value date of a forex transaction that is usually done to extend the settlement of the trade further out in time.

Rollovers are a very commonly used form of foreign exchange swap, and the most popular rollover is known to professional forex traders as a tom/next swap. This name arises because such traders usually roll out their positions traded the previous day that is now value Tom or tomorrow to the next available business day.

They do this rollover every morning so that all of their positions are value spot or two business days from the current day and can therefore net out at settlement. The lone exception to this value date rule for spot is USD/CAD that is typically traded as “funds” for value tomorrow or one business day from the dealing date.

Spot/next swaps are also sometimes used as rollovers when a trader rolls over their positions at the end of their trading day, rather than the following morning.

Why Forex Traders do Rollovers

Most speculative forex traders routinely perform rollovers each day as described above in order to avoid having their currency trading positions go to delivery, and this is especially true of those dealing on margin through an online forex broker .

In fact, those involved in forex trading online using margin will often have their trading positions automatically rolled over by their online forex broker. Such automatic rollovers usually occur if a position is left open at 5pm New York time that is considered the close of the global trading day by the forex market.

Nevertheless, those traders who are hedging cash flows in the forex market and therefore wish to actually take delivery of one currency in exchange for another will not be interested in doing rollovers, unless their original delivery date has changed for some reason.

Transaction Costs of Rolling Positions Over

Like a regular forex spot or forward transaction, a rollover has a bid offer spread associated with it that can result in an additional modest transaction cost to a forex trader who is dealing their rollovers through forex trading brokers .

Furthermore, in order to attract business from those interested in forex trading online. many top forex brokers that offer competitive rollover rates will advertize their rollover swaps for forex trades on their websites for each currency pair.

Rollover Costs and Credits

In addition to the rollover dealing spread, a trader can either earn points if they are long the higher interest rate currency at the time when the rollover is done, or they can pay away points if they are long the lower interest rate currency at that time.

The principle of interest rate parity is used to compute these rollover points, although supply and demand effects can also influence rollover costs. In general, the cost or credit associated with performing a rollover will depend largely on the interest rate differential between the two currencies in the currency pair being rolled over. The greater the interest rate differential is for a currency pair, the greater the rollover cost or credit will be.

These costs associated with rollovers are rarely important to day traders that generally close down all of their positions before the end of their trading day. On the other hand, carry traders thrive on exploiting the rollover and earning points each day from carrying their position in which they typically seek to borrow a low interest rate currency and lend out a higher interest rate currency over a significant period of time.

Ofertas Exclusivas

ADVERTENCIA SOBRE RIESGOS: El comercio en cualquier mercado de divisas foráneos puede tener recompensas potenciales, pero también conlleva riesgos potenciales. Existe una considerable exposición al riesgo en cualquier transacción financiera fuera de la bolsa, incluyendo pero no limitado a apalancamiento, solvencia, protección regulatoria limitada y volatilidad del mercado que puede afectar sustancialmente el precio o la liquidez de un activo financiero. Por favor, tenga en cuenta los riesgos y estar dispuestos a aceptarlos con el fin de comercio de divisas. Forexnewsnow. com es un recurso informativo diseñado para proporcionar revisiones de corredores de divisas. Top forex corredores de información y revisiones de divisas, pero no asume ninguna responsabilidad y / o responsabilidad por cualquier inversión financiera de cualquier tipo que se inició y / o llevado a cabo sobre la base o utilizando la información de forexnewsnow. com y / o sus afiliados. Antes de decidir participar en el mercado forex fuera de la bolsa, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito por el riesgo. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Forexnewsnow. com es propiedad de Prescience, LLC, una organización con fines de lucro que gana ingresos de la publicidad que se muestra en Forexnewsnow. com y sitios web relacionados.

Copyright y copia; 2008-2013 Noticias Forex ahora. Prescience, LLC. Todos los derechos reservados.

Rollover Rates

Qué es Rollover?

Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. Because Forex is traded in pairs each currency therefore has an interest rate associated with it. Si la tasa de interés de la divisa que compró es mayor que la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió, entonces usted ganará rollover (rollo positivo). Si el tipo de interés de la divisa que compró es inferior al tipo de interés de la moneda que ha vendido, entonces pagará rollover (rol negativo). Rollover puede agregar un costo adicional significativo o beneficio para su comercio.

Rollover Example

Cuando compres el par EUR / USD, estás comprando el euro y vendiendo el dólar de los Estados Unidos para pagarlo. If the euro interest rate is 2.00%, and the U. S. rate is 0.25%, you are buying the currency with the higher interest rate, and you will earn rollover which in this case will be about 1.75% on an annual basis. If you sell the EUR/USD pair, you are selling the currency with the lower interest rate, and you will pay rollover or 1.75% based on the above on an annual basis. This is because you are paying the euro interest rate and earning the U. S. interest rate.

When is Rollover Booked?

The beginning and end of the forex trading day is considered to be 22:00 GMT. Any positions that are open at 22.00 GMT sharp are considered to be held overnight, and are subject to rollover. A position opened at 22:01 p. m. (GMT) is not subject to rollover until the next day, while a position opened at 21:59 (GMT) is subject to rollover at 5 p. m. A credit or debit for each position open at 22.00 (GMT) appears on your account within an hour, and is applied directly to your accounts balance.

Weekends and Holidays

Most banks across the globe are closed on Saturdays and Sundays, so there is no rollover on these days, but most banks still apply interest for those two days. Para tener en cuenta eso, el mercado de divisas reserva tres días de rollover los miércoles, lo que hace un típico rollover del miércoles tres veces la cantidad el martes. There is no rollover on holidays, but extra days worth of rollover are booked two business days before the holiday. Por lo general, rollover vacaciones sucede si alguna de las monedas negociadas tiene una gran fiesta. Therefore, Independence Day in the USA, July 4, closes American banks, and an extra day of rollover is added at 22.00 (GMT) on July 1 for all U. S. dollar pairs.

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El Internet ha creado una gran cantidad de oportunidades para los individuos y las empresas por igual. Por un lado, donde las personas son capaces de aprovechar el depósito de información ilimitado prometido por la web en el otro, las empresas están capitalizando el potencial que tiene como plataforma de negocios. De los regalos que hemos recibido de la globalización de Internet, una de las maravillas más notables es el software de comercio en línea, dejando que un gran número de inversores invertir y sacar el máximo provecho de opciones como el comercio de divisas, el comercio NASDAQ, etc. Comodidad de su hogar. A pesar de que el potencial de ganancia que poseen estos mercados es inmenso, lamentablemente, los requerimientos de tiempo de un comercio eficiente a menudo impiden a muchos inversionistas extraer los máximos retornos de ellos. Sin embargo, con la evolución de las aplicaciones de software de comercio en línea, la limitación de tiempo se ha convertido en una cosa del pasado. Al incorporar la flexibilidad de las aplicaciones basadas en la Web con las capacidades funcionales de las aplicaciones comerciales completas, las empresas de inversión pueden ofrecer aplicaciones de software altamente eficientes y fáciles de usar, con el fin de garantizar un comercio sin inconvenientes. Las principales características del software.

Qué es Rollover?

When you have a position standing open for the duration of more than one day, you’ll either receive interest or you’ll have to pay interest. This is also occasionally being called rollover. In this article I’ll explain to you what rollover actually means en how rollovers are functioning.

In case of a forex transaction it’s always a matter of a currency being sold and a currency being bought . For that reason interest has to step in. When a position is still open at the closing of the currency market, you’ll have to pay interest on the currencies which you have sold and you’ll receive interest on the currencies which you have bought.

A forex broker usually mentions the rollovers on its website, but it’s rather important for you to have at least a broad understanding whether you’ll have to pay rollover or on the contrary you’re going to receive this kind of interest.

Explanation concerning Rollover

To be sure to know whether you’re going to receive interest or you should pay interest instead, you’ll always have to consult the interest rates of the central banks concerning the currency pairs .

A trader will receive interest if he/she has bought the currency carrying the highest interest.

A trader will have to pay interest if he/she has bought the currency carrying the lowest interest.

A trader will have to pay interest if he/she has sold the currency carrying the highest interest.

A trader will receive interest if he/she has sold the currency carrying the lowest interest.

The currency market handles a different currency date

The currency market closes each day at 17:00 EST (Eastern Standard Time), which is equal to 5 pm in New York and to 23.00 hours local time. However there’s a snake in the grass! The currency market handles a currency date which actually counts not until two days later. That means that when a position is opened on Monday, the currency date will be settled on Wednesday!

However there is one exception to this rule. When you open a position on a Wednesday, the currency date will be on a Saturday, but since the market is closed on Saturday, this currency date is going to be moved to Monday. The consequence of this will be hat you either receive or have to pay interest over a period of three days!

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Rollover Calendar

* Rollover interest rate is the amount in Hong Kong dollars calculated per 10,000 trading units.

* Rollover amount earned or paid will be realised or settled at 6:00 a. m. (5:00 a. m. during New York Summer Time period) on each respective dates as shown above.

RISK OF TRADING IN LEVERAGED FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTRACTS: Service relating to leveraged foreign exchange trading is provided by GMO-Z. com Forex HK Limited. The risk of loss in leveraged foreign exchange trading can be substantial. You may sustain losses in excess of your initial margin funds. Placing contingent orders, such as "stop-loss" or "limit" orders, will not necessarily limit losses to the intended amounts. Market conditions may make it impossible to execute such orders. You may be called upon at short notice to deposit additional margin funds. If the required funds are not provided within the prescribed time, your position may be liquidated. You will remain liable for any resulting deficit in your account. You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives. RISK OF TRADING IN OVER-THE-COUNTER GOLD BULLION/SILVER CONTRACTS: Service relating to Over-the-counter Gold Bullion/Silver trading is provided by GMO-Z. com Bullion HK Limited. Over-the-counter Gold Bullion/Silver ("Bullion") trading carries a high degree of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Bullion is not regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission ("SFC") and therefore trading Bullion will not be subject to rules or regulations promulgated by the SFC which includes but is not limited to Client Money rules. Before deciding to trade Bullion you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment or even more in extreme circumstances (such as Gapping underlying markets) and therefore, you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of all the risks associated with trading Bullion, and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you require. COLLECTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION Use of "cookies" Your visit to this site may be recorded for analysis on the number of visitors to the site and general usage patterns. Some of this anonymous information(i. e. your age, gender and interests) will be gathered through the use of "cookies". Cookies are small bits of information that are automatically stored on a person's web browser in their computer that can be retrieved by this site. Should you wish to disable these cookies you may do so by changing the setting on your browser. However, you will be unable to enter certain part(s) of our website. If we do ask you to provide personal information, we will always specify the purpose for which such personal information is collected and ensure that it is only used for the purpose specified at the time of collection.

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Learn more about a Rollover IRA

What is a Rollover IRA?

A Rollover IRA account is designed to help you move funds from one retirement account to another. These transfers are generally done from a 401(k) or 403(b) to the Rollover IRA when an individual leaves a prior employer. However, there is a variety of transfer types that can be done which would be considered a rollover. The link below from the IRS provides a Rollover Chart to help you see which accounts can be rolled over. †

To learn more about Rollover IRA accounts please see the following IRS Link

How do I open a Rollover IRA?

Opening a Rollover IRA is easy.

Visit www. tradeking. com and click the "Open an Account" button. Applications are typically reviewed within minutes. You will receive an e-mail once the application has been processed.

Simply log into your account, then navigate to Client Services > Open New Account. This will ensure your Rollover IRA account is linked to your current Username.

What are the benefits to a TradeKing Rollover IRA?

Open a TradeKing Rollover IRA and take advantage of our low commissions at just $4.95 per equity trade. Option trades are only $4.95, plus $.65 per contract*. Access our free suite of tools, including TradeKing Live 1. our streaming trading platform that allows you to manage your portfolio in real-time. We cover up to $150 of your account transfer fees when you move your retirement account to TradeKing. ‡

You may choose to trade basic option strategies, stocks, mutual funds, bonds and more with your TradeKing Rollover IRA. Tener preguntas? Give our #1-ranked customer service team** a call at 877-495-5464, or contact us by e-mail, live chat, Facebook, or Twitter. We’re here to help.

Interested in learning more about other IRA accounts? Check out the links below for more information:

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Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Haga clic aquí para revisar el folleto Características y riesgos de las opciones estándar antes de comenzar las opciones de compra. Los inversionistas de opciones pueden perder el monto total de su inversión en un período relativamente corto de tiempo.

El comercio en línea tiene riesgos inherentes debido a la respuesta del sistema y tiempos de acceso que varían debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema y otros factores. Un inversionista debe entender estos y riesgos adicionales antes de negociar.

$ 4.95 para transacciones en línea de acciones y opciones, agregue 65 centavos por contrato de opción. TradeKing cobra un adicional de $ 0.35 por contrato en ciertos productos de índice donde los cargos de cambio cobran. Consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes para obtener más detalles. TradeKing agrega $ 0.01 por acción en la orden entera para las existencias tasadas menos de $ 2.00. Consulte nuestra página de comisiones y comisiones para comisiones sobre operaciones con corredores, acciones a bajo precio, spreads de opciones y otros valores.

Content on this page is for informational purposes only. Please visit IRS. gov for eligibility requirements for all IRA account types. If you have additional questions regarding taxation of an IRA account, consult a tax professional. TradeKing no puede proporcionar ningún asesoramiento fiscal.

