Monday 23 October 2017

Forex N2

Glosario de Futuros y Forex Diccionario N2

Por el escorpión Publicado: 23 de septiembre de 2009

Dólar de Nueva Zelanda (NZD)

La moneda de Nueva Zelanda. Un NZD se compone de 100 centavos.

Un comerciante que negocia principalmente en comunicados de prensa tales como informes económicos y anuncios de la Reserva Federal. Los lanzamientos de las noticias son generalmente seguido por tiempos de negociación agitados.

Un corredor que usa un escritorio que no negocia utiliza un sistema que empareja a los comerciantes institucionales (abastecedores de la liquidez) con los clientes al por menor. Los proveedores de liquidez que compiten cotizaciones se introducen en el sistema, donde el cliente minorista recibirá entonces la mejor oferta.

Movimientos de mercado que no coinciden con el desarrollo general de la tendencia en el mercado. Cuanto más corto sea el período de tiempo, más ruido habrá, ya que será más difícil separar los patrones comerciales irregulares de los patrones.

Un comerciante que generalmente no utiliza datos fundamentales o técnicos para hacer operaciones, sino que se basa en movimientos a corto plazo, tendencias y comunicados de prensa.

Tipo de Cambio Efectivo Nominal (NEER)

Medida del tipo de cambio calculada tomando la media ponderada de los tipos de cambio de una nación contra un conjunto de monedas, donde los pesos están determinados por la balanza comercial de la nación con cada país.

Un intercambio realizado por una empresa en su propio nombre o por uno de sus socios, empleados o personal, cuando la firma miembro está autorizada para operar en la bolsa. El comercio no se hace en nombre de un cliente, de ahí su nombre.

Una moneda que no se negocia en el mercado de divisas, pero sólo se utiliza para fines domésticos. Véase también: Moneda no convertible

Estadística de empleo publicada por la Oficina Estadounidense de Estadísticas Laborales. Esta estadística mide el número de personas empleadas en los EE. UU., excepto para aquellos empleados en el gobierno, la industria agrícola y los hogares privados.

La diferencia entre el dólar canadiense (CAD) y el dólar estadounidense (USD) basado en la negociación que tiene lugar al mediodía (11.59-12.01) todos los días.

La moneda de Noruega. La corona noruega se compone de 100 oere.

Una cuenta que un banco tiene en otro país en la moneda local. Vea también: Cuenta Vostro

El día en que una cámara de compensación emite un aviso de intención de entregar contratos de Futuros.

Lo sentimos, tu cuenta no tiene acceso para publicar comentarios.

¡Hola! Estás viendo como invitado. Para acceder a nuestros recursos especiales de comercio de divisas, inscríbase hoy mismo. Obtendrá acceso ilimitado a nuestros sistemas de divisas forex, herramientas, artículos, noticias y más.


N2 Training Center ha estado proporcionando una educación de calidad actualizada en las plataformas de los mercados financieros desde 2005. Además de esto, se especializa en el desarrollo de sistemas de comercio automatizado e indicadores personalizados utilizando el lenguaje Metaquote.

Debido al hecho de que el mercado de divisas está creciendo día a día y muchos inversores en particular de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos están siendo atraídos hacia la oportunidad potencial de este mercado, ahora estamos ofreciendo programas de formación / cursos sobre las últimas herramientas de comercio en línea y software para el comercio en el extranjero Intercambio (FOREX).

N2 Training Center ofrece un curso profesional certificado que fue formado por el fundador del Grupo N2 de empresas, el Sr. Majid Naghedinia y sus miembros de la Oficina de Educación Creativa. Majid tener casi 10 años de experiencia como un corredor financiero ha combinado sus ideas innovadoras y la experiencia personal de comercio en la creación de estos increíbles cursos certificados.

Nuestra Misión: Transmitir experiencia comercial real a través de nuestro coaching de alta calidad, que asegura el éxito de nuestros estudiantes como Traders Profesionales Certificados (N2CPT).

Nuestra Visión: Nuestros estudiantes certificados están entre el 10% de los comerciantes financieros profesionales más exitosos del mundo.

Nuestro programa de entrenamiento fue desarrollado como resultado de combinar ideas innovadoras y experiencias comerciales personales.

Desde 2005, el centro de formación N2 continúa evolucionando en la prestación de una educación de calidad en materia de divisas mediante la aplicación de las lecciones aprendidas de los buenos y malos tiempos en el mercado.

Nuestro programa de formación consiste en la ilustración y los ejercicios donde los estudiantes consiguen aprender cómo utilizar las herramientas y el software más últimos en el mercado usando la plataforma que negocia de la modernidad. Con los ejercicios prácticos y los juegos los estudiantes aprenderán el enfoque de sentido común en el comercio del mercado financiero basado en la situación del mercado de la vida real. Después del curso, usted será capaz de convertir información de mercado en una idea de comercio, usted será capaz de planificar y ejecutar estrategias de comercio estratégico con alto nivel de gestión de riesgos. Le enseñaremos cómo detectar tendencias en el mercado, cómo controlar sus emociones y cómo utilizar el análisis técnico y fundamental para tener un mejor indicador en el mercado.

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Otros: Corredores de opciones binarias reguladas Bonos de corredores de opciones binarias

BVN: N2.6trn fondos lavados atrapados en los bancos


El Bank Verification Number (BVN), introducido por el Banco Central de Nigeria (CBN) para vincular a las personas a sus diversas cuentas bancarias, ha llevado a un enorme N2.6 billones de dólares atrapados en varios bancos de todo el país.

Se dice que los dueños de estas cuentas no hicieron reclamaciones a dicha suma al negarse a vincular su BVN a las cuentas por temor a ser etiquetadas como lavadoras de dinero.

Con la institución de BVN, ningún cliente bancario puede retirar dinero de una cuenta a menos que esté vinculado con el número, que sincroniza las diferentes cuentas del cliente.

"Si usted tiene 10 cuentas en diferentes bancos estará vinculado a usted y el CBN tendrá un resumen claro de todo el dinero que tiene", dijo un gerente de banco en un banco de primera generación.

Como resultado de la medida, no menos de N2.6 billones de dólares se dice que han quedado atrapados en los bancos con los propietarios se niegan a recogerlos sin señalar preguntas sobre cómo hicieron el dinero.

Hallazgos independientes revelan que la BVN también ha facilitado una reducción en el comercio ilegal de divisas por parte de los operadores de la Oficina de Cambio (BDC). Antes de ahora, los BDCs presentan falsas listas de compradores de divisas de los propietarios de cuentas. Pero con BVN, la lista podría ser examinada al comparar las cuentas, por lo tanto, poner caras en las solicitudes de divisas.

Durante mucho tiempo se sospechó por el Gobierno Federal y las autoridades monetarias que una buena parte de las asignaciones federales a los estados, ministerios, departamentos y agencias (MDAs) encontrar su camino en Wuse y otros centros de intercambio de divisas en Lagos y otros estados.

"Es el primer puerto de escala para aquellos que desean intercambiar dinero saqueado en dólares, libras y euros en su transferencia hacia las cuentas offshore y los bolsillos privados", explicó un ejecutivo de la Comisión de Delitos Económicos y Financieros (EFCC, por sus siglas en inglés).

En la delantera de las transacciones subrepticia son los banqueros y los operadores registrados BDC que el flete de mercancías hacia el mercado negro en la malversación financiera hasta entonces desenfrenada llamada de otro modo 'disparar redondo'.

"Eliminar el mercado negro es reducir significativamente la transferencia de fondos ilícitos", explicó el funcionario de EFCC. Se recordará que hubo un gran altercado entre Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, ambos ministros en funciones en el ministerio de finanzas bajo el ex presidente Olusegun Obasanjo por un lado y gobernadores estatales por el otro.

Los ministros habían llamado la atención del público sobre la ráfaga de actividades en el mercado negro cuando las asignaciones federales llegaban a los estados.

Bismark Rewane, consejero delegado de Financial Derivatives, también vinculó a banqueros y funcionarios en el banco de ápice a esta raqueta de la economía-paralizante.

Pero con las nuevas medidas y pasando por el escenario pintado en la angustia de los comerciantes de divisas, los que tienen el hábito de utilizar el mercado negro como conducto para saquear fondos públicos parecen ser las primeras causalidades.

El año pasado, el CBN había dicho que cualquier cliente del banco sin el BVN sería a partir del 1 de noviembre de 2015 ser considerado para tener información inadecuada de su cliente (KYC).

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John Holt registra ganancia de N1.63b en medio de un desafío forex

Por Editor | 25 de enero de 2016 | 11:40 pm

John Holt Nigeria Plc ha registrado un beneficio operativo de N1,63 millones a pesar de la devaluación de la naira en 2015, y las restricciones de moneda extranjera impuestas a algunos elementos del Banco Central de Nigeria.

Para el año que terminó el 30 de septiembre de 2015, el beneficio operativo, sin embargo, se redujo en 18.50 por ciento de N2 mil millones en el año anterior.

Pero los analistas han dicho que los bajos índices de gearing de la compañía y su fuerte base de activos hacen que su precio de acciones sea atractivo para los inversionistas que anhelan firmas de primer nivel.

Las ventas se redujeron un 13,87 por ciento a N2,42 mil millones en 2015, ya que la empresa se embarca en una expansión agresiva con miras a consolidar su participación en el mercado.

La empresa con interés en negocios que van desde la ingeniería, el arrendamiento financiero, el comercio y la distribución dijo que la devaluación de la naira fue un drenaje en sus líneas de fondo, ya que la mayoría de sus materias primas y equipos fueron importados.

"Aunque la compañía y sus filiales han realizado una pérdida antes de impuestos de N171m en comparación con el beneficio antes de impuestos de N427m el año pasado, N528m fue el cambio por la pérdida sufrida como resultado de la devaluación de Naira", dijo la compañía en un comunicado.

Atribuyó la caída en los ingresos a la caída en el precio del crudo, lo que afectó negativamente los ingresos de los clientes de petróleo y gas.

"Las ventas también se vieron afectadas negativamente por la tensión e incertidumbre asociadas con las elecciones generales de 2015 y la subsiguiente calma en la economía después de las elecciones", dijo la compañía.

El ratio deuda / capital ajustado de la compañía cayó a 43 por ciento en 2015, frente al 51 por ciento en 2014, mientras que el costo financiero cayó un 7,60 por ciento a N231 millones.

La disminución del ratio deuda / capital ajustado para el Grupo durante el año se debió principalmente a una disminución de la deuda de N400 millones de N1.8 mil millones en 2014 a N1.4 mil millones en 2015.

"Esto fue como resultado de la liquidación del préstamo FBN y la liquidación de los pasivos financieros de importación", dijo la compañía.

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Naira gana N2 como consejos PMB en el cambio de política FX

El naira se fortaleció frente al dólar a 268 en el mercado paralelo el miércoles, ya que el presidente Muhammdu Buhari insinuó un cambio en la política de restricción de divisas.

La divisa ganó N2, pasando de 270 el lunes, a pesar del cierre del Banco Central de Nigeria (CBN) de la ventana interbancaria hasta el 4 de enero de 2016.

El presidente dio a conocer su política de dirección y planes presupuestarios para 2016, diciendo que es consciente de los problemas de los nigerianos a través de obtener divisas. Buhari, quien reveló que el CBN estaba trabajando para resolver los problemas, dijo que "el statu quo no puede continuar".

"Estos son claramente debido a las insuficiencias actuales en el suministro de divisas a los nigerianos que lo necesitan. Sin embargo, estoy seguro por el gobernador del Banco Central de que el banco está ajustando su gestión de divisas para introducir cierta flexibilidad y fomentar la entrada adicional de divisas para ayudar a aliviar la presión.

Dijo que el gobierno está evaluando cuidadosamente el régimen cambiario teniendo en cuenta su voluntad de atraer a los inversores extranjeros, pero al mismo tiempo, la gestión y el control de la inflación a un nivel que no perjudicará a la media nigeriana. "Nigeria está abierto para los negocios. Pero el interés de todos los nigerianos debe ser protegido ", dijo Buhari.

"Soy consciente de los problemas que muchos nigerianos tienen actualmente en el acceso a divisas para sus diversos propósitos - de nuestros comerciantes y operadores de negocio que confían en entradas importadas; A los fabricantes que necesitan importar equipos sofisticados y repuestos; A nuestros operadores de las líneas aéreas que necesitan el intercambio extranjero para cumplir sus obligaciones reguladoras internacionales; Al sector de los servicios financieros y al mercado de capitales, que son actores clave en el ámbito mundial ".

Por Katina Brady

Si usted necesita este producto, entonces será su trabajo para ir de un prospecto a otro. Eso realmente tomará una gran parte de su tiempo ya que hay un montón de opciones en el mercado, pero eso no importa. Lo que es esencial en aquí es que obtendrá lo que quiere una vez que todo se había dicho y hecho.

La primera cosa que usted tendría que mirar en sus perspectivas sería su tamaño. Por lo tanto, asegúrese de que está eligiendo en la categoría de tamaño del generador n2 correcto. Si no, entonces usted sólo estaría empeorando las cosas y eso no es algo que usted puede permitirse tener en este momento y esa es la verdad.

En segundo lugar, usted tendría que tener un contador de horas digital entre ellos. Si no, entonces ciertamente no tendrás la vida libre de preocupaciones que siempre has deseado. Por lo tanto, ser muy particular con este detalle ya que básicamente no se les permite conformarse con nada menos. Esa es la regla que debe seguir.

En tercer lugar, ver a que la operación del botón es una cosa que pronto se acostumbrará a. Si no tuviera ningún problema en operar por primera vez, entonces esa es una señal que debe recordar mientras se mueve por el camino. Por lo tanto, tener el tipo de memoria que usted será capaz de confiar en un tiempo muy largo. Eso es esencial.

Si te gustan las correas de transporte que puedes encontrar en ellos, entonces eso es una ventaja de su lado. Sin embargo, usted tendrá que ser lo suficientemente consciente de que este detalle no se escape de su mente cuando se está acercando a la realización de sus objetivos. Si tienes que escribirlas para que las recuerdes, entonces así sea.

Si pueden venir en un todo en un paquete, después no olvidarlos cuando usted está haciendo ya su decisión final. Si usted estaría en ese modo, entonces usted puede esperar sólo cosas buenas para venir a su manera. Ese es el tipo de situación que es más adecuado para usted lo que significa que usted está llegando lentamente allí.

Si no hay dudas de su fiabilidad, entonces eso es una gran ventaja de su parte. Recuerde que no es todos los días que se encontrará con candidatos de esta naturaleza. Por lo tanto, sólo tendrá que aferrarse a ellos tanto como sea posible.

Si son asequibles, entonces no tendría ninguna razón para no conseguirlos. Tenga en cuenta que ya ha hecho su parte aquí. Si no aceptas eso, entonces estarías atascado en la misma etapa y eso no es bueno. Por lo tanto, tendría que enfrentar la realidad aquí y seguir adelante.

En general, sólo tendría que obtener lo mejor entre el resto. De esa manera, no tendrías arrepentimientos por tener que vivir por el resto de tu vida. Esa es la forma en que es.

Sobre el Autor:

Puede visitar www. gassystemscorp. com para obtener más información útil sobre cómo obtener un generador de N2 completamente funcional.

En la parte superior derecha de la página, se muestra la parte superior de la página. К. С.............. Валютный рынок раньше был, как игровое поле для банков и крупных учреждений, но в последние годы всё эволюционировало настолько, что это заметно каждому. Философия компании N2 Mercado de Capitales заключается в том, чтобы сделать сервис максимально доступным даже для начинающих трейдеров.

Por favor, haga clic aquí para ver todos los detalles de Metatrader 5. Доступ клюбой опции возможен максимум всего лишь в пару кликов. Всё быстро и легко настраивается, останется только сосредоточиться на торговле. Компания не взимает оплату за торговую платформу.

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Ниже на карте отмечены офисы компании N2 Capital Markets. При нажатии на каркер можно узнать краткую информацию для связи (адрес, время работы, телефон и электронный почтовый адрес).

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La información y la información, la información sobre el producto es gratuita y la información sobre el producto está disponible en el sitio web de la empresa. El diseño de la pared de la pared de la pared de la pared de la pared de la pared de la ventana. Всержит в себе высокий уровень риска. Высокий уровень плеча может работать на вас, но также и против Вас. Прежде чем принять решение Вы должны тательно рассмотреть ваши инвестиционные цели, уровень опыта и риска. Существует вероятность, что вы можете потерпеть потерю некоторой части или даже всех Ваших начальных инвестиций и поэтому не следует вкладывать деньги, которые вы не можете позволить себе потерять. Вы должны быть осведомлены обо всех рисках связанных с этим бизнесом и можете посоветоваться с независимым финансовым консультантом, если у вас есть какие-то сомнения.

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El Bank Verification Number (BVN) introducido por el Banco Central de Nigeria (CBN) para vincular a las personas a sus diversas cuentas bancarias ha llevado a un enorme N2.6 billones de dólares atrapados en varios bancos en todo el país, informó Independent.

Se dice que los dueños de estas cuentas no hicieron reclamaciones a dicha suma al negarse a vincular su BVN a las cuentas por temor a ser etiquetadas como lavadoras de dinero.

Con la institución de BVN, ningún cliente bancario puede retirar dinero de una cuenta a menos que esté vinculado con el número, que sincroniza las diferentes cuentas del cliente.

"Si usted tiene 10 cuentas en diferentes bancos estará vinculado a usted y el CBN tendrá un resumen claro de todo el dinero que tiene", dijo un gerente de banco en un banco de primera generación.

Como resultado de la medida, no menos de N2.6 billones de dólares se dice que han quedado atrapados en los bancos con los propietarios se niegan a recogerlos sin señalar preguntas sobre cómo hicieron el dinero.

Hallazgos independientes revelan que la BVN también ha facilitado una reducción en el comercio ilegal de divisas por parte de los operadores de la Oficina de Cambio (BDC). Antes de ahora, los BDCs presentan falsas listas de compradores de divisas de los propietarios de cuentas. Pero con BVN, la lista podría ser examinada al comparar las cuentas, por lo tanto, poner caras en las solicitudes de divisas.

Durante mucho tiempo se sospechó por el Gobierno Federal y las autoridades monetarias que una buena parte de las asignaciones federales a los estados, ministerios, departamentos y agencias (MDAs) encontrar su camino en Wuse y otros centros de intercambio de divisas en Lagos y otros estados.

"Es el primer puerto de escala para aquellos que desean intercambiar dinero saqueado en dólares, libras y euros en su transferencia hacia las cuentas offshore y los bolsillos privados", explicó un ejecutivo de la Comisión de Delitos Económicos y Financieros (EFCC, por sus siglas en inglés).

En la delantera de las transacciones subrepticia son los banqueros y los operadores registrados BDC que el flete de mercancías al mercado negro en la malversación financiera hasta entonces desenfrenada de otra manera llamada 'disparar redondo'.

"Eliminar el mercado negro es reducir significativamente la transferencia de fondos ilícitos", explicó el funcionario de EFCC. Se recordará que hubo un gran altercado entre Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, ambos ministros en funciones en el ministerio de finanzas bajo el ex presidente Olusegun Obasanjo por un lado y gobernadores estatales por el otro.

Los ministros habían llamado la atención del público sobre la ráfaga de actividades en el mercado negro cuando las asignaciones federales llegaban a los estados.

Bismark Rewane, consejero delegado de Financial Derivatives, también vinculó a banqueros y funcionarios en el banco de ápice a esta raqueta de la economía-paralizante.

Pero con las nuevas medidas y pasando por el escenario pintado en la angustia de los comerciantes de divisas, los que tienen el hábito de utilizar el mercado negro como conducto para saquear fondos públicos parecen ser las primeras causalidades.

El año pasado, el CBN había dicho que cualquier cliente del banco sin el BVN sería a partir del 1 de noviembre de 2015 ser considerado para tener información inadecuada de su cliente (KYC).

CBN ahora para asignar forex a los usuarios finales como el comercio exterior cae por N2.5tr

El Banco Central de Nigeria (CBN) debe ahora asignar divisas a los usuarios finales, dando prioridad a las cartas de crédito maduras, a la importación de productos petrolíferos, materias primas y maquinaria. Esto está en una apuesta para manejar con eficacia las reservas extranjeras agotadas de la nación.

Esto vino como el informe de comercio exterior de Nigeria para las importaciones y las exportaciones durante el tercer cuarto de 2015 ha demostrado una declinación sin precedente que refleja el nivel de la tensión que la economía ha presenciado desde este año.

Director de Política Monetaria del CBN, Moses Tule, quien habló en Abuja, dijo el fin de semana que bajo el nuevo régimen, los que se complacen en desperdiciar el intercambio de la nación en las compras en el extranjero sería cada vez más difícil.

Dijo, & # 8220; Nuestra prioridad como nación para la asignación o uso de divisas es para el establecimiento de cartas de crédito maduras, LC, que se han abierto para la importación; Para la importación de productos petrolíferos hasta el momento en que nuestras refinerías estén plenamente operativas y no estamos en condiciones de importar combustible nuevamente para garantizar que las ruedas del desarrollo económico continúen girando y funcionando y para la importación de materias primas.

Al llegar a estas tres áreas prioritarias, descubrirá que las personas que están usando sus tarjetas de débito en el extranjero para ir de compras nunca pueden estar en la lista de prioridades.

& # 8220; Entendemos que puede no ser todo lo que las demandas serán para ir de compras. Hemos visto que las reservas no están ahí y lo que tenemos usaremos esencialmente para los propósitos que mantendrán las ruedas de la economía funcionando. Tenemos que producir para la exportación, no podemos seguir dependiendo solamente de la exportación del petróleo crudo. & # 8221;

Dijo que la CBN sindicó con los nigerianos sobre la prohibición del uso de tarjetas de débito en el extranjero, pero que no había nada que la institución pudiera hacer por sí sola para cambiar los ingresos de divisas de la nación, ya que depende en gran medida de los ingresos del petróleo.

Es un desarrollo saludable en el que los nigerianos ya no pueden usar tarjetas de débito en el extranjero. Pero es inconveniente. En este momento el país está pasando por tiempos muy difíciles debido a la evolución del mercado petrolero. El cambio de divisas bajo la condición que Nigeria se ha encontrado se ha convertido en una mercancía estacional. Estacional en el sentido de que depende del movimiento del precio del petróleo. Si los precios del petróleo son altos, entonces construiremos reservas, si los precios del petróleo son bajos, entonces no tenemos reservas y estaremos en una situación de crisis.

El CBN simpatiza con la situación en que los nigerianos no pueden usar sus tarjetas de débito fuera del país? Sí, el CBN ciertamente simpatiza con las dificultades que enfrentan los nigerianos, pero puede el CBN detenerlo? El CBN no puede detener lo que los bancos están haciendo ahora y la razón es muy obvia, & # 8221; él dijo.

Tule indicó que la política no sería revisada en el corto plazo, ya que, según él, las reservas que actualmente están en alrededor de $ 29 mil millones tendrían que ser construidas hasta una cifra de alrededor de $ 50 mil millones antes de uso libre de la divisa Podría ser restaurado.

& # 8220; En el momento en que comenzamos a construir reservas, esperamos que al igual que estas restricciones no estaban allí, la mayoría de las restricciones se levantará, pero por ahora, cada mano tiene que estar en cubierta. Necesitamos ganar divisas como un país.

& # 8220; Puede mejorar sus procesos de negocio con el fin de exportar y ganar divisas y eso es lo que el país está pidiendo a empresarios nigerianos patrióticos que hacer, & # 8221; Añadió.

El comercio exterior cae por N2.5tr

Mientras tanto, el informe de comercio exterior de Nigeria para importaciones y exportaciones durante el tercer trimestre de 2015 ha mostrado una disminución sin precedentes que refleja el nivel de estrés que la economía ha presenciado desde este año.

Una enorme caída en las exportaciones de crudo parecía haber afectado la capacidad de la economía para financiar las importaciones, ya que el Banco Central de Nigeria (CBN) reforzó sus restricciones de la utilización de divisas durante el período.

Según las estadísticas de comercio exterior publicadas por la Oficina Nacional de Estadísticas, NBS, en comparación con el correspondiente trimestre de 2014, el valor del comercio total de mercancías que comprende las importaciones y exportaciones de Nigeria en el tercer trimestre de 2015 disminuyó en N2,5 billones o 38,3 Por ciento. El valor total del comercio en el tercer trimestre de 2015 fue N4.02 trillones contra N6.4 trillones en el período correspondiente del año pasado.

Esto, según el informe, fue como resultado de una disminución de N132.400 millones o 7.3 por ciento y N 2.4 billones o 50.3 por ciento en las importaciones y exportaciones, respectivamente, en relación con el trimestre correspondiente en 2014.

Los informes del tercer trimestre de 2015 también muestran una disminución constante en el sector de la economía, ya que el valor se redujo en N338 millones de dólares frente al trimestre anterior de 2015.

En términos intertrimestrales, el fuerte descenso de las exportaciones y la ligera disminución de las importaciones contribuyeron a la continuación de la caída de la balanza comercial del país, un 32% o 303,1 mm de N durante el tercer trimestre de 2015.

El valor total de las importaciones de Nigeria durante el trimestre se situó en N1.7 trillones, una ligera disminución de un por ciento de lo que se registró en el trimestre anterior, pero, año tras año el análisis mostró que el país & # 8217; Las importaciones de los Estados Unidos disminuyeron significativamente en N132.400 millones, lo que refleja la diferencia significativa en las condiciones económicas entre los períodos.

El valor total de las exportaciones de la nación ascendió a N 2,3 billones en el tercer trimestre de 2015, una disminución de N320.6billion o 12.1 por ciento, sobre el valor N2.65 trillones registrado en el trimestre precedente.

Esta disminución, según NBS, se atribuyó a una caída en las exportaciones de crudo por N372.8 mil millones o 18.8 por ciento respecto al trimestre anterior.

La estructura de las importaciones de Nigeria por sección estuvo dominada por las importaciones de calderas, maquinaria y aparatos; Sus partes & # 8221; Que representaron el 24 por ciento del valor total de las importaciones en el tercer trimestre de 2015.

Otros productos básicos que contribuyeron notablemente al valor de las importaciones en el período de revisión fueron Productos minerales & # 8221; Al 15,3%, Vehículos, aeronaves y sus partes; Buques, etc & # 8221; En el 8,8 por ciento, los productos de las industrias químicas y aliadas y # 8221; Al 8,6 por ciento, y los metales comunes y los artículos de metales comunes. Al 8,4%.

Las importaciones clasificadas por categoría económica amplia, reveló que Industrial Supplies & # 8220; ocupó el primer lugar con N470.3billion o 27.9 por ciento de las importaciones totales. Esto fue seguido por bienes de capital y partes & # 8221; Con el valor de N398.7 mil millones o el 23.6 por ciento, y & # 8220; Alimentos y Bebidas & # 8221; Con N322.8billion o 19.1 por ciento. El valor de Motor Spirit (productos petrolíferos) se situó en N220.6 mil millones.

Las importaciones de Nigeria por dirección (país de origen), mostraron que el país importó mercancías principalmente de China, Estados Unidos, Bélgica, Países Bajos e India, que representaron respectivamente N459.4 miles de millones o 27.2 por ciento, N160.6 mil millones o 9.5 por ciento, N128.3billion o 7.6 por ciento, N101.8billion o 6 por ciento y N97.4billion o 5.8 por ciento del valor total de mercancías importadas durante el trimestre.

Un análisis más profundo de las importaciones de Nigeria por continente reveló que el país consumía bienes procedentes en gran medida de Asia con importaciones valoradas en N764,5 mil millones o 45,3 por ciento del total de las importaciones, mientras que importó bienes valorados en N596,4 mil millones o 35,3 por ciento De Europa y N241.3 mil millones o 14.3 por ciento de las Américas.

El comercio de importación procedente de África se situó en N65,4 mil millones o el 3,9 por ciento, mientras que las importaciones de la región de la CEDEAO ascendieron a N16,3 mil millones.

La estructura de las exportaciones sigue dominada por el petróleo crudo, que aportó N $ 6 billones o 69.1 por ciento al valor total de las exportaciones nacionales en el tercer trimestre de 2015. El gas natural licuado registró N265.2 mil millones del valor total de las exportaciones durante el período Período objeto de examen.

Las exportaciones por sección revelaron que Nigeria exportaba principalmente productos minerales # 8221 ;, que representaron N2.025 trillones o 86.8 por ciento de las exportaciones totales.

Otros productos exportados por Nigeria incluyen los vehículos, aviones y partes de vehículos catigorizados; Recipientes, etc. & # 8221; En N216.2 mil millones o el 9.3 por ciento; Alimentos preparados; Bebidas, bebidas espirituosas y vinagre; Tabaco & # 8221; En N33.1 mil millones o el 1.4 por ciento, y productos vegetales & # 8221; En N9.3 mil millones o 0.4 por ciento de exportaciones totales.

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BVN: N2.6trn fondos lavados atrapados en los bancos

El Número de Verificación Bancaria (BVN), introducido por el Banco Central de Nigeria (CBN) para vincular a las personas a sus distintas cuentas bancarias, ha llevado a un enorme N2.6 billones de dólares atrapados en varios bancos de todo el país.

Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers.

With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts.

“If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have,” said a bank manager in a first generation bank. As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies.

Findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex.

It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states.

“It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets,” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called ‘round tripping.’

“Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly,” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other.

The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states.

Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket.

But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities.

Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information.

CBN now to allocate forex to end users

A BUJA — The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, is now to allocate foreign exchange to end-users, with priority given to matured Letters of Credit, importation of petroleum products, raw materials and machinery. This is in a bid to effectively manage the nation’s depleted foreign reserves.

This came as Nigeria’s foreign trade report for imports and exports during the third quarter of 2015 has shown an unprecedented decline reflecting the level of stress the economy has witnessed since this year.

The Director of Monetary Policy of the CBN, Mr. Moses Tule, who spoke in Abuja, at the weekend said under the new regime, those who take pleasure in wasting the nation’s foreign exchange in shopping abroad would find it increasingly difficult.

His words: “Our priority as a nation for the allocation or use of foreign exchange is for the settlement of matured Letters of Credit, LCs, that have been opened for importation; for the importation of petroleum products until such a time when we have our refineries fully operational and we are not in a position to import fuel again to ensure that the wheels of economic development continue turning and running and for the importation of raw materials.

“By the time we meet these three priority areas, you will discover that people who are using their debit cards overseas for shopping can never be on the priority list.

“We do understand that it may not be all that the demands will be for shopping. We have seen that the reserves are not there and what we have we will use essentially for the purposes that will keep the wheels of the economy running. We have to produce for export, we can’t continue to depend only on the export of crude oil.”

The director said that the CBN synpathised with Nigerians on the ban of the use of debit cards abroad but that there was nothing the institution could do on its own to change the nation’s foreign exchange earnings, as it largely depends on oil receipts.