TradeKing was ranked #1 in Customer Service in the SmartMoney June 2008 and June 2010 Broker Survey; awarded the highest five star rating in Customer Service and Trading Tools in the June 2009 and June 2010 Broker Survey; ranked #1 in Customer Service in the June 2011 Broker Survey and June 2012 Broker Survey; named overall #1 Discount Broker in the August 2007 Broker Survey; and overall #1 Discount Broker in the August 2006 Broker Survey. These surveys are based on the following categories: Commissions and Fees, Mutual Funds & Investment Products, Banking Services, Trading Tools, Research, and Customer Service. SmartMoney is a registered trademark of SmartMoney, a joint publishing venture between Dow Jones & Company, Inc. and Hearst℠ Partnership. TradeKing received 4 out of 5 stars in Barron's 12th (March 2007), 13th (March 2008), 14th (March 2009), 15th (March 2010), 16th (March 2011), 17th (March 2012), and 18th (March 2013) annual rankings of the Best Online Brokers based on Trade Technology, Usability, Mobile, Range of Offerings, Research Amenities, Portfolio Analysis & Reports, Customer Service & Education, and Costs. Rated among the "Best for Options Traders" 2008-12. Ranked #1 in usability in the March 2011 Barron's survey. Rated among the "Best for Long Term Investing" 2011-12 Barron's Survey. In comments accompanying the March 2008 rankings, Barron's stated that "TradeKing's site features new, slick tools that focus on finding and executing options strategies." Barron's is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company © 2013. TradeKing was rated number one in Customer Service in Kiplinger's November 2008 "Best of Online Brokers" Personal Finance Broker Survey based on Research and Tools, Commissions & Fees, Investment Choices, Ease of Use, Customer Service. Kiplinger is a registered trademark of The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. © 2012. Documentation supporting TradeKing's service and tools awards and claims are also available upon request by calling 877-495-5464 or via email at [email protected]

‡ TradeKing will credit your account transfer fees up to $150 charged by another brokerage firm when completing an account transfer for $2,500 or more. Credit will be deposited to your account within 30 days of receipt of evidence of charge. TradeKing reserves the right at our sole discretion to modify or terminate this offer without prior notice. Pulling off the switch is easy. Here's how: Open a New Account or if you already have an account, log in. Complete and print an Account Transfer Form. Mail or fax the signed Account Transfer Form to TradeKing along with a copy of your most recent statement from your previous broker. Request your account transfer reimbursement by faxing your transfer reimbursement form, along with proof of transfer charge, to 866.699.0563. This offer cannot be combined with any other reimbursement offers including our offer to credit fees for initial funding by wire or overnight mail. This offer does not apply to Termination Fees or Maintenance Fees . Customers should consider the differences in services and transfer fees before switching their brokerage accounts.

TradeKing LIVE is free to every customer who makes at least 1 trade per year or maintains an account value of $2,500.

El comercio de futuros se ofrece a los inversores auto-dirigidos a través de MB Trading Futures. MB Trading, IB member FINRA, SIPC; MB Trading Futures, Inc. IB member NFA

Trading in futures is speculative in nature and not appropriate for all investors. Los inversores sólo deben utilizar capital de riesgo al negociar futuros y opciones porque siempre existe el riesgo de pérdidas sustanciales.

El comercio de divisas (Forex) se ofrece a los inversores autodirigidos a través de TradeKing Forex. TradeKing Forex, Inc y TradeKing Securities, LLC son empresas independientes, pero afiliadas. Las cuentas Forex no están protegidas por la Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC).

El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Aumentar el apalancamiento aumenta el riesgo. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos financieros, el nivel de experiencia de inversión y la capacidad de asumir riesgos financieros. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Lea la información completa. Tenga en cuenta que los contratos de oro y plata al contado no están sujetos a regulación bajo la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos.

TradeKing Forex, Inc acts as an introducing broker to GAIN Capital Group, LLC ("GAIN Capital"). Su cuenta forex se mantiene y mantiene en GAIN Capital, que actúa como agente de compensación y contraparte en sus operaciones. GAIN Capital está registrado en la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) y es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA) (ID # 0339826). TradeKing Forex, Inc. es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (ID # 0408077).

&dupdo; 2016 TradeKing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Valores ofrecidos a través de TradeKing Securities, LLC, miembro de FINRA y SIPC. Forex ofrecido a través de TradeKing Forex, LLC, miembro de NFA.

Rollover or swap rate is the interest paid or earned for holding a Forex position overnight. Each currency has its own interest rate, and as trading is done in pairs, every trade involves not only two different currencies, but also their two different interest rates. If the interest on the bought currency is higher than the interest rate of the sold currency, then a trader earns rollover (positive roll). Conversely, if the interest rate on the bought currency is lower than the interest rate of the sold currency, then the trader will pay rollover (negative roll). Rollover can add a significant extra cost or profit to a trade.

The rollover process starts at the end of day at 23:59 server time.

The Forex rates below are calculated based on USD accounts per 1 standard lot.

The rollover/swaps are calculated and applied on every trading night. On Wednesday night rollover/swaps are charged at triple rate.

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How to Calculate FOREX Rollover Rates

The forex markets operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Any nation that issues currency can trade its currency against another. Although he market is largely unregulated, there are certain trading conventions to be mindful of as they may also affect your bottom line. One such convention is that all spot trades are settled in two business days. This creates the need to "roll over" accounts.

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Review the definition of a rollover. All forex spot trades must be settled within two business days. If you would like to extend your position without settling at the end of each trade day you can close your position by 5 p. m. (EST) on the settlement day and reopen the following trading day. This is referred to as a rollover. Traders do this by using a swap agreement.

Review how currency is quoted. Currency is quoted in pairs. The first currency is referred to as the base currency, and the second is referred to as the counter currency. The trader borrows money to purchase another currency. Interest is paid on the borrowed currency and earned on the purchased currency. The net is the rollover interest.

Obtain the short-term rate of interest for both the base and counter currency. Go to the treasury department of the issuing nation for current short-term rates. It is usually listed on the home page of the website for the treasury.

Work through an example. Let's say you purchase 100,000 CAD/USD at a rate of .9155. The short-term interest rate on the Canadian dollar (base currency) is 4.25 percent, and the short term interest rate on the U. S. dollar (counter currency) is 3.5 percent.

Set up the calculation. For the rollover rate, subtract the base currency short - term interest rate from the counter currency interest rate.

Find the dollar of the interest. Multiply the number of CAD/USD held by the difference between the CAD short-term interest rate and the USD short-term interest rate. Divide this by the product of the rate at which you purchased CAD/USD and 365. The calculation looks like this: /(365 x 0.9155) and the answer is $224.40.

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Forex Articles | Written by Surefire Forex Trading |

Rollovers In Forex

Even though the mighty US dominates many markets, most of Spot Forex is still traded through London in Great Britain. So for our next description we shall use London time. Most deals in Forex are done as Spot deals. Spot deals are nearly always due for settlement two business days later. This is referred to as the value date or delivery date. On that date the counter parties theoretically take delivery of the currency they have sold or bought.

In Spot FX the majority of the time the end of the business day is 21:59 (London time). Any positions still open at this time are automatically rolled over to the next business day, which again finishes at 21:59.

This is necessary to avoid the actual delivery of the currency. As Spot FX is predominantly speculative most of the time the trades never wish to actually take delivery of the currency. They will instruct the brokerage to always rollover their position.

Many of the brokers nowadays do this automatically and it will be in their polices and procedures. The act of rolling the currency pair over is known as tom. next, which stands for tomorrow and the next day.

Just to go over this again, your broker will automatically rollover your position unless you instruct him that you actually want delivery of the currency. Another point noting is that most leveraged accounts are unable to actual deliver of the currency as there is insufficient capital there to cover the transaction.

Remember that if you are trading on margin, you have in effect got a loan from your broker for the amount you are trading. If you had a 1 lot position you broker has advanced you the $100,000 even though you did not actually have $100,000. The broker will normally charge you the interest differential between the two currencies if you rollover your position. This normally only happens if you have rolled over the position and not if you open and close the position within the same business day.

To calculate the broker's interest he will normally close your position at the end of the business day and again reopen a new position almost simultaneously. You open a 1 lot ($100,000) EUR/USD position on Monday 15th at 11:00 at an exchange rate of 0.9950.

During the day the rate fluctuates and at 22:00 the rate is 0.9975. The broker closes your position and reopens a new position with a different value date. The new position was opened at 0.9976 - a 1 pip difference. The 1 pip deference reflects the difference in interest rates between the US Dollar and the Euro.

In our example your are long Euro and short US Dollar. As the US Dollar in the example has a higher interest rate than the Euro you pay the premium of 1 pip.

Now the good news. If you had the reverse position and you were short Euros and long US Dollars you would gain the interest differential of 1 pip. If the first named currency has an overnight interest rate lower than the second currency then you will pay that interest differential if you bought that currency. If the first named currency has a higher interest rate than the second currency then you will gain the interest differential.

To simplify the above. If you are long (bought) a particular currency and that currency has a higher overnight interest rate you will gain. If you are short (sold) the currency with a higher overnight interest rate then you will lose the difference.

I would like to emphasis here that although we are going a little in-depth to explain how all this works, your broker will calculate all this for you. The purpose of this book is just to give you an overview of how the forex market works.

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All positions held till the end of the business day and rolled over to the next value date are subject to a swap charge or credit which is called a rollover interest. Forex Ltd rolls over all open positions according to the international banking practices. Rollover interest can bring both additional profit to the trader and loss. When funds are credited to the Client's account a so-called positive rollover occurs. Conversely, when the account is charged due to position transfer overnight a negative rollover takes place.

The rollover interest for currency pairs is calculated on the basis of the full volume of the position and is determined on the basis of LIBOR/LIBID interest rates of the two traded currencies.


Normally Your account is charged when You sell the currency with the higher interest rate in the pair and credited when You buy the currency with the higher interest rate in the pair. Though when interest rates of the central banks-emitters of the currencies from the pair are equal or close in value rollover interest may be negative for both short and long positions.


One of the complexities of trading foreign exchange is the whole rollover and carry interest aspect of things, as this recent question highlights.

My question is: What does carrying a trade past 5pm and thereby gain or pay interest, have to do with rolling over the T+2 forward currency contract? I understand that the banks would want to charge or pay interest at a given time, but why do some people call that carry trade and the interest associated with it rollover and why is the association so significant that on Wednesday 5pm when the rollover is for a contract that expires in 4 days because of the weekend they charge/credit an additional 2 days interest?

Also, what is the exact process of the rollover? If I’m long the EUR/USD and hold it past 5pm, do they liquidate that position and then enter another long for a new contract that expires in another 2 days? Wouldn’t that involve another cost in spread, closing and opening another trade? Or do they just reassign the T+2 to another contract?

Thank you very much for all of your help so far in clarifying a lot of my other questions. You seem to be the only one out there that has REAL answers.

I’ve never been in the “back office” where the actual transfers and whatnot take place, so I don’t know the specifics of that whole process, but I’ll offer up what I understand of things.

Let me tackle this by taking a look at what a spot forex trade is. It’s an agreement to exchange a set amount of one currency for another at a predetermined exchange rate in two business days (T+2). In speculative trading nobody actually wants to do the currency exchange, so at the end of each day, to avoid the exchange two days hence, they offset their open position, and then re-opening to start the new trading day. Some brokers actually do this in a very visual format which shows up in your trading log, while others make it a transparent thing. If you trade with a market making broker you probably won’t see actual rollover as the broker is your counter-party.

Please note that there is no “liquidating” of positions because you don’t actually have anything to liquidate. This isn’t like stocks where you have shares and then sell them. In forex, like in futures, you have entered into a contract. What you do to “exit” a trade is to enter into a new contract with matching delivery specifications (quantity and date). That neutralizes you. If you were a bank, you may still have to actually exchange the currencies (depending on your counter-parties), but from the time you entered the offsetting contract you would no longer be exposed to any exchange rate movement risk.

As for the carry, I asked Jamie over at Forex Live to clarify things to make sure I got it straight (we used to work together and he was a bank trader once upon a time). Here’s the deal. When you do a trade it’s as if you are borrowing the short currency at its overnight rate, exchanging it for the long one, and depositing that at its overnight rate. So if you go long USD/JPY it’s as if you are borrowing yen at the JPY overnight lending rate, converting them to dollars, then depositing the dollars at the USD overnight deposit rate. The carry is the difference between what you pay on the loan and what you receive on the deposit. When you close out your trade you reverse the process. Some brokers handle carry separately, while some incorporate it into the position rollover. (Note that I said “as if”. These actual transactions don’t really take place.)

Now, if you’re wondering why you see the carry on the T to T+1 rollover if the exchange doesn’t take place until T+2, it’s because your P&L is credited immediately for the overnight carry you will pay/receive going from T+2 to T+3. That’s also why you don’t see carry the day you close a position (except for Oanda, which does continuous rather than daily carry).

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The Rollover is the interest that is gained or lost on any open position held overnight, i. e. around 10 pm GMT. Each currency has a specific interest rate, based on the interest rate of that particular country.

Normally*, if the interest rate of the currency you bought is the higher of the two currencies, you will earn a positive Rollover; whereas if the interest rate of the currency is the lower of the two currencies, you will pay the Rollover. These amounts will obviously fluctuate day to day, as interest rates change.

If you are trading EUR/USD; The base currency is the EUR, and the quote currency is the USD.

Now let’s say hypothetically:

The USD, has an interest rate of 2.75%

The EUR, has an interest rate of 2.00%

Using this example, if you were to buy $1,000 USD, this is what would happen :

Since the USD has a higher interest rate, you will earn a positive rollover of 0.75% (2.75%-2.00%). On the other hand if you were to buy 1,000 Euros you will pay a rollover of around 0.75%*.

This interest is calculated daily, by the difference in the 2 interest rates. If there is a 0.75% difference, as in the example above, if you buy the EUR/USD, this would amount to annual profit of $X, $Y*1.075 (earned in the rollover, assuming market conditions stayed at a fixed rate).

At OloFX we automatically roll over all of your open positions around 22:00PM GMT to the next settlement date (i. e. the next trading day). We will automatically calculate a report and any rollover you have gained or lost, this will be displayed in your account.

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How To Calculate Forex Rollover Rates:

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How To Calculate Forex Rollover Rates: Journals

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Understanding Forex Rollover Credits And Debits – Forex Strategies on Forex Ratings

Understanding Forex Rollover Credits And Debits

Trades made with brokers in the spot foreign exchange (forex of FX) market, are subject to receiving interest or being debited interest, if positions are held overnight. This is known as rollover interest. This article will explain why rollover occurs and how traders can profit (or understand the debits) from it. We'll also take a look at the tax considerations of rollover interest.

Rollover interest is paid or debited to traders who have open currency positions at 5 p. m. EST each day the trade is open. Trades opened before 5 p. m. EST and held until after this time, are considered to be held overnight and, thus, are subject to interest credit or debits depending on the position the trader has open.

Whether a credit or debit is applied to the trader's account is determined by which country's currency the trader bought or sold relative to another country's currency. All currencies trade in pairs, meaning one country's currency is always relative to another country's currency. An example of this is the EUR/USD. Therefore, the amount of interest received by the trader, for holding the EUR/USD pair overnight, will be determined by the difference in interest rates prevailing in each location when the rollover occurs.

In most cases, retail forex brokers automatically roll over trades. Retail brokers do this to prevent traders, most of whom are speculators, from having to deliver actual currency to the party on the other side of the trade. Settlement, which is the day the trader would have to deliver actual currency to the person on the opposing side of the trade, is two days after the transaction took place. With brokers rolling over positions, trades can be left open without actual delivery of the full value of the currency position taking place. If rollover did not occur, the trader would be required to deliver the face value of the currency. This is because the forex market is where we trade contracts in which one currency is exchanged for another; this is to be delivered in two business days. (For more on settlement and other forex topics, take a look at our Forex Walkthrough Charts, Economics, Trading, or you could start at Beginner.)

Rollover interest is paid or debited based on the total value of the trade, and not simply the margin used for the trade. For example, if a trader is holding one lot of EUR/USD, he or she will be credited or debited interest on $100,000 (the full value of one lot), and not only the margin put up for the trade.

It is also important to note that rollover is not a charge for using leverage. It is a common misconception that if rollover is debited from a trader this is the cost of the leverage that a broker provided for this trader. This is not the case. The debit or credit is based on the difference between the interest rates of the countries involved in the currency pair the trader is holding.

Credits and Debits to Trading Account Credits or debits, in interest, are paid based on which currency, in the currency pair, the trader has purchased and whether that country's currency has a higher or lower interest rate attached to it. For example, if a trader purchases the USD/JPY pair, meaning they buy the U. S. dollar and sells the Japanese yen, and the dollar has a higher interest rate (2%) than the yen (0.5%), then the trader will be credited the interest rate differential - roughly 1.5% a year (unleveraged). If the trader sells the USD/JPY, meaning they sell the dollar and buys the yen, then they would be debited the interest rate differential between the two countries. (Learn about factors that influence interest rates in Forces Behind Interest Rates.)

Simply put, a trader will be paid interest each day that they hold the higher interest-bearing currency, or will be debited each day that they hold the lower interest-bearing currency. Countries' interest rates are determined by a number of economic factors and change over time.

Because banks around the world are generally closed on Saturday's and Sunday's, the interest for these days is applied on Wednesday. This means that if a trade is left open on Wednesday and is held after 5 p. m. EST, that trade will be credited or debited for an extra two days of interest.

Brokers automatically do all of this for traders. A credit or debit will simply be shown in the account for each position that was open at 5 p. m. EST. This could happen through a debit or credit in the trader's account, normally under a "rollover" or "roll" título. It may also be debited or credited to a trader by way of an adjustment in the entry price.

Profiting from Rollover Receiving rollover is an additional income stream over and above regular capital gains. For this reason, trades can be set up not only to take advantage of capital gains, but also interest income. Day traders can allow positions to stay open slightly longer to gain interest income, if they are long a higher interest rate bearing currency. Also, swing traders and investors may decide to only take longer term positions in currency pairs where they can be long the higher interest rate bearing currency.

Additionally, if a trader expects that a currency pair will remain relatively flat for the year, or finish the year around current values, they can take advantage of the interest rate differential on the currencies, and make a handsome profit, if in fact the currencies do stay around the same value (this also assumes interest rates don't change). If an investor goes along the EUR/JPY believing they will close the year at roughly the same value, they can make a large profit by using forex market leverage. A 2% profit due to the interest rate differential could mean a 20% return if 10:1 leverage is used. This also means the investor could lose 2% (or 20% or more if leveraged at this level or higher) just by holding the lower interest bearing currency for a year.

Tax Considerations Rollover interest is much like the interest paid to a bank account balance. Thus, rollover is taxed as interest income, and should be kept track of separately from capital gains for tax purposes. Brokers show interest received and debited in online trading activity statements.

The Bottom Line Rollover is interest that is debited or credited to a trader's accounts when positions are held after 5 p. m. EST. Whether interest is credited depends on whether the trader is long the higher interest rate bearing currency. If they are, they'll receive a credit; if not, they'll receive a debit. Rollover is done automatically, and nothing is required of the trader except to track interest separately for tax purposes (listed within the account reports). Rollover is calculated on the full value of the position, and, thus, can provide additional profit for the trader or cause a decrease in profits, or increase in losses. (To learn more, see Getting Started In Forex and Floating And Fixed Exchange Rates.)

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What is a good forex trading strategy? A beginner trader, who just enters the forex market, is shocked profoundly by the diversity of trading strategies. Most of them have so jaw-breaking names and crabbed systems. Sidus forex strategy, trendline forex strategy, Fisher strategy, forex strategy moving average, forex puria method and many others, plus uncountable indicators and trends, all of these seem mountain peaks lost far away in the clouds. How to use macd indicator in forex trading? To make the trading process easier and more successful many brokers and traders prefer to use forex economic indicators. These are half-automatic programs and aim at depicting this or that criteria depending on a demand. They help to analyze a currency market. To Scalp or not to Scalp? That is the question Scalping is a term, which is not often mentioned in many of the forex glossaries, so I thought that I would write about it here, which has actually come about as a question, which was posed to me the other day, on this topic, over a beer, with some friends. We all had our various thoughts and nothing seemed really conclusive.

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CFD Trading and Forex Futures Rollover Explained CFD's Rollover Explained.

What is Forex Futures and CFD Trading Rollover?

Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. Each cfd has an interest rate associated with it, and can add significant extra cost or profit to your trade.

When is Rollover booked?

5 p. m. in New York is considered the beginning and end of the trading currency day. Se considera que todas las posiciones abiertas a las 5 de la madrugada se mantienen durante la noche y están sujetas a vuelco. Una posición abierta a las 5:01 p. m. no está sujeta a vuelco hasta el día siguiente, mientras que una posición abierta a las 4:59 p. m. está sujeta a rollover a las 5 p. m.

A credit or debit balance for each positon open at 5 p. m. appears on your account within an hour, and is applied directly to your account balance.

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Are there expirations for CFDs? US Oil has a monthly expiration. All other CFD contracts will be treated like a cash product with no expiration, similar to trading Forex through BBB. Like Forex, there is no need for a trader to manually roll over his positions. This will be done as a convenience to the cfd trader. It is important to note that CFD prices be impacted when contracts roll over in the forex futures market, as during rollover time there tends to be greater volatility in the market for the underlying asset.

US Oil is the exception to this cfd trading rule. It expires once every month. Any trader with a position in US Oil at the end to expiry time will see all his open positions automatically closed, and his profits or losses realized in his account. He can open his US Oil in the next month once trading resumes.

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What is Rollover Or Definition of Rollover:

In Forex trading, a Rollover is the action-taking place at end of day, where total open positions with value date equals SPOT, will be rolled over to the next trading day. This happens since in Forex trading the trader does not want to actually buy the traded currencies but to continue to trade until position is closed.

More about Rollover:

The article Rollover is a type of financial transaction, where the settlement of a deal is carried forward to another value date based on the interest rate differential of the two currencies example: next day. Business platform offer Rollover but the process involves a Rollover interest fee which is calculated according to the difference between the interest rates of the traded currencies.

Rollover Information & Calculation:

Rollover process three types of Information & Calculations:

Commodities Rollover Information & Cálculo.

Stock Indices Rollover Information & Cálculo.

Bond Rollover Information & Cálculo.

Example of Rollover:

If on Monday all position per value date of Wednesday (in case of T+1) will be Rollover and the value date will be updated for Thursday. Position per value date of Friday will be updated with value date of next Monday.

When the interest rate on the trader's long position is higher than the rate on the short position, the trader receives the interest. When the interest rate on the trader's short position is higher than the rate on the long position, the trader will pay the interest. The Rollover is multiplied by the number of days of Rollover for weekends and holidays.

Understanding Forex Rollover

Very often a confusing topic, a rollover is the net interest credit or debit on a currency position held by a trader. This video explains why and how rollovers, which are given as a percentage, affect currency positions that are extended at the end of a trading day without settling. Since trades are always long one currency and short another, the net effect of both interest rates is calculated.

This video was provided by TradeStation. http://www. tradestation. com

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Rollover es el interés pagado o ganado por mantener una posición durante la noche. Cada moneda tiene una tasa de interés asociada a ella, y porque la divisa se negocia en pares, cada comercio implica no sólo dos monedas diferentes, pero sus dos tipos de interés diferentes. Si la tasa de interés de la divisa que compró es mayor que la tasa de interés de la moneda que usted vendió, entonces usted ganará rollover (rollo positivo). Si el tipo de interés de la divisa que compró es inferior al tipo de interés de la moneda que ha vendido, entonces pagará rollover (rol negativo). Rollover puede agregar un costo adicional significativo o beneficio para su comercio.

When an investor buys a currency on the spot market, he doesn’t actually take possession of the currency—no more than a trader in corn futures has bushels of corn delivered to his doorstep. A spot purchase does, however, call for the currency to be delivered within two days. But instead of having the currency actually delivered to an investor’s account, it’s reset, or rolled over . In this way, a retail Forex position can be held indefinitely

The account may also fluctuate because of interest differential payments. For positions open at 5 p. m. EST there is a daily rollover (interest payment) that you either pay or earn on an open position, generally depending on your established currency pair, margin level, and interest rate differential. If you do not want to earn or pay interest on your positions, simply make sure that they are closed at 5 p. m. EST, the established end of the market day

The exact time of each rollover depends on the trading platform

Each platform is different, and you should investigate the rollover time before trading, but most rollovers occur each day at 5 p. m. New York time. If you made a trade on Monday morning London time, at 5 p. m. New York time, your trade would be rolled over. And this

would occur every day after that. Tuesday at 5 p. m. Wednesday at 5 p. m.—as long as you are in position before 5 p. m. every time the clock hits 4:59 p. m. your trade rolls over

Understanding rollovers is critical to understanding Forex. You don’t want one million Japanese yen delivered to your account or to be pulled from a trade prematurely. Therefore, you need a rollover to maintain your position. Retail platforms today perform rollovers almost seamlessly, so your trades can stay in the market for virtually any amount of time

All retail Forex platforms automatically roll over open positions to the next settlement date. Without the rollover, speculation in Forex would be obsolete except for short-term (day) trading

The reason rollovers take place at 5 p. m. New York time is that 5 p. m. is considered the beginning of the international trading day. This is when the market opens in Singapore

But if your trade includes a time period that falls over the weekend, you have a three-day rollover. This is how interest is calculated over weekends: On Wednesday at 5 p. m. in New York, the sum of three days of interest is added to or subtracted from the account. These three-day rollovers offset trades that would occur throughout the weekend

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Rollover is interest that is earned or paid on a Forex position that is held overnight. The rollover amount is dependent upon the difference in the interest rates between the currency pairs and varies daily with the movement of the prices of the currencies.

A Negative Roll occurs when an investor sells a currency that is paying a higher rate of interest. The investor is responsible for paying the difference in the interested. By contrast, a Positive Roll occurs when an investor purchases a currency that pays a higher interest rate, allowing the investor to collect the interest. Nearly all brokers charge the Negative Roll, but not all brokers offer Positive Rolls.

One Forex strategy known as the “Carry Trade” is a benefit of the Positive Roll and high leverage amounts. For instance, if an investor purchases the USD/JPY, they can earn a positive roll. The investor is simply borrowing the Yen at a low interest rate to buy the Dollar at a high interest rate .

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Understanding Forex Rollover Credits And Debits

C" />Trades made with brokers in the spot foreign exchange (forex of FX) market, are subject to receiving interest or being debited interest, if positions are held overnight. This is known as rollover interest. This article will explain why rollover occurs and how traders can profit (or understand the debits) from it. We'll also take a look at the tax considerations of rollover interest.

What Is Rollover Interest? Rollover interest is paid or debited to traders who have open currency positions at 5 p. m. EST each day the trade is open. Trades opened before 5 p. m. EST and held until after this time, are considered to be held overnight and, thus, are subject to interest credit or debits depending on the position the trader has open.

Whether a credit or debit is applied to the trader's account is determined by which country's currency the trader bought or sold relative to another country's currency. All currencies trade in pairs, meaning one country's currency is always relative to another country's currency. An example of this is the EUR/USD. Therefore, the amount of interest received by the trader, for holding the EUR/USD pair overnight, will be determined by the difference in interest rates prevailing in each location when the rollover occurs.