“It is a healthy development where Nigerians can no longer use debit cards abroad. But it is inconvenient. Right now the country is going through very difficult times because of developments in the oil market. Foreign exchange under the condition Nigeria has found itself has become a seasonal commodity. Seasonal in the sense that it depends on the movement of the price of oil. If oil prices are high, then we build reserves, if oil prices are low, then we have no reserves and we will be in a crisis situation.

“Does the CBN sympathize with the situation Nigerians find themselves not being able to use their debit cards outside the country? Yes the CBN certainly does sympathize with the hardship Nigerians are facing, but can the CBN stop it? The CBN cannot stop what the banks are doing now and the reason is very obvious,” he said.

Mr. Tule indicated that the policy would not be reviewed any time in the short term, as according to him, the reserves which currently stand at about $29 billion would have to be built up to a figure of around $50 billion before free use of the foreign exchange could be restored.

The moment we begin to build reserves, we expect that just as this restrictions were not there, most of the restrictions will be lifted but for now, every hand needs to be on deck. We need to earn foreign exchange as a country. You can improve your business processes in order to export and earn foreign exchange and that is what the country is calling on patriotic Nigerian businessmen to do.”

Economic downturn: Foreign trade drops by N2.5 trillion

Meanwhile, Nigeria’s foreign trade report for imports and exports during the third quarter of 2015 has shown an unprecedented decline reflecting the level of stress the economy has witnessed since this year.

A huge drop in crude oil export appeared to have taken a toll on the ability of the economy to finance imports as the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, tightenned its restrictions of foreign exchange utilisation within the period.

According to the foreign trade statistics released by National Bureau of Statistics, NBS, compared to the corresponding quarter of 2014, the value of total merchandise trade comprising Nigeria’s imports and exports in third quarter 2015 decreased by N2.5 trillion or 38.3 per cent. Total value of trade in the third quarter of 2015 was N4.02 trillion as against N6.4 trillion in the corresponding period of last year.

This, according to the report, was as a result of a N132.4 billion or 7.3 per cent and N 2.4 trillion or 50.3 per cent decline in imports and exports respectively relative to the corresponding quarter in 2014.

The third quarter 2015 reports also show steady decline in the economy sector as the value dropped by N338 billion against the preceeding quarter of 2015.

Quarter-on-quarter, the sharp decline in exports and slight decrease in imports contributed to continued fall in the Country’s trade balance, by 32 per cent or N 303.1 billion during the third quarter of 2015.

Total value of Nigeria’s imports during the quarter stood at N1.7 trillion, a slight decrease of one per cent from what was recorded in the preceding quarter, but, year-on-year analysis showed that the country’s imports decreased significantly by N132.4 billion or 7.3 per cent, reflecting the siginificant difference in the economic conditions between the periods.

Total value of the nation’s exports totalled N 2.3 trillion in the third quarter of 2015, a decrease of N320.6billion or 12.1 per cent, over the value N2.65 trillion recorded in the preceding quarter.

This decline, according to NBS, was attributed to a fall in crude oil exports by N372.8 billion or 18.8 per cent over the preceding quarter.

The structure of Nigeria’s imports by section was dominated by the imports of “Boilers, machinery and appliances; parts thereof” which accounted for 24 per cent of the total value of imports in the third quarter of 2015.

Other commodities which contributed noticeably to the value of imports in the review period were “Mineral products” at 15.3 per cent, “Vehicles, aircraft and parts thereof; vessels etc” at 8.8 per cent, “Products of the chemical and allied industries” at 8.6 per cent, and “Base metals and articles of base metals” at 8.4 per cent.

Imports classified by Broad Economic Category, revealed that Industrial Supplies “ranked first with N470.3billion or 27.9 per cent of total imports. This was followed by “Capital Goods and parts” with the value of N398.7 billion or 23.6 per cent, and “Food and Beverage” with N322.8billion or 19.1 per cent. The value of Motor Spirit (petroleum products) stood at N220.6 billion.

Nigeria’s imports by direction (country of origin), showed that the country imported goods mostly from China, United States, Belgium, Netherlands and India which respectively accounted for N459.4 billion or 27.2 per cent, N160.6 billion or 9.5 per cent, N128.3billion or 7.6 per cent, N101.8billion or 6 per cent and N97.4billion or 5.8 per cent of the total value of goods imported during the quarter.

Further analysis of Nigeria’s imports by continent, revealed that the country consumed goods largely from Asia with imports valued at N764.5 billion or 45.3 per cent of total imports while it imported goods valued at N596.4 billion or 35.3 per cent from Europe and N241.3 billion or 14.3 per cent from the Americas.

Import trade from Africa stood at N65.4 billion or 3.9 per cent while imports from the region of ECOWAS amounted to N16.3 billion.

The structure of exports is still dominated by crude oil, which contributed N.6 trillion or 69.1 per cent to the value of total domestic exports in the third quarter of 2015. Natural liquefied gas recorded N265.2 billion of the total export value during the period under review.

Exports by section revealed that Nigeria exported mainly “Mineral Products”, which accounted for N2.025 trillion or 86.8 per cent of the total exports.

Other products exported by Nigeria include those catigorised as “vehicles, aircraft and parts thereof; vessels etc.” at N216.2 billion or 9.3 per cent; “prepared foodstuffs; beverages, spirits and vinegar; tobacco” at N33.1 billion or 1.4 per cent, and “vegetable products” at N9.3 billion or 0.4 per cent of total exports.

Naira slides N4.00k at parallel, N2.51k at inter-bank amid uncertainty

Uncertainty on Thursday trailed the foreign exchange market after the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) closed its official forex window. Consequently, the value of the nation’s currency, the naira, fell by N2.51k or 1.3 percent against the US dollar at the inter-bank foreign exchange market. After trading on Thursday, naira closed at N199.10k/$ compared to…

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Are Nigerian Banks Round-Tripping Forex In Broad Daylight?

Here’s the background to this story. Sometime last year when the naira started to come under pressure, the bankers and the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) sat down in the Bankers Committee (BC) and decided on some measures to stabilise the naira.

One of the things they agreed on was a fixed spread in rates. Banks would not buy forex at the interbank market at more than 50kobo higher than the official rate. They would also not sell at more than N2 above the official CBN rate. Based on current published rates on the CBN website. this means that a Nigerian bank cannot buy US dollars from any source at more than N197 to $1. They are also not allowed to sell for more than N199 to $1.

Now, this was not written down via a circular because the CBN did not want to be seen as fixing rates. But it has been in force and you can see it when you check the Interbank rates (the market where banks trade with each other). The interbank rates haven’t moved beyond that 50kobo and N2 band if you check going back to the last time the CBN devalued the naira.

It goes further. Banks cannot report to CBN that they sourced forex at more than N197 to $1. Or that they sold for more than N199 to $1. That will trigger an automatic fine from the CBN. I am told of a bank that got fined simply for extending the rate it bought at to 4 decimal places. Say something like N197.4567. Once you round that up, it takes you to N198. The bank got fined by CBN immediately.

Another point to note — The interbank market in Nigeria used to trade around $300m per day when oil prices were good. Now it barely does $30m per day because most people who would have brought money in have run away given that no one believes N199 is a realistic rate. That is to say, banks are currently sourcing up to $30m per day at N197 to $1. It’s hard to believe that there are some mad people out there selling their forex at this rate but it is happening.

What this implies is that even if banks are sourcing forex at more than N197 to $1, they cannot legally report it to CBN without getting a fine.

Nigerian banks are NOT allowed to participate in the black market .

The Big Question

All of the above leads us to ask an important question — how on earth are Nigerian banks getting away with charging card users rates as high as N350 to $1 for card payments?

As stated above, this cannot legally be reported to CBN. A bank cannot say it sold US dollars at N345 to $1 to a customer who bought books on Amazon using their naira debit card. They cannot also say they bought forex from somewhere at N330 to $1. In both cases, the CBN will slap a fine on them immediately. The CBN cannot allow this to happen for obvious reasons as it will mean they have devalued unofficially.

But this is what is happening. Nigerians using their debit cards online or abroad to make purchases are getting charged black market rates by their banks.

So how are the banks reporting this to CBN?

Possible Answers

There are 2 possible but insufficient answers to this puzzle.

The banks have resurrected their old ‘NIBBS and Drafts’ trick. I havepreviously written about this ruse.

Again, the attempt to ‘control’ the exchange rate gave rise to all sorts of funny games. Since the rate at which banks could sell their forex was fixed, they simply complied with this rate at the IFEM but then collected an extra payment outside the system to make up the difference with the ‘real rate’ at which they were actually selling. Some bankers called this game ‘NIBSS and Drafts’ i. e you pay the official rate via NIBSS but settle the difference with a bank draft.

That is, they buy the forex from say an oil company at a more realistic rate of N300 to $1. Since they can only tell CBN they paid N197 to $1, they have a side agreement with the oil company to pay them N197 officially and then cut them another cheque for the remaining N103 to $1 on the side.

This is still illegal by CBN’s rules but it is possible that it is happening.

2. The second possible answer from what I have been told is that when the banks report their forex transactions to the CBN, they load all sorts of charges on it ‘seperate’ from the actual rate to bump up the total charge. So they might report that they sold US dollars to Mr. Lagbaja at N197 to $1 but then include charges like ATM fee, card fee, switch fee, oxygen fee and so on until they get to the rate they actually sold it to him.

But this will be quite tricky to pull off in practice. The gap between the official rate and what the banks are charging was so high at one point that its hard to see how they could have loaded charges to get from N197 to N400 which is where the rate peaked at a couple of weeks ago.

Please note that this is only happening to card payments. It is only through card payments that Nigerian banks are currently selling forex at black market rates. In the forex jungle that is Nigeria’s current monetary policy, people who pay for foreign purchases using their cards are at the bottom of the food chain.

It’s the ordinary (middle class) guy who is being taken for a ride here. In today’s papers for instance. the latest forex allocation to banks from CBN showed that GTBank got the highest amount at $31m (of which it sold $15m to Alhaji Putin alone). None of that money is sold at more than N199 to $1.

All of this is of course down to the foolishness of Aso Rock running monetary policy. Even on Sunday in church right after taking communion, Nigerian bankers cannot be relied upon to tell the truth regarding something as mundane as the weather. So it is to be expected that they will grab such a gift with both hands. Everytime Nigeria has experimented with such forex controls, people have gotten superbly rich. ‘Twas ever thus.

Using some rough numbers — imagine a bank settling $1m per day in card payments (not an unreasonable figure). If it makes N100 on each dollar, that can easily come to N36bn in a year. It’s pretty cool money and will fund more than a few Range Rovers.

So back to the original question — how are banks getting away with charging black market rates on card payments? Are they really round-tripping in broad daylight?

If you have answers, I would like to hear them.

Previous story Of Bagpipes, Tartan shorts, Budgets, and National Priorities

Next story How Did We End Up Here?

Naira Depreciates 0.7% Against USD On Parallel Market

The Naira on Wednesday continued to depreciate on the parallel market amid mixed recent reactions to the forex policy of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) .

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) has reported that the Nigerian national currency lost N2 to exchange at N297 to the dollar, from N295 it traded at on Tuesday.

The Naira remains fixed at N197 to the US Dollar at the official interbank window.

Market traders said that the ongoing demand for the US Dollar by importers has continued to fuel the depreciation of the Naira on the parallel market.

Meanwhile, some stakeholders involved in forex market operations have expressed divergent views on the impact of the recent forex policy of the CBN regarding the Naira.

The Association of Bureaux de Change Operators of Nigeria (ABCON), in a communiqué signed by several of its members, urged the CBN to reverse its ban on the sale of forex to its affiliates,.

The association said that the ban would impact on the value of the Naira negatively.

They called on the CBN to include them in making decisions that could affect the foreign exchange market.

Professor Sherifadeen Tella of the Department of Economics, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye, Ogun, said the new forex policy of the apex bank was a good idea and in the right direction.

He noted that there is not single case in the world where the central bank of a country had sold forex to BDCs, pointing out that BDCs in Nigeria were operating like the parallel market and not entirely legally.

If you want to keep track of the issues and events that will effect the economy and the strength of the Naira, you can read our updates on the price of oil and the Naira – US Dollar exchange rate on the parallel market.

Price Oscillator (PO)

The variation between security price moving averages gives the Price Oscillator. It can be expressed in percents as well as in points showing the difference between any averages unlike MACD that shows the variety in points through 12- and 26-day moving averages.

The PO Indicator is a difference between the moving averages, built on the basis of two periods:

PO = MA(P, n1) - MA(P, n2),

MA(P, n1) - moving average of the P price within n1 periods,

MA(P, n2) - moving average of theP price within n2 periods.

A buy signal produces while analyzing moving average when either price or short-term moving average exceeds the longer-term one. The price of a shorter-term moving average falling lower than the long-term moving average will give a sell signal. A single line of the Price Oscillator shows signals generated by the system for two moving averages going cyclically and making profitable signs. When the Price Oscillator takes values above zero, it is a signal to buy whether the values below zero give sell signal.

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Nigerian Wire returns to profitability, posts N2.8mn profit

By Michael Eboh FOLLOWING seven years of unimpressive financial performance, Nigerian Wire Industries Plc (NIWIL) finally returned to profitability, as it posted a profit after tax of N2.8 million in 2008 financial year.

The company, according to the Nigerian Stock Exchange’s (NSE) Factbook for the year 2008, had last declared profit in its year 2000 financial results, when it announced a profit after tax of N0.68 million. The company, in its five year financial summary, recorded a loss after tax of N37.3

5 million, N39.86 million, N9.51 million and N18.97 million, in its 2003, 2004, 2005 and 2006 financial years.

According to its audited year end, December 31, 2008, financial results released to the NSE, last week, the improvement in its bottom line was in comparison to its loss of after tax of N14.5 million recorded in its 2007 financial year. The company, however recorded a 68.5 per cent growth in its turnover in its 2008 financial results, from N319.4 million in 2007 to N538.2 million in the year under review.

Also, in its 2007 audited financial results released to the NSE, it posted a turnover of N319.4 million as against N246.42 million in 2006, while its loss after tax and exceptional items stood at N14.5million compared with N19 million in 2006.Neimeth International Pharmaceuticals Plc, in its audited result for the year ended, March 31, 2009 released to the NSE last week, posted a turnover of N1.87 billion as against N1.95 billion in 2008, it, however announced a loss after tax of N455.21 million compared with a profit after tax of N98.3 million in 2008.GTBank Plc, in its unaudited result for the third quarter ended, September 30, 2009, declared a gross earnings of N114.50 billion compared with N66.53 billion in the comparable period of 2008, its profit after tax stood at N18.18 billion compared with N17.73 billion in 2008.The bank announced an exceptional item of N24.97 billion which was reported as loan loss expense during the period.

In its unaudited result for the half year ended, June 30, 2009 Crusader (Nigeria) Plc announced a gross earnings of N2.95 billion as against N2.09 billion in the comparable period of 2008, its however, posted a loss after tax stood at N55.2 million compared with a profit after tax of N706.01million in 2008.

Champion Breweries Plc, in its unaudited result for the half year ended 30th June 2009 recorded a turnover of N642.1 million, as against N744.94 million in the comparable period of 2008. It posted a loss after tax of N71.73 million compared with N276.2 million in 2008.

In its audited result for the year ended December 31, 2008, Law Union & Rock Insurance Plc, posted a gross premium of N3.71 billion as against N2.51 billion in 2007, while it announced a loss after tax and exceptional items of N93.04 million compared with a profit after tax of N311.3 million in 2007.

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The Bank Verification Number (BVN) introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to link individuals to their various bank accounts has led to a whopping N2.6 trillion being trapped in various banks across the country, it has been gathered.

Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers.

With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts.

“If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have,” said a bank manager in a first generation bank. As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies.

Findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex.

It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states.

“It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets,” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called ‘round tripping.’

“Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly,” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other.

The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states.

Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket.

But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities.

Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information.

The Bank Verification Number (BVN) introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to link individuals to their various bank accounts has led to a whopping N2.6 trillion being trapped in various banks across the country, Independent gathered. Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers. With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts. “If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have,” said a bank manager in a first generation bank. As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies. Independent findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex. It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states. “It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets,” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called ‘round tripping.’ “Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly,” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other. The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states. Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket. But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities. Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information. - See more at: http://independentnig. com/2016/03/bvn-n2-6trn-laundered-funds-trapped-banks/#sthash. uj6Tuyft. dpuf

Oyaa, add am to budget. We no beed borrow again.

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The money should simply to turned over to the federal purse and the government use it till their owners come out, that is if they will come out

Let them transfer the money to my bank account since nobody is laying claim to the money I seriously need the money like dead.

yimikaa : Oyaa, add am to budget. We no beed borrow again. Simple and short. Nice one

So much money redundant. Chaii. I wonder how much is outside this country?

amaechi1 : So much money redundant. Chaii. I wonder how much is outside this country? No need to borrow again, free money to spend

the funny thing is that the owners of this money may not be up to 20

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Nigeria to earn $6b forex yearly from Dangote refinery

Godwin Emefiele, CBN Governor

GOVERNOR of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), Godwin Emefiele, has said that the N2.8 trillion Dangote refinery would earn about $6 billion foreign exchange yearly for Nigeria when completed in 2018.

Emefiele, who was on an official visit to the refinery complex at the Lekki Free Trade Zone yesterday, said the refinery, petrochemical and fertiliser plants, would not only serve the need of the domestic market, but export products and earn significant forex for the nation.

According to him, the project, which was estimated at about $14 billion (N2.8 trillion), would aid the economic diversification agenda of the Federal Government and save some capital flight. The refinery with installed capacity of about 650,000 barrels per day and the petrochemical plants are expected to be completed early 2018, while the fertiliser plant is scheduled to take off by 2017.

Emefiele said: “I have come here to see the facilities, so that I can also tell Nigerians that we need to support people like Aliko Dangote for what they are doing to Nigeria. This is happening as at the time when we are talking about diversifying our economy away from petroleum.

“The output from fertiliser is ammonia and urea. The output from the petrochemical is polypropylene and polyethylene. The output from the refinery is various petroleum products. These are products that we import into the country today. So you can imagine what will happen to the nation in foreign exchange by the time the fertiliser is completed in 2017, and petrochemical and refineries are completed in the early part of 2018.

“By the time these products are completed, the refinery will not only serve the need of our domestic requirement, it will also be exporting these products to the point where it will be selling foreign exchange to Nigeria, Nigerians and the CBN to the tune of about $6 billion yearly. That is the kind of project I think we should support. We need to encourage more Nigerians to begin to think like Dangote.”

Chairman, Dangote Group, Alhaji Aliko Dangote, assured that the projects would be delivered on schedule, going by the speed at which contractors are delivering on their mandate.

Aliko I thank God for you.

Thank you Aliko. Thank you Governor, but I do not think the government should wait for citizens alone to come up with economic growing activities. Government should try and get in more plants and machineries needed to encourage manufacturing and agriculture. It will go a long way in improving export capability and job creation. This will also reduce dependence on imported goods, once quality is of international standard.

This is quite commendable.

By Francis Arinze Iloani

The total value of capital imported into Nigeria last year dropped by N2.21trn from the value recorded the previous year. A report released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed that a total $9.64 billion (N1.92trn) was imported into Nigeria in 2015 as against $20.75 billion (N4.13trn) that was imported the previous year.

The difference of the values attracted in 2014 and 2015 translated to 53.53 per cent fall in 2015. The NBS indicated that the data on capital importation used in this report was obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Further analysis of the report showed that a total of $1.56 billion was imported in the fourth quarter of last year, translating to a decline of 43.34 per cent from levels recorded in the previous quarter. The sector that imported the most capital in the fourth quarter of last year was banking, importing $193.49 million and “after being a relatively unimportant sector for the last few years” in terms of capital importation, electrical became the second largest importer of capital. The NBS attributed the growth in capital imported by electricity to “possibly pointing to increased investments in the sector as a result of the sector’s deregulation in recent years.” On the 53.53 per cent fall in value of capital import in 2015, the NBS noted that the drop may not be unconnected to external factors such as the delisting of Nigeria from the JPMorgan EM Bond index, and globally low interest rates, triggering a search for higher yields from investors over this period. “The drop in 2015 may be partly a result of these factors unwinding, as well as the tougher economic environment in Nigeria resulting from the effect of the lower oil price,” the report stated. Nigeria was delisted last year from the JPMorgan EM Bond index as a result of scarcity of liquidity in the country’s economy as foreign exchange became increasingly scarce. The president of the Kaduna Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (KADCCIMA), Dr. Abdul Alimi Bello, told Daily Trust that 2015 was a challenging year for the nation’s economy due to apprehension that heralded the general elections and dwindling value of oil in the global market. Dr. Bello said no serious investor would bring his money into a country charged with election tension and economic uncertainties. “Ever since this administration took over, we have serious challenges on the economy in terms of our foreign reserves. The dollar is not there. Of course, the cost of crude oil is not favourable. Definitely, these will affect capital importation into the country,” he said. He said the ban on forex for the importation of 40 items by the federal government affected the economy and in term capital importation. “With your naira you can’t even get the dollar now. All these put together affect capital importation,” he said. On whether the situation will improve this year, the industrialist said the situation is not likely to get any better until the second quarter of this year.

Naira depreciates across forex market after rate cut (Nigeria)

Naira on Wednesday weakened against the US dollar across market segment following interest rate cut by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) at the last Monetary Policy Committee meeting held in Abuja.

Naira depreciated in value against the dollar by N0.94k or 0.48 percent at the inter-bank market. After trading on the same day, the local currency closed at N198.36k/$ as against N197.42k/$ at the inter-bank market, data from FMDQ revealed.

At the Bureau De Change (BDC) segment of the foreign exchange (FX), and the parallel market, the naira fell in value by N2 or 0.83 percent each. While it closed at N242/$ at parallel market, it closed at N240/$ at the BDC segment. The CBN’s clearing rate remained stable at N 197/$.

Non-deliverable currency forwards, a derivative product used to hedge against future exchange rate moves, indicated markets expected the naira’s exchange rate at N235.56/$ in 12 months’ time – the strongest level in five months – and compared with N245.25 at Tuesday’s close, Reuters report.

Nigeria’s central bank cut benchmark interest rate to 11 percent from 13 percent on Tuesday, its first reduction in the cost of borrowing in more than six years. The continent’s top oil producer has been hard hit by a plunge in crude prices over the last year.

Consequently, yield on the most liquid 5-year bond fell 264 basis points to a five-year low of 7 percent while the benchmark 20-year bond closed 150 basis points down at 10.8 percent on Wednesday, traders said.

Bond yields had traded above 11 percent across maturities prior to Tuesday’s rate decision, with the 2034 bond trading at 12.30 percent.

The central bank has been injecting cash into the banking system since October in a bid to help the economy. Banking system credit stood at 290 billion naira ($1.5bn) as of Wednesday, keeping overnight rates as low as 0.5 percent.

Adesoji Solanke, sub-Saharan Africa banking analyst, head of research, Nigeria, noted that market rates had already declined significantly to single digit levels across different treasury assets and maturities, as the CBN had not been mopping up liquidity using OMO bills.

“Since the market was already flush with liquidity and rates already comfortably in single digits, did the MPC still need to cut rates? The policy decisions look somewhat confusing because the MPC mentioned that its data suggests that the banks are not lending to corporates but to government,” he said in a report.

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Bidvest. N2 Golfer Joins Club

Vuyo Sontsonga used to play golf between two roads, the N2 and Borcherds Quarry, nearly everyday. But now his dream of golf club membership has been realised.

GroundUp told Sontsonga's story in March. He explained his love of golf and his hopes to someday be a club member and take part in golf challenges.

The Bidvest Group have paid for Sontsonga's membership of the King David Golf Club in Montana. They have sponsored his R4,500 membership fee and a further R8,500 unlimited green fees for a year. This means Sontsonga can play more or less whenever he wants to -- for 12 months.

As we approached Sontsonga on the plush green field of King David Golf Club. he shouted to us, "I'll be with you now ladies; just let me hit these two balls."

He positions himself, then hits one ball across the field, where one of the club's coaches observes. Before hitting his second ball, he mumbles his disappointment at the "poor performance" he just gave. He then hits his last ball, not to his satisfaction, but he points out that it was better than the last.

Sontsonga in action at King David Golf Club. Photo by

"I officially started here as a member early May. Remember I used to come here every Sunday, but now with this membership, I am able to come whenever I want. My membership is 12 months and I am finding the experience so far so amazing. It's no comparison to where I used to play. I am happy because now I can even keep score and monitor the strength of each game I play. Prior to being interviewed by GroundUp, there had been a man who continuously saw me playing on the N2, and after my story was published on GroundUp, he approached me and offered me help because he said he was from a big company. So he spoke to his colleagues and the membership was set up for me. I am so grateful for all of this and I come here every single day to play. I love golf," said Sontsonga.

Sontsonga said his biggest challenge now was transport because it wasn't easy for him to get to the golf club. He took a taxi from Nyanga and because of where the taxi drops him off, he had to walk a distance with his gear to get to the club and sometimes he does not have taxi fare. It takes him an hour to get to the club, he wakes up at 6am. leaves the house before 7am and gets to the club at 8am .

As he explains his full day of golf, he has a big smile on his face and says "I would definitely like one day to participate in a golf tournament because I know I have what it takes. I am in top form. Everyone is proud of me that I have finally made it to a golf club and I am proud of myself. Thank you to GroundUp."

Sontsonga used to play along the N2. Photo by Masixole Feni.

Copyright GroundUp. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica. com). source News Service English

The Bank Verification Number (BVN) introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to link individuals to their various bank accounts has led to a whopping N2.6 trillion being trapped in various banks across the country, it has been gathered. Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers. With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts. “If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have, ” said a bank manager in a first generation bank. As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies. Findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex. It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states. “It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets, ” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called вЂ˜round tripping. ’ “Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly, ” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other. The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states. Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket. But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities. Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information.




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I was going through my Facebook timeline and ran into this video of President Muhammadu Buhari addressing Nigerians living in the United Kingdom after the supporting syria Conference in London, according to President Muhammadu Buhari, he claimed that during the former government NNPC had 40 bank accounts, Nigerian Army had over 70 accounts and CBN directors short-changing Nigeria through forex

Highlights * NNPC had 40 bank accounts! * Nigerian Army had over 70 accounts! * 2.2 trillion recovered just because of TSA. * CBN directors short-changing Nigeria through forex.

Nairalanders what's your take on this?

TSA: We realised N2.2trn in 3 months – Buhari

PRESIDENT Mu-hammadu Buhari has revealed that his administration has within three months saved N2.2 trillion for the nation through the enforcement of the Treasury Single Account, TSA. The president made the revelation in London during a meeting with Nigerians resident in the city on Thursday night. President Buhari who was in the United Kingdom for the Supporting Syria and the Region Conference in London, British capital was speaking of the problems bedevilling the oil and gas sector of the economy which he said were part of the challenges he inherited upon an assumption of office.

PRESIDENT MUHAMMADU BUHARI According to him, the Nigerian National Petroleum Cooperation, NNPC had over 45 accounts scattered in different banks. The same situation, the president said, was also pervasive across the branches of the military. He said: “We are really in trouble. What we discovered was that we tried to enforce what we called treasury single account, TSA. And the reason was simple. This government did not initiate it. It was the previous government. But it was so unpopular to the bureaucracy and the previous government for its own reasons couldn’t enforce it. But when we came and found that we were broke, we said this is the way to do it. And I will just tell you two examples to convince you.

“First, NNPC, the cow that was giving the milk had more than 45 accounts, ministry of defense, that is the military Army, Navy and air force had over 70 accounts. Tell me which account we can trace in these several accounts. So we enforce TSA. We said there must be TSA. “By the end of December, coming to January this year, that is last month, we mopped up more than N2.2trn which we have used through the bureaucracy system to raise vouchers and sign cheques so that they don’t go into the next budget.”

Speaking further on the state of the economy, the president revealed that some Nigerians were behind the crisis. The president stated that most directors of the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN owned and operated some of the Bureau De Change outfits through which they raked in the foreign exchanges. He said he was determined to stop the ill development and make every Nigerian accountable.

“We found out, when I say we, I mean present federal government, that some of the directors in the central bank own the bureau de change businesses. So when the foreign exchange comes, they take it and give government the change. So we stopped the Federal Government giving bureau de change foreign exchange. “Fellow country men and women, I am giving you a tip of the iceberg of the problem we inherited and we are getting so hard because we have no other way of running the country unless we make everybody accountable”, he said.

While underscoring the importance of education, president Buhari asked the audience to support his administration by educating their children for a better future. On giving diaspora Nigerians a chance to participate in elections, president Buhari said his government was studying the scenario, stressing that what was utmost was to make the process more credible. “We are critically looking at the system itself. We must make sure that the election process itself is credible”, he said.

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Can we ask the President a simple question. 'If 2.2trillion has truly been recovered under the TSA regime, how come we want to borrow 2.1trillion to fund the budget when this 'new income' isn't reflected in the budget?' Something is not right somewhere

211 Likes 14 Shares

eyeview : Can we ask the President a simple question. 'If 2.2trillion has truly been recovered under the TSA regime, how come we want to borrow 2.1trillion to fund the budget when this 'new income' isn't reflected in the budget?' Something is not right somewhere

OK eyeview : Can we ask the President a simple question. 'If 2.2trillion has truly been recovered under the TSA regime, how come we want to borrow 2.1trillion to fund the budget when this 'new income' isn't reflected in the budget?' Something is not right somewhere

Bubu has scored again ooo.

E-wailers! Come and see oooooo

Bubu ti take-over

So, we shld spend everything without saving anything?

Loans will be serviced and they may not likely borrow as stated. considering the fact that we didn't know the money existed we might as well spend it. Why keep it? So that it will vanish?

Buhari should imagine if he extended his probe to the past 2 administrations how much he will recover

Ok, let dem put it to good use

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MA2 Define N2 2. MA2 is SimpleAvg([close],N2). S2 is (((N2 - 1)/2) * [close]) + (((N2 - 3)/2) * Val([close],1)). ModMA2 is MA2 + ((6*S2)/((N2 + 1) * N2)).

MA3 Define N3 3. MA3 is SimpleAvg([close],N3). S3 is (((N3 - 1)/2) * [close]) + (((N3 - 3)/2) * Val([close],1)) + (((N3 - 5)/2) * Val([close],2)). ModMA3 is MA3 + ((6*S3)/((N3 + 1) * N3)).

MA4 Define N4 4. MA4 is SimpleAvg([close],N4). S4 is (((N4 - 1)/2) * [close]) + (((N4 - 3)/2) * Val([close],1)) + (((N4 - 5)/2) * Val([close],2)) + (((N4 - 7)/2) * Val([close],3)). ModMA4 is MA4 + ((6*S4)/((N4 + 1) * N4)).

Price cross downside IT MA

ITMApriceDN if VAL([close],1)>VAL([IT MA],1) and [close]

Rice Importers, Manufacturers Rue CBN’s Forex Policy

Local rice market

• Ask For Policy Review • Rice Importers Say Quota Policy Retroactive

THE inclusion, by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), of 41 items as not valid for foreign exchange is taking a toll on manufacturers, rice importers and millers, who are now asking the government to prevail on the apex bank for a policy review.

But the CBN is insisting that the policy would remain unchanged for the next four years.

While rice importers and millers are asking the CBN for a concession and also to allow them use their export proceed to import the commodity, in order to close the supply and demand gap, manufacturers are asking for enabling environment, that would make the real sector to thrive, before any policy implementation.

The Secretary General of Rice Millers, Importers and Distribution Association of Nigeria (RMIDAN), Shaibu Mohammed said in Lagos last week that government should allow members, who had already keyed into backward integration programme, to use their export proceed to import and ship rice into the country.

According to Mohammed, many of the rice farmers and millers in the backward integrated programme are also exporters, who may not have anything to do with the country’s foreign exchange market.

They want to be allowed to use proceeds of their export to ship into the country the needed quantity of the commodity to close the gap between supply and demand. ‘‘The Central Bank just issued a circular to say those items, which had already been classified as not valid for forex, cannot be funded at the interbank market, from proceed of exports and Bureau de Change sources.

So our plea is for the government to take a look at each of our members, do their profiling and allow the genuine ones to use their export proceed to bring in rice, because many of them are exporters also.”

Continuing, he said: “government can consider those who had already keyed into the backward integration programme to use their export proceed so that gradually we can reduce the importation of the commodity by encouraging local production.”

According to him, Nigeria could be self sufficient in rice production in the next three years if their plea is considered, adding that to do the otherwise would mean starvation for Nigerians as the price of the commodity could skyrocket beyond the affordability of ordinary Nigerians.

He said six million tones of the commodity is needed yearly in Nigeria, going by the last consumption statistics, adding that local production has not exceeded 2.5 million tons per annum, hence the need to close the gap with importation. ‘‘For the importers of rice, we are seeing this policy as a tactical ban on rice importation because you can no longer access Dollar to pay for your supplies.

The implication of this tactical ban is huge. The importers will become jobless and there will be famine in the land. Nigerians consume six million tons of rice yearly, but local production is a little below 50 per cent (N2.5 million tones).

So you have 3.5 million tons as a huge gap to be bridged either by legal importation or by smuggling. Smuggling of rice is going to double and the economy of neighbouring countries will witness a boom because they will ship into their country more rice to be smuggled into Nigeria.”

The chief scribe of RMIDAN applauded government’s backward integrated programme, saying: ‘‘government is on the right track with local production programme, “but it still does not have the speed.”

He said his members have invested in rice farming and milling and would continue to assist government in the execution of its policies on rice. ‘‘My members are into rice farming and milling and would continue to do so, provided government policy does not change.

If we continue with this policy implementation the way it is now, in the next three years, we should be self-sufficient in rice production. But there are challenges that could alter that prediction.

The government should provide the enabling environment. There should be adequate power supply, because our members are running the mills on diesel, bring down cost of production, put the bad roads in good shape, revive the decayed infrastructure, tackle corruption to encourage people into farming business.”

On the current face-off between rice importers and Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), he said none of his members exceeded their quota, adding that the allegation arose because of the confusion created by the Service, which made the quota retroactive.

Giving the genesis of the quota programme, he said, “at a point last year, the government increased tariff on rice to 110 per cent and by so doing the price of a bag of the commodity jumped to as high as N18,000.”

According to him, the high price encouraged smuggling to the extent that the Association had to donate 150 hilux vans to NCS to patrol the border and to stop smuggling. ‘‘But this did not work. So we say we can no longer import.

It was at this stage government stepped in because it was close to Christmas and the general election. Government then brought down the tariff to 70 per cent, while a concessionary duty rate of 30 per cent was given to rice producers who had keyed into the country’s rice programme.

The Central Bank just issued a circular to say those items, which had already been classified as not valid for forex, cannot be funded at the interbank market, from proceed of exports and Bureau de Change sources. So our plea is for the government to take a look at each of our members, do their profiling and allow the genuine ones to use their export proceed to bring in rice, because many of them are exporters also

Nothing was said of quota at this stage. So many of our members started importing, and others negotiating for supplies. But the quota issue came when a committee was set up to inspect farms and mills.

This committee could not even complete its job, but they asked us to import. So people started importing before the quota came. So their quota was retroactive.

Although we were told that there will be quota, but nobody knew when it would be. But when they now eventually came up with quota issue, we met the former Minister of Agriculture, who said since the quota is renewable every year, they should spread the excess over the following year’s quota,” he said.

The President of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria, Frank Udemba Jacobs said, although the policy of exclusion of certain items from foreign exchange market would favour manufacturers on the long-run, it is already taking a toll on some of the manufacturers, which depend on the items as raw materials. “The exclusion of some items from interbank market is in the interest of manufacturers because it would help production capacity and also assist local manufacturers to grow.

However, some of the items on the list are raw materials for some members of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) and as a result, members are groaning and some are at the risk of closing down.”

According to the Manufacturers, the proper thing to do was for the CBN to give them enough time to look for alternative sources of raw materials before the policy implementation.

What are you exporting the locally produced rice for? When you you keep contradicting yourself we are not yet producing enough to meet our own local demand? Why are you an exporter if you cannot even meet local demand yet? Is the foreign currency that you are going to earn more important to you than selling your rice locally instead of exporting it?

If the law does not prohibit them from exporting why shd they not export? What if they make more profit from exportation? When u say they shd wrk hard at producing those items, how are u helping them? Have u given them sufficient electricity? Security? Loans? Insurance? My friend, the matter is much more complex than it appears o!

Is that not what the cbn has already been saddled with. Now that they have the oppurtunity of producing and covering the our rice needs, it is about been allowed to import they are fighting for? Who do you know that is behind this their latest demand? Instead of meeting the local needs first, they are already fighting again to be importers? Very soon they will also become greedy like the importers and neglect on the cultivation and production side of the trade. Why cant nigerians learn to stop thinking about about importing for a while. Are we going to die if do not import?

Yes, we are going to die if we do not import because we are not able to meet our needs. That is precisely what they are saying. Just read it again. We need about 6m tonnes and we can only produce 2.5m for now. If we don’t import the difference, prices will go up, smuggling will increase, and there might be very well be starvation!

we will not die if we don’t import rice we will all happily live. Those who are clamouring to continue the importation are the worst enemies to Nigerians. The importers who supposedly will loose their job if they stop importing will rather gain by going into the farm to boost local production. which will in turn reduce unemployment among youths and strengthen our economy. Those who have continued to import banned commodities into this country are enemies to Nigerians and should be treated as such.

1. Do not mix things up, Mr Chris. There is no ban on the importation of rice. Read the article well and follow the debate. The issue is that importers are being denied access to forex.

2. You say ‘the importers’ shd go into the farm to boost local production. Haha. Do u know what that involves? Why don’t u do it uself? Have u upgraded the roads, the storage requirements? Hav u given them land and tenure? Loans? Are they charity organisations? Why is the govt itself not going to boost production?

3. It is August now, and during December there will be very high demand for rice. Do you really think 3 and half months is sufficient for local production to meet up Nigeria’s demand? Just try to be realistic and objective a little. Can’t u see that we are heading for a crisis of under supply that will push prices high and encourage smuggling? Have u forgotten that many govt workers are being owed and that our oil is selling at very low prices now?

4. The most worrisome part of your post is calling those ‘clamouing to continue importation’ enemies of Nigeria. This is a very dangerous and wild statement, sir. You are misleading the govt. In a democracy, people are allowed to have different views. Through rigorous debate they try to convince the people. The govt needs to engage with these criticisms and come up with reasons to convince us. Alternatively, they can take the ideas of the people and adjust their policies. It is in a dictatorship that everyone who opposes government is an ‘enemy’. If care is not taken, statements like yours are going to push the country into trouble.



Of course it makes perfect sense, except u don’t understand. Many countries export products and also import the same kinds of products. That’s part of what they call the free market. Americans make and export cars, but they also import. Some producers get more profit when they export their products, so that’s what they do. It makes perfect sense as long as it is legitimate. Right now, there is no law banning the importation of rice into Nigeria. There is definitely no law banning it’s exportation as well. Business people are free to trade in the way they like so long as they don’t break the law.

Then start working hard at producing those items locally instead of allowing yourself to be used in making a case for your friends. Iam veey sure money has exchanged hands.

The Bank Verification Number (BVN) introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to link individuals to their various bank accounts has led to a whopping N2.6 trillion being trapped in various banks across the country, it has been gathered. Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers. With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts. “If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have, ” said a bank manager in a first generation bank. As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies. Findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex. It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states. “It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets, ” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called вЂ˜round tripping. ’ “Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly, ” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other. The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states. Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket. But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities. Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information.




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Copyright Daily Independent. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica. com). source News Service English

BVN: N2.6trn laundered funds trapped in banks

The Bank Verification Number (BVN) introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to link individuals to their various bank accounts has led to a whopping N2.6 trillion being trapped in various banks across the country, it has been gathered.

Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers. With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts.

“If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have,” said a bank manager in a first generation bank. As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies.

Findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex.

It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states.

“It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets,” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called ‘round tripping.’

“Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly,” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other. The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states.

Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket.

But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities.

Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information.

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Accelerator/Decelerator Oscillator (AC) The indicator that measures the acceleration and the deceleration of the current driving force. It change direction before any changes in the driving force, therefore, change its direction before the price. Accumulation/Distribution (A/D)

A momentum indicator that attempts to gauge supply and demand by determining whether investors are generally "accumulating" (buying) or "distributing" (selling) by identifying divergences between the price and volume flow. It is calculated using the following formula:

Acc/Dist = ((Close – Low) – (High – Close)) / (High – Low) * Period's volume

Consists of three lines, overlaid on a pricing chart, that represent the jaw, the teeth and the lips of the beast, it is created to help the trader confirm the presence of a trend and its direction. The tool works best when combined with a momentum indicator.

Jaw - a 13-period Smoothed Moving Average, moved into the future by 8 bars; Teeth - a 8-period Smoothed Moving Average, moved into the future by 5 bars; Lips - a 5-period Smoothed Moving Average, moved into the future by 3 bars.

Aroon The AROON Oscillator indicator uses AROON Up/Down to calculate the strength of a current trend and the likelihood that this trend will continue. The calculation is Aroon Up – Aroon Down. Readings above 0 indicate that an upward trend is present, whereas readings below 0 indicate the instrument is on a downtrend. Many traders will set alerts for when the FX instrument has just crossed above the 0 line – this suggests the beginning of a new uptrend (buy). Similarly, if the indicator starts to drop below the zero line this suggests the very start of a downtrend (sell). Average Directional Movement Index (ADX) The Average Directional Index (ADX), developed by Welles Wilder, measures the strength of the current trend, and determines the direction of the market, if any. A strong trend is indicated by a rising ADX, whereas a consolidating, or sideways, market is evident with a falling ADX. Note that the ADX does not indicate whether the market is trending up or down. Average Directional Movement Index Rating (ADXR) A technical analysis tool that averages the day's average directional index (ADX) with the ADX from two weeks prior. It is designed to indicate the strength of the ADX trend. Awesome Oscillator (AO) Awesome Oscillator (AO) is a momentum indicator reflecting the precise changes in the market driving force which helps to identify the trend’s strength up to the points of formation and reversal.


Balance of Power (BoP)

An indicator measures the strength of the bulls vs. bears by assessing the ability of each to push price to an extreme level, and is calculated by:

BOP = (Close price – Open price) / (High price – Low price)

Base Currency The first currency in a currency pair. In a currency exchange, the exchange rate is quoted as the units of one currency in terms of a single unit of a base currency. For example, in a currency exchange of U. S. dollars for Japanese Yen, the base currency is the U. S. dollar. Bear Market A market distinguished by falling prices. Bears Power

The Bears' Power indicator shows the strength of the bears. If the indicator is below nought, the bears are strong; if it is above nought, they are weak. It is based on the moving average and the lowest price in a day, the difference shows how strong the bears are; the bigger the gap, the more the bears brought down the price.

The Bears' Power (BEARS) indicator is the lowest price for the day (LOW) minus the 13-day exponential moving average (EMA) price:

BEARS = LOW - EMA (13)

Bollinger Bands ( up to 3 σ) Bollinger Bands are displayed as three bands. La banda media es una media móvil normal. The upper band and lower band are shifted up and down from the middle band by adding and subtracting the number of standard deviations (e. g. 2σ). Bull Market A market distinguished by rising prices (i. e. prices going up). Bulls Power

The Bulls' Power indicator shows the strength of the bulls. If the indicator is above nought, the bulls are strong; if it is below nought, they are weak. It is based on the moving average and the highest price in a day, the difference shows how strong the bulls are; the bigger the gap, the more the bulls pushed up the price.

The Bears' Power (BEARS) indicator is the highest price for the day (HIGH) minus the 13-day exponential moving average (EMA) price:


Broker An individual or firm that acts as an intermediary, put together buyers and sellers for a fee or commission.


Cable Trader jargon referring to the Sterling/US Dollar exchange rate. Candlestick Chart A price chart that displays the high, low, open, and close price over a specified period of time. There are many trading strategies based upon patterns in candlestick charting. Carry Trade An investor sells a certain currency with a relatively low interest rate and uses the funds to buy a different currency yielding a higher interest rate. Cash Market The marketplace for immediate settlement. Central Bank A government body that manages a country's monetary policy. Índice de canales de productos básicos (CCI)

Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is an oscillator introduced by Donald Lambert in 1980. Though its name refers to commodities, it can also be useful in equities and currency trading as well.

CCI measures the statistical variation from the average. It is an unbounded oscillator that generally fluctuates between +100 and -100.

Approximately 70-80% of the values tend to fall inside the +100 to -100 range. Above the +100 value is considered overbought while below the -100 value is considered oversold. As with other overbought/oversold indicators, this means that there is a large probability that the price will correct to more representative levels. Therefore, if values stretch outside of the above range, a retracement trader will wait for the cross back inside the range before initiating a position.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) An economic indicator which gauges changes in the cost of living by measuring price changes in a common basket of goods and services that most people use in daily life. Counter Party The other party that participates in a financial transaction. For every transaction that must have a counterparty for the transaction in order to go through. Every buyer of an asset must be paired up with a seller that is willing to sell, vice versa. Cross Rate The exchange rate between any two currencies that are considered non-standard in the country where the currency pair is quoted. Currency Risk The probability of sustaining a financial loss when there is an adverse movement in exchange rates. Currency Swap An arrangement in which two parties exchange the holding of different currencies over a specified time period by way of the spot buying/selling of the currencies against a forward reversing exchange contract at an exchange rate calculated by adjusting the interest rate differential between the 2 currencies. Currency Option A contract that grants the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell currency at a specified exchange rate during a specified period of time. Currency Swaption The option to enter into an currency swap. In exchange for an option premium, the buyer gains the right but not the obligation to enter into a specified swap agreement with the issuer on a specified future DeMarkerdate.


Day Trading This refers to positions which are opened and closed on the same trading day. Deflation A deep and long-lasting decrease in the price of goods and services within an economy. DeMarker

Demarker Technical Indicator is based on the comparison of the period maximum with the previous period maximum. If the current period (bar) maximum is higher, the respective difference between the two will be registered. If the current maximum is lower or equalling the maximum of the previous period, the naught value will be registered. The differences received for N periods are then summarized. The received value is used as the numerator of the DeMarker and will be divided by the same value plus the sum of differences between the price minima of the previous and the current periods (bars). If the current price minimum is greater than that of the previous bar, the naught value will be registered.

When the indicator falls below 30, the bullish price reversal should be expected. When the indicator rises above 70, the bearish price reversal should be expected.

Directional Movement Index (DMI) Directional movement compares an asset's trading range for one day to the trading range on the previous day. Positive directional movement (+DM) occurs when today's high is greater than yesterday's high, while negative directional movement (-DM) appears when today's low is less than yesterday's low. Based on the average of positive and negative directional movement over a certain time period, a positive directional movement indicator (+DI) and a negative directional movement indicator (-DI) can be plotted. When the +DI crosses the - DI to the upside, it generates a long signal. On the contrary, a short signal is generated when the +DI crosses through the - DI to the downside.


Economic Indicator Statistics issued by governmental and non-governmental bodies that indicates current economic growth and stability. Common indicators include employment rates, unemployment rates, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), inflation, retail sales, etc. End Of Day Order (EOD) An order to buy or sell at a specified price. This order remains open until the end of the trading day which is typically 5PM NY time. Envelopes A type of technical indicator typically formed by two moving averages that define upper and lower price range levels. An envelope is a technical indicator to identify extreme overbought and oversold conditions in a market. The envelopes, which typically appear overlaid on a price chart, are also useful in identifying trading ranges. Estrangement Estrangement is a representation of the current price, the moving average line and the degree of separation between the moving average lines. Exponential Moving Average (EMA) A type of moving average that is similar to a simple moving average, except that more weight is given to the latest data. The exponential moving average is also known as "exponentially weighted moving average". It reacts faster to recent price changes than a simple moving average. The 12- and 26-day EMAs are the most popular short-term averages, the 50- and 200-day EMAs are used as signals of long-term trends.


Federal Reserve (Fed) The central bank of the United States. Floating Profit / Loss Unrealized profit or loss on open positions calculated at marked-to-market value. Foreign Exchange - (Forex, FX) Buying of one currency against the selling of another. Forward A contract to buy/sell currencies at a pre-determined FX rate on a specified future date. Forward Points The number of basis points added to or subtracted from the current spot rate to determine the forward rate. Fundamental Analysis An analysis of economic and political information (macro factors) with the objective of determining future movements in a financial market. Futures Contract An agreement to exchange a good or instrument at a pre-price on a future date.


Gearing Ratio An strategy used by investors/traders with the intention to maximise his investment returns by taking an investment portfolio of a greater value relative to the money (margin) deposited as collateral. Gearing ratio measures the multiplying effect of the capital deployed. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) The total value of a country's output produced within its physical borders.


Heikin-Ashi (Average Bar)

A type of candlestick chart that shares many characteristics with standard candlestick charts, but differs because of the values used to create each bar. Instead of using the open-high-low-close (OHLC) bars like standard candlestick charts, the Heikin-Ashi technique uses a modified formula:

Close = (Open+High+Low+Close)/4 Open = [Open (previous bar) + Close (previous bar)]/2 High = Max (High, Open, Close) Low = Min (Low, Open, Close)

High/Low Bands A band created by two winding parallel lines above and below a short-term moving average that borders most price fluctuations. The moving average is based on the high and low prices. The resulting two moving averages define the edges of the band. A close above the middle band suggests a buying signal and a close below gives a selling signal.


Ichimoku Kinko Hyo A technical indicator that is used to gauge momentum along with future areas of support and resistance. The Ichimoku indicator is comprised of five lines called the tenkan-sen, kijun-sen, senkou span A, senkou span B and chickou span. This indicator was developed so that a trader can gauge an asset's trend, momentum and support and resistance points without the need of any other technical indicator. IFD If Done Order - a two-legged order, upon execution of the first leg order, the second leg is then activated. Either leg can be a Stop, a Limit, or an OCO in a dormant state. IFD-OCO If Done order accompanied by One Cancels the Other order IMF International Monetary Fund. Initial Margin The initial deposit of collateral required to enter into a position as a guarantee on future performance. Interbank Rates Rates banks trade between each other.


Kagi-Ashi (Step Chart) Step charts(KAGI-ashi) were created when the Japanese stock market began trading in the 1870. It displays a series of connecting vertical lines where the thickness and direction of the lines are dependent on the underlying price action. It ignores the passage of time. If prices continue to move in the same direction, Up or Down, the vertical line is extended. However, if prices reverse by a "reversal" amount, a new line is then drawn in a new column. When prices penetrate a previous high or low, the colour of the Kagi line changes. "Reversal" amount is a key factor to this chart, which is depending to volatility or price of the asset. Keltner Channel A volatility based 'envelope' indicator that measures the movement of asset in relation to an upper and lower moving-average band.


Leverage Depositing a certain percentage of the total contract value as collateral for entering into a contract. The purpose is to gear up the investment portfolio to maximise the profit opportunity. LIBOR London Inter-Bank Offer Rate. Limit Order Order to buy / sell at a determined price level. Linear Regression Line

A statistical measure that attempts to determine the strength of the relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of other changing variables (known as independent variables). Linear regression uses one independent variable to explain and/or predict the outcome of Y.

Linear Regression: Y = a + bX + u, where: Y= the variable that we are trying to predict X= the variable that we are using to predict Y a= the intercept b= the slope u= the regression residual

Liquidation The mandatory closing of an open position through the execution of an offsetting transaction. Liquidity A market's ability to accept large transaction with minimal to no impact on price stability. Long Position Long position is when the bought quantity is more than the sold quantity. A long position appreciates in value if market prices increase.


Maintenance Margin Minimum margin deposit required for an investor to maintain his open positions. Margin call will be triggered if the margin deposit fall below this required level. Margin The required amount of equity that an investor must deposit to open a position. Margin Call A demand on an investor to deposit additional funds to top up the deposit back to initial margin level. Marked-to-Market Process of re-evaluating all open positions at current market prices. These new values then determine margin requirements. Market Order Order to buy / sell at immediate price level. Market Risk An exposure to changes in market prices. Maturity The pre-determined time of settlement for a transaction. Momentum Momentum indicator can be used as a trend-following oscillator similar to the MACD. Buy when the indicator bottoms and turns up, and sell when the indicator peaks and turns down. If the Momentum indicator reaches extremely high or low values (relative to its historical values), it is assume that the current trend is likely to continue. Moving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)

Moving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD) gives the cross-over of the exponential moving averages (EMA) of 2 selected time periods - "n1" and "n2" with the EMA line of a selected third time period "n3" overlay on top. The common numbers used for "n1", "n2" and "n3" are 12, 26 and 9.

When the MACD is above zero, it means the 12-day moving average is higher than the 26-day moving average. This is a bullish signal because it indicates that current expectations are more bullish than previous expectations. When the MACD falls below zero, it means that the 12-day moving average is less than the 26-day moving average, implying that a bearish force makes a shift in the supply/demand lines.


OCO One Cancels the Other - a two way order that consist of a limit order and a stop order placed at the same time, as one order executed, the other will be cancelled. Offsetting Transaction A trade which serves to cancel or offset some or all of the open positions. One Cancels the Other Order (OCO) When the first order of an conditional order is executed, the second order will be cancelled automatically. Open Order An order that is still valid. Open Position A position that has not yet been offset / closed. Overnight A trade that remains open until the next business day. Over the Counter (OTC) A transaction that is not conducted over an exchange.


Parabolic SAR A technical indicator to determine the direction of an asset's momentum and the point in time when this momentum has a higher-than-normal probability of switching directions. Also known as the "stop and reversal system", it is shown as a series of dots placed either above or below an asset's price on a chart. Pips Digits added to or subtracted from the fourth decimal place, i. e. 0.0001, also called Points. Point and Figure A chart that plots day-to-day price movements without taking into consideration the passage of time. Point and figure charts are composed of a number of columns that either consist of a series of stacked X's or O's. A column of X's is used to illustrate a rising price, while O's represent a falling price. This type of chart is used to filter out non-significant price movements, and enables the trader to easily determine critical support and resistance levels. Political Risk An exposure to changes in governmental status or policy in which there will be an adverse effect on an investor's position. Position The net holding of a investment product. Premium This represents the amount by which the forward or futures price exceed the spot price. Price Transparency Quotes made openly to all market participants. Producer Price Index An economic indicator that gauges price changes that producers receive for their output. Psychological Line

An indicator in the ratio of the number of rising periods over the total number of periods. It reflects the buying power in relation to the selling power.

If PSY is above 50%, it indicates that buyers are in control. Likewise, if it is below 50%, it indicates the sellers are in control. If the PSY moves along the 50% area, it indicates balance between the buyers and sellers and therefore there is no direction movement for the market.


Rank Correlation Index (RCI) Rank Correlation Index (RCI) is an oscillator which evaluates the correlation between the rank of the price and the rank of the date within a certain period. "RCI Above" is a trigger which occurs when the RCI is above the given threshold. "RCI Below" is a trigger which occurs when the RCI is below the given threshold. Rate (FX) The exchange rate of converting one currency into another. Rate Of Change (ROC) The speed at which a variable changes over a specific period of time. Rate of change is often used when speaking about momentum, and it can generally be expressed as a ratio between a change in one variable relative to a corresponding change in another. Graphically, the rate of change is represented by the slope of a line. Relative Strength Index (RSI) Relative Strength Index (RSI) has a value between 0 and 100. A lower level and an upper level should be shown to indicate oversold and overbought levels. Typically, the upper and lower levels are recognized at 70 and 30, respectively. When the RSI moves below the lower level and reverses direction, a bullish buy signal appears. When the RSI moves above the upper level and peaks, a bearish sell signal occurs. The most commonly used time spans "n" are 10 days and 14 days. Relative Vigor Index (RVI) An indicator used in technical analysis that measures the conviction of a recent price action and the likelihood that it will continue. The RVI compares the positioning of an asset's closing price relative to its price range, and the result is smoothed by calculating an exponential moving average of the values. Resistance A term used in technical analysis indicating a specific price level above which analysis predicts the product will not break through. Revaluation The calculation of the book value of the open position using the market closing rate. Risk An exposure to uncertain change, most often used with a negative connotation of adverse change. Risk Management A system control policy to mitigate or control various types of risk. Roll-Over Positions not closed at day end are extended to the next trade day, calculated from the interest differential between the two currencies.


Sell/Buy Spread The difference between the sell price and the buy price of an exchange rate. Settlement The physical delivery of the currencies traded between the two parties to a contract on maturity date. Simple Moving Average (SMA) SMA is calculated by adding the asset prices for the most recent "n" time periods and divided by "n". Moving average represents the consensus of investor expectations over a specific time span (e. g. 20 days). Investors typically buy when asset price rises above its moving average and sell when the price drops below. Shin-Ne-Ashi (Trident Chart) Trident chart(SHIN-NE-ashi), same as Step chart, display a series of connecting vertical lines where the direction of the lines are dependent on the price action. The charts ignore the passage of time. If prices continue to move in the same direction, Up or Down, the vertical line is extended. However, if prices reverse by the amount more than last three, a new line is then drawn in a new column. Unlike other charts such as, Step chart or Brick chart, it reverse only when a new price exceeds or underlies the latest three prices(high or low). When prices penetrate a previous high or low, the colour of the Trident line changes. Short Position The net sold quantity of a financial product. Short Positions benefit from a decline in market price. Spot Price The current market price. Spot transactions are settled two business days after trade day. Sterling A jargon for British Pound. Stochastic Oscillator A technical momentum indicator that compares the closing price to its price range over a given time period. The oscillator's sensitivity to market movements can be reduced by adjusting the time period or by taking a moving average of the result. Stop Order Order to limit trading losses by liquidating positions when the market price breaks a pre-determined level. Support Levels A term used in technical analysis indicating a specific price level below which analysis predicts the product will not drop further. Swap A currency swap is the simultaneous sale and purchase of the same amount of a given currency at agreed spot rate and forward rate between the two parties.


Technical Analysis An effort to forecast prices by analysing market data, i. e. historical price trends and averages, volumes, open interest, etc. Transaction Cost The cost of buying or selling a financial product. Transaction Date The execution date of trade. Turnover The total money value of all executed transactions in a given time period. Two-Way Price The bid and offer rate of a FX quote.


Value Date The date on which counterparts to a financial transaction agree to settle their respective obligations. For spot currency transactions, the value date is normally two business days after trade date. Volatility (Vol) A statistical measure of a market's price movements over time. Volume The number of contracts traded over a given period of time.


Williams’ Percent Range A dynamic technical indicator, which determines whether the market is overbought/oversold. Williams’ %R is very similar to the Stochastic Oscillator. The only difference is that %R has an upside down scale and the Stochastic Oscillator has internal smoothing.


Zigzag A trend following indicator that is used to predict if the momentum on reversal. The indicator is to eliminate random price fluctuations and attempts to profit when the trend changes. The Zig Zag tool is often used in wave analysis to determine the positioning of the asset in the overall cycle.

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The Bank Verification Number (BVN) introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to link individuals to their various bank accounts has led to a whopping N2.6 trillion being trapped in various banks across the country, it has been gathered.

Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers. Read more after the cut…

With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts.

“If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have,” said a bank manager in a first generation bank.

As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies.

Findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex.

It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states.

“It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets,” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called ‘round tripping.’ “Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly,” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other.

The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states. Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket. But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities.

Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information.

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$14bn Refinery: CBN Assures Dangote Of Forex Financing

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has given assurance to Dangote Group that it will support it access Foreign Exchange, Forex to build its proposed $14 billion refinery in the country.

Mr. Godwin Emefiele, the Governor of the CBN, said this during a tour of the refinery which is projected to refine 650,000 barrels of crude oil per day.

The tour of the facility held at its location within the Lekki Free Trade Zone in Lagos.

The CBN governor said that the support was to ease the importation of equipment needed to bring the Dangote refinery to reality.

“Your ongoing 14 billion dollar refinery investment will enjoy our support, no doubt. We are doing this to fast-track the importation of equipment you need for a speedy completion of that project and to encourage other Nigerians to follow your lead” Emefiele said.

According to him, the tour is necessary to lend our support to this laudable project that will transform Nigeria’s downstream oil sector.

“The Dangote Group approached us to indicate their interest to invest in refining crude, such that petrol-chemicals, fertiliser and fuel will be produced, about three years ago.

“Today, the three projects, which are valued at 14 billion dollars (N2.8 trillion), are on course and this is highly commendable, ‘’ he said.

Emefiele said the CBN would continue to support tremendous and impactful projects that would improve the socio-economic profile of the country through such investments.

He said the diversification of the Dangote Group was worthy of emulation by other industrialists.

“By the time this refinery is completed, it will not only service the needs of our domestic economy but shore up our international oil investments.

“Projects like this and our support will encourage more Nigerians to begin to think like the Dangote Group,” the CBN boss added.

Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Chairman, Dangote Group, said that the refinery would commence commercial operations at the early period of 2018.

“We are set to unveil the world’s largest refinery which will make Nigeria self-sufficient in petroleum products refining and also become a major exporter of oil. This project will mark a turning point in Nigeria’s search for local refining of crude oil.

“We will ensure the value chain in crude oil production is uplifted and other facilitators properly integrated into our scheme,” he said.

The chairman said that the fertilizer production aspect of the refinery would be completed by 2017.”

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Forex Restriction And National Interest

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has again, tighten the noose on the economy by denying importers of certain goods access to foreign exchange at the official market, emphasizing the need to curtail indiscriminate importation of some goods that could be produced.

The list of forty one items, including rice, cement, margarine, palm kernel/palm oil products/vegetable oil, meat and processed meat products, vegetable and processed vegetable products, poultry – chicken, eggs, turkey – private airplanes/jet, Indian Incense, tinned fish in sauce – Geisha/Sardines, cold rolled steel sheet and galvanized steel sheets.