In most cases, retail forex brokers automatically roll over trades. Retail brokers do this to prevent traders, most of whom are speculators, from having to deliver actual currency to the party on the other side of the trade. Settlement, which is the day the trader would have to deliver actual currency to the person on the opposing side of the trade, is two days after the transaction took place. With brokers rolling over positions, trades can be left open without actual delivery of the full value of the currency position taking place. If rollover did not occur, the trader would be required to deliver the face value of the currency. This is because the forex market is where we trade contracts in which one currency is exchanged for another; this is to be delivered in two business days.

Rollover interest is paid or debited based on the total value of the trade, and not simply the margin used for the trade. For example, if a trader is holding one lot of EUR/USD, he or she will be credited or debited interest on $100,000 (the full value of one lot), and not only the margin put up for the trade.

It is also important to note that rollover is not a charge for using leverage. It is a common misconception that if rollover is debited from a trader this is the cost of the leverage that a broker provided for this trader. This is not the case. The debit or credit is based on the difference between the interest rates of the countries involved in the currency pair the trader is holding.

Credits and Debits to Trading Account Credits or debits, in interest, are paid based on which currency, in the currency pair, the trader has purchased and whether that country's currency has a higher or lower interest rate attached to it. For example, if a trader purchases the USD/JPY pair, meaning they buy the U. S. dollar and sells the Japanese yen, and the dollar has a higher interest rate (2%) than the yen (0.5%), then the trader will be credited the interest rate differential - roughly 1.5% a year (unleveraged). If the trader sells the USD/JPY, meaning they sell the dollar and buys the yen, then they would be debited the interest rate differential between the two countries.

Simply put, a trader will be paid interest each day that they hold the higher interest-bearing currency, or will be debited each day that they hold the lower interest-bearing currency. Countries' interest rates are determined by a number of economic factors and change over time.

Because banks around the world are generally closed on Saturday's and Sunday's, the interest for these days is applied on Wednesday. This means that if a trade is left open on Wednesday and is held after 5 p. m. EST, that trade will be credited or debited for an extra two days of interest.

Brokers automatically do all of this for traders. A credit or debit will simply be shown in the account for each position that was open at 5 p. m. EST. This could happen through a debit or credit in the trader's account, normally under a "rollover" or "roll" heading. It may also be debited or credited to a trader by way of an adjustment in the entry price.

Profiting from Rollover Receiving rollover is an additional income stream over and above regular capital gains. For this reason, trades can be set up not only to take advantage of capital gains, but also interest income. Day traders can allow positions to stay open slightly longer to gain interest income, if they are long a higher interest rate bearing currency. Also, swing traders and investors may decide to only take longer term positions in currency pairs where they can be long the higher interest rate bearing currency.

Additionally, if a trader expects that a currency pair will remain relatively flat for the year, or finish the year around current values, they can take advantage of the interest rate differential on the currencies, and make a handsome profit, if in fact the currencies do stay around the same value (this also assumes interest rates don't change). If an investor goes along the EUR/JPY believing they will close the year at roughly the same value, they can make a large profit by using forex market leverage. A 2% profit due to the interest rate differential could mean a 20% return if 10:1 leverage is used. This also means the investor could lose 2% (or 20% or more if leveraged at this level or higher) just by holding the lower interest bearing currency for a year.

Tax Considerations Rollover interest is much like the interest paid to a bank account balance. Thus, rollover is taxed as interest income, and should be kept track of separately from capital gains for tax purposes. Brokers show interest received and debited in online trading activity statements.

The Bottom Line Rollover is interest that is debited or credited to a trader's accounts when positions are held after 5 p. m. EST. Whether interest is credited depends on whether the trader is long the higher interest rate bearing currency. If they are, they'll receive a credit; if not, they'll receive a debit. Rollover is done automatically, and nothing is required of the trader except to track interest separately for tax purposes (listed within the account reports). Rollover is calculated on the full value of the position, and, thus, can provide additional profit for the trader or cause a decrease in profits, or increase in losses.

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Forex Articles | Written by Surefire Forex Trading |

Rollovers In Forex

Even though the mighty US dominates many markets, most of Spot Forex is still traded through London in Great Britain. So for our next description we shall use London time. Most deals in Forex are done as Spot deals. Spot deals are nearly always due for settlement two business days later. This is referred to as the value date or delivery date. On that date the counter parties theoretically take delivery of the currency they have sold or bought.

In Spot FX the majority of the time the end of the business day is 21:59 (London time). Any positions still open at this time are automatically rolled over to the next business day, which again finishes at 21:59.

This is necessary to avoid the actual delivery of the currency. As Spot FX is predominantly speculative most of the time the trades never wish to actually take delivery of the currency. They will instruct the brokerage to always rollover their position.

Many of the brokers nowadays do this automatically and it will be in their polices and procedures. The act of rolling the currency pair over is known as tom. next, which stands for tomorrow and the next day.

Just to go over this again, your broker will automatically rollover your position unless you instruct him that you actually want delivery of the currency. Another point noting is that most leveraged accounts are unable to actual deliver of the currency as there is insufficient capital there to cover the transaction.

Remember that if you are trading on margin, you have in effect got a loan from your broker for the amount you are trading. If you had a 1 lot position you broker has advanced you the $100,000 even though you did not actually have $100,000. The broker will normally charge you the interest differential between the two currencies if you rollover your position. This normally only happens if you have rolled over the position and not if you open and close the position within the same business day.

To calculate the broker's interest he will normally close your position at the end of the business day and again reopen a new position almost simultaneously. You open a 1 lot ($100,000) EUR/USD position on Monday 15th at 11:00 at an exchange rate of 0.9950.

During the day the rate fluctuates and at 22:00 the rate is 0.9975. The broker closes your position and reopens a new position with a different value date. The new position was opened at 0.9976 - a 1 pip difference. The 1 pip deference reflects the difference in interest rates between the US Dollar and the Euro.

In our example your are long Euro and short US Dollar. As the US Dollar in the example has a higher interest rate than the Euro you pay the premium of 1 pip.

Now the good news. If you had the reverse position and you were short Euros and long US Dollars you would gain the interest differential of 1 pip. If the first named currency has an overnight interest rate lower than the second currency then you will pay that interest differential if you bought that currency. If the first named currency has a higher interest rate than the second currency then you will gain the interest differential.

To simplify the above. If you are long (bought) a particular currency and that currency has a higher overnight interest rate you will gain. If you are short (sold) the currency with a higher overnight interest rate then you will lose the difference.

I would like to emphasis here that although we are going a little in-depth to explain how all this works, your broker will calculate all this for you. The purpose of this book is just to give you an overview of how the forex market works.

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It is a detailed tool that calculates the interest earned based on your hold on a currency position over a certain time. The tool offers directions located beside the interest calculator tool and gives a detailed explanation of how the interest is calculated at the bottom of the page. The tool is simple to use and automatically inputs the current rate that Oanda is offering for the chosen currency pair. Tool also adjusts the rate earned or paid based on the currency the forex trading account is denominated in.


One disadvantage is that there are only a few currencies available on its “Account Currency” section. It also only uses the rates that Oanda is offering so if a trader is using a different forex broker, the calculations will need to be adjusted accordingly


This tool is available on the Oanda FXTrade website under interest calculator. This is the most robust interest rollover calculator available today. All the trader needs to enter is currency pair, position size, direction, time held and choose the currency the account is denominated in. This tool fills in the rest. Tool can be used on the following page .

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OFXT está aquí para ayudarle en su camino a convertirse en un comerciante de divisas o corredor. Nuestro objetivo es ayudarle a aprender, practicar y dominar el arte del comercio de divisas. Es importante entender los pares de divisas como el EUR / USD, el USD / CAD, el GBP / USD, el USD / JPY u otras monedas importantes, y cómo las economías de cada país se impactan entre sí. Hay una gran cantidad de riesgo involucrado en el comercio de divisas, para obtener más información, consulte nuestra política de divulgación de riesgos. La elección de una corredora de divisas, proveedor de señales o software de gráficos son decisiones difíciles, por lo que hemos establecido un conjunto de revisiones basadas en una variedad de criterios para evaluar su credibilidad. El comercio de divisas es diferente de los futuros, las opciones, o el comercio de valores, y es importante entender la terminología. Esperamos que continúe aprendiendo a comerciar con nosotros, y si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor, envíenos una línea.

Onlineforextrading. com: Como se ve en

In the spot forex market, trades must be settled in two business days. If a trader sells 100,000 Euros on Tuesday, the trader must deliver 100,000 Euros on Thursday, unless the position is rolled over. As a service to our traders, Triumph FX automatically rolls over all open positions to the next settlement date at 5:00 pm New York time. Rollover involves exchanging the position being held for a position expiring the following settlement date. The positions being exchanged are usually not valued at the same price. The difference in amount varies greatly based on the currency pair, the interest rate differential between the two currencies, and fluctuates day to day with the movement of prices.

For positions open at 5.00 pm EST there is a daily rollover (interest payment) you pay for an open position depending on your established margin level and position in the market. If you do not want to earn or pay interest on your positions, simply make sure they are closed by 5.00 pm EST, the established end of the market day.

TriumphFX Trading Platform is owned by Triumph International Limited and reserve rights to its brand. For more information about our Terms of Business, please visit our Legal Documents page. Política de privacidad. Terms and Conditions. AML Policy.

*Please note: TriumphFX does not service US entities or residents of any kind. While we welcome clients from all over globe, governmental restrictions along with our company policies prohibit TriumphFX from opening accounts originated from the following restricted and/or OFAC sanctioned countries: Afghanistan, Botswana, Burma (Myanmar), Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, Cyprus, Egypt. Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Iraq, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya Mali, Niger, North Korea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, The Democratic Republic of Congo The former Liberian Regime of Charles Taylo, Uzbekistan, Yemen, and Zimbabwe.

*Please note that all price improvements are subject to available liquidity. Price Improvements are not available for market orders when "Market Range" is set to zero.

Risk Warning: Trading in the foreign exchange markets on margin carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all individuals. The high degree of leverage offered in the Forex markets can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade in the foreign exchange markets, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, your level of experience and your risk appetite. The possiblility exists that you could sustain a loss of some or all of your equity and therefore you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. Only true excess disposable cash should be used in trading. You should make yourself aware of all the risk associated with foreign exchange trading and see advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any questions or concerns as to how a loss would affect your lifestyle.

Rollover Adjustment

Forex positions held overnight will have a rollover adjustment factor applied to the long position p/l and short position p/l at the end of each day to accommodate the differential in each country's daily interest rates. Each day has two rollover adjustment factors, one for long positions and another for short positions.

Strategy Backtesting

During strategy backtesting of forex symbols held overnight, an end-of-day long rollover adjustment factor is summed with the long p/l and a short rollover adjustment factor is summed with the short p/l for each day a position is held. This rollover value is updated at approximately 5:00pm EST and will adjust the p/l's on today's bars time stamped after the update time. For historical calculations from any day prior to today the rollover adjustment for any bar on that day will be that day's end-of-day rollover adjustment value regardless of the bar's time stamp.

EasyLanguage Reserved Words

A pair of EasyLanguage reserved words are available to assist you in obtaining the forex rollover adjustment factor for any bar when writing custom rules that take roll adjustments into account. As with bar properties such as Date. Abierto. Volumen. etc. the ShortRollAdj and LongRollAdj reserved words are bar properties that provide values both historically and real-time. When used without the optional BarsBack parameter the word returns the value for the current bar, and with the BarsBack parameter (enclosed in square brackets) it returns the value for that number of bars ago. & # 160;

Get More Power Over Your Trading With Less Hassle

What Is Rollover In The Forex Market?

First of all, let’s define what “rollover” is, and as usual, we’ll use Investopedia. com to get started.

Free Trading WorkshopRollover – Move a forex position to the following delivery date, in which case the rollover incurs a charge. The forex fee arises from the difference in interest rates between the two currencies underlying a transaction. Sometimes investors can earn a credit if they are purchasing the currency with the higher of the two interest rates. Investors are often required to maintain certain margin positions with their brokers to earn a credit from rollover.

In essence, at 5pm EST, the broker is closing your position and re-opening it; at the same time, he is either crediting your account or debiting your account based on the short term interest rate differential that banks charge to borrow unsecured funds on an overnight basis. (That is quite a mouthful!) Please note that these rates are NOT based on central bank rates commonly found on forex trading websites.

Because we are trading currency PAIRS, one currency will usually have a higher interest rate than the other for this purpose. If you are long the currency with the higher rate, your broker will pay you at rollover; if you are short the currency with the higher rate, your broker will charge you for holding that position. So far so good, right? Here is where it gets extra tricky.

Because forex is generally a two-day deliverable market, meaning your position doesn’t actually “settle” until two business days after you open the position, your rollover money for most trading days will be at a similar rate, for example $1 per lot. However, since banks aren’t open on Saturday and Sunday, and the banks will probably still charge you the interest for those two days, your rollover rate on Wednesday will be triple what the other rollover monies will be.

So how can we use the rollover to help us make more money in the market? If you are a very short term trader, a daytrader, for example, you probably won’t care what the rollover rate is if you are out of your trades by 5pm EST. However, what about longer term traders? There are many traders who will only trade from the positive side of the rollover equation if they will be holding trades for days, weeks, or months at a time. Let’s take a look at a table to determine what that means.

In this FXCM screenshot, it shows four currency pairs, their bid and ask prices, the width of their spreads, high and low on the day so far and the rollover interest for the sell side, and rollover interest on the buy side. I’m looking for the largest positive number to make money longer term with the rollover interest payments. Obviously, you can see the largest number is on the buy side of the NZDUSD. This 0.41 means that you will get paid forty one cents for every rollover day that you hold a micro lot of the currency pair on a long trade. Not much on a single day trade, but what about if you hold that trade for a year? That would be $149.65 in the year-not a bad percent return on this micro lot trade!