Others are roofing sheets, wheel barrows, head pans, metal boxes and containers, enamelware, steel drums, steel pipes, wires, rods, wire mesh, steel nails, security and razor wire, wood particles boards and panels, wood fibre board and panels, plywood boards and wooden doors. In addition, sourcing of forex for the importation of toothpicks, glass and glassware, kitchen utensils, tables, textiles, woven fabrics, clothes, plastic and rubber products, soap and cosmetic, tomatoes/tomato paste and Eurobond/foreign currency bond/share purchase has been prohibited.

A circular on this policy explained “The implementation of the policy will help conserve forex reserves as well as facilitate the resuscitation of domestic industries and improve employment generation,” it added.

CBN Governor, Godwin Emefiele hinted the need for the action earlier in January this year while speaking at a forum in Lagos, saying that “the only thing that will reduce pressure on our currency is by producing those things we are importing today. We have seen the pressure in the forex market arising mostly for the lopsided dependence on imports. Today in Nigeria, toothpick, tomato paste, furniture, rice, sugar, fish and petroleum products are all being imported. We will try as much as possible not to hurt your business, but we need to be able to work together,” he had told the gathering of CEOs of firms in the country.

Economic effects that would accompany the policy have started manifesting at parallel market with a dollar exchange averaging N241 against N210 before the new policy was announced, at the time of filing this report. Stakeholders are sharply divided over the decision with some theorizing that the CBN’s move was a good one delivered at a wrong time. Some analysts insisted that prior to such decisions government should have improved the structural weaknesses and inadequate public infrastructure that is inhibiting growth of the nation’s business atmosphere.

Reacting to the development in a communiqué issued and signed by its Director General, Mr. Muda Yusuf, after meeting with CBN officials on the matter in Lagos, the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI), said, “many of the restricted items are irreplaceable raw materials in the manufacturing process of many industries and this policy will cause significant damage to the Nigerian manufacturing sector and the economy”.

While soliciting a review of the policy because of its impact on employment and inflation, the Chamber said: ‘’We urge the CBN to immediately amend the policy with full product definition and specification of all restricted items, including HS Codes and excluding any items, which are non-substitutable industrial raw materials from the list.’’

Criticizing the new limit while speaking with Economic Confidential . Alhaji Akilu Maishada, a textile importer at the popular Kanttin Kori textile market in Kano said, “there will be problem along the chain of demand and supply in the textile market soon because many people, especially rich ones, use to demand for special fabrics that are majorly imported so, the consequence of the forex limitation on fabric importation is that consumers have to pay more. It is not easy sourcing for foreign currency outside official market to finance importation.”

Expressing her discontentment, Managing Director of Roahalide Nigeria Limited, Garki Modern Market, Abuja, Hajiya Ayodele who is a wholesaler and distributor of tinned fish in sauce – Geisha/Sardines said, “Though effect of the new CBN’s forex policy has not manifested in market price of the goods yet, the consequence of it cannot be contemplated. Price of a pack of Sardine remains five thousand two hundred naira as it was but few days ago, it may increase more than what we think as result of difficulties that importers will face in sourcing for dollars outside official market.”

Another businessman, Mr. Chukwuemeka John said his business was in double jeopardy with the new limitations because he was still contending with challenges of earlier limitation put on naira debit card outside the country by the apex bank. Insisting “the idea of the debit card limit to $50,000 per person per annum was discomforting, John told this magazine “I travel out often to get items for my trade and that aside, I spend money on vacations using a Naira debit card. So with this new limit on debit card, how am I going to keep up with my business and personal foreign exchange needs while I am overseas? I wish the implementation of the policy could be re-adjusted if possible to help businessmen like me.”

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the investment arm of the World Bank Group, has approved a N2 billion ($10 million) loan to Nigeria’s LAPO Microfinance Bank to enhance lending to small-scale entrepreneurs, low-income customers, and rural communities.

In a statement released on Monday, the IFC said the loan represents its largest investment in a microfinance institution in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In 2012, IFC provided an N800 million loan to LAPO Microfinance Bank, which has a national microfinance license. This has helped the bank grow its customer base from 700,000 customers in 2012 to over two million customers across 28 states in Nigeria. The bank hopes to raise its customer base to five million customers by 2017.

“One of IFC’s core objectives is to promote inclusive finance that benefits the small-scale business sector—an engine of inclusive growth and job creation,” Eme Essien Lore, IFC’s Country Manager for Nigeria, said. “Our relationship with LAPO Microfinance Bank will help us reach out to the low income people in Nigeria to improve financial inclusion and help grow the economy.”

“We are taking further steps to increase our reach to more low income earners and more micro, small and medium enterprises,” Godwin Ehigiamusoe, Managing Director/CEO of LAPO Microfinance Bank, said. “IFC’s long term support has helped us and we hope this new project will lead to enhanced financial access for more financially excluded Nigerians.”

IFC is a leading investor in microfinance institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa, with a portfolio that includes 25 microfinance institutions across 13 countries in the sub-continent with over 2.6 million borrowers and 12.7 million depositors that constitute microenterprises and low-income households.

Chibuike Oguh is Financial Nigeria's Frontier Markets Analyst

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Stock market sheds $2 billion as policy delay, forex uncertainty bite (Nigeria)

A combination of factors including delay in economic direction and uncertainty in the foreign exchange market, among others, may have cost investors a whopping N400 billion in value terms in the last six months, BusinessDay analysis has shown.

The development is responsible for the redirection of investments by asset managers from equities to money market instruments such as treasury bills and other tradable instruments like FGN bonds, mutual fund, and state bond.

Their asset mix shows a 9.17 percent decline in equities investment from the December 2014 level of N603.04billion to N547.76billion as at May 2015.

Also in the same period, fund flow into Money Market increased by 1.49 percent, from N541.52billion to N549.58billion; FGN Bond increased by 4.95 percent to N2.515trillion from N2.396trillion; while investment in Treasury Bills (T-Bills) rose by 62.51 percent, from N497.78billion to N808.95billion.

Asset managers also favoured Mutual Funds with investible funds increase of 9.60 percent, from N21.03billion to N23.05billion; while State Bonds saw a 5.83 percent increase in asset managers stake from N172.40billion to N182.46billion.

Returns at the Nigerian stock market are not attracting foreign and institutional buyers like pension funds. Currently, equities returns which stood in excess of minus 7 percent became worse lately, in the absence of a firm policy direction, making investors jittery.

“The market remains bearish as investors seek shelter in alternative asset classes. Annual results released in June show mixed performance. Unimpressive second quarter (Q2) and half-year (H2) results may further dampen investor confidence,” according to analysts at Lagos-based Financial Derivatives Company Limited.

The NSE and MSCI frontier markets are underperforming global equity market index.

“YtD return on the NSE ASI adjusted for naira depreciation. Market may dip further, following disappointing H1 earnings. Cabinet delay is increasing uncertainty and negative sentiment.

“Contrary to expectations, President Muhammadu Buhari’s one month in office was inactive. There was no policy statement or leadership team,” the analysts added.

In the month of May, foreign portfolio investment (FPI) at the Lagos bourse decreased to N79.77billion, down 23.26 percent from N103.95billion in the preceding month of April.

The NSE All Share Index (ASI) which stood at 33,943.29 points as at January 5, 2015 declined to 31,768.28 points as at Thursday July 9, 2015. Also in the same period, the market capitalisation of listed equities has declined from record highs of N11.237trillion to N10.844trillion.

FBN Capital analysts said the Lagos bourse has been the more erratic since this year, despite an election-driven surge.

“The NSEASI has since been in broad retreat on a combination of poor company results and a sense of drift since the handover to the new administration on 29 May,” the analysts said.

“The APC assumed power at the end of the transition with a good deal of goodwill with the population and investors. The market is waiting impatiently for new appointments and policies.

“ We have often said that its largest challenge is not fiscal but institutional (the willingness of the legislature and the executive, both APC dominated, to work together). It gives us no pleasure to point out that our call has been vindicated”, FBN Capital analysts said.

Analysts at United Capital plc said, “CBN’s recent moves have created uncertainty in the FX market and even affected supply in the market. Investors have no basis to project a budge by the CBN and this has compounded the misty macroeconomic outlook, pushing investors to stand on the sideline, even as active investors are mostly speculative.

“This is expected to persist, though expectation and reaction to half-year (H1) numbers might be a breather to the bearish sentiment, coupled with bargain hunting buoyed by attractive pricing.”

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Naira loses N2 as Buhari rejects devaluation – Businessday

The naira on Wednesday depreciated in value against the dollar at the autonomous foreign exchange market as President Muhammadu Buhari said it should not be devalued further.

Consequently, the naira on Wednesday weakened against the dollar by N2 or 0.90 percent each at the Bureau de Change (BDC) segment of the forex market and parallel market.

After trading on same day, the local currency closed at N224/$ as against N222/$ traded the previous day at the BDC segment, and closed at N226/$ compared with N224/$ the previous day at the parallel market.

However, the naira closed stable at N199.05k against the dollar at the interbank foreign exchange market, data from FMDQ revealed. Naira on Tuesday weakened against the dollar by N1.39k or 0.70 percent at the interbank foreign exchange market.

Africa’s top oil producer has been hit hard by the fall of global crude prices, and its central bank has imposed increasingly strict foreign exchange rules to save its reserves and avoid what would be the third devaluation in a year, Reuters report.

The naira fell to as low as N242 per dollar on the parallel market in July, versus the official rate of N197. It has lost around 15 percent against the dollar over the past year with an official devaluation in November and a de facto one in February.

Buhari, who spoke in an interview with France 24, said he “does not think it is healthy for Nigeria to have the naira devalued further.

“That’s why we are getting the central bank to make modifications in terms of making foreign exchange available to essential services, industries, spare parts, essential raw materials and so on – but things like toothpicks and rice, Nigeria can produce enough of those.”

In June, the central bank restricted access to foreign exchange for the import of 41 items ranging from rice and toothpicks to steel products and glass.

The stringent restrictions have not gone down well with investors, who have called for a relaxation. Meanwhile, JP Morgan said it would remove Africa’s biggest economy from its influential emerging markets bond index by the end of October, citing a lack of liquidity and the central bank’s currency restrictions.

Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves fell 3 percent to $30.69 billion by September 14, from $31.63 billion a month earlier, central bank data showed on Wednesday. The reserves were down 22 percent from a year earlier.

The central bank ate up much of its reserves to support the local currency, selling dollars to BDC operators twice weekly in a bid to narrow the gap between the official and unofficial exchange rate.

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← Overnight interbank rate rises 84.29% as TSA deadline expires naira slides N1.39k/$ – Businessday

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China Could Increase Oil Imports by 600,000 Barrels a Day – Forbes March 26, 2016

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Oil Price May Have Bottomed Out But China’s Flat Demand Spells Trouble – Forbes March 26, 2016

Forex scarcity: Demand for real estate drops – Punch March 26, 2016

Naira to maintain stability on CBN’s tightening measures – Businessday March 26, 2016

Pound Seen Extending World’s Worst Losses Through Europe Vote – Bloomberg March 25, 2016

Stabilizing the Naira – Thisday March 25, 2016

Russian Oil Exports Threaten OPEC’s Output Freeze Deal – Thisday March 25, 2016

‘Forex remittance vital to economic recovery’ – Punch March 25, 2016

Interbank interest rate rises by 6% – Punch March 25, 2016

Market repricing naira after CBN insists on rate stability – Businessday March 25, 2016

U. S. Stocks Drop With Resources as Rate Speculation Lifts Dollar – Bloomberg March 24, 2016

Dollar gains weigh on oil, stocks – Reuters March 24, 2016

Oil set for weekly loss as huge supplies cut short rally – Reuters March 24, 2016

Nigerian interbank rate hits 20 pct as banks meet new reserve rule - traders – Reuters March 24, 2016

WEEKAHEAD-AFRICA-FX-Nigerian naira seen rising on parallel market, others steady – Reuters March 24, 2016

Emefiele’s Currency Pledge Dashes Hopes for Naira Devaluation – Bloomberg March 24, 2016

The Bank Verification Number (BVN) introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to link individuals to their various bank accounts has led to a whopping N2.6 trillion being trapped in various banks across the country, it has been gathered.

Owners of these accounts, it is said, failed to make claims to the said sum by refusing to link their BVN to the accounts for fear of being labeled money launderers.

With the institution of BVN, no bank customer can withdraw money from an account unless it is linked with the number, which synchronizes the customer’s different accounts.

“If you have 10 accounts in different banks it will be linked to you and the CBN will have a clear summary of all the money you have,” said a bank manager in a first generation bank. As a result of the measure, no less than N2.6 trillion is said to have been trapped in banks with owners refusing to pick them up without flagging enquiries on how they made the monies.

Findings reveal that the BVN has also facilitated a reduction on illegal trading in forex by Bureau de Change (BDC) operators. Before now, BDCs submit bogus lists of buyers of forex from account owners. But with BVN, the list could be vetted upon comparing accounts thus putting faces on applications for forex.

It was long suspected by the Federal Government and the monetary authorities that a good chunk of federal allocations to states, ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) find their way into Wuse and other forex exchange hubs in Lagos and other states.

“It’s the first port of call for those willing to exchange looted money into dollar, pounds and euros in their onward transfer to offshore accounts and private pockets,” explained a senior operative with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC).

At the fore of the surreptitious transactions are bankers and registered BDC operators who freight forex to the black market in the hitherto rampant financial malfeasance otherwise called ‘round tripping.’

“Taking the black market out of play is reducing transfer of illicit funds significantly,” explained the EFCC operative. It would be recalled that there was a major altercation between Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Nenadi Usman, both then serving ministers in the finance ministry under former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the one hand and state governors on the other.

The ministers had drawn the public’s attention to flurry of activities in the black market whenever federal allocations reach the states.

Bismark Rewane, CEO, Financial Derivatives, also linked bankers and officials in the apex bank to this economy-crippling racket.

But with the new measures and going by the scenario being painted in the anguish of the forex dealers, those in the habit of using the black market as conduit for looting public funds appear to be the first causalities.

Last year, the CBN had said that any bank customer without the BVN would from November 1, 2015 be deemed to have inadequate know your customer (KYC) information.

FG Approves Exchange rate of N160/$1 for the Purchase of Pilgrims Travelling Allowance

Thursday, August 13 2015/ 05.18 PM / CBN

Authorized Dealers and the general public are hereby notified of the following arrangements for 2015 Hajj operations:

1. Each pilgrim is entitled to purchase a minimum of US$750.00 and maximum of US$1,000.00 as PTA. The Federal Government has approved that intending pilgrims are to be sold the US$750.00 at a concessionary exchange rate of N160.00 to the US dollar.

2. For pilgrims buying above US$1,000.00, the difference shall be bought at the prevailing Naira exchange rate to the US dollar on the day of purchase.

3. No commission shall be charged by the banks for the sale of PTA to the intending pilgrims.

4. CBN shall sell the PTA to the designated banks in Lagos and Abuja and the accounts of the respective banks shall be debited as soon as funds are disbursed.

5. Each designated bank is required to sell to the CBN the unutilized funds not later than (2) weeks from the date of the last inward flight to Nigeria from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, while the accounts of the bank shall be credited promptly.

6. The approved schedule showing the distribution of the pilgrims expected to perform the 2015 Hajj and the respective designated banks that will handle the sales of the PTA to the pilgrims in the Federal Capital Territory(FCT), States of the Federation and the Armed Forces is as stated below for guidance.

Please ensure compl i ance accordingly.

BVN: FG eliminates 23,846 ghost workers, saves N2.3bn monthly

The Federal Government has eliminated 23, 846 ghost workers from its pay roll, thus saving about N2.293 billion monthly in what should have been paid out to non-existent workers or those who draw multiple salaries from government coffers. Customers besiege banks as BVN registration deadlines expires The feat, according to the Special Adviser to the Minister of Finance, Mr. Festus Akanbi, was achieved through the Bank Verification Numbers, BVN-based staff audit and enrolment to the Integrated Payroll and Personnel Information System, IPPIS. He said in a statement that more investigations were on-going in collaboration with the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC. He said.“The Federal Government is also taking actions to pursue recovery of salary balances in bank accounts as well as any pension contributions in respect of the deleted workers. This involves active collaboration with the concerned banks and the National Pension Commission, PenCom. “Due to the fact that personnel costs represent over 40 per cent of total government expenditure, the Federal Government will continue to strengthen its payroll controls. It plans to undertake periodic checks and to utilise computer Assisted audit techniques under its new continuous audit programme. “This will ensure that all payments are accurate and valid. Requirements for new entrants joining the Federal Civil Service have also been enhanced to prevent the introduction of fictitious employees in future. “The ongoing exercise, which is part of the cost-saving and anti-corruption agenda of President Muhammadu Buhari’s administration, is key to funding the deficit in the 2016 budget, as savings made will ultimately reduce the amount to be borrowed.” He explained that the Federal Government would not accede to the request of the Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria, ASCSN, that its members be co-opted into the panel investigating the cases of indicted civil servants because the investigations were of a criminal nature and would, therefore, be handled by the appropriate investigative agencies.



Inter-bank rates rise on forex, securities markets withdrawals

Inter-bank rates inched up last week on account of withdrawals from government securities and foreign exchange markets.

According to the weekly money and capital market report of FSDH Securities, obtained by our correspondent on Tuesday, the seven-day Nigerian Inter-Bank Offered Rate closed last week at 12.96 per cent, a 125 basis point increase from the previous week‘s 11.71 per cent. The 90-day NIBOR closed the week at 17.29 per cent, a 158 basis points increase from the previous week‘s figure of 15.70 per cent.

At the 182-day Treasury Bill market, the Central Bank of Nigeria repaid a total of N30bn, but there was no activity at the 91-day TB market and the 364-day TB auction markets.

There was a total net flow of N30bn from the primary segment of the money market, but at the secondary market segment of the government securities market, a total of N63.35bn worth of Open Market Operation, REPO, and Expanded Discount Window was withdrawn. The tenure of the REPO and EDW ranged from 26 days to 30 days.

At the forex auction held last Wednesday, the CBN offered $450m, while it sold $251.76m, which was 44.05 per cent lower than what was offered.

In all, there was a total net outflow of N71.37bn from both segments of the market of the government securities and the forex markets.

The value of the naira appreciated at both the inter-bank and official markets, while it depreciated by N2.40 kobo and 60 kobo to close the week at N151.20 to a dollar, and N151.01 to a dollar at parallel market compared to the previous week‘s figures of N153.60 to a dollar, and N151.61 to a dollar respectively.

However, since the begining of the current week, the naira has appreciated against the dollar, moving from N151.01 to the dollar last week to N149.51 as at Tuesday at the CBN Wholsale Dutch Auction System.

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MACD — схождение/расхождение скользящих средних


MACD,  (произносится как «мак ди») означает схождение/расхождение скользящих средних (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence). Изобрел этот & # 1080; & # 1076; & # 1080; & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1090; & # 1086; & # 1088; Джеральд Аппель. Это & # 1086; & # 1076; & # 1080; & # 1085; & # 1080; & # 1079; простейших индикаторов, который, однако, считается & # 1074; & # 1077; & # 1089; & # 1100; & # 1084; & # 1072; надежным. Считается, что он особенно эффективен & # 1085; & # 1072; рынках & # 1089; большими колебаниями. Индикатор MACD называется осциллятором, так & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1082; & # 1082; & # 1088; & # 1080; & # 1074; & # 1072; & # 1103; MACD колеблется вперед & # 1080; назад & # 1095; & # 1077; & # 1088; & # 1077; & # 1079; ноль. & # 1059; осциллятора нет верхних & # 1080; нижних пределов.


На графике MACD показаны две кривые. Первая & # 1082; & # 1088; & # 1080; & # 1074; & # 1072; & # 1103; & # 8212; собственно показатель MACD, который определяется следующим образом:

где EMAn1 — экспоненциальное скользящее среднее & # 1094; & # 1077; & # 1085; & # 1099; валюты & # 1079; & # 1072; n1 периодов, а EMAn2 — экспоненциальное скользящее среднее & # 1094; & # 1077; & # 1085; & # 1099; валюты & # 1079; & # 1072; n2 периодов. & # 1042; & # 1072; & # 1095; & # 1077; & # 1089; & # 1090; & # 1074; & # 1077; значений n1 и n2 обычно выбираются 12 и 26 или 10 и 20, когда рынки волатильны. & # 1045; & # 1089; & # 1083; & # 1080; скользящее среднее & # 1079; & # 1072; n1 периодов больше, чем скользящее среднее & # 1079; & # 1072; n2 периодов, линия MACD положительная; & # 1074; противном & # 1089; & # 1083; & # 1091; & # 1095; & # 1072; & # 1077; отрицательная. Линия MACD вычерчивается синим цветом.

Вторая & # 1082; & # 1088; & # 1080; & # 1074; & # 1072; & # 1103; представляет & # 1089; & # 1086; & # 1073; & # 1086; & # 1081; экспоненциальное среднее & # 1080; & # 1085; & # 1080; & # 1080; MACD за n периодов, где n обычно равно 9 (или 5 при волатильных рынках). Эта вторая линия вычерчивается белым цветом. & # 1058; & # 1072; & # 1082; & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1082; она представляет скользящее среднее & # 1080; & # 1085; & # 1080; & # 1080; MACD, она будет & # 1073; & # 1086; & # 1083; & # 1077; & # 1077; плавной & # 1080; перемещаться медленнее.

Разность между двумя линиями показана & # 1074; & # 1074; & # 1080; & # 1076; & # 1077; затененной кривой.

& # 1055; & # 1072; & # 1088; & # 1072; & # 1084; & # 1077; & # 1090; & # 1088; & # 1099; & # 160;

MACD имеет & # 1090; & # 1088; & # 1080; параметра:

n1 . количество периодов, используемых & # 1074; первом экспоненциальном скользящем среднем & # 1080; & # 1079; формулы MACD.

n2 . количество периодов, используемых во втором экспоненциальном скользящем среднем & # 1080; & # 1079; формулы MACD.

n . количество периодов, используемых & # 1076; & # 1083; & # 1103; сглаживания & # 1080; & # 1085; & # 1080; & # 1080; MACD при построении второй линии.

& # 1080; & # 1088; & # 1088; & # 1077; & # 1080; & # 1077; & # 1090; & # 1072; & # 1094; & # 1080; & # 1103;

MACD обычно используется & # 1076; & # 1083; & # 1103; идентификации перекупленных & # 1080; перепроданных ситуаций, а & # 1090; & # 1072; & # 1082; & # 1078; & # 1077; трейдинговых сигналов.

Считается, что & # 1080; & # 1076; & # 1080; & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1090; & # 1086; & # 1088; MACD указывает & # 1085; & # 1072; перепроданную ситуацию, если он падает & # 1080; быстро уходит & # 1086; & # 1090; своего скользящего среднего. & # 1042; & # 1101; & # 1090; & # 1086; & # 1084; & # 1089; & # 1083; & # 1091; & # 1095; & # 1072; & # 1077; ожидается, что & # 1074; ближайшем будущем обменный курс пойдет вверх. Напротив, считается, что & # 1080; & # 1076; & # 1080; & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1090; & # 1086; & # 1088; указывает & # 1085; & # 1072; перекупленные ситуации, когда MACD растет & # 1080; быстро уходит & # 1086; & # 1090; своего скользящего среднего. & # 1042; & # 1101; & # 1090; & # 1086; & # 1084; & # 1089; & # 1083; & # 1091; & # 1095; & # 1072; & # 1077; ожидается, что & # 1074; ближайшем будущем цена валюты пойдет вниз.

Трейдинговые сигналы определяются & # 1089; & # 1087; & # 1084; & # 1086; & # 1097; & # 1100; & # 1102; индикатора MACD разными способами:

Сигнал & # 1080; & # 1085; & # 1080; & # 1080; срабатывания . Некоторые утверждают, что & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; покупке формируется, когда MACD пересекает ноль & # 1080; поднимается выше, а & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; продаже & # 8212; когда MACD пересекает ноль & # 1080; падает ниже.

Сигнал пересечения . Другие интерпретируют «пересечение» & # 1074; & # 1072; & # 1095; & # 1077; & # 1089; & # 1090; & # 1074; & # 1077; сигнала: если MACD пересекает свое скользящее среднее & # 1080; падает ниже, формируется & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; продаже, а & # 1077; & # 1089; & # 1083; & # 1080; MACD пересекает свое скользящее среднее & # 1080; поднимается выше, формируется & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; покупке.

Сигнал расхождения . & # 1045; & # 1089; & # 1083; & # 1080; MACD не следует & # 1079; & # 1072; текущим трендом & # 1080; движется против направления соответствующего обменного курса, это & # 1089; & # 1089; & # 1088; & # 1080; & # 1088; & # 1080; & # 1074; & # 1072; & # 1077; & # 1090; & # 1089; & # 1103; & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1082; предупреждение & # 1086; том, что текущий тренд может измениться. Следовательно, если MACD движется вниз, в то время & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1082; обменный курс & # 1074; & # 1089; & # 1077; еще растет, это может интерпретироваться & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1082; & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; продаже. & # 1041; & # 1086; & # 1083; & # 1077; & # 1077; сильный & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; продаже возникает, когда MACD достигает новых минимумов, а соответствующий обменный курс & # 1074; & # 1089; & # 1077; еще движется вверх. Напротив, если MACD движется вверх, а обменный курс & # 1074; & # 1089; & # 1077; еще падает, это может интерпретироваться & # 1082; & # 1072; & # 1082; & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; покупке. & # 1041; & # 1086; & # 1083; & # 1077; & # 1077; сильный & # 1089; & # 1075; & # 1085; & # 1072; & # 1083; & # 1082; покупке возникает, когда MACD достигает новых максимумов, а соответствующий обменный курс & # 1074; & # 1089; & # 1077; еще движется вниз.


Cuando el efectivo actual de un capital es igual al valor actual de otro u otros capitales, diremos que son equivalentes financieramente.

En la practica mercantil, para hacer los cálculos de equivalencia se utiliza el descuento comercia, por lo que se produce una alteración de la ley financiera de actualización simple.

Si una serie de capitales de nominal C1, C2, C3 …, Ch con sus respectivos vencimientos en n1, n2, n3 …,nh, se desean sustituir por uno equivalente de nominal Cn, con vencimiento en n, bastará con que la suma del valor actual de los primeros sea igual al valor de este último, es decir:

Con = Co1 + C02 + C03 + … + C0h

donde el subíndice en primer lugar indica el momento de cálculo de la equivalencia financiera (en este caso, el momento actual, 0), y el segundo, el momento en que cada capital respectivo tiene su vencimiento (1, 2, 3, …, h)

Si se recuerda la fórmula que relaciona el valor actual de un capital en función del nominal en el descuento comercial:

y se sustituye en la expresión anterior, ya que los valores que se conocen son los nominales:

Cn (1 - n. i) = C1 (1 - n1. i) + C2 - C2. n2. i + … + Ch (1 - nh. i)

Cn (1 - n. i) = C1 - C1. n1. i + C2 - C2. n2. i + … + Ch - Ch. nh. i

Cn (1- n. i) = C1 + C2 + … + Ch - (C1. n1. i) + C2. n2. i + … + Ch. nh. i)

Despejando Cn se obtiene:

Expresión que permite calcular el valor del capital con vencimiento en n que puede sustituir el conjunto de capitales por uno único.

Si el tiempo se midiera en periodos distintos e inferiores al anual, entonces se podrían simplificar los cálculos mediante el uso del divisor fijo. por lo que, partiendo de la expresión:

Y como sabemos que. resulta que .

Sustituyendo en la anterior expresión

Multiplicando numerador y denominador de esta expresión por D:


El vencimiento común es el momento o fecha en que se realiza la sustitución del conjunto de capitales por uno único.

Se puede obtener n utilizando el divisor fijo a partir de:

(D - n) Cn = D. ∑Cj - ∑Cj. nj

Cn. D - Cn. n = D ∑Cj - ∑Cj. nj

Cn. D - ∑Cj - ∑Cj. nj. n = Cn. n

D(Cn - ∑Cj) + ∑Cj. nj = Cn. n


Se produce el vencimiento medio cuando la suma del nominal de los capitales a sustituir es igual al nominal del capital que los sustituye. Por tanto, es un caso particular del vencimiento común.

Cn = C1 + C2 + C3 + … + Ch = ∑Cj

El valor de n, fecha de sustitución del capital, es independiente del tipo de interés a que se realice la operación.


Cuando todos los capitales que van a ser sustituidos tienen un nominal igual entre sí, entonces:

C1 = C2 = C3 = … = Ch

∑Cj = Cj. n = Cn

Sustituyendo en la formula del vencimiento medio:

En donde h representa el número de capitales que van a ser sustituidos.


Partiendo de:

y aplicando el concepto de capitales equivalente:

C0n = C01 + C02 + C03 + … + C0h

Si se despeja para obtener el valor de Cn:

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Foreigners, BDCs abuse forex transactions, says CBN

by Nduka Chiejina (asst. Editor) And Collins Nweze, July 30, 2015 at 2:44 am in Business

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has said because of the ease of accessing foreign exchange (forex) in Nigeria, foreign businessmen particularly Ghanaian businessmen who access forex from Bureau De Chnages (BDCs) abuse the system.

Speaking at the 20th Seminar for Finance Correspondents and Business Editors on the impact of crude oil prices on external reserves and exchange rate management in Nigeria yesterday in Calabar, Cross River State, its Director, Monetary Policy, Mr. Moses Tule said the CBN has discovered that “Ghanaian businessmen come to Nigeria to source for forex because they believe it is easy to get it in Nigeria. As much as $1 million can be demanded by these foreign businessmen from BDCs.”

He warned that the “private sector must not be predatory in their activities and should be patriotic for the economy to grow.”

Tule noted that Nigeria is the only country in the world that funds BDCs and advised that since “achieving its objectives, the CBN should have withdrawn from funding the BDCs” and left them to source for their forex as other countries around the world do.

Tule cautioned: “If we do not control our consumption pattern, we will not have a naira, because you cannot plan on the volatility of the price of crude oil alone. We need to change our structure of production to avoid a further forex crisis, and we need to be very careful how we share money from Excess Crude Account (ECA).”

The CBN director also expressed concern that as the country approaches the end of the year, there has not been any implementation of capital projects across the country noting that “when a government does not execute capital projects, there is no future for the country. Execution of capital projects such as hospitals, roads and bridges help to reflate the economy with the jobs they create and the opportunities they provide.”

Tule also said for the first time, the CBN contributed N2 billion for the rebasing of the economy last year. This amount he said is different from what the Federal Government and other agencies contributed to the exercise.

In spite of these contributions, he said the economy is living on the illusion of being strong as some sectors considered informal were not captured in the rebasing exercise yet the country brags of being the largest economy in Africa.

When asked to comment on what was responsible for the growth of the external reserve since the advent of the Buhari administration, Tule said: “The increased is because of Buhari’s directive, and the fact that he stood his ground, that all revenue collecting agencies must remit all revenue into the Federation Account with the CBN and close all other accounts. We cannot build reserves in a culture of impunity.”

In his presentation, the Chief Executive Office, Financial Derivatives. Mr. Bismarck Rewane said Nigeria’s external reserve and foreign exchange rate crisis is tied to both resource and management problems as “resources are dwindling and management of these is not improving.”

He said N2 trillion was spent on subsidy over time till 2012 for the importation of between 12 and 15 million litres of petroleum products, which did not make sense.

The naira he said is “technically undervalued” and one way to address this crisis is to “get rid of subsidy.”

The country he said “must align spending with earnings and the right people should be put in place to execute this. If subsidies are not removed, it will make the adjustment more painful.”

The CBN he said has to be independent and autonomous, and if faced with difficult situations that goes against the grains of sound monetary policy, the best thing for the CBN governor to do if his advise is not accepted is to quit, because the policy environment has to be consistent.

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Related News

Commercial banks in Lagos on Monday offered only lower denominations of foreign currency to customers.

The banks’ offer, aimed at stemming round tripping and money laundering, starved major parallel market across Lagos of the much needed funds, especially dollars and pound sterling.

A PREMIUM TIMES correspondent who visited First Bank and UBA headquarters at Marina Lagos gathered that most customers who thronged the banks to withdraw from their domiciliary accounts were surprised, as they were offered only one and two dollars bills.

Majority of the domiciliary account holders, who rejected the lower denominations, said it was unethical for commercial banks to dictate to them how to spend their money.

A customer, Lanre Ogun, said while they appreciated the CBN’s efforts to strengthen the naira, commercial banks’ approach in offering them only one dollar bills “negates everything civil and decency”.

“Nobody can dictate to me on how to spend my money and in what denomination of the foreign currencies,” Mr. Ogun, a financial consultant, said.

Another customer, Chuka Azia, said First Bank’s offering of only lower denomination without warning had cost him a business deal.

“I concluded business deal over the weekend which must be paid in dollars but my partners refused to take one and two dollars bills when I informed them of the situation at the bank this morning,” Mr. Azia, a trader, said.

Meanwhile, the naira rallied strongly against international currencies on Monday, appreciating N2 against the dollar.

At end of currency trading late afternoon, the naira traded at N265 to one dollar at the parallel market compared to N263 it sold on Sunday. Naira’s exchange rate to Pound Sterling remained at N380.

UTC Aerospace Systems acquires N2 Imaging Systems, no terms

UTC Aerospace Systems announces it has acquired N2 Imaging Systems, LLC ("N2") of Irvine, California. The acquisition will complement the UTC Aerospace Systems' intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance business and add new technology to the company's extensive portfolio of capabilities supporting the U. S. Military across the full spectrum of global strategic, operational and tactical operations. UTC Aerospace Systems is a unit of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX ).

UTC Aerospace Systems' commitment to the U. S. Army's Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (RSTA) mission is enhanced by the acquisition, ensuring the company's capabilities continue to support the Army's strategic equipping plans.

"The addition of N2 reflects our unwavering dedication to rapidly developing the most advanced imaging technology at an attractive price to support the RSTA mission now and in the future," said John Trezza, Vice President and General Manager of UTC Aerospace Systems' Force Protection business. "Adding our experience in designing, developing and fielding sophisticated technology to the innovation of N2 will further support on-time execution of the Army's Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) program."

UTC Aerospace Systems brings to the ENVG program an exceptional track record of delivering for the Army. Its AN/AVR-2B Laser Warning system, for example, is nearing 100 months of on-time, in-full delivery and the company was recognized by the Army procurement office as a Tier 1 Supplier in the FY15 Army Superior Supplier Incentive program.

N2 is well-known to its customers for leading-edge imaging technology and integration capabilities to deliver advanced optical systems for the military and commercial segments.

"As we ramp up into the next generation of imaging systems, customers will benefit from the combined technology expertise and execution of UTC Aerospace Systems and N2," said Dave Masarik, President, N2. "Bringing together the innovations in sensor technology of both companies opens up a wide array of opportunities for development of new, cost-effective man-portable imaging systems for military and commercial users."

The N2 business will join Sensors Unlimited of Princeton, New Jersey, and Cloud Cap Technology of Hood River, Oregon, as part of the Force Protection business, which provides camera cores and multi-spectral, fused imaging solutions for handheld, ground vehicle, rotary craft and unmanned aerial systems for military, civil and commercial applications.

"This acquisition underscores our commitment to our customers' mission needs. With the addition of N2, we continue to invest in future dual-use imaging technology, aligning with the Army's technology road maps, while taking advantage of our agile, commercial mindset and deep military program expertise to provide leading-edge imaging technology at the right price to our customers," said Trezza.

The N2 Imaging Systems business will continue to be based in Irvine, California.

UTC Aerospace Systems designs, manufactures and services integrated systems and components for the aerospace and defense industries. UTC Aerospace Systems supports a global customer base, with significant worldwide manufacturing and customer service facilities. Follow the company on Twitter: @utcaerosystems

United Technologies Corp. based in Farmington, Connecticut, provides high-technology systems and services to the building and aerospace industries. To learn more about UTC, visit the website at www. utc. com or follow the company on Twitter: @UTC.

&dupdo; 2016 Benzinga. com. Benzinga no proporciona asesoramiento de inversión. Todos los derechos reservados.

CBN May Relax Forex Policy This Week

There is strong indication that CBN, may relax its policy on forex this week following the open admonition by Senate President Bukola Saraki and Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, (IMF), Ms Christine Lagarde charge in unequivocal terms, the dangers of the continued forex policy instituted by the apex bank in the last eight months.

Investigation showed that the closed door sessions between the CBN governor, Godwin Emefiele, and Senate President Saraki on the one hand, and another with Ms Lagarde, there appeared to be a drift towards a consensual position on the restrictive forex policy.

Even though Emefiele, according to a source at the private sessions, did not disclose much regarding the apex bank’s possibility of a policy review, indications are that in the light of the expected visit from IMF economists this week, the policy may be relaxed.

It will be recalled that the foreign exchange market witnessed introduction of several foreign exchange restrictions in 2015. The first notable restriction was the closure of official foreign exchange market (Retail Dutch Auction) on February 18, 2015 which translated to further devaluation of the naira to N197 per dollar from N165 per dollar. The second notable restriction was the exclusion of 41items from the official foreign exchange market.

Then the CBN in August banned acceptance of foreign currency deposit into domiciliary accounts.

In addition to the above, there was the reduction in the limit on usage of naira debit cards abroad. From $150,000 per annum the limit was pegged at $50,000 per annum per naira debit card. The daily cash withdrawal limit was pegged at $300 abroad.

During the year 2015, the CBN banned banks from selling foreign exchange to the Bureau De Change (BDCs) while it revised the operating guidelines of BDCs, and in the process, banned any form of relationship of street hawkers of foreign currency (black market), and branch operations.

These restrictions coupled with dwindling foreign currency inflow due to continued decline in crude oil prices, as well as continued expectation of further devaluation of the naira, led to a consequential depreciation of the naira in the parallel market. The parallel market exchange rate of the naira rose from N179/N185 at the beginning of 2015, to close the year at N280 to a dollar.

By and large, as a team of economists from the IMF are set to arrive Nigeria this week, there are indications that the executive and the legislative arms of government may have begun a process of horse trading with a view to making the 2016 Appropriation Bill, more implementable.

There were speculations that the Bill was withdrawn from the two chambers of the legislature, but this was refuted that the government is not planning to withdraw the Bill.

A finance ministry source told Footprint to Africa that the Managing Director of IMF, Mrs Christine Lagarde visit to both arms of government last week must have necessitated major amendments to the Bill, a development which has posed a challenge of how the Bill could be legally withdrawn from the two chambers of the legislature.

Lagarde, while fielding questions on the 2016 budget had told reporters last week that ‘‘a team of economists is going to come here (Nigeria) next week to review and audit (the Bill) and have a good discussion with the government authorities to really assess whether the financing is in place, whether the debt is sustainable, whether the borrowing costs are sensible and what strategy must be put in place in order to address challenges going forward”.

The IMF boss held meetings with the Central Bank of Nigeria, the Finance Minister, Mrs. Kemi Adeosun, National Planning Minister, Udo Udoma, other members of the Executive Council of the Federation, (EXCOF), the leadership of the National Assembly and chief executives of banks. She also had closed door sessions with both the President, Mohammadu Buhari, and the Vice President, Yemi Osinbajo.

The team of IMF economists are expected this week to meet with all these government officials and many more including the leaders of the private sector.

Areas of discussion for necessary policy actions and changes in the 2016 budget include: revenue generation, tax system, fuel pricing, exchange rate policy, reduction in recurrent expenditure especially as it relates to cost of governance, allocations to infrastructure, health, housing and education sectors.

Other areas of possible change in the content of the Appropriation Bill learnt will also include but will not be limited to borrowing to fund the budget where the federal government had already stated it would borrow about N2.1 trillion to fund the budget deficit.

The team would also discuss ways of improving efficiency of the country’s public service, creation of tools to manage the impact of declining oil revenues and measures to reduce leakages.

The team in addition would canvas measures to address foreign capital inflows, wealth creation in the power and transport sectors, best options for managing near-term vulnerabilities to international economic financial shocks, as well as strategies for improved policies and building stronger institutions.

They will also discuss framework for achieving inclusive and sustainable growth, poverty reduction and good governance at the lower tiers of government, the states and local governments.

1. GSM FOREX - How to trade Forex on your GSM Phone. You must have heard a lot about FOREX trading. FOREX here, FOREX there. FOREX has been the most recent buzz word in town. If you don’t know what it means let me explain it to you briefly. FOREX is the largest financial market in the world, with the exchange of over $3 trillion worth of currency every week. FOREX is actually an Acronym for Foreign Exchange, Just as you have Stock exchange for the exchange of stocks and shares, so also does Foreign exchange market serve for the exchange of currencies between member Nations. The money comes from FOREX trading, and this is the business, where the cash cow is. These Currencies are bought in pairs like you buy US dollar (USD) in exchange for Euro (EUR) or Pounds (GBP) or even Naira (NGN). Just like those mallams you see selling or buying dollars or just as you buy UBA shares for N6 and sell it off later at N15 when it must have appreciated. But with FOREX the appreciation/depreciation, i. e. rise/ fall of the currency could be within minutes or even less. That means, for example if I buy the above pair EUR/USD at N10. It can appreciate to as high as N70 within minutes, I then sell it off and make a profit of N60. Or it could fall to as low as N0.60 within those same minutes. It can rise a number of times like this within a single day/ hour or month. Forex trading is not for everyone because you’ll need to do some technical analysis, you’ll need a computer and an Internet Connection with fast speed, possibly a broadband. For one to trade FOREX, he /she need to have learnt it or know the rudiments. But you can now trade with your GSM phone without needing your Computer or even $100 to start with because with $25, an 8 Internet connection on your Phone and a Mobile trader software (costs N7500) you could be making money from this cash cow, and within the next 24hrs. It will amaze you how easy it is to make money from FOREX Business when you can do it wherever you are, without sitting (or babysitting) in front of your computer all day analyzing the market trend/ movements. More importantly if you have a problem with knowing the Computer and you still eagerly want to reap from this Internet milk tree you have the chance through your GSM phone. I’ll tell you that there is a lot of Money (and risks) in FOREX trading. I personally have made descent income (about N76, 000 profits within 3months and still compounding), from FOREX trading and come to think of it I don’t even know how to trade FOREX yet - Will tell you more on this later. Infact a friend of mine, who just turned 18years recently was given a contract of N2 million to trade FOREX for someone. No joke at all, 2 Milla! Of Course he was good at it and was already a Millionaire. This goes to show you the potentials in FOREX trading. Now too much Grammar let me cut to the Point. How do you trade FOREX on Your Mobile Phone? How to trade FOREX on your Mobile Phone? Using your GSM PHONE TO TRADE FOREX is like sending a Text message from your GSM Phone. You can start now, I mean today. Infact I advise you give it a try, its only $25 (roughly N5, 000) to start with and you can afford that. You don’t have to invest up to $500 or $1,000 if you don’t have that much, before you can start FOREX trading and you don‘t need to be a FOREX Pro. All you need is to set up your FOREX web trader/account and link it up to your mobile trader and you are on your way to making up to $600 on a daily basis. This is one of the greatest shortcuts you can use to make money with your GSM Phone because With FOREX Mobile trader Software all you have to do is to log into your account from your Mobile Phone. You only need less than 5 mins to open and close positions, place orders, get updated with news and market analysis: and later take your profits. The Most interesting part of it is that you can start with just a liberty reserve Account, which you can open free. Then fund the account from reliable Liberty Reserve resellers (If you can’t find any you can contact us for one). When you activate your FOREX Account you will get a trader ID and a security password to trade on the Mobile Platform. You can get this mobile trader platform from forex brokers like www. alpari. co. uk and www. fxcm. com . 9 Most brokers will give you a downloadable guide which you can use to learn how to trade from your mobile phone. To start trading with your Mobile Phone, all you need is a GSM phone with WAP/ GPRS capabilities or a camera phone that can browse. Though some phones may not work on some of the GSM networks but most Nokia, Samsung, LG, Motorola and Sony Ericsson Phones will do. And I am not talking about those camera Phones from China with Big screens. Although these Phones have Nokia written all over their Body they are not genuine Nokia and will not be able to browse (to find out whether your Nokia Phone is genuine, dial #92702689#, You’ll get the manufacturing date and know if it has ever been repaired. If it’s a genuine camera phone a small animation will follow these info. If the Phones doesn’t give you all these. Then you know what to do. Open the window and…) You also need a GSM Internet SIM, to browse the Internet 24/7. This is very important as it will help you cut down the expense you’ll have to spend on Phone Internet connection. GSM Internet SIM service has a pay as you go and monthly browsing package. The pay as you go charges as much as 60 kobo per kilobyte, that is by the weight of the websites you browse, which will be costly. You can activate your SIM card simply by entering your network’s GPRS activation code. However the Monthly browsing is far cheaper at N450 per day or between N10,000 to N13,500 per month (depending on the Network) compared to the pay as you go or you can go for the daily browsing which cost N500. You can also get to browse for FREE through your GSM Phone (though it doesn’t last long and the configuration changes constantly) to get the current configuration and information on how to browse FREE with your GSM. Visit www. mygsmmoney. com/browse

How to make money from trading FOREX on your gsm phone. My younger brother, the more expert trader between us, will tell you that even if you know nothing about forex but you know how to place trades and then you decide to be taking 5pips per day, 5 pips per day, you’ll be on your way to millions within 18months. Let’s calculate, a pip most times is equal to one dollar ($1). So assuming you know nothing about FOREX, you started with $25 and you decide to just be taking one dollar every day through your gsm phone by the end of a week you’ll have $5 dollars, i. e. 1pip = $1 x 5days = $5. At the end of a month you’ll have $5 x 4weeks = $20 per month. At the end of 6 months you’ll have $120. If you compound it and add it to your initial capital you’ll have $145. 1pip will then be equal to $3.5* or there about. Assuming its $3.5 and you continue taking your 5pips daily at the end of the next 6months you’ll have $420, i. e. 1pip = $3.5 x 5days = $17.5 $17.5 x 4 weeks = $70 $70 x 6months = $420. If you compound this money and add it to your $145 capital you had at the end of the 1st 6 months you’ll have $565. With over $500 now in your account your 1 pip will now be equal to $5*. And you then trade for another 6months you’ll have 1pip = $5 x 5days = $25 $25 x 4weeks = $100 $100 x 6months = $600 With the current exchange rate at N165, $600 will be equal to N99,000. Almost N100,000. And what did you do to get this, just traded for 5 mins taking only 5pips, each day. If you did not notice the calculations above left spaces for losses, as surely you will lose in the forex market (smooth sailing never made a good sailor). That’ why I calculated 4weeks only to mean 20 days the other 2/3days are for losses, incase the market goes crazy. * depending on the forex broker you are using. 11 Its very easy to take 5 pips daily infact to take 5 pips per hour is much more easier. Take 5 pips per hour, trade for maximum of 10 hours, disregard every other things, trend, news that happens in the forex market and you’ll make your millions surely. ¡Sí! This is the greatest secrets of the newbie expert –rather smart traders. Take 5 pips per hour, trade for maximum of 10 hours, disregard every other things, trend, news that happens in the forex market and you’ll make your millions surely. You’ll need a good knowledge of any Business you want to venture in, to understand how it works and be able to make profit, and FOREX trading with your Mobile Phone is no exception. First you need to learn how FOREX Business works. Attend trainings, buy e-books, etc (This will be covered comprehensively from A to Z in 5 UNLIMITED MULTIPLE STREAMS OF GSM INCOME). You can be making more than $500 within the next 24 hrs. But this depends on your Knowledge of FOREX, the amount of money you are using for trade and how many trade positions and how much trading time you have. The beauty in this business (like wise in the other 4 GSM businesses) is this money can be made while you are sleeping, making calls with that same Phone or just simply going about your daily business. If you follow these insider information and get more of such information from

5 UNLIMITED MULTIPLE STREAMS OF GSM INCOME, where you’ll get the advantage of having the technical analysis done for you and instructions on what to buy/ sell sent to your GSM Phone every morning, then you are on your way to making Millions in FOREX this year through your GSM Phone. It’s like having an omniscient (all Knowing) stock broker who will tell you “buy UBA shares for N5 and sell it at N16 tomorrow morning because It will rise” and you do as he says and buy 5000 units of the shares and bam! Like magic, You make N11 profit for each unit. You’ll agree with me that if there is something like this there is really no way you’ll lose.

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Forex At Its Peak, Where Forex Traders Take 50PIPS

Businessman Accuses EFCC Lagos Of Conspiring To Obtain N2 Million From Him

An international businessman, Jyde Adelakun, has petitioned against some officials of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) of conspiring to extort N2 million bribe from him. Adelakun said his refusal to part with the money has led to his being framed up by the anti-graft body that led to the freezing of his Skye Bank account and the forgery of Department of Homeland Security Investigation, United States’ documents to incriminate him, and threats by them to kill him.


I, Jyde Adelakun, put forward my complaints of forgery and conspiracy against the following EFCC Operatives in Lagos: Abdulkarim Chukkol, Illiyaso Kwarbai, Gbolahan Latona, Mustapha Afeez and M. Kam Bashir, all working at the No. 15A Awolowo Road, Ikoyi, Lagos Office of EFCC; and Musa Giwa Yusuf, Zainab Majiadi and Ibelema Bristol, working at the Commission’s No. 7A Okotie - Eboh Street, Ikoyi, Lagos office, all of whom have committed forgery in this matter and threatened to kill me. The above-named officers committed forgery and fraudulently manufactured fake documents purported to have emanated from the Department of Homeland Security Investigation Officer in the United States of America (hereinafter referred to as ‘HSI’). The forged documents, presented as having originated from the office of the Department of HSI Attaché in Dakar, Senegal, are attached herewith as Exhibits A and B. The two exhibits had already been forwarded to the HSI, USA, for verification; and the verdict returned was that the documents were forged. Indeed, the HSI, USA, described the documents as false; and that they never emanated from the HSI Attaché’s office in Dakar, Senegal. Worse still, no HSI Attaché office is located in Dakar, Senegal.

The documents contained falsified logo; while the name used as signatory is quite strange and unknown to the HSI, USA administrative system. The HSI further referred any investigator of the fraudulent EFCC officers to the website of the Dept. of HSI Investigations for further verification/ confirmation online of the locations of HSI, USA attaché offices via www. ice. gov. In reference to the above mentioned, a written notarized confirmation was made by the Bank of America and is attached herewith as Exhibit JYDE 1. The truth and nothing but the truth was that the said EFCC operatives requested for N2 million bribe from me, which I bluntly refused to oblige them. From the day I rejected their request; they (EFCC operatives) unlawfully blocked my bank account and conspired with Skye Bank Plc to ask J P Morgan Chase Bank to write a petition of fraud against me. J P Morgan Chase Bank refused to play along with their rogue claims. However, the EFCC, Lagos, still went on to just charge me with the allegation that I received funds stolen from J P Morgan Chase Bank, regardless of the fact that there was no such claim from the J P Morgan Chase Bank against me. Next, the EFCC, Lagos, told me that if I don’t submit to their demands, they would frame charges to delay my funds from being released to me; and that they (EFCC Lagos) would do everything to show me that they had the power under the current government of President Muhammadu Buhari.

I had written two petitions on this matter to the Director, Internal Affairs, EFCC, Abuja, dated 30th July 2015 and 14th August 2015, without any response as yet – (see Exhibit JYDE 2). I have also sent petitions to the Lagos State Government; The Presidency, Abuja, the Senate, Inspector-General of Police, Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC); and the Attorney-General of the Federation/ Minister of Justice, for the rule of law to prevail. What is more is the fact that the desperate EFCC officials are threatening to kill me. Such law enforcement agents constitute a serious threat to the security of lives and the safety of Nigerians when they and a few of their corrupt bosses shamelessly solicit for bribes and frame charges against innocent people who refused to do their biddings. I am a very good example sir. No Nigerian law supports the abuse of office of that magnitude, especially by security agents statutorily charged with securing lives and property (please also see exhibits JYDE 3). There are three subsisting orders from the Federal High Court, Lagos; and the High Court of Lagos State that all my properties should be released to me; and that my accounts be unfrozen and unblocked, with unrestricted access to my funds.

But instead of obeying the court order, the EFCC leadership in Lagos disregarded the court order. The Federal High Court bailiff that went to the EFCC Lagos office to serve the court judgement on the Commission was unlawfully detained. The unlawful act of the EFCC operatives in this matter had led to the death of my immediate sister (a secretary in our company), who was hospitalized at a time when the funds to pay for her treatment was being unlawfully blocked by the EFCC Lagos leadership in defiance of the said court judgments and order of the court dated 23rd September 2015. The situation at hand goes beyond mere threat to a citizen’s right to security and safety, but can be extended to mean an embarrassing threat to the security of the entire citizenry by errant members of a security agency recruited, kitted paid and maintained by the Nigerian government to execute legitimate security mandate on behalf of the nation and its citizens.

No individual or organisation, including the EFCC, should be permitted to act as if they are above the law. In addition to the above-mentioned, no Nigerian is safe the moment a national agency of government fabricates documents in order to pervert the course of justice. My case demands immediate response and resolution by higher authorities before the EFCC officials commit more harm against me, including making good their threat of killing me. Yours Truly Jyde Adelakun Cc: Inspector-General of Police; Presidency, Abuja; Senate President; EFCC National Office, Abuja and ICPC. Cc: Stephen E. Amallagoge & Co (Legal Practitioners & Notaries Public), 16 Amodu Ojikutu Street, Victoria Island, Lagos

Source: New feed

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Nigeria, Japan Sign N2.17bn MoU for electricity supply

In it quest to improve electricity supply across the country especially in the Federal Capital Territory, the Federal Government has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of $11m (N2.17bn) with the Japanese Government for an emergency improvement of electricity supply facilities in Abuja.

This developmental project is aimed at procuring and installing power capacitor banks at the existing two sub-stations in Abuja and neighbouring Nasarawa State with the Japanese International Cooperation Agency and the Ministry of Power collaborate for the implementation.

This, according to the agreement, will decrease the transmission loss and assist in stabilising power supply to approximately 7,000 households within the Federal Capital Territory.

The Minister of Budget and National Planning, Senator Udo Udoma, signed the pact on behalf of the Federal Government, while the Ambassador of Japan to Nigeria, Sadanobu Kusaoke, signed on behalf of his country.

Udoma said, “The sustained implementation of this project is expected to pave way for a significant access to quality socio-economic services, thereby leading to reduction in unemployment in the country and promoting community empowerment.

“The Federal Government remains committed to working closely with various stakeholders in the economy to achieve sustainable economic development. This ministry will ensure that we create an enabling environment required for the sustainability of this partnership.”

In his remarks, the Japanese envoy said Nigeria’s power sector had been one of the priority in his country’s development cooperation with Nigeria.

Kusaoke said, “The power sector is a key to improve the quality of life for people and also to promote industry. Power supply is one of the determinant factors when both domestic and foreign investors decide whether or not to invest in a county.

Nigerian stock market loses N2.354tn in one year

For the second year running, investors have made huge losses in the Nigerian equities market as the Federal Government has been unable to find solutions to the nation’s economic woes, STANLEY OPARA writes

The market capitalisation (equities only) of the Nigerian stock market has shed a total of N2.354tn in the past year.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange, in its fourth quarter 2014 Fact Sheet, put the market capitalisation at N11.478tn; but at the end of trading on Friday, it stood at N9.124tn.

This, therefore, represents a 20.5 per cent drop in the stock market value.

The market had been on a decline for the greater part of this year due to various factors.

In January alone, the renewed dumping of shares by investors at the stock market over uncertainty in the political landscape led to a dip of N1.16tn in the market capitalisation of the Exchange in the first three trading days of the year.

Trading on the NSE in 2014 had closed with a decline of 16.1 per cent in the market capitalisation, which resulted in the stock market opening 2015 on a bearish note.

The NSE All Share Index, which stood at an average 34,657.15 points in the last quarter of 2014, has fallen to 26,537.36 so far this year, according to NSE statistics released on Friday. This represents a drop of 23.4 per cent.

This trend has further shattered the dreams of the Exchange to stabilise and further grow the market capitalisation.

The Chief Executive Officer of the NSE, Mr. Oscar Onyema, had in the early part of this year said that his self-imposed target of achieving $1tn (about N197tn) market capitalisation by 2016 was no longer feasible.

Onyema, while speaking at the NSE annual review of the market in 2014 and outlook for 2015, had said that last year started on a positive note with macroeconomic indicators such as inflation and the exchange rate staying within projected ranges.

The second quarter of 2014, he noted, kicked off on a high note following the nation’s Gross Domestic Product rebasing conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics.

The results of the rebasing did not only confirm Nigeria as the largest economy in Africa with a GDP of N80.22tn ($509.97bn), but also revealed the nation to be one of the least leveraged in the world, with a revised debt-to-GDP ratio of 11 per cent, from 20 per cent.

Onyema had attributed the woes of the market from the second quarter of 2014 to the falling oil prices in the international market, saying that the challenges in the Nigerian oil and gas sector, which resulted in crude oil production dropping below 2.3 million barrels per day, aggravated the problem.

He said, “The impact of this drop in production was exacerbated in the third quarter by crude oil prices plummeting, forcing the Central Bank of Nigeria to devalue the naira by eight per cent, and thus push the benchmark interest rate to a record 13 per cent in an effort to preserve the nation’s foreign reserves, which stood at $34.50bn on December 30, 2014, from $43.61bn at the start of the year.

“The bearish sentiments at the capital market prevailed for most of the year as foreign investors steadily withdrew from the Nigerian market due to currency risk and the recovery of developed economies, and the effects of the United States Federal Reserve tapering of its quantitative easing policy. Several macroeconomic developments also contributed to the decline in market performance.”

The poor start to 2015 was worsened by strong political concerns and increased uncertainties about the future of the country in the build-up to the general elections. These, together with the economic uncertainties, caused more foreign investors, who dominate the market, to dump their shares.

Institutional domestic investors such as the Pension Fund Administrators, spooked by the uncertainties, reduced investment in the stock market in favour of fixed income instruments such as bonds, while the retail investors were unable to mop up the stocks in the market even though the prices were at lows.

Although the peaceful conduct of the general elections boosted the market capitalisation and the All-Share Index to a year high in April, the delay in the appointment of ministers and consequent lack of clarity about the economic policy of the new government further discouraged investment.

The country’s declining Gross Domestic Product growth and actions of the Central Bank of Nigeria in the third quarter of the year, especially with regard to foreign exchange, did not help matters.

The Head Investment Research at Afrinvest West Africa Limited, Mr. Ayodeji Ebo, attributed the capital market woes in recent times to the CBN foreign exchange policy, which he noted was largely restrictive.

Quoted companies on the NSE, according to him, are being starved of the requisite forex needed for effective business operations.

Ebo said further adherence to the policy by the CBN would mean more harm for the capital market and the larger domestic business environment.

The NSE All Share Index had slid more than 21 per cent from this year’s closing high on April 2, meeting the common definition of a bear market. The index slipped by 2.3 per cent to 28,137.65 points at that date, the lowest level since February 16.

On December 9 this year, the stocks shed 2.4 per cent to fall to a new three-year low after the global oil prices tumbled to their lowest in more than six years.

The Nigerian stock market, on the Morgan Stanley Capital International Frontier Market Index, fell on thin volumes to levels not seen since December 2012. The market was said to have fallen by 20.6 per cent year-to-date, breaking below the psychologically key 27,000-point line.

It has been a generally poor year as all 12 stock market indices have declined. Eight of them were down by more than 20 per cent, with only three – the NSE Insurance Index (-4.48 per cent), the NSE Industrial Goods Index (-7.14 per cent) and the NSE Alternative Securities Market Index (-0.39 per cent) – falling by less than 10 per cent.

Banking shares have declined the most, with the NSE Banking Index shedding 24.4 per cent year-to-date, worse than the All-Share Index, as investors sold off relatively liquid financial stocks.

Analysts have said only clear policies by the government and positive news about the economy can boost confidence in the market and halt the current slide.

The Managing Director, Cowry Asset Management Limited, Mr. Johnson Chukwu, said recently that investors were more interested in concrete policy pronouncements on the economic direction of the country.

He told our correspondent following the inauguration of the ministers “The market at this stage will only respond to positive policy pronouncements.

“What is the government’s policy on interest rate, inflation rate and exchange rate? Those macroeconomic factors are what will propel market response.”

Mensaje de navegación

The agricultural sector is currently receiving a boost from all levels of government, particularly with the Federal Government seeking to make farming attractive to the youth with its Agric Business initiative.

Even though we have exposed the opportunity of obtaining a hectare of farmland from the Federal Government’s River Basin Authorities for only N2,500 for the purpose of farming about two years ago, we have observed that a lot of Nigerians still don’t know about it let alone access it.

However, we are glad to know that many of those who got the information from SuccessDigest and went for the land have a good story to tell today.

In this edition, we will be revisiting the opportunity to see the latest developments about the land and how to get one for yourself; including how anyone can make profit farming on such lands even without previous experience, and every other thing you need to know.

Recently, we interviewed one of the country’s foremost Agropreneurs with a considerable investment in farming on the river basin across the country, AfricanFarmer Mogaji, and he didn’t fail to reveal all what you need to know about the opportunity and farming on the land.

What is this opportunity about and what are the new developments that have come up?

The opportunity is that with N2,500 you can get a hectare of land for farming for a year. All that is needed to do if you are interested is to visit any of the river basins in Nigeria, for the purpose of this interview, let us use Ogun State River Basin as a case study because that is the closest to people living in Lagos State.

Why Ogun State and not Lagos State, you may want to ask? As at the time of this interview, Lagos State has sold out her lands; also please know that if by the time you first read this story in SuccessDigest 2years ago and you didn’t take action in Lagos state, you have missed out of the Lagos state project.

Lagos State Govt. has taken about 100 hectares from the river basin for her state farming project. They wouldn’t have taken such a large portion of the land if more Nigerians have taken steps to buy into the N2, 500 to lease 2 ½ acres of farmland for a year from any of the river basins in Nigeria.