However, please don’t think you just found the Holy Grail in forex trading, expecting to almost double your money by piling into this pair. We still must consider where we are on the chart. If you take a look at the NZDUSD on a daily chart, we’ve been in a significant downtrend for months, losing hundreds of pips over the last year. The extra few cents a day is small consolation when you are getting crushed by being on the wrong side of the trend!

So what did we learn this week? That the spot market has another way to earn money, by being on the right side of the interest rollover payment. Wednesday’s payment is 3 times the other days because of the weekend/two day settlement; but this interest payment can’t overcome a strong trending market going the wrong way! Written by Rick Wright, Online Trading Academy Instructor. Rick Wright’s goal as an Online Trading Academy Instructor is to accelerate the student’s learning curve, whether they are interested in High Frequency Trading or Investing for Beginners. He teaches classes on Online Stock Trading, Forex Trading and Futures, among others. Rick studied economics and psychology at Iowa State University, and entered into the brokerage business in 1992. He earned the NASD Series 4,7,9,10,24,55,63, and 65 licenses. He helped grow an online brokerage business which was eventually sold off. Rick has also held positions as broker, branch manager, and several VP positions in the brokerage business. Rick began trading equities in 1997, and was introduced to the Forex market in 2002. Currently trading from home in Dallas, Rick is also a frequent contributor to various TV and business talk radio shows.


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Overnight Positions

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Trading Point debits or credits clients’ accounts, rollover interest at competitive rollover rates for all positions held open after 22:00 GMT.

Explaining Rollover

In the forex market, all spot trades must be settled in two business days. Settlement implies physical delivery of currencies. However, physical delivery does not occur in margin trading. Therefore, all open positions must be closed every day at the end-of-day (set at 22:00 GMT) and re-opened the next trading day. This pushes out the settlement by another trading day.

This strategy, called a rollover, is created through a swap agreement and it comes at a cost or gain to the trader. In practice, Trading Point does not close and reopen open positions. Instead, it debits or credits clients’ trading accounts when they hold open positions overnight depending on prevailing interest rates (LIBOR/LIBID with an added mark-up).

How to calculate Rollover

Every currency trade involves borrowing one currency to buy another and interest is paid on the borrowed currency and earned on the purchased. Let’s assume that the interest rates in Japan and the US are 0.25% p. a and 2.5% p. a respectively. If you have a buy position of 1 lot in USDJPY at 118.50, then you earn 2.5% per year on your USD and pay 0.25% per year on your borrowed JPY.

Consequently, if you leave your position open you gain USD 6.16 per day [100,000* (2.5%-0.25%)/365]. This amount is credited to your account. This is equivalent to 0.73 pips per day [118.50* (2.5%-0.25%)/365]. Similarly, if you have a short position in USDJPY, you lose USD 6.16 per day. Rollover interest can thus provide an added stream of profit or loss to a client.

Cuándo se reserva el rollover?

22:00 GMT is considered the beginning and end of the forex trading day. Any positions that are open at 22:00 sharp are considered to be held overnight, and are subject to rollover. A position opened at 22:01 is not subject to rollover until the next day, while a position opened at 21:59 is subject to rollover at 22:00 GMT. A credit or debit for each position open at 22:00 appears on your account within an hour, and is applied directly to your account equity.


As the markets are closed on Saturdays and Sundays there is no rollover on these days but the banks still calculate interest on any position held over the weekend. To account for this procedure in the forex market is we apply 3 days of rollover on Wednesdays.

Rollover Interest In The Forex Market Introduction to Forex Article

In forex, all trades must be settled in two business days. A rollover refers to the process of closing open position for today's value date and the opening of the same position for the next day's value date at a price reflecting the difference in interest rates between the two currencies.

In accordance with international banking practices, Forex brokers automatically rolls over all open positions to the next date at 5 PM EST for settlement.

Rollover involves exchanging the position being held for a position expiring the following settlement date. For example, for trades executed on Monday, the value date is Wednesday.

However, if a position is opened on Monday and held overnight, the value date is now Thursday. The exception is a position opened and held overnight on Wednesday. The normal value date would be Saturday; because banks are closed on Saturday the value date is actually the following Monday. Due to the weekend, positions held overnight on Wednesday incur or earn an extra two days of interest.

Trades with a value date that falls on a holiday will also incur or earn additional interest. Forex Traders can earn interest on rollovers, depending on the direction of their positions and interest rate differential between the two currencies involved.

For instance, the primary interest rates in Great Britain are much higher than in Japan, so if a trader buys GBP, he/she will earn interest at 5 PM EST time. on the other hand, if he/she sells GBP in this currency pair, he/she will pay interest at 5 PM EST time.

Overnight Interest/Rollover is automatically paid to a client's account after buying a currency with greater Interest Rate in its country, and charged to a client's account if the country issuing this currency has smaller Primary Interest Rates.

by Martin Maier

Overnight Policy

Dukascopy Europe's Overnight Policy is aimed at providing highly competitive rollover conditions to its clients in order to underline Dukascopy leadership in the FX industry. Dukascopy Europe applies different rollover rates to ensure that higher trading turnover for a client results in better overnight conditions.

The rollover policy of the client trading accounts is determined dynamically by the trading activity level (Trading Activity). Trading Activity is calculated as the total trading volume on all trading accounts of the client divided by the sum of the trading and overnight volume over the last 30 calendar days.

Trading Volume + Overnight Volume

Note: The overnight volume is the sum of rollover open trades. The trading volume is the sum of all executed orders except for rollover trades.

Trading Activity reflects the trader’s tendency to trade intraday more frequently than to keep positions overnight. Trading Activity is recalculated on a daily basis at the settlement time and the rollover policy is defined according to the percentage levels below:

Required Trading Activity

Advanced Rollover Policy is used by default in case of the absence of trading statistics over the last 30 days and it is provided as a target level which ensures attractive rollover rates for customers. Meanwhile, traders with a higher trading activity above 90% can benefit from premium swap rates. Clients are able to view the rollover policy applied to their accounts in the report called "Rollovers". For more information about Trading Activity, see the examples below.

Examples of trading activity calculation

Example 1: Over the last 30 calendar days, a trader opens 6 positions of 1 million, closes 5 positions the same day, and keeps 1 position overnight.

Opening trade volume

Partial closing trade volume

Rollover open volume for 1 day

Total trading volume

Total trading and overnight volume

Trading Activity: (11 000 000 / 12 000 000) * 100% = 92% Applicable rollover policy: Premium

Example 2: Over the last 30 calendar days, a trader opens a position of 1 million and keeps it for 9 days before it is closed.

Overnight Swaps for Single Stock CFD

For single stock CFDs held overnight the following annual rollover rates apply for short / long positions, depending on the rollover policy: Regular -3%/+3.5%, Advanced -2.25% / +2.75%, Premium -1.75%/+2.25%. The applicable annual interest rate is based on prevailing short-term interest rates. Rollover costs are charged for long positions and credited for short positions, unless the short-term interest rate is less than the basis points to be credited. In this case rollover costs are debited for short positions.

Rollover Procedure

The overnight procedure describes the daily process of rollover, in order to adjust any existing exposure to the new trading day. The process is also known as "position roll", "carry" or "overnight swap"; it is needed to avoid full cash delivery and receipt of the currencies traded. The end-of-day settlement process is done at 21:00/22:00 GMT [depending on the summer/winter season]. A pair of rollover trades is booked for each open position, as the existing positions are closed for the past trading day at the settlement price and simultaneously re-opened for the new trading day at the settlement price +/- the applicable overnight adjustment in pips as seen in the table. These trades are labeled as "rollover close" and "rollover open" respectively and can be viewed in portfolio and intraday statements. In addition, clients can see the impact of the carry in the position report.

Rollover Updates

Overnight swap prices are commonly based on the central bank reference rates shown in the table below. Overnight swap rates change with changes in the interest rate differentials of the two currencies involved. However, Dukascopy Europeupdates its own rates on the basis of interbank market overnight swaps.

Dukascopy Europe uses the following central bank target rates as a basis for its overnight policy set-up. It must be stressed that Dukascopy Europe adds its own carry costs to the rates applied to the clients.

Federal Funds Target Rate


Swap-free accounts are trading accounts in adherence with Islamic religious principles.

The overnight swap cost which is normally charged or credited to client accounts as price difference between rollover close and rollover open trades is not applied to swap-free accounts meaning that both rollover trades are booked at same price. The Client will not be credited nor debited any interest on any open position in their trading account with Dukascopy Europe at the closing of each business day (21:00/22:00 GMT summer/winter time). In order to prevent abusive use of swap-free conditions following protection measures are applied:

In addition to the standard volume commission paid by clients, an additional fee of USD 5 per 1 million USD for currencies and USD 7.5 per 1 million USD for precious metals and CFDs is charged to swap-free accounts; Dukascopy calculates the difference between the additional commission paid by the client and the swap amount which is not applied to the account due to the swap-free conditions. If the difference is negative (the “Deficit”) and the account equity does not fully cover the Deficit Dukascopy will block further trading by closing opened exposures and canceling active pending orders.

The Deficit is calculated once a day at settlement time and is applied by adjusting the minimum Stop Loss Level. The Deficit amount will be debited from the account if:

the swap-free rollover policy is terminated;

a full withdrawal is made on the account.

The amount of a partial withdrawal cannot exceed the difference between the account equity and the Deficit. In case of a contradiction between the present Swap-Free Account Terms & Conditions and any other contractual arrangement between the client and Dukascopy Europe, the present Swap-Free Account Terms & Conditions shall prevail. Dukascopy Europe may change Swap-Free Account Terms & Conditions, decline or cancel the use of swap-free conditions, at its own discretion. Dukascopy reserves the right to debit the Deficit at any time.

Any self-trader may activate/cancel the swap-free conditions at any time from reports as illustrated below:

The additional fee of USD 5 or USD 7.5 per 1 million USD is charged by Dukascopy Europe. The Deficit is charged by Dukascopy Bank

What are swaps and rollovers in forex trading?

Transactions that are done with cash (spot forex) with foreign exchange brokers are subject to positive or negative interest charges (currency swaps) if the positions are held at the time of the rollover at 22:00 (GMT time).

For example, for the EUR/USD pair, the credit or debit that is applied to a trader's account is determined by the difference between the interest rate of the base currency (EUR) and the counter-currency (USD).

To calculate the interest, we need to know the short-term interest rates of the two currencies and the amount of currency that was bought. For example, let's say that the investor holds a long EUR/USD position (10,000, or 0.10 lots) and that short-term interest rates are 0.05% for the euro and 0.25% for the US dollar.

In this case, the daily interest is [ / 365] = -0.0548$

Forex trading consists in buying or selling the base currency with the counter-currency which is the means of payment. In our example, the interest is in dollars (the counter-currency), but it is automatically converted into the account's currency, for example in euros if the balance of your account is denominated in euros.

With a long position, the trader is a buyer of euros and simultaneously a seller of dollars. The interest is therefore debited from the trader's account because he is earning 0.05% on the euro, but is losing 0.25% on the dollar, a difference of -0.20% over a full year. To know the daily interest amount, divide the result by 365 days.

Conversely, if the base currency's short-term interest rate was higher than the counter-currency's short-term interest rate, the interest rate would have been positive. It would also have been positive if the trader had shorted the EUR/USD (selling euros and buying dollars).

Rollovers over weekends and on bank holidays

Banks are closed on weekends, but they continue to charge interest. Most forex brokers therefore bill traders for three days of rollover on Wednesdays. There is no rollover on bank holidays, but some brokers apply an additional rollover two business days after the holiday.

The rollover isn't calculated in relation to the margin used, but on the basis of the total value of a trade. For example, for 1 lot of EUR/USD, interest will be calculated on the value of 1 lot or $100,000.

It is also important to note that the rollover is not a charge for the use of leverage. The debit or credit is based on the difference between the interest rates of the countries involved in the currency pair.

Do rollover policies vary among brokers?

Some forex brokers state that they only apply the interest rates of central banks, other say they reserve the right to modify them according to market conditions. But in reality, almost all brokers modify rollovers in their favour. In addition to making money through the spread, they make money with rollovers as well. All you need to do is compare the various rates offered by forex brokers to notice that they are all different and sometimes the two rates (for longs and shorts) are negative.

As the monetary policies of central banks are determined by a number of economic factors, interest rates can therefore also be modified by central banks .

At the time this article was written, central banks' interest rates were 0.05% for the EUR and 0.25% for the USD. In the table below, however, you will notice that no forex broker really offers these rates.

Value of the EUR / USD swap in pips

Carry trade (carry strategy)

With a broker that offers a positive rate, a currency trader can use the carry trade technique (carry strategy), which consists in holding positions for a long time in order to cash in the positive swaps.

In order for this technique to work, you must find a currency pair with a long-term trend that is going in a direction that favours carry trade, otherwise the rollover will not compensate for the loss on the position and the cost of the spread. You must also choose currency pairs with an attractive interest rate differential and monitor the rates each day to make sure that the broker doesn't change them.

How do I find swap rates in MetaTrader 4?

To find your broker's latest swap rates in MetaTrader 4:

1. Menu / display / symbols

2. Select the currency pair and click on Properties

The swap (long or short trade) is shown in points, the 5th decimal place after the period if your broker offers fractioned pip quotes. (Ex: 1 point = -0.10 pip)

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Positions held overnight may be subject to a finance fee, or ‘swaps’. We define the start of a new trading day to be at 21:00 London time, and a position that is opened before this time, and remains open after, is classified as being ‘rolled over’ to the next day (also known as ‘held overnight’).