So Ogun State will be the next that will come to mind, especially for those living around Lagos and Ogun State.

Note that you don’t have to be a native of that community before you are attended to, but you must be a Nigerian with proofs. So all you need to do is walk into the ministry of agriculture in your preferred state, ask for the river basin headquarters offices, in this case, in Abeokuta, Ogun state, or if you know someone who is able to take you to their project site, tell them you want the N2, 500 land.

With N2, 500, you get 2 ½ acres of farmland to farm for a year. That is about 15 plots of land, which is same as a standard football field where international football matches are played. It can also be measured as one hectare of land.

Once you get to the site, ask for the project manager, tell him that you need land for farming and you will get it. There is this idea about Nigerians that the Govt. is not working, however, from my experience I have come to understand that in life it is what you look for that you will find. If you believe it is not working, you will not get it, but if you believe it is working, then you will get it.

Es tan simple como eso. You just get there first, if there no land available, they will tell you and advice you on where else you can get land.

There are massive lands in Ogun State. In fact, there are three locations that lands are ready and waiting for people to come and take, both without and with irrigation. When you get to the head office of the river basin, they will be able to give you details. The Project Manager who knows the sites location and availability will be able to give you details and advice, then you can make payment for your preferred land right there.

Once payment is made, they will allocate your portion to you, if it is bushy, you will have to cut the bushes or clear the grasses.

Some people who got to read about the opportunity the last time it was published in SuccessDigest got the land for N2, 500 but were unable to get a tractor to clear the bush for them before planting. Some actually left their lands without farming on it for the whole year. But because they have paid for it, the river basin authority could not take it from them to give to those who were ready to farm.

So the Federal Govt. has now made it compulsory that once you have paid the N2, 500 and the land needs clearing you will have to pay for the tractor that will do the clearing for you. Also, now they have the mandate to give the land to other persons who are ready to farm on it, because the reason for the land in the first instance is that govt. wants more people to go into farming to increase fresh crop production and reduce unemployment.

If you have paid for a tractor to clear the land, you will not likely abandon it. The price of hiring a tractor varies from location to location, but I can assure you, it is affordable because the tractor will work on the land twice before the years runs out. It costs between N7,000 to N15,000 to hire a govt. tractor.

If you can get a tractor outside cheaper to come and work on the land, you are welcomed, but I can tell you the govt. has made it easier and competitive enough that you wouldn’t have to border to bring your tractor. Even if their tractors break down, they will quickly fix it because they need that money also.

I also like to quickly say that lands with irrigation are more expensive than lands without irrigation because they will have to buy diesel to power the generator that will pump the water.

What you need to know before planting

Once the land has been paid for and a tractor has worked on it, it is now ready to be planted on. It is therefore very important to ask for the history of the land as it regards what the previous farmer planted in the last 2years, so that if you know the crops that have been planted over time, you may want to change to another crop because of diseases that might have built-up on the land over the years, but if you have access to a good coach or you know what to do to avoid negative effects of using same land for same crops for several years, like changing seeds, you can go ahead to plant the same crops.

You may have to get information about the history of the soil to determine the kind of seed you will plant, and the understanding of the type of seed to plant is very important.

I wanted to buy tomato seeds sometimes ago to plant. I told them I wanted to plant in the dry season with irrigation, but because they didn’t have the seed I asked for and they wanted to sell what they had, they assured me that the seed is “doing very well”. I bought the seeds and I went to plant in late dry season, and when it started yielding, it was in early rainy season.

The tomatoes seed was actually big and very attractive, but it didn’t want too much of water. So, by the time I started harvesting, it was cracking and dripping water and I could not sell my tomatoes. It was planted on 20 acres of land.

The land can be cheap but if you don’t have the right and on-time information, especially with seeds and chemicals used on the land.

You need to know the type of chemicals they have been using on the farm and the insecticides.

If the insects or parasites are already building resistance to that particular insecticide, you may have to change it. If everybody is using a particular chemical, they will advise you to do same, but if you have information, you may decide to change so that you can get a better result. What I’m saying in essence is that the land maybe cheap, but it may not be cheap to get outstanding result on that farm land.

Don’t be among those that will read this article and rush in to later rush out. You need to get adequate information about what you want to farm that will help you get the maximum return for your investments that you desire.

You must also know that the way farming is done in the USA is different from the way it is done here in Nigeria. Even the way water melon is planted and harvested in the northern part of Nigerian is quite different from the way it is done in the southern part of Nigeria. Therefore, don’t treat cases that come up in the south the same way you would treat those in the North. If you do, there may be greater challenge.

Most of the land in the South-West can grow onion, cabbage, lettuce, etc. but the time at which you get the land ready for farming is also very important to factor in mind when planting these crops.

If you want to plant water melon and you are only able to get your land ready around august, if you plant that water melon in august, when it will be yielding and ready for harvest in October others will be planting. Except you have a ready market, you might fall into trouble of having so much products but not enough people to buy.

So you need information on how to go about a fruitful and productive farming business.

How secure are your crops on the land?

So far, none of my referrals or clients, that is more than 50 people, in the last 2years have reported any case of theft on these govt. lands, especially in the South-West. I know people who are presently farming as far as Shaki in Oyo state, very close to Kwara State, and some in Ekiti, but have not complained about their crops being stolen or destroyed.

Now, the way it works is that you can have 1, 000 farmers working on those lands. It could be 250, 000 acres all together, and there is this possibility that there would be at least 5-10 farmers working on those lands per day.

Come to think of it, stealing these products is not easy, you will need to come with a truck, hire harvesters, and you will need people that will carry the load for you because you need some level of expertise to harvest these crops. And because this is a community, people must talk to people to get to know each other.

Stealing may not be very easy unless it is organized by other farmers themselves, because there is a govt. security at the gate that leads to the river basins itself.

Those security guys must check you to ascertain that you belong to that community of farmers before you can have access. It is not something that will happen in 1hour. The structure of the farm makes it difficult for people to steal, people may pick one or two, at worst case 5 seeds in bags or okada, but it will be insignificant, and may not amount to being counted as lose in the farm.

The only loss that may arise may be some seeds that didn’t germinate well, or that get trampled on during planting, or those that get eaten up by pests. This loss may amount only to 5-10% in some cases in a farming year.

Then again, govt. is not even ready to ask you to leave, because they have a mandate to provide food and jobs for the people. The only reason you could be asked to leave the farm land is if you are not farming the way you are supposed to, or your farming is not fruitful or productive.

Can distance affect my coming and going to the farm regularly, knowing that I stay in Lagos and I am privilege to rent a land in Ogun or Osun state, are there shelters in these river basins where one can stay?

Now, if you are planting crop which is what I advocate people to start with and most of these crops you attend to them at least every 7days, some fortnightly, so you might not have to sleep over there.

However, if you need to sleep over, some of the river basins already have accommodation, either occupied or waiting to be renovated. Also, in all those locations there are places to rent, say, one room or two rooms. However, for something you want to do in 3months and move away, you may not need to rent a place.

Some farmers already living there may be willing to accommodate you for a night and you go the next day, if you have developed a good rapport with them. The assistance you will need is already there: the planters, the sprayers, the harvesters, and the farm supervisors. These are people from neighboring villages who have come to live there to survive. All that is needed of you is administrative work which may not warrant you even passing a night.

On the day you will plant or do a major work, all you have to do is plan to leave very early and come back in the evening. Unless you are doing a very massive project and you wish to see everything to the latter, you may not have to pass the night there.

If you are farming 16 plots, planting may not take more than 3hours with the right amount of man power. Talking about massive land, now nobody will allow you take more than one hectare, except you have demonstrated to them that you can manage huge plot of land from the way you have managed the smaller ones that have been given to you over the years.

Who can apply for these lands?

Anybody! Many of those who read the previous publication about this opportunity from SuccessDigest have gone there to access the land and they are now farming there. Sometimes when I get to these sites, the project managers will be telling me that people came for land; that they read about it from a publication. At a speaking engagement sometime ago, as I talked about the N2,500 per hectare farm land from the govt. a woman stood up to testify that she read it in SuccessDigest and went there and she has farmed water melon that sold well.

So, if you are really interested, you can dash in there this month of January. Because of the shift in the oil sector, individuals, the corporate sector, and governments are now turning to agriculture, which might make the lands to become scarce.

Insuring your farmland

Anybody going into agriculture now in any land must consider insuring the farm, it is called agricultural insurance, where you pay 2.5% of your production cost to agriculture Insurance Corporation and if anything happens, they will pay you for any damage. The standard rate is about 90% but at worst case you will get 70% when there so much claims, they will have to adjust.

It then means that you cannot lose completely. The only way you will not get anything from the insurance company is if you filled the form with wrong information. Say for instance, if by the time you applied you gave the information that XYZ was in your farm or that you had XYZ acres of land. If after the loss they investigated to ascertain the damage and found out that the report you gave is false, then, you have lost everything because by law they are no longer obligated to pay you.

The law says within 48hours of the incident you must contact them; so that they can have enough time to come and carry out their investigation before things get out of hand. To the best of my knowledge there has been no genuine claim that has not been resolved that I know of.

The insurance company is ever ready to pay. Because the Federal Govt. is contributing to the insurance scheme, the state govt. and the local govt. are also contributing to the insurance to ensure that damages are paid regularly and on time.

If you must get the best out of your land this year, this is the best time to insure that land because climate change and natural disaster can happen.

How often can I use this land?

It is at the prerogative of the project manager or the extension officer to decide how the lands are been used and rotated annually, because sometimes they do crop rotation, they decide how and where you should use per time, except you have earlier informed them based on the project you are working, which they are aware will require you to retain that particular land for another year. Otherwise, you will have to convince them with proves and facts why you need that same land again, if not you may not get the same land, but another one.

What strategy can one use to increase productivity in the farmland?

The productivity of the land can be improved with organic crop boosters, no matter how bad the soil is.

I advice that you get these organic crop boosters, there is this popular one most farmers use, called super grow, but over the years I have discovered that it is a case of a one eyed man leading a blind man. You know what can possibly happen to both of them.

People get half baked information and begin to use it to train others. Because the dosage for this crop boosters are not properly observed, when mixed with other chemicals as it ought to be, the crops are affected leaving the soil untouched. I know quite a few that when properly used will increase productivity from 40-70%.

Also, like I always say, the quality of your seed will determine the reward of your labour, and from my finding I have discovered that we have seeds that have no expiring date in the market. The ones that have expiring date may be near expiration date, and the marketer will re-bag, thinking that the customer/farmer will plant almost immediately.

And because nobody told the farmer he has to plant within month of buying the seed, he may still use the seed long after it has expired without knowing.

Some years ago I threw away seeds worth N135, 000 because I was not properly informed about the seed I just bought. So the source of your seeds is very crucial, I have also discover that if for any reason you buy a bad seed and you try to return it, by right they are supposed to give you another seed, but it doesn’t happen that way, at that point you are on your own. It is therefore important that a good relationship is observed between the farmer and seed sellers.

Again to increase productivity, plant the seeds twice. Don’t plant all your seeds at once.

Dokpesi and N2.1b Money For Media Publicity, Bail Denied, To Remain In EFCC Custody

Not guilty, was the response of Chief Raymond Dokpesi at the Federal High after the six counts charges read to him filed by EFCC.

The charges, FHC/ABJ/CR/380/2015 and filed by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) indicated that Dokpesi is charged along with his company – Daar Holding and Investment Limited.

Charge 1. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, conducted procurement fraud by means of fraudulent and corrupt act, to wit: receipt of payment into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc of public funds in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria for the funding of media activities for the 2015 presidential election campaign for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 58 (4)(b) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) & (7) of the same Act.

Charge 2. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court entered into a purported contract on presidential media initiative and received payment in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria on account of the purported contract without a “Certificate of No Objection to Contract Award” duly issued by Public Procurement Bureau and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 16 (1) (b), (4) & (5) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) of the same Act.

Charge 3. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court. entered into a purported contract on presidential media initiative and received payment in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria on account of the purported contract without any open competitive bidding for the said contract and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 16 (1)(c) & (d) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) of the same Act.

Charge 4. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court submitted a purported proposal for the contract on presidential media initiative and received payment in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria on account of the purported cont1act without a written and comprehensive request to you by the Federal Government of Nigeria and you thereby committed an offence contrary to sections 45 (3) and 46 of the Public Procurement Act. 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) of the same Act.

Charge 5. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between 22nd January, 2015 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, took control of the sum of N2,120,000, 000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) paid into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria which sum you reasonably ought to have known was a proceed of an unlawful act to wit: fund obtained from corruption and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 15 (2) (d) of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, 2011 (as amended) and punishable under Section 15 (3) & (4) of the same Act.

Charge 6. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between 22nd January, 2015 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, knew that an aggregate sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) directly represented the proceeds of criminal conducts of COL. MOHAMMED SAMBO DASUKI (RTD.) and SHUAIBU SALISU who were National Security Adviser and the Director of Finance, Office of the National Security Adviser respectively (to wit: criminal breach of trust in respect of the said amount) used the said property and you thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 17 (b) of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment) Act, 2004.

After all the drama today Thursday in court, presiding judge, Justice Kolawole adjourned the case to Monday, December 14.

The judge also ordered that the accused remain in the custody of the EFCC till the day of ruling.

forex trading strategies

Tuesday March 30, 2010

UK Final GDP q/q BUY 0.6% SELL 0.0% GBP/USD

We'll be focusing on the Final GDP q/q from UK, which is also known as the 3rd release for the quarterly GDP of Q4 2009; GDP is defined as "the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time. It is also considered the sum of value added at every stage of production of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period of time." GDP is the basically the indicator of the economy, and a stronger GDP means that the central bank will more likely raise interest rate as better economy usually brings higher inflationary pressure.

Since this is the third release of the 4th quarter GDP, we're not likely to get any surprise as most 3rd releases are pretty much inline. However, looking at current market condition and the possible risk appetite sentiment surrounding this week's releases, we could see some volatility or even a trading opportunity should this release surprise the market even by 0.1%. therefore we'll wait for the release and look for a possible retracement trade.

Our surprise factor is 0.3% as we'll look to possibly SELL GBP/USD at 0.0% or worse, and BUY GBP/USD at 0.6% or better. Historically, there is a 80% of chance if our S. Factor is hit, the market will move up to 50

70 pips within the hour as GDP is a very high impact report, even if it's the 3rd or Final GDP release.

AU Retail Sales BUY 0.9% SELL -0.3% AUD/USD

We'll be looking for a possible trade on the Australian Retail Sales m/m release and we are looking for a minimum deviation of 0.6% from the forecast release of 0.3%. If we get a 0.9% (or better) or -0.3% (or worse), we'd get in either on a LONG or SHORT trade depending on the release with a high probability of seeing the market move over 50 pips in the next 2 hours.

With RBA Governor's recent bullish comments over future monetary policy, AUD is likely to remain in high demand for the time being and a positive release should help AUD/USD test recent highs, if not making a break above the range that it has been trading for the past 6 months.

"Measures the value of sales at the retail level. A rising trend has a positive effect on the nation's currency because Retail Sales make up a large portion of consumer spending, which is a major driver of the economy and has a sizable impact on GDP. Traders payclose attention to Retail Sales because it is usually the first significant indicator of the month that relates to consumer behavior and is susceptible to surprises."

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Before you read this letter, I've gotta' warn you upfront. and maybe tell you a little about myself.

I may not be very pouplar because I do not make a lot of noise on Radio and Success Digest Magazine. This is probably because I believe that one doesn't need to make noise to make news as my Bishop (Oyedepo) said. I try my best to avoid noise making seminars and concentrate on the real art of trading.

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Wednesday October 14, 2009

US Core Retail Sales BUY 1.0% SELL -0.3% USD/JPY

We have both retail sales (healine and core, also know as ex auto) coming out at 8:30am, It is important to make sure there is no conflict with the numbers between the them in order for us to get into a trade. Usually the Core release is more accurate reflection of the activities at the retail level because it excludes the volatile Automotive components, which could be influenced by the recent governmental incentives, or just seasonal factors; therefore the headline Retail Sales should be different from the Core reading, and hopefully in the same direction. As the Headline number is expected at -2.0% (E), with a previous release of 2.7%. Our focus will be not so much to vast difference of the estimated releases of these numbers, but the deviation from their respective estimate to the actual release figures.

As we could probably expect the market to react based on risk sentiment, therefore I may have to focus on other pairs such as the EUR/JPY or GBP/JPY for best results, using USD/JPY as a gauge. (USD/JPY up for risk appetite and USD/JPU down for risk aversion)

"(Retail Sales Core) Derivative of Retail Sales that excludes the Automobile Sales component. Automobile Sales make up roughly 25% of Retail Sales, but they can be very volatile from month to month and can distort the picture. Retail Sales with the exclusion of this volatile component is thought to be a better indicator of the underlying trend in consumer spending."

NZ CPI q/q BUY 1.1% SELL 0.5% NZD/USD

Our focus will be on the headline CPI number. If we get a better than expected number of 0.8% by 0.3%, we should be looking to BUY NZD/USD; if we get a lower than 0.5%, then we'll see NZD/USD move down.

With recent RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) unexpected rate hike, RBNZ (Reserve Bank of New Zealand) is widely expected to hike interest rates next, as both economies are closely correlated. As this release will undoubtedly push that speculation to a new level since it would give RBNZ Governor Bollard justification to hike rates. However, if the 3rd quarter CPI turned out to be less than expectation, we could see a possible switch of sentiment on RBNZ hiking rates in the next few meetings, thus add more downward pressure to the NZD than this release would normally do. In other words, expect a more exggerated response from the market. and to top it off, this release is scheduled at the unholy hours of U. S. evening prior to NIKKEI open, therefore expect to see low liquidity along with this release.

"The Consumer Price Index (CPI) measures the rate of inflation (i. e. the rate of price changes) experienced by consumers when purchasing goods and services. A rising trend has a positive effect on the nation's currency. The primary objective of the central bank is to achieve price stability; when inflation rises above an annualized rate of approximately 2%, they will respond by raising interest rates to bring prices down. Higher interest rates attract foreign investment, thus increasing demand for the nation's currency. CPI is one of the most closely watched indicators and will usually have a high impact upon release."

$5000 turned to $40,000 without lifting a finger. visit http://6ef3e3sfmzhrjzdbbh2ks1vp8r. hop. clickbank. net

Thursday October 8, 2009

UK BOE Rate Decision N/A

BOE's MPC is scheduled to release interest rate decision today, and it's expected that Bank of England will keep the current rate at 0.50% (again). If you remember last rate decision, BOE kept both interest rate and APF unchanged, which turned out to be a bullish signal for the sterling.

One interesting observation is the MPC meeting minutes of the last rate decision meeting, which came out at an unanimous vote count of keeping both rate and APF unchanged. Seems like the dissenters have decided on a wait and see policy. This is of course, a rather bullish signal for the Sterling.

Today's rate decision will once again hinged upon the APF program. If BOE were to increase it once again, it would surprise the market and we could see immediate Sterling weakness. However, on an unchanged verdict, market may not necessarily take that as a positive sign. Therefore, regardless of the rate decision, we could see some weakness in the Sterling prior to the release.

As usual, I'll be trading this news live and post the results back here. If everything is as expected, we could see very little market reaction, and therefore it could be a no trade.

ECB Rate Decision N/A

ECB (European Central Bank) will most likely leave rates at an unchanged level of 1.00% once again. It is almost impossible for ECB to surprise the market at this point and cut or hike current rate by 0.25%. Numerous of ECB officials, including chairman Trichet, stated recently that the current rate is appropriate, the expectation for ECB rates among analysts is pretty much neutral.

Furthermore ECB is still concerned over the imbalanced economic recovery over its member countries, therefore there would be no justification for a rate hike, even though RBA surprised the market by hiking rates, ECB is not likely to follow suit.

And of course, based on past track records, ECB is not in the habit of surprising the market, therefore not much market reactions usually follow this release.

The important event will be the press conference at 8:30am, or 45 minutes after this release. ECB Chairman Trichet will deliver a written statement and then host a lengthy Q&A session. Market is more likely to be extreme volatile during the press conference than the actual rate decision, as Trichet sometimes may drop hints on future ECB monetary policy direction; therefore, I'd pretty much skip this news and just pay attention to the press conference itself as usual.

Trichet Press Conference

Trichet will once again deliver a statement along with a Long and boring Q&A session afterwards. This press conference is usually very volatile and the market is always listening to Trichet's tone for future ECB policies. If Trichet is hawkish, then we will see EURO gain, if Trichet is dovish, then we will see EURO lose against all other currencies.

Fair Warning: If you have never traded this release, it is better to stay out of the market. Wait until around 9:30am

10:00am NY Equity open, then follow the trend. If Trichet is hawkish or being optimistic, then EUR/USD will gain throughout the session and may even carry over to Friday. Therefore there are plenty of opportunities to trade after the market has already established itself.

This Press Conference is usually done in 2 parts, the first part is a written statement which various newswire services will release headlines immediately at 8:30am, then Trichet will read through the statement; 2nd part of the press conference is a Question and Answer session where Trichet will take questions live from onsite media members. This part is highly unpredictable as Trichet may hint the market and drive prices intentionally. As I once heard from someone who knows Trichet personally, that there is never a slip-of-tongue with Trichet, he does everything intentionally.

However, Trichet is pretty good in maintaining a neutral stance, but sometimes market may read too much into his statements and move excessively. so once again, if you have not traded this release before, best to stay out. see how $5000 was turned to $40,000 in one month without lifting a finger. http://9cc0e0vbv2gku-98kmxf4armfg. hop. clickbank. net/

N2.32tn NLNG dividend not remitted to Federation Account – NEITI

03 August 2015, Abuja – The Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative on Sunday said the Nigeria Liquefied and Natural Gas Company had not remitted about $11.6bn (N2.32tn) to the Federation Account.

Zainab Ahmed, Executive Secretary, NEITI

NEITI also revealed that the country lost N220bn to crude oil swap deals, adding that over N4.8tn had been spent by the Federal Government on fuel subsidy.

The Executive Secretary, NEITI, Mrs. Zainab Ahmed, disclosed these when she led a delegation of the agency’s management team on a courtesy visit to the Governor of Kaduna State, Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, according to a statement made available to our correspondent.

Ahmed, while soliciting the support of the governor towards the implementation of the findings and recommendations contained in NEITI audit reports, said issues thrown up in the reports had remained unimplemented and described the development as “an unfortunate recurring decimal.”

She said that data from NEITI audit reports showed that Nigeria lost about 160 million barrels of crude oil valued at $13.7bn to crude oil theft between 2009 and 2012.

The records, she said, was obtained from three international oil companies, namely: Shell Production and Development Company, Nigerian Agip Oil Company and Chevron Nigeria Limited.

Explaining that over N4.8tn had been expended by the Federal Government on subsidy payments alone, Ahmed called for a gradual phasing out of the subsidy scheme.

She said the scheme, which was designed to benefit the ordinary Nigerian, had become a drain pipe on government revenue by few privileged individuals through all forms of manipulations and corrupt practices.

The executive secretary informed the governor that between 2009 and 2012, Nigeria lost about $1.1bn to crude oil and product swap, while the NLNG dividends to the tune of $11.6bn had yet to be remitted to the Federation Account.

Ahmed further said that from the NEITI 2012 report, Nigeria spent over $7bn on Joint Venture Cash Calls with international oil companies.

She conveyed NEITI’s position that the Federal Government should divest its shares in the JVs, incorporate the JVs and/or transit them to other types of operating arrangements like the Production Sharing Contracts.

Ahmed joined the calls for the unbundling of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation and commercialisation of the new sub business units to free the corporation from regulatory functions.

On NEITI’s recent audit that examined how states disbursed and used revenues accruing to them from their share of the Federation Account, the executive secretary said what the agency found was that most states in the country had over the years depended on oil revenues and did little or nothing to generate revenues internally.

She said, “The country and the states are over reliant on oil revenues. They have neglected the huge potential abundant within. Some states have as little as three per cent internally generated revenue, carry a huge recurrent expenditure and deploy very little to capital and social services like education, health care and security.

“What we saw from the report of the nine of the states sampled is shocking”.

Ahmed urged el-Rufai to study the report for the benefit of Kaduna State.

She observed that the NEITI audit reports of the oil and gas sector from 1999 to 2012, the fiscal allocation and statutory disbursement audit findings and recommendations covering years 2007 to 2011, and the solid minerals sector audit that spanned years 2007 to 2012 contained a wealth of information that further informed the need for urgent and speedy reforms of the extractive sector in Nigeria.

El-Rufai, who is a member of the National Economic Council, pledged his support and commitment to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative process in Nigeria as a global response to fight the resource curse.

He was quoted as saying, “NEITI has remained one of the few institutions of government set up for reforms that is still working because the organisation, by its unique composition, was designed to succeed. We will study the reports and work with NEITI to reform our oil, gas and mining sectors.”

The governor noted that as a member of the team set up by the NEC to probe the inflows and outflows from the Federation Account, the NEITI reports would be a reliable working document for the committee.

He promised that all “unremitted funds arising from under payments, under assessments and other malpractices uncovered by NEITI in its reports will be recovered and used to improve the country’s infrastructure and living standards of the people.”

Court Orders Service of Criminal Charge on Bank, 16 Others over N2.6bn Fraud

A Federal High Court in Lagos wednesday fixed April 11 for service of a criminal charge on 15 accused and two companies charged with N2.6 billion fraud.

The accused are: Nigeria International Bank Ltd, Chief C. S Sankey, Emeka Emuwa, Adekunle Oladosun, Okechi Egwu, Lulu Ndubuka, Oyowole Ariyo. UKabiru Bello, and J. E Eriagbon, Others are: Samson Ebie, Steve Obodomechine, Mikky Dons Nig. Ltd, Mark Anaele, Peter Harris, Peter Oriade, Olusola Fagbure and Obianwa Chuba.

They are charged on 20 counts bordering on conspiracy, intent to defraud, falsification of document, fraudulent alteration and diversion of over N2. 6 billion belonging to MicMerah International Agency Limited.

The case which was fixed for arraignment of the accused, was again stalled at the resumed date due to the absence of the accused in court.

When the case was called, only the first accused represented by its staff was present in court. The prosecutor, Mr. Gordy Uche (SAN), then informed the court that the prosecution was still faced with difficulty in effecting service of the charge on the accused.

He, therefore, informed the court of an ex-parte application, seeking leave of court to allow the complainant effect service of the charge on the accused.

Justice Ibrahim Buba granted the application and adjourned the suit to April 11 for continuation.

In the charge, the accused were alleged to have conspired to induce MicMerah International Agency Ltd, to deliver the said sum to them, to be used for offsetting a fraudulent import finance facility scheme.

They were also alleged to have falsified documents to fraudulently secure the release of four Volvo luxury buses and two 40 feet containers from the Nigeria Custom Service. Besides, the accused were also charged for obtaining property by false pretence, as well as corruptly enriching themselves.

The offence was said to have contravened the provisions of sections 1(1) (a),1(3), and 8 (a), of the Advanced Fee Fraud and Other Related offence Act, 2004.

The offence also contravened the provisions of sections 161, and 162 of the Custom and Excise Management Act, Section 516 of the Criminal Code Act, 2004 as well as sections 2, 2(1) and 10 (1) of the Recovery of Public Property Act, 2004.



PRIMARIAS   (agricultura, ganadería, pesca. etc): se dedican a la obtención de recursos directamente de la naturaleza. Son las empresas agropecuarias, sector pesquero e industrias o empresas extractivas (minerales).

SECUNDARIAS . consiste en la transformación de materias primas para elaborar un producto más útil para el consumo. Son por ejemplo refinerías (forman el petróleo), fábricas de coches, metalurgia, fábricas de conserva. Etc.

TERCIARIAS . se dedican a la distribución y venta de un producto ya terminado, así como el conjunto de servicios. Son ejemplos, la gasolinera, seguros, hoteles, ocio, restaurantes. Etc.


INDIVIDUALES  : pertenecen a una sóla persona física y responden a las deudas con todo su patrimonio.

SOCIALES (o sociedades) . la propiedad corresponde a una persona jurídica o conjunto de personas que adquieren la condición de socio.

Sociedad colectiva . se caracteriza porque los socios asumen una responsabilidad solidaria e ilimitada.

Sociedades comanditarias . además de tener socios colectivos, cuentan con un conjunto de socios que aportan un capital y su responsabilidad se limita al capital aportado.

Sociedad limitada . la responsabilidad de los socios se limita al capital aportado. El volumen total de dicho capital se divide en partes alícuotas. No se pueden negociar sin el consentimiento del resto de los socios.

Sociedad anónima . el capital está formado por partes alícuotas denominadas acciones que son valores negociables, y que el socio es el propietario de la acción en cada momento.

Sociedades laborales . son aquellas en las que los trabajadores son los dueños de la propia empresa. Su responsabilidad se limita al capital aportado y ninguno puede tener más del 25% (para evitar que ningún trabajador sea jefe).

Cooperativa . supone la agrupación de pequeños empresarios con el objetivo de hacerse más fuerte en el mercado. Comparten por igual riesgos y beneficios.

La empresa tenemos que entenderla como una asociación de voluntades con ánimo de lucro, es decir, ganar un beneficio económico en un mercado.

El mercado es el lugar de intercambio de bienes y servicios que no tiene por qué ser un lugar físico (la bolsa de Madrid), en los cuales se establece un precio como resultado del acuerdo entre la oferta y la demanda.

La empresa además tiene la función de crear o aumentar la utilidad de los bienes con el objeto de obtener el máximo beneficio, aprovechando que su actividad económica se basa en producir bienes y servicios que satisfagan nuestras necesidades.

Las empresas utilizan una combinación de factores productivos para producir dichos bienes o servicios (Fact. Product. mano de obra, materia y maquinaria). Estos son:

Factor productivo tierra . son los recursos que proporciona la naturaleza (materias primas).

Factor productivo trabajo . supone el esfuerzo humano aplicado a la producción ya sea física o mental.

Factor productivo capital . es la parte de riqueza que se dedica a la transformación (maquinaria, herramientas, mobiliario. etc).

La empresa se mueve dentro de un entorno que está compuesta por un conjunto de elementos que son:  los clientes  (o consumidores),  competencia  (como coca-cola y pepsi),  el nivel económico ,  los proveedores  (los que nos traen las mercancías a las empresas),  las administraciones públicas.

Los  clientes  como destinatarios del producto o servicio que estamos fabricando para cubrir sus necesidades o creándoselas.

La  competencia . formado por el conjunto de empresas que luchan por una cuota de mercado que te puede quitar clientela o generártela.

El  nivel económico . la capacidad de consumo de la población también determina las posibilidades reales de la empresa.

Los  proveedores . son el conjunto de empresas que te facilitan la mercancía y las materias primas para producir; sobre los que puedes someter cierta presión cuando existe competencia en el producto que te suministran, o cuando la empresa proveedora tiene un gran poder, ocurre lo contrario.