For example, a position is opened at 18:00 London time on Monday 14th May, and is still being held at 21:00 London time on May 14th; this position would be subject to swap fees. The swap fee is then applied every calendar day (including weekends), until the position is closed.


Swap calculations are determined by the following formula:

Daily Swap (US$) = Opening Contract Value (US$) x Interest % 36000


You buy 1 lot of GBPUSD at a price of 1.62245 at 07:00 London time. The current swap on long positions is -0.5% 。

Contract Value (US$) = 100,000 (GBP)x 1.62245 ( US$ GBP )= 162,245 (US$)

Daily Swap (US$) = 162245 (US$) x-0.5 36000 = -2.25 (US$)

Therefore $2.25 will be charged to this position at 21:00 London time. This will continue to happen every day at 21:00 London time until the position is closed.

Products Affected

The following products are subject swap charges: FOREX, Spot Gold, Spot Silver and U. S Stocks. Futures Products are NOT affected.

Positive Interest

Certain trades, on affected products, will lead to the swap charge being credited to the position, instead of debited. This will be represented by a Positive Interest % in Blue on the Finance Fee specification page. For a full list of the products and Interest % please click here.

The calculation works the same way as above; except instead of the daily swap being subtracted, it is added to the trade P/L.

Example 2

You buy 2 lots of AUDUSD at a price of 1.01232 at 13:00 London time. The current swap on long positions is +2.25% .

Contract Value (US$) = 200,000 (AUD)x 1.01232 ( US$ AUD )= 202,464 (US$)

Daily Swap (US$) = 202464 (US$) x2.25 36000 = +12.65 (US$)

Therefore $12.65 will be credited to this position at 21:00 London time. This will continue to happen every day at 21:00 London time until the position is closed.

Risk Warning : Forex and CFDs are leveraged products which carry a high level of risk. It is possible to lose all your capital. These products may not be suitable for everyone and you should ensure that you understand the risk involved. You should ensure you understand all of the risks and seek independent advice if necessary.


Academia de Comercio

Forex Trading Basics

Forex Interest Rates (Rollover)

Learn to calculate Forex interest rates and understand how next day rollovers work in Forex trading

In Forex trading, the concept of ‘rollover’ is interesting and important. When a Forex position moves to the next delivery date, rollover comes into play. This can work to your advantage, or against you, depending on whether it adds a stream of profit or loss to your equity. In the majority of currency trading positions, traders must close their positions within two days. Rollover extends the settlement date of an open position. When you opt for an extension of your open trade, you are closing your existing trade at the day’s closing rate and opening a new position the following trading day . This is otherwise known as tomorrow next .

Debits or credits for every position opened at 22:00 GMT will be reflected in your Alvexo trading account within an hour. There is no rollover on weekends, since the markets are closed on Saturdays & Sundays. You should remember that banks – on the other hand – will charge you interest during this time. We apply three days of rollover on Wednesdays. There are no rollovers on holidays, but there is an added day of rollover two days prior to the holiday.

LIBOR and LIBID Interest Rates

The payment of interest is an everyday occurrence with Forex trading, and this Alvexo guide will show you precisely how to factor Forex interest rates into your daily trading regimen. We will debit or credit your account with rollover interest for all open positions held after 22:00 GMT. At precisely 22:00 GMT all open positions will be extended and subject to rollover . Es decir. a position that you opened at 21:59 GMT will be subject to rollover at 22:00 GMT while a position opened at 22:01 GMT will only be subject to rollover the next day.

The interest rates that we use are LIBOR/LIBID + mark-up. These are used by banks in the London interbank market where currencies exchange takes place. LIBOR is the London Interbank Offered Rate, which is set daily by the British Bankers’ Association; LIBID is the London Interbank Bid rate that banks will pay for foreign currency deposits in the London Interbank market.

Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Example

When you trade currencies, you are buying one currency and selling the other currency in the pair . There is also an interest component on purchased currency and an interest component on borrowed currency. If we take the United Kingdom and the United States as a case in point, we can assume an interest rate of 0.50% per annum in the UK and an interest rate of 0.25% per annum in the US. If you decide to purchase one lot of GBPUSD, you are buying 100,000 units of the base currency (£100,000) and paying for it with the exchange rate applied to the quote currency. Since you are buying GBP, you are earning an interest rate of 0.50% per annum on your pounds. Since you are selling USD, you are paying 0.25% interest on your borrowed US dollars. The amount that you gain per day is calculated as follows: (0.50% – 0.25%)/365 x 100,000. This is the amount that will be credited to your Alvexo trading account per day if you leave your position open. If you go short on the currency pair, you will be debited that same amount per day.

Who Determines Interest Rates?

The role of Central Banks is to provide stability in the financial markets. This is accomplished by way of monetary policy measures. The Federal Reserve Bank sets the interest rate in the United States, the Bank of Japan sets the interest rate in Japan, the Bank of England sets the interest rate in the United Kingdom, and the European Central Bank sets the interest rate in the Euro Area. Interest rates are important determinants of overall lending and savings rates in an economy. When interest rates are high, people tend to put more of their money into fixed interest-bearing accounts. When interest rates are low, the cost of borrowing capital is typically cheaper.

Interest rates are especially important for Forex traders. During our courses on currency trading we have discussed the importance of interest rates on a country’s currency. With higher interest rates, the demand for a country’s currency will increase. This is because there is more to be gained by exchanging one currency for another currency that earns a higher rate of interest. The demand for that second currency will increase, thereby strengthening its exchange rate in a basket of currencies. The opposite is also true. The difference between the cost of borrowed funds and the interest rate generated by investing those funds can drive foreign exchange traders to make these positions. Currency pairs are therefore one of the most significant and popular ways to invest in interest rate differentials between countries . For these reasons, it is imperative to stay ahead of developments that take place in the currency trading arena vis-a-vis interest rates.

We encourage you to enhance your understanding of the concepts laid out in this course by registering for a zero risk demo trading account .


Forex trading involves considerable risks and is therefore not appropriate for all investors. Traders should take into consideration the possibility of encountering substantial losses; it is therefore important to appreciate the possible consequences of investing. Traders should evaluate their earning potential against the risks involved and act appropriately. Alvexo is owned and operated by VPR Safe Financial Group Limited a Cyprus Investment Firm (CIF) supervised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) with CIF license number 236/14 and company registration number HE 322134. located at 1, Agias Fylaxeos street,3025 Limassol, Cyprus



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At GemFex, customers are not charged rolling commission. However, we do charge rollover fees (also known as an overnight swap). Movement of a forex position with the following delivery date, in which case the rollover incurs a charge. In forex, a rollover means that a position is extended at the end of the trading day without settling. Rollover fees are calculated against position(s) left open beyond 00:00 GMT. Every currency pair has its own interest rate.

Como funciona?

Interest in the forex market is computed on a daily basis. At 00:00 GMT of each trading day, traders incur rollover charges against open position(s).

Below are some illustrations:Case 1: Main curreny interest rate is lower than secondary currency. Example: EUR/AUD at 1.25% and 4.50% interest rates respectively. In the pair, Euro is the main currency with a lower interest rate than the secondary currency, Australian Dollar (AUD). Buy - long: A trader who buys the Euro incurs rollover charges. This means the trader will be charged the rollover fee. Sell - short: A customer who sells the Euro will earn rollover fee, simply the trader receives rollover fees against such open position(s).

Case 2: Main currency interest rate is higher than secondary currency. Example: AUD/CAD at 4.50% and 1%, respectively. AUD is the main currency with higher interest rate against the CAD. Buy - long: In this scenario, the trader earns, receives a rollover fee when AUD is bought. Sell - short: Reversely trader is charged a rollover fee selling AUD. Importantly, do note that the volume of the trades affects the amount of the rollover fee. The larger the volume, the more rollover fee the trader earns.

Top News

Institutional rates for a genuinely competitive price

Swap Rates & Rollovers

Rollovers can have a significant effect on your account balance. As markets close at the end of each day, interest is calculated on open Forex positions held overnight. This interest is either earned or paid, depending on the relative interest rates of the countries of the currencies involved in the trade.

AxiTrader seeks to ensure our rollover rates are exceptionally competitive on both sides of the trade, helping you minimise interest payments and maximise credit earned.

See our Swap Rates

Access our real-time swap rates through the MT4 trading platform

What is "rollover"?

Rollover is a daily procedure where the total value of assets in each investment fund is recalculated. A number of things happen during rollover:

The share price for each investment fund is updated.

Requests to buy and sell shares are processed.

Performance data on the site is updated.

Rollover takes place weekdays between 13:00 and 14:00 GMT.

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Alpari fue una de las empresas involucradas en la formación de CRFIN (el Centro de Regulación de Instrumentos Financieros y Tecnologías de OTC).

Alpari es miembro de la Comisión Financiera. Una organización internacional dedicada a la resolución de disputas dentro de la industria de servicios financieros en el mercado Forex.

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How Rollover Works Part 2

Forex Video Versión de Texto

In our last lesson we continued our free forex course by introducing the concept of rollover. In today's lesson we are going to continue our discussion on rollover with a look at how we know when we will be paying or receiving interest for holding positions overnight, and how much that will be.

Another nice feature of the platform we are using here is that it is very transparent in the way that rollover is done. As this is one of the more complicated things about trading forex, some firms will take advantage of trader's lack of understanding, and charge them more than they should when the trader is long the currency with the lower interest rate and pay them less than they should when the trader is long the currency with the higher interest rate.

To see what I am talking about lets login to our free real time demo accounts. If you have not done so already I encourage you to click the link above this video if you are watching onInformedTrades. com, or to the right of this video if you are watching on YouTube, and register for a free demo so you can follow along as well.

Once you are logged into the platform change the dealing rates window from advanced to simple view by clicking the simple dealing rates tab in the upper right hand corner of the window. Once you do this scroll over to the right and you will see two columns which say Roll S and Roll B. Roll S stands for the Roll amount you either pay or receive if you sell to enter the trade, and Roll B stands for the Roll amount you either pay or receive if you buy to enter the trade.

If the number beside the currency pair and under the appropriate roll column has a positive number, then this is the amount in US Dollars that will be credited to your account, per contract, for any position held past 5pm NY time. If the number is negative this this is the amount that will be debited from your account, per contract, for any position held past 5pm NY time.

Remember if you open and close a position before 5pm NY time then the position does not need to be rolled over, so your account will not be debited or credited.

As a quick example lets say I want to know the amount of interest that I will either pay or receive if I buy 2 contracts of GBP/JPY, and hold that position past 5pm NY time. All I would do here is scroll down to GBP/JPY and then over to the ROLL B column of the platform where I see that as of this lesson I would earn $50 per contract. Since in this particular example I am trading 2 contracts I would earn $100 for holding that position past 5pm NY Time.

Once this trade is opened and held past 5pm NY time the interest credit will show up in the "Roll" column of the platform.

One last thing that it is important to understand about the logistics of rollover is that trades held past 5pm NY Time on Wednesday take into account the weekend interest when the market is closed, so the rollover amounts are going to be triple on that day. Also if there is a banking holiday in one of the countries whose currency you are trading, then this will affect the role amounts as well.

The important thing to understand however is that all you need to do to know how much you will either pay or receive for holding a position past 5pm NY time is look in the Roll S and Roll B columns of the platform.

As you can probably tell from this lesson, because interest rates cause currency traders to either earn or pay money for holding positions, they have a dramatic affect on the value of currencies, something which we will talk more about in our next module. For those of you who have heard of the carry trade, this comes from the concept we have learned about here today, where traders buy currencies with high interest rates and sell currencies with low interest rates to earn the interest rate differential or carry.

For your homework assignment tonight I encourage you to place a few trades in different currency pairs, and hold them past 5pm NY time so you can see how the rolls work. As you do this think about the power of leverage and what you could potentially do using some of the leverage available to you to try and bolster the returns from the rolls if you are long the currency pair with the higher interest rate.

Thats our lesson for today. In tomorrow's lesson we will have a look at the free real time charts that are available to us on the platform and some of the neat features there, so we hope to see you in that lesson.

As “Rollover” Works the Forex Market

What you are actually trading in the Forex market is a contract that requires one currency is exchanged for another and delivered within two business days. For example, if I buy a contract and the currency pair EUR / JPY, I’m buying EUR 100,000 and the number of sales for the Japanese Yen.

This technically requires me to provide the equivalent amount of Japanese yen to trade the bank account of the party I am with the trade. On the other hand the party I’m technically necessary negotiations to supply part of € 100,000 to negotiate my bank account within two business days. Since we are negotiating speculation, we do not make or receive physical delivery of the currency.

From the beginning we are using in our examples, and virtually any other retail Forex platform, automatically scroll in this position until the next delivery date, if the position is in the last five hours of NY time. There’s really important to understand all the details of the trade, as this is done automatically. However, it is important to understand that the dollars payment or credit on your account status of all the last five hours of time NY into account part of the transaction interest.

Like most of the operations in which the state or to borrow money, trading currencies, including the interest rate or credit, depending on whether you are a holder of a coin or currency of the borrower. If you buy the USD / JPY, which is, I bought USD and sold the Japanese yen, earn interest on the dollar, which I bought and paid interest on the Japanese yen that we have sold to buy the US dollar. The reason for that is technically what I do when selling the currency, is asking for money and then change the currency equivalent currency amount I’m buying. I’m simplifying things a bit here, but the interest rates you pay and you get in the currencies involved in trade have two days more than worthy of interest from the interest on the countries whose currencies overnight you are trading. As in module 8 free course section InformedTrades. com, the Federal Reserve set the overnight interest rates in the United States in US dollars. Just as the United States is the Federal Reserve, other countries around the world have central banks that set the rates for currency overnight.