Las  administraciones públicas . son las que establecen un marco normativo para poder desarrollar tu actividad (desde los impuestos hasta la normativa e interior de calidad).

La empresa se caracteriza por  ser un conjunto de funciones que tienen la obligación de estar coordinadas y que trabajan con un único objetivo, producir un bien o un servicio ganando el máximo dinero. Las funciones más importantes son:

Función técnica . consiste en el mantenimiento del proceso productivo con equipos e instalaciones adecuadas, que reduzcan los costes.

Función financiera . consiste en la obtención de recursos económicos para el funcionamiento o la inversión.

Función contable . supone el registro de todas las operaciones con carácter económico.

Función comercial . consiste en la promoción del producto o servicios a nuevos mercados.

Función social . engloba las actividades propias del departamento de RR. HH. Estas actividades son:

Formación y reciclaje de los trabajadores;

Despidos y conflictos;

Gestión de bajas médicas;

Gestión económica y pago de salarios.


Contrato de Relevo . Para sustituir a un trabajador que se jubila parcialmente

Su duración es indefinida o bien la que le falte al sustituido para alcanzar la edad ordinaria de jubilación

Jornada completa o a tiempo parcial pero por lo menos igual a la reducción de la jornada de trabajador sustituido

Realizar trabajos discontinuos que no se repiten en ciertas fechas dentro del volumen normal de la empresa

Tiempo Parcial o Jornada Completa

Contrato en Prácticas . Titulados salvo Bachillerato y ESO, para obtener práctica profesional

Debe estar celebrado en los cuatro años posteriores a obtener el titulo

Dura desde 6 meses hasta 2 años y se prorroga en plazos de 6 meses

El periodo de prueba para titulados superiores es de 1 mes y de grado superior maximo

El salario es de 60% 1º año. 75% 2º

Es escrito, Jornada completa o parcial al terminar se entrega certificado de prácticas sin hacer valoraciones

Contrato para la formación . Mayores de 16 y menores de 21 sin titulación, tb si tienen eso y bachillerato, no se aplica limite de edad si son desempleados minusvalidos, desempleados de más de 3 años sin actividad laboral

Duracion como las prácticas

Salario establecido en CC o en defecto SMI

El 15% de la jornada será para formación teórica, carece de desempleo y se entrega certificado de empresa


Contrato temporal de fomento de empleo:  para fomentar a los trabajadores minusválidos, la contratación se efectúa a través de la oficina de empleo

Se hace por escrito y en modelo oficial con duración máxima de 3 años. Como bonificación proporciona una reducción del 75 % de la cuota del empresarias C. C Reducción del 100% si es el primer trabajador contratado desde 01/01/1999

Contrato Indefinido . Otorga una bonificación de la cuota empresarial de la ss del 70% para los trabajadores de 45 años a jornada completa. Reducción del 90 % para los mayores de 45 a jornada completa

Ordinario . es de duración indefinida, verbal o escrito, jornada completa o parcial. Se comunica al INEM en el plazo de 10 de celebración

Fomento de la contratación indefinida . trabajadores desempleados inscritos en el INEM que sean; mujeres para realizar trabajos con menor índice femenino de empleo, o mayores de 45 años o parados inscritos 6 meses ininterrumpidos en INEM, o minusválidos. O si se transforma un contrato temporal en indefinido.

La indemnización en caso de despido improcedente es de 33 dias al año maximo 24 meses.

No se puede celebrar este contrato cuando en los seis meses anteriores se hayan efectuado despidos por causas objetivas declarados improcedentes o un despido colectivo

Hay bonificaciones en cuota empresarial ss y otras ayudas


Se contrata para realizar trabajos durante un número de horas determinadas al día, semana, mes… inferior a la jornada de trabajo a tiempo completo.

Puede ser indefinido o de duración determinada caben todo tipo de contratos menos para la formación.

En estos contratos no se pueden realizar horas extras excepto en causas urgentes. Tb cuando se pactan en los contratos de duración indefinida pero no pueden exceder del 15% de horas extraordinarias el cc puede variarlas en un 60 %. Se pagan como horas ordinarias


Contrato de Obra o Servicio Determinada . la duración es incierta, el contrato es escrito y debe explicar con claridad y precisión la obra o servicio que constituye el objeto al terminar el cto indemnización de 8 días al año

Contrato Eventual por circunstancias de la producción . dura 6 meses en periodos 12 meses puede ampliar a 18 meses pero nunca superando las ¾ partes sin superar los 12 meses. Debe ser escrito si es superior a 4 semanas o de jornada parcial la indemnización es d 8 dias año

Escrito y señalando la persona que se sustituye y la causa de la sustitución. Indicando si el puesto de trabajo a desempeñar será el sustituido o el otro trabajador de la empresa que pase a desempeñar el de aquel.

Como la que debe cubrir

Bonificacion si se sustituye a una embarazada por riesgo o descanso maternidad 100%

Es frecuente que los acreedores de una operación comercial en la que se utiliza el crédito acudan a intermediarios financieros con la intención de percibir los cobros pendientes antes del vencimiento de los mismos. Esta operación recibe el nombre de  descuento  y por ella los intermediarios financieros suelen cobrar una cantidad que se calcula aplicando la ley de capitalización simple, ya que son operaciones inferiores al año. Además se suelen añadir otra serie de cobros, tales como comisiones, gastos de correo, etc. Por tanto, la cantidad que percibe el acreedor que ha acudido al descuento no es la que recibiría si esperara hasta el vencimiento, sino dicha cantidad menos el descuento y los demás gastos

Matemáticamente, se entiende por descuento simple la operación financiera que consiste en la sustitución de un capital futuro por otro con vencimiento presente, siendo además una operación inversa a la capitalización simple.

Co: Efectivo o cantidad adelantada

Cn: Nominal o importe total del cobro que se adelanta.

D: Descuento o diferencia entre el nominal y el efectivo.

En la práctica, el denominado descuento comercial (Dc) es el criterio usado normalmente para el cálculo.

Al tanto o tipo que se utilice en estas operaciones lo denominaremos tanto de descuento.


El descuento comercial es aquel cuyo cálculo se realiza a partir del nominal (Cn) de la operación y aplicando la fórmula para el calculo de intereses.


A partir de la formula anterior y despejando cada uno de sus componentes, se obtendrían las siguientes expresiones:

Cálculo del efectivo en función del nominal

A partir de Dc = Cn - Co y despejando Co resulta:

Poniendo el valor del descuento en función del nominal:

y sacando factor común:

Cálculo del nominal en función del efectivo

Despejando Cn de la expresión: Co = Cn (1 - n. i)

Calculo del descuento en función del efectivo.

y sustituyendo Cn por su valor en fusión del efectivo:

Dc =  __Co__  - Co

Dc =  __Co - Co (1 - n. i)_  =  __Co - Co + Co. n. i_

El descuento bancario es un contrato de préstamo o crédito por el que una entidad financiera entrega el importe de una letra no vencida, previa deducción de los descuentos (intereses) y comisiones correspondientes, recibiendo la letra (endoso) para su cobro en el momento del vencimiento.

Valor líquido = ∑Cn - ∑Dc - ∑Comisiones - ∑Gastos

Comisiones y otros gastos

Las comisiones cobradas por los bancos no son fijas, dependen de las diferentes entidades y de cada cliente en particular; no obstante, las más habituales son el 4‰ en caso de letras aceptadas, y el 7‰ en las aceptadas. Ambas cantidades se aplican siempre sobre el nominal del efecto. En el caso de que los porcentajes no alcancen un mínimo por letra, es usual aplicar una cantidad mínima.


El descuento racional (Dr) es aquel cuyo cálculo se utiliza el valor efectivo (Co), por lo que:

Calculo del descuento en función del nominal (Cn)

En la realidad comercial, las operaciones financieras se ajustan conociendo un nominal con una fecha determinada de vencimiento, por lo que el valor efectivo se desconoce. Por tanto, si:

Co = Cn - Dr y Dr = Co. n. i

Dr = Cn. norte. i - Dr. n. i

Dr + Dr. n. i = Cn. norte. i

Dr (1+ n. i) = Cn. norte. i

Calculo del valor nominal en función del descuento

Despejando Cn de la expresión anterior se obtiene:

Calculo del efectivo en función del nominal

Sustituyendo Dr, por su valor en función del nominal en la expresión:


Dr = Co. n. i y Dc = Cn. norte. i,

es evidente que Dc > Dr, pues ambas expresiones tienen los mismos multiplicandos excepto Cn y Co, y como

el resultado de Dc, para unos mismos valores, será mayor que el de Dr.

Los descuentos comercial y racional se pueden relacionar entre sí mediante tres métodos diferentes: diferencia, producto y cociente.

La diferencia entre el Dc y el Dr es el descuento comercial del descuento racional, así mismo la diferencia entre Dc y Dr es el descuento racional del descuento comercial.

Dc - Dr = Dr. n. i Dc. Dr = Cn. norte. yo. Dr Dc. Dr = Cn (Dc - Dr)

Recibe el nombre de capitalización simple la ley financiera según la cuela los intereses de cada periodo de capitalización no se agregan al capital inicial para hallar los intereses del periodo siguiente, sino que se calculan siempre sobre el capital inicial (Co).

Co: Capital inicial

n: El tiempo que dura la O. F. en años

i: Tipo de interés anual en tanto por 1, que representa la cantidad de dinero que se obtiene en euros invertido en un año.

I: Interés de un año (Co. i)

It: Interés total, siendo su valor la suma de los intereses de cada periodo.

Cn: Capital final o montante, que es la suma del capital inicial y los intereses totales.

Para calcular el capital final Cn vamos a partir de que conocemos el valor de Co, de n y de i y sabiendo que It = Co. i y que Cn = Co + It y combinándolas obtenemos:

Cn = Co + Co. n.i =>

A la expresión 1 + n. i se les llama factor de capitalización para la capitalización simple porque sirve para trasladar capitales de un momento dado a otro posterior.

Representa el capital final o montante que obtendríamos al invertir una unidad monetaria a un tanto unitario de interés simple anual i durante n periodos anuales.


Si en una operación financiera conocemos el valor de Cn, de n y de i obtendríamos el valor de Co por medio de la siguiente expresión:

n Cn = Co. (1 + n. i) =>

A la expresión = (1 + n. i) se le denomina factor de actualización para la capitalización simple y sirve para trasladar capitales de un memento dado a otro anterior.

Representa el capital inicial de una inversión realizada a un tanto de interés unitario anual i durante n periodos anuales, cuyo capital final o montante ascendió a una unidad monetaria.


Si conocemos el valor de Co, Cn y n en una operación financiera, podemos obtener el valor de i despejando de la siguiente expresión:

Cn i => Cn = Co (1 + n. i) => Cn = Co + Co. n.i =>

I => Cn - Co = Co. n.i => = i =>


Si conocemos el valor de Cn, Co y i en una operación financiera, podemos obtener el valor de n despejando de la siguiente expresión:

Cn n => Cn = Co (1 + n. i) => Cn = Co + Co. n.i =>

I => Cn - Co = Co. n.i =>


Si conocemos en una inversión el valor de Co y Cn podremos obtener el interés total por medio de la siguiente expresión.


En las formulas planteadas hasta el momento, el tipo de interés y el tiempo han de estar referidas a periodos homogéneos; así, si se habla de meses, el tiempo vendrá medido en meses y el tipo será mensual. Lo normal es que el tiempo se mida en meses, días, etc. Y que el tipo de interés siempre se de en un tanto anual. En este caso se habrá de transformar el tiempo a la unidad del tanto o buen el tipo a la unidad del tiempo: una vez realizada esta transformación podremos utilizar las formulas planteadas.


Dos tanto son equivalentes cuando aplicados a un mismo capital durante el mismo tiempo producen el mismo montante.


Para establecer esta relación partiremos de:

i: Tanto de interés anual

i: Tanto de interés fraccionado

m: Frecuencia de fraccionamiento

Co (1 + n. i) = Co (1+ n. m. i)

Co (1 + n. i) = Co (1+ n. m. i)

Para darle valor a m habrá que preguntarse ¿ Cuantas unidades de tiempo pequeñas se contienen en la unidad de tiempo mayor?

El tanto fraccionado ( i) es un tanto proporcional al i anual por lo que se puede afirmar que los tantos proporcionales en la capitalización simple son también equivalentes.

m (Frecuencia de fraccionamiento del año)


El año comercial es el que tiene exclusivamente una utilidad comercial. Su uso ha facilitado el cálculo en operaciones financieras con consecuencia de tomar meses de 30 días.

Al existir el año civil y el comercial el problema que se plantea es de hacer los cálculos siguiendo uno u otros caminos los intereses varían mostrando una diferencia.

Si llamamos I a los intereses obtenidos aplicando el año civil o natural e I a los intereses obtenidos aplicando el año comercial resulta:

It = Co. n.i => I= Co. i .


Cuando tratamos de obtener el interés total generado por varios capitales distintos con vencimientos distintos e igual tipo de interés es normal utilizar formulas abreviadas para facilitar el calculo.

Dados varios capitales C1, C2, C3……….Ch que vencen en los momentos n1, n2, n3………….nh valorados a un tanto de interés anual i generarán un It igual a:

C1, C2, C3……….Ch

n1, n2, n3………. nh

Sacando factor común

It =. ( C1.n1 + C2.n2 + C3.n3 + ……… Ch. nh)

Sabiendo que se le denomina divisor fijo (D). D =

It =. ( C1.n1 + C2.n2 + C3.n3 + ……… Ch. nh)

A los productos de capital por tiempo “C. n” se les denomina número comerciales.


En algunas operaciones financieras el prestamista cobra los intereses por adelantado, es decir en el momento en que tiene lugar la operación que a de producirlos. Para ello aplica un tipo de interés ia sobre el capital final Cn (nominal) para obtener el efectivo (Co) de la operación.

El interés por anticipado se calcularía mediante la siguiente expresión.


Para plantear dicha operación debemos suponer que el interés total obtenido por vencido sea igual al interés total obtenido por anticipado.

It (por vencido) = It (por anticipado)

Ya sabemos que It = Cn - Co y que por tanto si despejamos Co; Co = Cn - It.

Si sustituimos It en dicha operación, por anticipado tendríamos:

Co = Cn - Co. ia. n

Aplicando la igualdad entre los intereses por vencidos y los intereses por anticipado obtendríamos:

It(v) = It(a) => Co. n. i = C. n. ia

(Cn - Cn. ia. n) i. n = Cn. norte. ia =>

Cn (1 - ia. n) i = Cn. ia =>

(1 - ia. n). i = ia =>

ia = i - ia. norte. i =>

i = ia + ia. norte. i =>

La gestión de los recursos económicos y su mejor aplicación es el objetivo de una buena gestión financiera.

Se entiende por financiación el conjunto de recursos económicos que utiliza una empresa o familia. En este sentido podemos distinguir dos tipos de financiación:

Financiación interna o autofinanciación:  viene generada por las propias posibilidades de la unidad económica. Ejemplo: retención de los beneficios, rentas. etc.…

Financiación externa:  comprende los recursos captados fuera de la unidad económica, tanto por cuenta de capital, que comprendería las aportaciones de los empresarios o socios a la empresa, como mediante las aportaciones de terceros (prestamos), que es preciso devolver con sus correspondientes intereses en el tiempo pactado.

Cuando las unidades económicas cuentan con unas fuentes de financiación internas o ingresos suficientes para cubrir sus gastos, nos encontramos con lo que llamamos equilibrio presupuestario.

Pero en la mayor parte de las ocasiones este equilibrio no se produce, bien porque los ingresos son superiores a los gastos  (superávit),  generando los que conocemos con el nombre de ahorro, o bien porque los gastos son superiores a los ingresos  (déficit),  necesitando los agentes económicos la financiación externa.

La buena gestión financiera se necesita cuando las unidades económicas no tienen desequilibrio presupuestario. Para lograr la mayor rentabilidad de sus ahorros o el menor coste de sus prestamos.


Entendemos por operación financiera toda opción encaminada a la sustitución en un momento determinado de uno o varios capitales por otro u otros equivalentes en diferentes momentos, aplicando una determinada ley financiera.

La ley financiera es el conjunto de reglas concretas de cálculo. A una operación financiera se aplica la ley financiera de capitalización simple o la ley financiera de capitalización compuesta.

En el cálculo de una operación financiera influyen siempre una serie de datos previos que son:

El  tiempo . que vamos a representar con “n”.

El  tipo de interés . que es el rendimiento de una operación financiera expresado en porcentaje y que representaremos con “i” cuando venga expresado en tanto por 1.

El  criterio de cálculo del interés . incluyendo la ley financiera aplicada al capital inicial.

Por tanto se puede afirmar que el valor de un capital dependerá de:

El momento de valoración del mismo

El tipo de interés aplicado en la operación

La ley financiera que se use

El valor que tiene el capital en el momento presente se denomina  valor actual . y el que tiene cuando se aplaza su vencimiento se denomina  valor final .

El capital valorado en el momento actual recibe el nombre de  capital inicial . y el capital valorado en su vencimiento final se denomina  capital final o montante.


En toda operación financiera debemos tener en cuenta los siguientes elementos:

Origen de la operación financiera:  es el momento de disponibilidad en el tiempo del primer capital.

Fin de la operación financiera:  es el momento que coincide con el vencimiento del último capital.

Duración de la operación financiera:  es el periodo de tiempo comprendido entre el final y el original de la operación financiera.

Acreedor de la operación financiera . es la persona que presta el capital (prestamista), es decir el que hace la prestación.

Deudor de la operación financiera:  es la persona que recibe el capital (prestatario) y realiza la contraprestación para liquidar la operación financiera.

Acuerdo de las partes:  normalmente toma forma de contrato.

Ley financiera:  es la formulación matemática que aceptan las partes contratantes y que sirven para calcular la contraprestación.


Se clasifican atendiendo a diferentes criterios:

Dependiendo de la corteza de la cuantía del vencimiento.

Operaciones financieras ciertas:  son aquellas en las que tanto la cuantía del capital como el vencimiento están determinados desde el principio.

Operaciones financieras aleatorias:  son aquellas en que tanto la cantidad como el vencimiento son aleatorios y por tanto no están determinados de antemano.

Dependiendo de la duración de la operación:

Operaciones financieras a corto plazo:  son las operaciones financieras inferior o igual a un año. Se le suele aplicar la ley de capitalización simple.

Operaciones financieras a largo plazo:  son aquellas operaciones financieras que exceden al año. Se suele aplicar a este tipo de operación la ley financiera de capitalización compuesta.

Dependiendo de la distribución temporal de los componentes de la operación.

Operación simple:  son aquellas en las que interviene un solo capital tanto en la prestación como en la contraprestación.

Operaciones compuestas:  corresponden a las operaciones financieras donde la prestación y/o en la contraprestación intervienen varios capitales con vencimientos distintos.

Dependiendo de la aplicación de la ley financiera.

De capitalización:  se caracteriza porque el momento de equivalencia (P) en el que se van a comparar varios capitales es posterior al vencimiento del ultimo capital.

De actualización o descuento:  son aquellas en las que el momento de equivalencia es anterior al vencimiento del primer capital.

Operaciones financieras mixtas:  son aquellas en las que el momento de equivalencia se establecen en un momento intermedio entre los vencimientos de los capitales.

C1  C2  ?  De capitalización

n1 n2…………………. p (tiempo)

C1 C2 De actualización


Toda operación financiera esta sujeta a una determinada ley financiera que se denomina régimen de capitalización. Existen dos tipos de regimenes de capitalización.

régimen de capitalización simple:  se caracteriza porque los intereses que se generan en cada periodo de tiempo no se cumulan al capital principal. Por lo tanto los intereses de cada periodo se calculan siempre sobre el capital inicial. Se suele utilizar en operaciones a corto plazo.

régimen de capitalización compuesta:  Se caracteriza porque los intereses que se generan en cada periodo se acumulan al capital anterior para calcular los intereses correspondientes al periodo siguiente. Se suele utiliza en operaciones financieras a largo plazo.

Outstanding provider Commitment for quality failure-free service deliver

LinkUpHost is the outstanding provider with a clear price-performance leadership in the Forex VPS and cloud hosting. We are offering readily adjustable private cloud computing platform, Forex VPS, dedicated servers, collocation and custom virtual private servers. LinkUpHost delivers their clients valuable, flexible, business-critical VPS hosting, thus improving their productivity and operating efficiency. Our business success depends on our commitment to our customers for quality and failure-free service delivery.

We do not resell services from other providers. We are not selling our services through third parties.

We have gained trust from many customers across the world with our services and support. We offer large Tier4 colocation, networking and cloud capabilities to our international internet clients. We believe that leveraging each investment made in Forex VPS is extremely important, particularly in today’s current business and economic climate, as it lets you focus on your core activities. A Datacenter contains the most valuable asset of any customer — its business ICT — and we at LinkUpHost believe that running these Datacenter infrastructures and their related hardware and networks should not be part of a business’s core activities and can be delegated to a specialized service company like ours.

We have invested significant time, money and effort into state-of-the-art Data Center, technologies and world-class team. LinkUpHost has been successfully serving hundreds customers with: - State-of-the-art Tier 4 Datacenter; - Full professional ICT support services; - Highly scalable, resilient private cloud computing environment; - National backbone and international IP routes to major Internet locations; - A clear price-performance leadership; - Trustworthy security standards and operational procedures.

The Datacenter is on strategic crossroad location between Europe and Asia: Tier design 4 Typical power load 1150 W/m2 Raised floor load (minimum) 1500 kg/m2 UPS systems 2 (N+1) UPS autonomy > 25 minutes Transformer 2N Auxiliary power generator 2N Auxiliary power autonomy > 48 hours Cooling systems 2N Plenum cooling up to 7.5 kW/rack In-Row cooling 5 – 10 kW/rack Air sampling & early smoke detection Yes Fire suppression & extinction Neutral gas (N2) Water leakage detection Yes Multilevel intrusion detection Yes Perimeter surveillance Yes CCTV Yes Security guard on-site 24 x 7 Security guard OFF-SITE 24 x 7 Central monitoring Yes Operational data reporting Yes Telecom operator diversity Yes Carrier meet-me rooms 2 Uptime commitment 99.99%

International independent network. Our international networking services rely on optical networks between our datacenter and the internet exchanges in London, Amsterdam, Brussels, Frankfurt and Paris. Our services are provided directly on the Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) layer interconnecting with locations or points of presence throughout Europe. The fiber network design strives to minimize latency and risk, hence opting for the shortest achievable path and avoiding a critical number of parallel segments used by other international carriers.

Today’s high-performance businesses demand a high-performance network infrastructure that provides fast, secure and reliable delivery of the applications that drive business processes. Out Datacenter core, distribution and access networks are based on Juniper EX Series Switches and M Series routers.

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Лучшие брокеры Forex

3. Мазут

Мазут является второй по объему фракцией нефти (после бензина). Первоначально участниками срочного рынка на NYMEX являлись, в основном, крупные оптовики и потребители мазута, однако в последние годы все большее участие в торговле принимают потребители и производители дизельного и авиационного топлива (цены на эти товары на мировом рынке обычно устанавливаются на основании фьючерсной цены на мазут на NYMEX со стабильной премией).

На NYMEX торгуются фьючерсные контракты и опционы на фьючерсные контракты американского типа.

Объект поставки: мазут (heating oil N2).

Объем фьючерсного контракта: 42000 галлона (1000 баррелей).

Торговые часы: 9:45 - 15:10 (основная сессия), 16:00 - 8:00 (электронная торговля).

Месяцы поставки: одновременно торгуются 18 месячных фьючерсных контрактов.

Основные объемы торгов обычно сосредоточены на трех ближайшим контрактах.

Опционы - 12 последовательных месяцев.

Шаг изменения цены: 0.01 цент/галлон (4.2 дол/контракт).

Максимальное движение цены за день: по двум ближайшим фьючерсным контрактам - 40 центов/галлон (16000 долларов/контракт), по опционам лимиты не устанавливаются.

Гарантийный депозит: 1620 дол./контракт.

When President Buhari was announced winner of the 2015 Presidential Elections on March 31, 2015, the All Share Index recorded what is now known as a “Bull-Hari” effect. It recorded about 10 straight day of gains as investors basked in the excitement of a peaceful election and surprising acceptance of defeat by President Goodluck Jonathan. On the day the result was announced the marked gained a whopping 8.3% and followed that with another 3.9% gain.

Turn for the worse

Since then the stock market has recorded months of volatility as investors continue to be kept in the dark about the economic policies of the government. Investors both local and international have basically given up on the economy fleeing Nigerian stocks. The fall in oil prices, continued dithering by the CBN on its forex policies, corruption allegations against past governments, bankrupt states, drop in GDP and rising unemployment have all contributed to the negative outlook placed on the Nigerian economy thus damaging investor sentiments further.

This has now resulted in a massive loss of value for the exchange. As at August 26th Nigerian Stocks have lost a massive N2.46 trillion in value since President Buhari was announced winner. From a market capitalisation of N12.13 trillion on the second of April 2015, it closed at N9.67 trillion Wednesday August 26th 2015.

Sure, the president only assumed power May 29, 2015 but we believe the GEJ Government basically turned lame duck since then. Even at that the stock market has lost N1.89 trillion since May 29. It has not climbed above N11.6 trillion since May 28, 2015.

No one knows how soon things will reverse or how worse this could get in the coming months. For now the market is in dire need of an economic direction from the government. Despite the macro economic downturn being experienced around the world, a firm course of action from this Government will at least provide a soft landing for the market to bottom out.

UTC Aerospace Buys N2 Imaging, Powers Sensor Capabilities

By Zacks. com. December 03, 2015, 11:00:00 AM EDT

UTC Aerospace Systems, a unit of United Technologies Corporation UTX. bought out N2 Imaging Systems, LLC, in a strategic endeavour to further develop its extensive portfolio of capabilities.

The acquisition will augment UTC Aerospace's intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance operations. Also, it will upgrade UTC Aerospace's technology and enable it to support the U. S. Military across the complete spectrum of global strategic, operational and tactical operations.

Based in Irvine, CA, N2 Imaging will aid UTC Aerospace in swiftly developing the most advanced imaging technology and delivering enhanced support to the U. S. Army's Reconnaissance, Surveillance and Target Acquisition (RSTA) mission.

UTC Aerospace has immense experience in designing, developing and fielding sophisticated technology. On the other hand, N2 is renowned for its leading-edge imaging technology and integration capabilities, which will allow it to deliver advanced optical systems for the military and commercial segments. Now, N2 Imaging's innovative capabilities integrated with UTC Aerospace's experience will enable the latter to further support on-time execution of the Army's Enhanced Night Vision Goggle (ENVG) program.

Their collective technology expertise and execution in sensor technology will open up a broad range of opportunities for the development of new, cost-effective man-portable imaging systems for military and commercial users.

This acquisition underscores UTC Aerospace's commitment to invest in future dual-use imaging technology and support the Army's technology road maps.

United Technologies provides high-end technology products and services to building systems and aerospace industries worldwide. This diversified business conglomerate serves various end markets such as aerospace, defense and commercial construction.

United Technologies currently has a Zacks Rank #3 (Hold). Some better-ranked conglomerates that look promising now include Compass Diversified Holdings CODI. Federal Signal Corp. FSS and Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation MIC. each sporting a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy).

Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days . Click to get this free report >>

Want the latest recommendations from Zacks Investment Research? Today, you can download 7 Best Stocks for the Next 30 Days. Click to get this free report

Welcome to the shop of Alessandro Andreuccetti

"The beauty of the forest, his life, his language, its surprises, the infinite palette of colors, his poetry. fill the eyes and the heart only of poets and great painters such as Alexander Andreuccetti, in this beautiful table. Thanks to them, will soon be the time when we discover that the real museums to visit are our forests, unparalleled masterpieces of the greatest artists of the universe, Nature. Thank you, Alexander!" Comment by Giovanni Cencetti

Acrylic watercolor painting, original artwork created by Alessandro Andreuccetti, italian painter.

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All rights reserved – Alessandro Andreuccetti Paintings – This is an original work of art created by the artist himself and may not be reproduced without written consent of the artist. The artist retains copyright for self-promotion.

Forex - PVC board

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Woodland n2, 2016

Acrylic painting, Panel / Board / MDF

One of a kind artwork

Size: 81 × 49 × 1 cm (unframed) / 81 × 49 cm (actual image size)

This artwork is sold unframed

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Naira appreciates against dollar at Forex markets

The naira appreciated against the dollar at the bureau de change and parallel markets yesterday. A survey conducted by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Lagos showed that naira traded at between N191 and N190 respectively at both markets, representing a gain of N2 to the dollar from the N193 and N192 it sold on December 24.

Before the traditional end-year closure of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s official market, the naira was stable at N168. It equally firmed up against the Pound Sterling at the official market at N260.36. Furthermore, it appreciated against the Pound Sterling at the BDCs, trading at N292, or a gain of N2 from the N294 it sold on December 24. The naira was also sold at N293 to the Pound Sterling at the parallel market since December 24.

At the official market, it was sold against the Euro at N204.48, while exchanging against the Euro at the BDCs for N235 compared with N238 or gain of N3 from December 24. The CBN had devalued the naira from N155/$1 to N168/$1. In addition, it had widened the band around the midpoint by 200 basis points from +/-3 per cent to +/-5 per cent.

Similarly, the CBN’s monetary policy committee had increased the monetary policy rate (MPR) by 100 basis points from 12 per cent to 13 per cent, while the cash reserve ratio (CRR) on private sector deposits was also raised by 500 basis points from 15 per cent to 20 per cent with immediate effect. But the CRR on public sector deposits was retained at 75 per cent, just as the net open foreign exchange trading position was left unchanged at one per cent.

The CBN governor, Mr. Godwin Emefiele, had attributed the pressure at the forex market to the dwindling supply of the United States dollars as well as a rise in the demand for the greenback. Specifically, the CBN governor pointed out that the slide in crude oil price, which has led to a reduction of earnings to the country, has also resulted to drop of US dollar inflow to Nigeria. He said the central bank had spent huge assets from the foreign reserves during the year in ensuring that the official exchange rate was maintained at its previous value of N155/$1.

The naira on Wednesday depreciated in value against the dollar at the autonomous foreign exchange market as President Muhammadu Buhari said it should not be devalued further.

Consequently, the naira on Wednesday weakened against the dollar by N2 or 0.90 percent each at the Bureau de Change (BDC) segment of the forex market and parallel market.

After trading on same day, the local currency closed at N224/$ as against N222/$ traded the previous day at the BDC segment, and closed at N226/$ compared with N224/$ the previous day at the parallel market.

However, the naira closed stable at N199.05k against the dollar at the interbank foreign exchange market, data from FMDQ revealed. Naira on Tuesday weakened against the dollar by N1.39k or 0.70 percent at the interbank foreign exchange market.

Africa’s top oil producer has been hit hard by the fall of global crude prices, and its central bank has imposed increasingly strict foreign exchange rules to save its reserves and avoid what would be the third devaluation in a year, Reuters report.