Forex trading if you buy a higher interest rate currency and selling of money with a lower interest rate, you will make money marketing the last five hours NY when restructuring occurs because the interest rate differential is in their favor. On the other hand, if you sell a currency with a higher interest rate and currency to buy a lower interest rate, you will pay interest once considered the last transaction five hours of time NY, because the differential interest rate It is not in your favor. If you open and close a position before five o’clock NY time, nothing happens in your account does not need to roll. said, we are negotiating two days, the Forex market, the agreement in order to benefit you pay or receive a rollover is 2 days calculated interest rates on interest rates set by central banks of coins peer countries you It is negotiating.

Using trade USD / JPY, for example, overnight interest rates in the United States is 2.25% at time of writing and prices in Japan are 0.5%. As you can see, when the trade USD / JPY, if you buy a pair of long (holding) US Dollars interest rate of 2.25%, and we have a (borrowed) short Japanese yen interest rate is 0.5%. In this example, the differential interest rate is our advantage is 1.75%, then we rate, if we maintain this position in the past five o’clock NY time. If we sell the USD / JPY, so we have a short (input) US Dollars interest rate of 2.25% and long (holding) Japanese Yen rate is 0.5%. In this case, the differential interest rate is 1.75% against us in order to pay interest if this position has been held in the past five o’clock NY time.

I tried to get a simpler explanation can this concept. But to be honest, this is probably the most difficult concept for traders who are new to forex to understand. Since this is one of the great difficulties to understand about Forex trading, some companies take advantage of the lack of understanding of the merchant and charge more than they should when the trader is long the smallest currency interest rate and pay less than they should when the trader is long the currency higher interest rate.

An interesting feature of the Forex trading platform is that it is transparent, so that the restoration is complete. He explained if the number next to the currency pair and the proper implementation of the column is positive, it is the sum of US dollars, which will be credited to your account, by contract, to any position in the last five hours of NY time. If the number is negative, this is the amount that will be charged to your account, by contract, to any position in the last five hours of NY time.

Remember, if you open and close a position before the time five hours NY, the station does not need to cut, so your account is debited or credited. quickly, for example, say I want to know the amount of interest that I have to either pay or receive if I buy two contracts of GBP / JPY and maintain its position in the last five hours of NY time. This may be true on all surfaces, but if the beginning is that you do not have this information, I would suggest finding one that does.

Browse currency pair GBP / JPY and Roll B-column platform to find the amount will be credited toward the agreement. Since in this particular case, I have two trade agreements, I would like to keep earning double the amount it takes the last five hours of NY time.

FX spot positions are typically for value T+2. This means that they usually settle two business days from the day of execution, if traded before 17:00 EST (New York time), which is the standard close of a Forex trading day.

There is no physical settlement of currency, so positions are ‘rolled over’ to a new value date on a tom/next basis daily and are subject to a swap charge or credit until closed out.

All open FX positions held overnight are subject to a debit or credit interest rate revaluation to reflect the position being rolled over to a new Value Date. The operation known as the Tom/Next Rollover is applied to spot positions held at 17:00 Eastern Standard Time (New York time) on any given trading day.

The ‘rollover’ is made up of two components, namely the tom/next swap points and financing of unrealised profits or losses.

The accumulated combined rollover credit or debit is added/deducted from the previous opening price of the position.

The Swap Points used are based on a Tom/Next swap feed from a Tier-1 bank with a mark-up corresponding to +/- 0.45% of daily market overnight interest rates, plus the interest component described under 'Interest on unrealised Profit and Loss' abajo.

Any unrealised profits or losses on the Forex spot position being rolled from one day to the next are subject to an interest credit or debit. These are added to the swap points to calculate the rollover credit or debit.

The unrealised profits or losses are calculated as the difference between the original traded rate (possibly adjusted for previous Tom/Next rollovers) and the end of day rate of the traded currency cross at 17:00 Eastern Standard Time (New York time).

Interest on unrealised Profit and Loss

Any unrealised profits or losses on the Forex spot position being rolled from one day to the next are subject to an interest credit or debit. These are added to the swap points to calculate the rollover credit or debit.

The unrealised profits or losses are calculated as the difference between the original traded rate (possibly adjusted for previous Tom/Next rollovers) and the end of day rate of the traded currency cross at 17:00 Eastern Standard Time (New York time).

For currencies subject to special market conditions the rate of the traded currency cross at 08:15 CET will be applied.

Historic Swap points

To provide full transparency to clients, Saxo Capital Markets publishes the swap points used for the tom/next rollover on a daily basis.

To view historic swap points for the available currency pairs, please click here. The page allows you to filter the results by desired date and currency.

Forex Rollovers Report

You can view the rollover history on your FX positions in the " Forex Rollovers " report under the " Account " tab.

Click image to open full screen.

Each FX position is recorded in the Forex Rollovers report, which also displays the opening price, swap adjustment, value dates, resulting price and other relevant information.

Intraday FX positions are not subject to rollovers.

FX spot positions are typically for value T+2. This means that they usually settle two business days from the day of execution, if traded before 17:00 EST (New York time), which is the standard close of a Forex trading day.

There is no physical settlement of currency, so positions are ‘rolled over’ to a new value date on a tom/next basis daily and are subject to a swap charge or credit until closed out.

All open FX positions held overnight are subject to a debit or credit interest rate revaluation to reflect the position being rolled over to a new Value Date. The operation known as the Tom/Next Rollover is applied to spot positions held at 17:00 Eastern Standard Time (New York time) on any given trading day.

The ‘rollover’ is made up of two components, namely the tom/next swap points and financing of unrealised profits or losses.

The accumulated combined rollover credit or debit is added/deducted from the previous opening price of the position.

The Swap Points used are based on a Tom/Next swap feed from a Tier-1 bank with a mark-up corresponding to +/- 0.35% of daily market overnight interest rates, plus the interest component described under 'Interest on unrealised Profit and Loss' abajo.

Any unrealised profits or losses on the Forex spot position being rolled from one day to the next are subject to an interest credit or debit. These are added to the swap points to calculate the rollover credit or debit.

The unrealised profits or losses are calculated as the difference between the original traded rate (possibly adjusted for previous Tom/Next rollovers) and the end of day rate of the traded currency cross at 17:00 Eastern Standard Time (New York time).

Historic Swap points

To provide full transparency to clients, Saxo Bank publishes the swap points used for the tom/next rollover on a daily basis.

To view historic swap points for the available currency pairs, please click here. The page allows you to filter the results by desired date and currency.

Forex Rollovers Report

You can view the rollover history on your FX positions in the " Forex Rollovers " report under the " Account " tab.

Click image to open full screen.

Each FX position is recorded in the Forex Rollovers report, which also displays the opening price, swap adjustment, value dates, resulting price and other relevant information.

Intraday FX positions are not subject to rollovers.

What is forex rollover or swap

Rollover or swap is the interest paid or earned for holding a currency position overnight. Remember, when you trade forex you are simultaneously buying one currency and selling another. For example when you buy EUR/USD you are buying EUR and selling USD. Therefore you will receive the benefits of holding EUR and pay for selling USD.

You earn the interest rate of the currency you have bought.

You pay the interest rate of the currency you have sold.

The net difference will be added or taken from your account every day and at Rhodium FX we will also make an adjustment to the rates of +/- 0.75 per cent.

You can view the current rollover rates

Keeping on top of timings

Rollover occurs every day at 21.00 GMT which is considered the end of the forex trading day. If you close a trade before the rollover time, or open it after the rollover time, no interest will be paid or owed.

How to work out rollover

Get more detail about how rollover is calculated with our worked example


Rollover in the Forex Market

The Rollover is the interest that is gained or lost on any open position held overnight, i. e. around 10 pm GMT. Each currency has a specific interest rate, based on the interest rate of that particular country. Normally, if the interest rate of the currency you bought is the higher of the two currencies, you will earn a positive Rollover; whereas if the interest rate of the currency is the lower of the two currencies, you will pay the Rollover. These amounts will obviously fluctuate day to day, as interest rates change.

For example: If you are trading EUR/USD; The base currency is the EUR, and the quote currency is the USD.

Now let’s say hypothetically:

The USD, has an interest rate of 2.75%

The EUR, has an interest rate of 2.00%

Using this example, if you were to buy $1,000 USD, this is what would happen: Since the USD has a higher interest rate, you will earn a positive rollover of 0.75% (2.75%-2.00%). On the other hand if you were to buy 1,000 Euros you will pay a rollover of around 0.75%.

This interest is calculated daily, by the difference in the 2 interest rates. If there is a 0.75% difference, as in the example above, if you buy the EUR/USD, this would amount to annual profit of $X, $Y*1.075 (earned in the rollover, assuming market conditions stayed at a fixed rate).

At TradeFxa we automatically roll over all of your open positions around 21:00 PM GMT to the next settlement date (i. e. the next trading day). We will automatically calculate and report any roll over you have gained or lost, this will be displayed in your account.

The settlement day will be two days after the trading day as deals are settled the next two business days (T+2) from the trading day (opening/closure of a position). This day is also called the value day. For example, if your deal was opened on Wednesday the 23rd of April the value day will be the 25th of April. If the deal was opened on Wednesday and closed on Thursday, then automatically the system will charge for 3 nights rollover as the value date of the opened deal was Friday and of the closed deal was Monday (next week). Therefore the charge of the rollover will be 3times the price of the rollover. In case of weekends and holidays, the rollover is multiplied by the number of these days.

Online Forex trading Community

How to Calculate Rollover Interest?

In the Foreign Exchange Market or Forex market, Rollover is a method of stretching the arranged clearing date or what is known as the settlement date of an open position. Mostly, in common currency trades, trades ought to be completed in two business days and traders who wish to stretch their positions with no intention of settlement must close their positions before 5:00 in the afternoon Eastern Standard Time on the date of settlement day, plus re-opening of them the next trading day. This means by rolling over the position, this at the same time closes the existing positions at the daily close rate and again coming into a new opening rate at the next trading day. This precisely means that the trader is indirectly extending the settlement day by one more day.

This is also known as tomorrow next strategy, it is functional in forex due to many traders have no purpose of getting delivery of the currency they buy but instead they have the intention of getting profit from fluctuating exchange rates. Since rollovers shove out the settlement by another two trading days, it may cause a gain or a cost to the trader depending on the existing rates.

Apparently, Rollover is when you reinvest funds from a mature security into a new issue of the similar security or same security. You are transferring the holdings of one retirement plan to another without the agony of tax effects. Plus a charge is incurred by Forex investors who extend their positions on the following delivery date.

Rollover interest is the net effect of the money borrowed by an investor to purchase another currency and such interest is paid on the borrowed currency and earned on the purchased currency. To calculate this interest, you should get the short-term interest rates on both currencies, the existing exchange rate of the currency pair and the number of the currency pair purchased. For instance, an investor possesses 15,000 CAD/USD. The present rate is 0.9155, the short term interest rate on the Canadian dollar (base currency) is 4.50% plus the short term interest on the US dollar (quoted currency) is 3.75%, so the interest would be $33.66 [ / (365 x 0.9155)].

If on the contrary, the short term interest rate on the base currency is lower than the short term interest rate of the borrowed currency, the interest rate would result into a negative number which may reduce the value of the investor’s account. Such interest can be avoided by taking a closed position on the currency pair. If an option is about to expire is quite favorable to grip, you can either buy or sell the later expiring option. Always note the interest rate that is paid by a currency trader or he may received in the course of these forex trades is considered by the IRS as ordinary interest income or expense. For taxation, the trader of the currency should always keep track the interest received or paid, separate from regular trading gains or losses.

What Does Rollover Mean In Forex

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Come funziona il rollover nel Forex e gli swap points (punti di swap)

Quasi tutte le posizioni aperte sul mercato Forex in genere vengono chiuse a fine giornata, se ad esempio acquistiamo EUR/USD a inizio giornata e chiudiamo la posizione entro le ore 23 ora italiana della stessa giornata non dobbiamo preoccuparci del rollover.

Il rollover ГЁ un meccanismo che entra in gioco se alla fine della giornata (23 ora italiana) vogliamo mantenere aperta la nostra posizione, esso rappresenta la differenza dei tassi di interesse tra le due divise oggetto della posizione aperta, tale differenza ГЁ chiamata anche Swap Point o punto di swap. В Questo meccanismo permette al trader di mantenere aperta una posizione per piГ№ giorni.

Attraverso i rollover ГЁ possibile quindi guadagnare se si sta acquistando la divisa con il tasso di interesse piГ№ alto e vendendo quella con il tasso di interesse piГ№ basso allo stesso tempo ГЁ possibile perdere se si sta vendendo la divisa con il tasso di interesse piГ№ alto e acquistando quella con il tasso di interesse piГ№ basso. Il rollover ГЁ applicato in modo automatico dal broker.

Per calcolare il rollover da applicare sul prezzo delle coppie di valute, il broker in genere chiude la posizione a fine giornata e la riapre quasi simultaneamente. Facciamo un esempio, abbiamo una posizione aperta di 1 lotto ($100000) EUR/USD Lunedì 17 alle 12.00 al tasso di cambio di 1.5750, durante il giorno la quotazione varia e alle 23 ora italia il prezzo è di 1.5775, il broker quindi chiude la posizione e ne riapre una nuova con una nuova data di valuta (value date).

Ammettiamo che la nuova posizione sia aperta con il prezzo di 1.5776, quindi una differenza di un punto, В la differenza di un pip rappresenta la differenza tra i tassi di interesse tra dollari (USD) e euro (EUR)

Le commissioni nel Forex Nel mercato Forex. a differenza degli altri mercati finanziari in genere i broker non applicano commissioni sull’operativitГ. il profitto ГЁ infatti garantito dallo spread ovvero la differenza tra il prezzo di acquisto e il prezzo di vendita.

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Thread: broker with no rollover fees

I'm not sure if this is the best place to put this, but I am a newbie so. anyway, i've only recently begun trading forex. I went with forex. com. I am happy with them for the most part, i mean, they have an alright trading platform, they have a mobile trading platform which i like (the fact that they have a mobile one, although i think it can be a lot better). But, the one thing i dont like is that when I have a trade open after 5pm, i get charged a rollover fee for that trade if it's currently in a minus (although I don't receive any rollover fee if my trade is positive!) - and since I am a swing trader (i think) - i do leave my trades open for a few days sometimes (once even over a month and paid over $100 in rollover fees!!). So, my question is, is there a good broker out there, with a mobile platform, and no rollover fees.

try FXCM, or MB trading, and ask them with no roll over deal, see what happen.

Good luck and happy trading! Ken

Last edited by nevergiveupss; 01-16-2012 at 08:32 PM.

Join Date Sep 2011 Posts 576

I came through to 100forexbrokers. com where number of brokers with rollover-free listed. It may be helpful for you.

Thanks to everyone for your responses, and especially to CodeMeister for the words of wisdom.

Higher spreads might be a better option for some though. For example, one trade I had open for over a month, I paid over $100 in rollover fees. I'm only trading mini lots, so a slightly higher spread would have been a way better deal for me compared to the rollover fee. However perhaps over time the spreads might catchup. I guess it also depends on your trading strategy though, if you are a scalper you would probably choose rollover fees over higher spreads, and if you were a medium-long term trader you might want the opposite.

Also, with Forex. com, they were charging me for the negative rollover, but NOT giving me anything for positive rollovers!

One question - what is slippage?

Look for a pair with cheaper rolls. Or for that matter, even positive ones.

But, the one thing i dont like is that when I have a trade open after 5pm, i get charged a rollover fee for that trade if it's currently in a minus (although I don't receive any rollover fee if my trade is positive!)

Rollover (also called 'Swap') depends on the currency pair you're trading, not on whether your trade is green (in profit) or red at swap time. Check out the School of Pipsology's 'Carry Trade' section (on this website) for an explanation of how rollover works and how you can take advantage of it.

So, my question is, is there a good broker out there, with a mobile platform, and no rollover fees??

Many brokers will offer 'No-swap Accounts' upon request, if you commit to follow some rules regarding arbitrage. Others have very low swap rates (mine charges 1 cent per day on a EURUSD mini lot (10,000 currency units), for instance, so keeping even a standard lot (100,000 currency units) open for a whole month would only cost approx. 3 bucks).

One question - what is slippage?

Slippage occurs at times of high market volatility; it means that if you have placed a stop-loss at 1.3000, for example, the market might move so rapidly that the stop-loss is only executed at 1.2997, thus costing you 3 pips more than originally planned. Slippage can never be totally avoided, but it can be minimized by picking a broker with powerful servers and by having a fast internet connection yourself. Some brokers 'cheat' with the slippage, fleecing their customers; not too long ago a major US broker has been heavily fined by the CFTC for his slippage practice.

Also, with Forex. com, they were charging me for the negative rollover, but NOT giving me anything for positive rollovers!

1.) Refer to the top of this post, to determine how swap is calculated. 2.) Many brokers will charge swap no matter the currency pair or whether you're long or short on a position; others will charge both ways on certain (mainly very liquid or popular) currency pairs and will either pay or charge swap interest on other pairs (like my broker does: charge both ways on EURUSD, pay/charge on AUDJPY). 3.) You said that you have paid over 100 bucks in swap with your broker; I guess that was with a demo account, using much larger position sizes than you would use with real money? You mentioned that you only trade mini lots. how many of them, 20? Surely you haven't paid more than USD 100 in rollover fees for only one mini lot in a month?

Last edited by PaladinFX; 01-21-2012 at 05:13 AM.

Thanks a lot for your post! I will review rollovers once more, and thanks for explaining slippage.

About the charges I incurred, I was trading only 3 mini lots and was getting charges $4.5 per day! I can't remember very clearly, but maybe I can go back and check, but I believe I was short on the position. I was getting charged on the days my position was negative. On the days it was positive, I never received any credit and I even asked them about this in their live chat and the rep confirmed this.

Hmmm, that sounds weird. Which currency pair were you trading?

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How do Futures Contract Rollover Days Work

The rollover day for a Futures contract is one of the most misunderstood features in trading these contracts.

Quite simply, Rollover Day is when traders start to exit the expiring contract and begin trading the front month contract that expires some time in the future.

As part of your job as a trader, you must understand when the contracts expire and ensure you buy/sell out of the existing contract before the date of expiration.

Watch the liquidity…..

The expiring contract can still be traded, as it is still available up to the expiration day, but the liquidity will suffer and you are best advised, if you want to continue in this position, to change to the new contract.

Liquidity: The degree to which an asset or security can be bought or sold in the market without affecting the asset’s price

Related – Price Action Trading Euro Futures Contract

This will avoid the problems associated with reduced trading volume which I will highlight later in this article

The word “contract” when referring to the Futures market is an actual contract complete with obligations for both the buyer and the seller.

The buyer agrees to take delivery, if trading in commodities such as cattle, and the seller agrees to deliver the product.

Trading in financials, the Futures contracts would be settled in cash.

The fact is that for the majority of traders, actual delivery never takes place as they are speculating on prices and not actually buying the product itself.

Futures Contract Rollover Days Can Differ

The instrument you are trading has a specific day that rollover occurs. All instruments are not created equal though as some expire quarterly and others expire monthly.

Some of the most popular e-mini contracts are the ES, Dow, and the Russell and they are known as stock index instruments. These expire quarterly in the months of March, June, September, and December on the third Friday of the month at 9:30 EST.

Note: Each expiration month is represented by the following letters: March (H), June (M), September (U), December (Z)

Let’s use the ES for an example highlighting the March 2015 expiration: ESH15

The March 2015 contract expires on March 20, 2015. The rollover to the June Futures contract (ESM15) is 8 days before expiry which is March 12, 2015. This is when you want to monitor the volume in your market as many traders begin to exit that current contract.

Most traders that I speak with will either change contracts on rollover or will trade the front month the next day.

Another popular Futures instrument to trade is Crude Oil or CL

Instead of a quarterly rollover, Crude Oil Futures rolls on a month to month interval.

Keeping with March 2015, you’d be trading CLH15 but rolling over to the April contract CLJ15 in the following manner:

Trading the current month CLH15 will stop on the third business day prior to the 25 day of the month.

If the twenty-fifth calendar day of the month is a non-business day, trading shall cease on the third business day prior to the last business day preceding the twenty-fifth calendar day. (http://is. gd/clcontract )

Ensure that for any Futures market you trade that you are fully educated on the rollover particulars to avoid any issues with your trading positions.


You may have heard about difficulties with liquidity, and increased volatility associated with rollover days. These result from the changeover that happens. Most traders move from trading the current contract into the next contract, and that means that the volume of the expiring contract becomes less, usually resulting in larger spreads, and the trading volume for the next period increases.

Volume: Total amount of futures contracts bought and sold during trading day (other time frame)

Here we have a comparison of volume between the expiring month and the front month.

You can see the gradual decline of volume plus the incline of volume in the front month. If you are not paying attention to rollover, you may start seeing its effects in terms of liquidity.

The increasing spreads on the expiring contract can be harmful to you if you day-trade. and the new contract will usually have very tight spreads on the rollover day. This is also important if you are a longer-term trader who wants to carry the contract past the expiration date, as the small spreads mean that you will pay the least to do the transfer.

If you are considering opening a position within a few days of rollover day, then you may find it better to use the new contract at the start.

Don’t Fear Contract Rollover

Futures Contract Rollover is not complex but it is something you should be extremely aware of. While most markets rollover at the same time, as we have seen with crude oil, there can be differences.

Just ensure you are checking the calendar and unless you are holding long term positions, begin trading the front month contract when most of the players change over.

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Forex Rollover Interest – An Introduction

In Forex trading programs, all Forex transactions should be settled in 2 business days. This means, if someone opens a position for a trade on Monday, the trader should settle the trade by Wednesday, at the same clock time. If someone wants to keep their position or trading going without having to settle them, then they should close their positions by 5PM EST and reopen the positions again in the next day. This technique delays the settlement in another 2 business days. This process is what we call ‘rollover’ and it comes to the trader with a gain or a loss. Let’s see how rollover comes either with a gain or a loss.

When you trade in the Forex market, you basically borrow (by spending) a currency (base currency) in order to purchase another currency. By 5PM EST every day, you are charged an interest for the money you borrowed and you are paid an interest for the money you purchased. As an example, if you spend USD to buy JPY, you are charged an interest for USD based on the interest rates defined in the USA and you are paid an interest for JPY you bought as defined in Japan for their currency. Since the US interest rates are higher than the interest rates in Japan, your interest gain will be a negative value. In this rollover, you lose money overnight. In case if your base currency was JPY, you will be earning the interest difference between the two currencies as rollover interest.

The rollover interest is an automatic process where the earned interest is paid automatically to the trader’s Forex account overnight, assuming the trader has bought a currency with higher interest rate. If the currency bought has a lower interest rate compared to the base currency, then trader’s account will be charged for the interest difference overnight.

In case if you have bought a significant volume of a currency that has much lower interest rate compared to the base currency, you may end up losing a significant amount of money as rollover interest. The best alternative for this situation is to settle the positions without closing them. Although this could be a solution, one should also evaluate the gain from settling the positions versus rollover interest loss. If the currency is performing well in the market, you may want to bear the rollover interest cost and close the trade in order to open it the next day.

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What Is Rollover in Futures?

Rollover is a necessary practice in the futures markets. Since futures contracts periodically expire, there is a need to transfer or “rollover” the old contracts into new contracts. While rollover and expiration are related events, they are not synonymous.

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Futures Contracts

Futures contracts are derivatives representing some underlying commodity. These contracts are traded over open exchanges much like stocks are traded in the stock market. Each futures contract represents a specified quantity of the underlying commodity. For example, each soybean futures contract represents 5,000 bushels of soybeans.


Unlike stocks, futures contracts expire. It is important that futures traders close out open positions before expiration to avoid taking delivery of the physical commodity. For most futures markets, expiration day occurs on the third Friday of the month in the months of March, June, September and December.


Rollover day is the day on which trading volume is transferred from the expiring contract month to the new contract month. Rollover typically occurs on the Thursday eight days before the Friday expiration. The market for the expiring month is still open until expiration, however, the majority of trading volume in a given futures market moves to the new month on rollover day.


Rollover is significant because traders wishing to hold long-term positions in a market must remember to periodically rollover their futures contracts. While rollover occurs automatically in the Forex market, it doesn’t necessarily occur automatically in the futures markets even though many futures brokers offer automatic rollover services to clients. The point here is that futures traders should always check with their brokers regarding rollover policies and services.


All futures traders should observe rollover day to ensure that they remain in a liquid market. While trading continues in the expiring market past rollover day, the volume decreases drastically. The decreased volume causes increased price spreads and can make it difficult for traders to enter or exit the market at desirable prices.

Forex Rollover Credits and Debits

Forex Rollover Credits and Debits

If you hold a position overnight you could receive interest, or you could be debited interest. When this happens in Forex it is called rollover interest. It is important that you understand what this interest is and how you can profit from it. You should also think about the tax implications of this interest.

What is Forex Rollover Interest?

Rollover interest is credited or debited to a forex trader who has an open position when 5pm EST comes around each trading day. If you open a trade before 5pm EST and hold it until after this time it is considered an overnight trade and subject to rollover interest. You can determine whether you will be debited or credited depending on the currency pair you are trading.

The rollover interest you stand to get is based on the total value of the trade. This means that if you have a standard lot of one currency you are going to get interest on the cost of a lot and not the margin of the trade. The interest is also based on the different interest rates of the countries involved in the currency pair.

Credits and Debits

The credits and debits of rollover interest relates to the currency you have bought in the pair and whether the currency has a higher interest rate than the other. If you have the USD/NZD pair and the US dollar has a higher interest rate than the NZ dollar you will be credited the difference between the interest rates. However, if the trader is buying the US dollar and selling the NZ dollar then they will be debited the difference in interest rates.

This can simply be put as the trader being paid interest for every day that they hold the high interest currency. The trader will have to pay for every day they hold the low interest currency in the pair. The interest for the weekend is generally applied to the account on the Wednesday. If the trade is still open on the Wednesday then the trader is credited or debited two additional days interest.

The crediting and debiting of trading accounts is automatically done by the broker. The interest is generally shown as a rollover or roll in the account breakdown.

Profiting From the Rollover

There are a lot of forex traders that use the rollover interest as a means of making money on the forex market. There are day traders that hold positions overnight in order to get the interest. Swing and long-term traders may use these currency pairs for trading because of the rollover interest they can get.

There are traders who buy pairs which are set to remain flat for the year. These traders are making all their money on the interest they receive from having the pair. Of course, you have to keep an eye on the interest rates of you are going to do this. If the low interest rate currency changes then you may not be getting as much profit.

The Tax Considerations

When dealing with tax rollover interest is viewed in the same way that interest on a bank account is viewed. This means that rollover income is taxed as interest income and should be kept track of differently.

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Swap Rates & Rollovers

Rollovers can have a significant effect on your account balance. As markets close at the end of each day, interest is calculated on open Forex positions held overnight. This interest is either earned or paid, depending on the relative interest rates of the countries of the currencies involved in the trade.

AxiTrader seeks to ensure our rollover rates are exceptionally competitive on both sides of the trade, helping you minimise interest payments and maximise credit earned.

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