The naira fell to as low as N242 per dollar on the parallel market in July, versus the official rate of N197. It has lost around 15 percent against the dollar over the past year with an official devaluation in November and a de facto one in February. Buhari, who spoke in an interview with France 24, said he “does not think it is healthy for Nigeria to have the naira devalued further.

“That’s why we are getting the central bank to make modifications in terms of making foreign exchange available to essential services, industries, spare parts, essential raw materials and so on – but things like toothpicks and rice, Nigeria can produce enough of those.”

In June, the central bank restricted access to foreign exchange for the import of 41 items ranging from rice and toothpicks to steel products and glass.

The stringent restrictions have not gone down well with investors, who have called for a relaxation. Meanwhile, JP Morgan said it would remove Africa’s biggest economy from its influential emerging markets bond index by the end of October, citing a lack of liquidity and the central bank’s currency restrictions.

Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves fell 3 percent to $30.69 billion by September 14, from $31.63 billion a month earlier, central bank data showed on Wednesday. The reserves were down 22 percent from a year earlier.

The central bank ate up much of its reserves to support the local currency, selling dollars to BDC operators twice weekly in a bid to narrow the gap between the official and unofficial exchange rate.


Naira: Currency now valued at 352 per dollar

The naira has taken a downward turn once again especially the United States dollar, rendering it to be currently valued at 352 against the greenback at the parallel market on Tuesday, February 16, 2016.

Foreign exchange dealers noted that the increasing pressure on the naira is caused by high demand for the dollar by importers and speculators.

The local currency as at Monday, February 15, 2016 had weakened to 345 at the parallel market, having hit 338 last Friday as importers scrambled for the dollar to meet foreign needs.

READ: Currency falls further down to 345/dollar

The central bank has left its official rate unchanged at N197 to the dollar on its interbank window.

The acting President, Association of Bureau De Change Operators, Aminu Gwadabe . told Reuters on Tuesday, “Most individuals who sell (dollars) to us are no longer willing, but demand is piling up,”

In an effort to conserve the external reserves, which are now at their lowest in more than 11 years, the Central Bank of Nigeria banned dollar sales to BDC operators, sending the naira to record lows at the black market, and later stopped daily sales to the interbank market.

The Chief Executive Officer, Economic Associates, Dr. Ayo Teriba . feels the situation shouldn't have deteriorated to its current point.

“This is 2016 and not 1986, 1992 or 1995; the conditions are not the same. The global environment has liquidity now that Nigeria can attract. The situation is not like 1986 when the global environment was tight.

The current economic problem has become a cause of concern for both the upper and lower class categories of the society as both sides have begun to nurse fear further meltdown.


Ayodele Johnson is an Associate at Pulse. Communication Manager & Social Media Strategist with a keen interest in writing. Ayodele is a huge fan of the Hannibal Lecter fictional character. He is currently at crossroads when it concerns his interest in Hip-Hop & Rock music.

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World’s longest marine causeway to start construction by 2010?

The Qatar-Bahrain Friendship Causeway, a 40km long marine causeway featuring a 22km bridge and

18km embankments connecting the west coast of Qatar to the east coast of Bahrain. is scheduled to

begin construction in 2010.

The $3 billion project was originally scheduled to begin last year in May 2008, however in a statement

from Bahrain's Works Minister Fahmi al-Jowder the new deadline was announced.

"Work on the project will start in 2010 and it is expected to take four-and-a-half years to complete."

"Negotiations are still under way regarding the cost and are expected to be finalised by the end of the

year, but initial estimates hover around the $3 billion mark. Bahrain and Qatar have already allocated

a budget of $500m to start the project," he said.

When completed, the causeway will be the longest in the world and will also boast a 13 metre

wide railroad bridge. Travel time from Qatar to Bahrain by car is expected to be reduced from

four-and-a-half hours to around 30 minutes.

According to an estimate, the volume of traffic on the causeway is expected to be around 10,000

to 12,000 vehicles a day.

Construction contacts were awarded to KBR, an engineering company head-quartered in Houston, Texas, "to provide design, project and construction management services for the Qatar-Bahrain road and rail marine crossing." Other groups involved include the Qatar and Bahrain Causeway Foundation and a consortium of companies led by French construction major Vinci Construction and the German Company HOCHTIEF Construction AG and CCC and Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company.

N2.1bn I received from Dasuki was payment for media and publicity during campaigns–Dokpesi

Former Chairman and founder of DAAR communications, Chief Raymond Dokpesi, has said the huge sum of money transferred to his bank account by the erstwhile National Security Adviser (NSA) Sambo Dasuki, was meant to pay for publicity for the PDP presidential campaign during the last elections.

Dokpesi was picked up on Tuesday by the EFCC for interrogation as part of a raft of arrests on a phantom arms procurement procedure that never materialized.

Narrating the series of events which led him to the custody of the EFCC in a statement signed by the management of DAAR Communications Plc, Dokpesi said that at around 2.00pm on the day, the Acting Chairman of the EFCC, Alhaji Ibrahim Magu, through a phone call, invited him to the Commission.

On arriving the office of the commission, he was requested to “shed more light on some payments that were made to him through the office of the erstwhile National Security Adviser to the former President, Malam Sambo Dasuki.”

“Dokpesi explained to the EFCC officials that the N2.1 billion he collected from the former NSA was payment for publicity and media campaigns during the 2015 General Elections.

“High Chief Aleogho Dokpesi made his statement on the various media exposures and campaign transactions which were dutifully carried out based essentially on contractual obligations/relationship.”

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Commodity exchanges and exchange business

Exchange transactions in securities

1. Today (deal with the calculations of the day). This type of transaction in which each party fulfills its obligations in no time. Exchange of such transactions normally acts as the counterparty. To conclude this type of transaction requires a prior reservation on the stock exchange of cash and / or securities. 2. Spot (Cash transaction). Kind of transaction in which the calculation is performed for two days. Kind of transaction is a spot «today»-deal. 3. Forward (forward transaction). Kind of transaction in which all the calculations performed by three days. Such a transaction before bidding do not require pre-booking tools. It has a formula in the form: T + N1 + N2, which N1 - number of working days from the date of the conclusion and before the date of delivery of the securities. N2 - the number of working days from the conclusion and before the date of payment. In cases when delivery and payment occur in the same day, the transaction will be marked T + N1, where N1 - Date of payment and product delivery. For example: T +4 +6 - a deal that concluded in such circumstances, namely the delivery date four days after the deal was concluded to be the date of payment, six days after it will be a deal. Most transactions are conducted on the exchanges under the conditions DVP: Delivery and payment will be made in the same day. Depository Center keeps track of the fact of payment. 4. Repo transactions. This type of transaction of sale / purchase of securities issued securities (I part of the repo) with their indispensable feedback buying / selling in the same quantity of the same issue (II portion of repurchase) after a certain time of the contract at a price that determines the treaty during the conclusion of the first part of thistransaction. 5. Margin transaction. Type of transaction, which is committed to provided by a bank or broker loan funds.

Due to the complexity of the global economy, a barter exchange is a popular way to address a shortage of cash. When a company is a perishable commodity, and potential buyers with money problems, the system of goods for goods, is a life-saving solution. Every day, the popularity of barter exchanges is growing. Today's most popular products for exchange - it's office equipment and building materials. Many companies are forced to participate in a barter exchange in order to maintain their business. The percentage of transactions carried out by barter exchange that is constantly growing, while the percentage of the transaction is minimal. And if the 90th barter deal was made through an intermediary, but now through a special web-site. However, in the barter appears moot point - the payment of fees. Paying wages not in money but in goods, the company raises the question of payment of the single social tax. If the company would find no means to pay the single tax, in this case, manager of a company facing a criminal case. Quite often, the barter exchange faces the challenge of inequality of goods and services, is precisely why we came up with the money system.

Transactions made on the Exchange, involve the use of futures contracts (futures), anddoes not necessarily imply an immediate delivery of goods. This type of contract is subject to stock exchange rules and have specific requirementson the quantity, quality product, location and date of delivery. Variable is a pricedetermined at the time of the transaction between buyer and seller on the exchange. Buying and selling is carried out without examining the goods on a clear number offutures contracts. Futures contracts are executed in 2 ways: the supply of certain goodsor by entering into transactions on the same amount of goods on any day in relation to the conditions of supply. Read it.

Russian stock exchanges were spetssistemu monitoring

Federal Service for Financial Markets, Federal Financial Markets Service. introduced at the Russian trading platforms of a special system designed to monitor. to tracksuspicious transactions. The technology involves a system divided into several blocks. The first provides links tostock exchanges. Daily in the Federal Financial Markets Service comes from theexchanges. primarily with the MICEX and RTS. the flow of trade information. Data enters the system. it sorts out the deal on models. providing insider. manipulation. fictitioustransactions and transactions that do not have much economic sense. A few months the system operated in test mode. and then she was transferred to the operating level. If detected an illegal transaction is initiated by members of the documentary check. followed by a decision of whether there is violation of the law. Read it.

NYSE - New York Stock Exchange

New York Stock Exchange ( born New York Stock Exchange, NYSE) - the main U. S. stock exchanges. the largest in the world. A symbol of financial strength of the U. S. andthe financial industry in general. Calculated at the exchange world - famous Dow Jonesindustrial stock companies (English Dow Jones Industrial Average), and the index ofNYSE Composite. Organized by the type of auction market in which initially sold and bought goods. andthen the securities existed in New York in early 18 century. but no reliable evidenceabout the functioning of the securities market until 1790 - ies are not available. Originallysettled transactions were made in Spanish dollars. which is cut into eight pieces(" osmushek"), respectively, the ratings of securities are also installed in eight partsdollar, and this practice has persisted to this day. Like the Napoleonic Wars. the American Revolution in 1776 caused a strong demand for large loans. and provided the impetus for the creation of the New York Stock Exchange. Read it.

The meaning of Forex trading

Meaning of trade in the Forex market is the transactions of sale and purchase of currencies. Forex exchange rates are called floating, ie they are never in a standing position, they change it into a large, then the smaller side. Many people use this featurebuy currencies at the moment recession rate and sell them at a maximum value at the time recovery. Before you buy or sell its currency, traders conduct a thorough market analysis. It is veryimportant to predict which currency will soon fall in price, and which will become evenmore expensive. If you buy a currency and sell it at a bargain price, it is possible for a short time to get a good profit. Read it.

The essence of the Commodity Exchange

Mercantile Exchange - an organization working on a cost recovery basis. Commodityexchanges act as intermediaries in negotiating trade deals are for orderingmerchandise trade, resolve trade disputes and regulating transactions. Collected on the stock exchanges and published information on the cost of certain goods in the world, states in manufacturing and other aspects affecting the cost of production. The subjectof commercial transactions on commodity exchanges is a specific product. as well ascontracts for its delivery to the buyer. Commodity exchange - not a commercial enterprise. Getting a big monetary gain is not the purpose for commodity exchanges. With a side you can look at a commodity exchange. as a union of intermediary firms, the producers concerned. These people are united by a joint project - the creation of a regulated market of goods. which couldprovide each participant holding of purchasing operations and marketing operations. Read it.

Universal and specialized exchange

Universal Exchange are the largest by number of committed purchases. For example, the Chicago Board of Trade (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) traded corn, wheat, soybeans, oats, soybean oil, soybean meal, securities and silver. At the samecommodity exchange Chicago Mercantile Excha in the same town are traded, bacon, gold, cattle, securities, foreign currencies, pigs. In Tokyo Commodity Exchange aretrading woolen and cotton yarn, silver, platinum, rubber, gold. There is also a universalattribute Hong Kong's Exchange and the Sydney Stock Exchange. Read it.

Chicago Mercantile Exchange

Chicago Mercantile Exchange is the leading commodity exchanges of the world, on the exchange traded most diversified products. Chicago Mercantile Exchange was founded in 1898 and was then called the Chicagoegg and oil chamber. Chamber of goods were fchersnye contracts for oil and eggs. In60gg line of products enriched with futures on live cattle and frozen meat. Starting with70gg, Chicago Mercantile Exchange began trading futures on currencies. In 1992,based on the CME's electronic trading created a global platform Globex. Globex runs, with an hour break, the clock, 5 days a week. Here is a big part of the contracts of the Exchange. In connection with the introduction of e-mini contracts trade in manycommodities was made possible with much less initial capital (like system uses theInternational Currency Exchange e-Forex). Read it.

What is Exchange?

The suspension of the petrol subsidy and the adoption of price modulation regime from January have fetched N2.6 billion into a Federal Government special account in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

The former Executive Secretary, Petroleum Products Pricing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA), Farouk Ahmed, who spoke during his handover in Abuja to the General Manager, Administration and Human Resources, Moses, Mbaba, said the government is now in the regime of ‘over-recovery’.

Ahmed said: “As at the 12th February, 2016, because we verify based on what was imported, about N2.6billion has accrued to that account. The fund is still low because most of the cargoes arrived in December last year. AThe PPPRA has already communicated to the appropriate authorities that we are in the regime of over-recovery.”

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Recent News

The Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) has dismissed claims that it set aside N2.7 billion as severance pay for its commissioners.

The NERC Chairman, Dr Sam Amadi, refuted the claims on Tuesday when he appeared before the House of Representatives Committee on Power investigating the alleged plan by the commission to make the payment.

Declaring the public investigation open, the Deputy Speaker, Yusuf Lasun, said there was an urgent need to address a lot of issues in the power sector.

The Chairman of the committee, Honourable Daniel Asuquo, listed some of the objectives of the hearing.

The committee is also probing the power sector to understand the challenges faced by major players in the sector and how the parliament can help address them.

The Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr Babatunde Fashola, also made a brief appearance before the committee.

Also in attendance were representatives of regulatory agencies, electricity distribution companies and power generating companies.

The hearing is expected to continue on Wednesday.

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We Saved N2.2trn Using TSA – PMB

President Muhammadu Buhari revealed his administration has so far saved 2.2 trillion Naira using the Treasury Single Account (TSA).

The President made this disclosure while interacting with a cross section of the Nigerian community in the United Kingdom on the side-line of the Supporting Syria Conference in London.

LEADERSHIP recalls that President Buhari last year October directed that all revenues due to the Federal Government or any of its agencies must be paid into the Treasury Single Account (TSA) or designated accounts maintained and operated in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) .

According to the president, this measure is specifically to promote transparency and prevent the loss or leakages of legitimate income meant for the federation account.

President Buhari faulted past administrations for operating several accounts with which they siphoned money belonging to Nigerians vowing not to relent in the fight against corruption.

He said that he would make every Nigerian accountable and that money recovered so far can fund the country’s deficit and infrastructure development.

He said,“When we discovered that we were already in trouble, we tried to enforce the TSA. This government did not initiate it, it was the previous government, but it was so unpopular to the previous government” .

“For its own reasons, it couldn’t impose it, but when we came and we found out that we were broke, we saw that this as the way to do it.

“We discovered that the NNPC had more than 45 accounts, the ministry of defence and the military had more than 70 accounts; tell me which of the accounts to trace every year.

“So we enforced TSA, we said there must be TSA, and let me tell you by the end of December coming to January this year, last month we mopped up more than N2.2 trillion.”

We ended sale of Forex to BDC’s because of corruption

President Muhammadu Buhari has said that his administration decided to stop the sale of foreign exchange to bureau de change (BDC) operators because of fraudulent acts perpetrated by some directors of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

He made this disclosure when speaking on the state of the economy during an interactive session with the Nigerian community in the United Kingdom on the sidelines of the Supporting Syria Conference in London.

The president pointed out that some CBN directors used BDCs that they owned to shortchange the government.

He said,“We found out that some directors of CBN owned bureau de change and when foreign exchange comes, they take it to their bureau de change and give government the change,”

“We had to stop the federal government giving bureau the change. I am explaining this to give a tip of the ice berg of the problem we inherited. We are getting so hard because we have no other [option] than to make everybody accountable.”

SAP killed the Naira

President Muhammadu Buhari has said the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) which was initiated by former military President Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, between 1986 and 1988 killed the Naira.

Speaking during an interactive session with BBC, Buhari recalled that the introduction of the SAP was the origin of the problem facing the Naira today .

LEADERSHIP recalls that Structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) consist of loans provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) to countries that experienced economic crises.

He said,”It’s SAP that killed the Naira. I have asked governor of central bank and others to sit and see if they can convince me to murder of Naira’. It’s disgraceful Nigeria imports toothpicks, rice and tomato purée’.

He lamented that most of young people in this country today can’t get jobs, adding that that is one of the biggest dangers his administration is facing.

Naira Loses N2 As Buhari Rejects Devaluation (SEE HERE)

by XTRA GIST. at Friday, September 18, 2015. have 0 comments

The naira on Wednesday depreciated in value against the dollar at the autonomous foreign exchange market as President Muhammadu Buhari said it should not be devalued further.

Consequently, the naira on Wednesday weakened against the dollar by N2 or 0.90 percent each at the Bureau de Change (BDC) segment of the forex market and parallel market.

After trading on same day, the local currency closed at N224/$ as against N222/$ traded the previous day at the BDC segment, and closed at N226/$ compared with N224/$ the previous day at the parallel market.

However, the naira closed stable at N199.05k against the dollar at the interbank foreign exchange market, data from FMDQ revealed. Naira on Tuesday weakened against the dollar by N1.39k or 0.70 percent at the interbank foreign exchange market.

Africa’s top oil producer has been hit hard by the fall of global crude prices, and its central bank has imposed increasingly strict foreign exchange rules to save its reserves and avoid what would be the third devaluation in a year, Reuters report.

The naira fell to as low as N242 per dollar on the parallel market in July, versus the official rate of N197. It has lost around 15 percent against the dollar over the past year with an official devaluation in November and a de facto one in February.

Buhari, who spoke in an interview with France 24, said he “does not think it is healthy for Nigeria to have the naira devalued further.

“That’s why we are getting the central bank to make modifications in terms of making foreign exchange available to essential services, industries, spare parts, essential raw materials and so on – but things like toothpicks and rice, Nigeria can produce enough of those.”

In June, the central bank restricted access to foreign exchange for the import of 41 items ranging from rice and toothpicks to steel products and glass.

The stringent restrictions have not gone down well with investors, who have called for a relaxation. Meanwhile, JP Morgan said it would remove Africa’s biggest economy from its influential emerging markets bond index by the end of October, citing a lack of liquidity and the central bank’s currency restrictions.

Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves fell 3 percent to $30.69 billion by September 14, from $31.63 billion a month earlier, central bank data showed on Wednesday. The reserves were down 22 percent from a year earlier.

The central bank ate up much of its reserves to support the local currency, selling dollars to BDC operators twice weekly in a bid to narrow the gap between the official and unofficial exchange rate.

Naira Loses N2 As Buhari Rejects Devaluation (SEE HERE) - written by XTRA GIST . published at Friday, September 18, 2015. categorized as News . And have 0 comments

Naira Depreciates By N2 Against Dollar

The Naira, yesterday, depreciated slightly against the Dollar at the parallel market, dropping by N2.

The currency traded N222, N350 and N256 against the Dollar, Pounds and Euro, respectively. On Monday and Tuesday, it traded at N220, N345 and N252 against the Dollar, Pounds and Euro respectively.

However, the official interbank rate remained at N197 to the Dollar.

Mr. Harrison Owoh, a bureau de change operator, said in Lagos that the Naira’s drop in value was connected to Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN’s failure to sell enough foreign currencies.

He said that parallel market operators had expected the apex bank to sell more foreign currencies before the Eid el-Kabir break.

Owoh said that the currency may depreciate further due to the long break associated with Muslims’ celebration.

Clearing agent in court over allege defrauding client of N2.8m


For defrauding a client by diverting his client’s N2.8 million a clearing agent has been charged before a Magistrates’ Court .

The clearing agent, 21-year-old Adejare Taiye, was alleged to have swindled his client, Mr Balogun Adekunle under the false pretence of facilitating the release of imported goods at the Apapa Port.

After Taiye collected the money, he allegedly pretended that he was facilitating its release for several weeks.

While Adekunle waited endlessly for the goods to no avail, he decided to inquire about what was delaying the goods. He was shocked to discover that Taiye did not go for the release of the goods as he claimed.

When Taiye eventually found out that Adekunle had discovered his antics, he bolted away after the goods had attracted demurrage at the port.

The matter was reported to the police who trailed Taiye and arrested him from his hiding place. He was charged to court with three-count charge of conspiracy, obtaining under false pretense and stealing under the Criminal code.

He pleaded not guilty and the presiding Magistrate, Mrs J. O. E. Adeyemi granted him bail in the sum of N100,000 with two sureties in like sum. Taiye was remanded in prison custody pending when he will perfect his bail condition.

The matter was adjourned till 26 January 2016.

Alleged N2.6bn Fraud: Court Orders Service Of Criminal Charge On Bank, 16 Others

A Federal High Court, Lagos, on Wednesday adjourned to April 11 to enable prosecution effect service of criminal charge on 15 defendants and two companies, charged with N2.6 billion fraud.

The defendants were Nigeria International Bank Ltd, Chief C. S Sankey, Eneka Enuma, Adekunle Oladosun, Okechi Egwu, Lulu Ndubuka, Oyowole Ariyo. UKabiru Bello, and J. E Eriagbon.

The others were Samson Ebie, Steve Obodomechine, Mikky Dons Nig. Ltd. Mark Anaele, Peter Harris, Peter Oriade, Olusola Fagbure and Obianwa Chuba.

They were to be arraigned on a 20-count charge of conspiracy, intent to defraud, falsification of document, fraudulent alteration and diversion of N2. 6 billion belonging to MicMerah International Agency Ltd.

The case, which was fixed for arraignment of the defendants, was again stalled at the resumed date due to the absence of the defendants in court. When the case was called, only the first defend nant represented by its staff was present in court.

The Prosecutor, Mr Gordy Uche, then informed the court that the prosecution was still faced with difficulty in effecting service of the charge on the defendants.

He, therefore, informed the court of an exparte application, seeking leave of court to allow the complainant effect service of the charge on the defendants.

Justice Ibrahim Buba granted the application, and adjourned the case till April 11 for continuation. In the charge, the defendants were alleged to have conspired to induce MicMerah International Agency Ltd. to deliver the said sum to them, to be used for offsetting a fraudulent import finance facility scheme.

They were also alleged to have falsified documents to fraudulently secure the release of four Volvo luxury buses and two 40 feet containers from the Nigeria Custom Service. The defendants were also charged with obtaining property by false pretence as well as corruptly enriching themselves.

The offence contravened Sections 1(1) (a),1(3), and 8 (a) of the Advanced Fee Fraud and Other Related offence Act, 2004.

The offence also contravened Sections 161, and 162 of the Custom and Excise Management Act, Section 516 of the Criminal Code Act, 2004 as well as Sections 2, 2(1) and 10 (1) of the Recovery of Public Property Act, 2004. (NAN)

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Nigeria earned N2.5trn from petroleum export in Q2 – NBS

According to data released on Wednesday by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Nigeria earned N2.512 trillion from the export of petroleum products in three months, between April and June 2015, Vanguard reports.

The NBS, in its Foreign Trade Statistics for the Second Quarter of 2015, also stated that Nigeria recorded total merchandise trade of N4.372 trillion and a trade surplus of N1.4 trillion in the month under review.

It is instructive to noted that the amount the country earned from petroleum products sale in the second quarter of 2015, was 56.8 per cent of the country’s N4.49 trillion 2015 budget.

Also the amount earned from the export of petroleum products accounted for 57.5 per cent of Nigeria’s total merchandise trade and 87.3 per cent of total export.

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Naira Loses N2 As Buhari Rejects Devaluation

The naira on Wednesday depreciated in value against the dollar at the autonomous foreign exchange market as President Muhammadu Buhari said it should not be devalued further.

Consequently, the naira on Wednesday weakened against the dollar by N2 or 0.90 percent each at the Bureau de Change (BDC) segment of the forex market and parallel market.

After trading on same day, the local currency closed at N224/$ as against N222/$ traded the previous day at the BDC segment, and closed at N226/$ compared with N224/$ the previous day at the parallel market.

However, the naira closed stable at N199.05k against the dollar at the interbank foreign exchange market, data from FMDQ revealed. Naira on Tuesday weakened against the dollar by N1.39k or 0.70 percent at the interbank foreign exchange market.

Africa’s top oil producer has been hit hard by the fall of global crude prices, and its central bank has imposed increasingly strict foreign exchange rules to save its reserves and avoid what would be the third devaluation in a year, Reuters report.

The naira fell to as low as N242 per dollar on the parallel market in July, versus the official rate of N197. It has lost around 15 percent against the dollar over the past year with an official devaluation in November and a de facto one in February.

Buhari, who spoke in an interview with France 24, said he “does not think it is healthy for Nigeria to have the naira devalued further.

“That’s why we are getting the central bank to make modifications in terms of making foreign exchange available to essential services, industries, spare parts, essential raw materials and so on – but things like toothpicks and rice, Nigeria can produce enough of those.”

In June, the central bank restricted access to foreign exchange for the import of 41 items ranging from rice and toothpicks to steel products and glass.

The stringent restrictions have not gone down well with investors, who have called for a relaxation. Meanwhile, JP Morgan said it would remove Africa’s biggest economy from its influential emerging markets bond index by the end of October, citing a lack of liquidity and the central bank’s currency restrictions.

Nigeria’s foreign exchange reserves fell 3 percent to $30.69 billion by September 14, from $31.63 billion a month earlier, central bank data showed on Wednesday. The reserves were down 22 percent from a year earlier.

The central bank ate up much of its reserves to support the local currency, selling dollars to BDC operators twice weekly in a bid to narrow the gap between the official and unofficial exchange rate.

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As a general rule, these people are afraid of losses, pressure and nerve-wrecking experiences. They are also afraid to be unhappy with themselves if they, once again, sustain losses.


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The trial of an ex-Director General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency, Patrick Akpobolokemi, and five others continued before a Federal High Court in Lagos on Tuesday with a bureau de change operator, Hussein Sabo, testifying against them.

The defendants are being tried by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission for allegedly converting to their personal use a total of N2,658,957, 666, belonging to NIMASA between December 23, 2013 and May 28, 2015.

They were on December 4, 2015 arraigned on 22 counts in relation to the offence before Justice Ibrahim Buba.

The accused — Akpobolokemi, Ezekiel Agaba, Ekene Nwakuche, Governor Juan, Blockz and Stonz Limited and Al-Kenzo Logistic Limited — however pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

Sabo was the 3rd witness to be called by the EFCC, which opened its case on Monday to prove its allegations against the accused persons.

Led in evidence by the EFCC prosecutor, Rotimi Oyedepo, Sabo, who spoke in pidgin English, told the court that one Muhammed Darlington approached him in March 2014 and told him that the 2nd defendant (Agaba) wanted to buy dollars.

The bureau de change operator said Dalington subsequently took his account number after which huge sums of money were paid into it in several tranches.

For instance, Sabo claimed that he received four payment alerts on March 3, 2014 for the sums of N33.8m, N35m, 20m and 3m, which he helped the accused to change into US dollars.

He also claimed that between March and December 2014 he received six payments in the sums of N85,305,000, N155,300,000, N13,000,000, N10,000,000, and N84,000,000, which he also helped the accused to change into US dollars.

Earlier, a fashion designer, Chukwuemeka Onuoha, who testified as the EFCC’s second witness, had told the court that the defendants used his company, Extreme Vertevex Limited, to siphon N546,802,000 from the coffers of NIMASA under the guise of a non-existent contract.

Onuoha told the court that though he neither tendered any proposal nor carried out any contract for NIMASA, N546,802,000 was paid by NIMASA into his account with Zenith Bank Plc.

The witness claimed that the disbursement of the money was facilitated by the 3rd defendant (Nwakuche) who he knew when he was in secondary school.

Onuoha narrated to the court how in 2003, shortly after the 3rd defendant secured an employment with NIMASA, he (Onuoha) approached the 3rd defendant and pleaded with him to consider him for any contract in the agency

He claimed that shortly after he made the request, the 3rd defendant called him on the telephone to enquire if he had any registered company that could be used for transactions as well as the company’s accounts.

Onuoha told the court that not long after he supplied the details of his company and his bank account to the 3rd defendant, he received several alerts from his bank totaling N546,802,000.

For instance, he told the court that in August 2014 he received N21,802,000; on November 6, 2014, he received N318m; and on November 25, 2014 he received an alert for payment of the sum of N207m into his bank account.

He added that when he enquired from the 3rd defendant what the money was meant for, he was told to wait for further instructions.

Onuoha told the court that he was later instructed to transfer the money to different accounts by the 3rd defendant.

Under cross examination by Akpobolokemi’s lawyer, Dr. Joseph Nwobike (SAN), Onuoha, however, told the court he had never met Akpobolokemi or received any money from him.

Justice Buba has adjourned further hearing in the matter till February 2,5, 16 and 19, 2016.

Mensaje de navegación

Nigeria’s Economic Crunch: Radical Programmes Needed To End Capitalism-Induced Crisis

1. Nigeria’s economy is in serious dire strait . no doubt.

a. In the next two months, 200 manufacturing businesses will close shop according to Manufacturers’ Association of Nigeria (MAN), (Punch, 03/03/2016) while over 50,000 jobs have already being lost in Abuja, according to Chair of Abuja Chamber of Commerce (Punch, 24/02/2016), all due to inability to access forex for raw materials and business activities. In fact, in December 2015 when dollar sold for less than N260 at parallel market, non-oil export fell by 25% month-on-month and 75% year-on-year, mostly driven by fall in food and mineral export (ProShare, 16/02/2016). By the end of this quarter, there are expected mass layoffs across boards. There is also runaway inflation that has eaten deeply into the income of the working and poor people.

segundo. The current economic crisis exemplified by the revenue fall, foreign exchange crisis, rising inflation and worsening unemployment, is a product of many years of neo-liberal and anti-developmental policies administered by agents of global finance capital, and massive looting of the nation’s wealth at all levels of governance and by all ruling parties. In the last 16 years of civil rule, Nigeria earned over $700 billion from crude oil exploitation; yet the level of development of the social infrastructures and economy is at abysmal level. Nigeria was plundered by politicians in power of all hues and coloration, and big business people (including their international partners and masters).

do. Every year since 2005, less than 18, 000 political office holders at all levels and in all political parties cornered N1.3 trillion annually as emoluments. This is more than a tenth of annual national budgets of all tiers of government. That means in the last ten years, at least N13 trillion or $65 billion has been officially handed over to 18, 000 politicians (0.01 % of population). This is just official emoluments. According to a World Bank estimate some years back, about 20 kobo out of every N1 budgeted for any project is actually spent, while some estimates claimed that over $140 billion has been looted since emergence of civil rule in 1999. This is aside the looting under Jonathan government.

re. On the other side, public wealth was used to ensure huge wealth and profits for big businesses. While waivers worth over N1.3 trillion was granted by the Jonathan government, the Obasanjo government before it also gave trillions of naira worth of waivers, tax breaks and monopoly to import for many big companies. This is aside billions doled out in form of government’s issuance of treasury bills and bonds, which guaranteed unmerited wealth for banks, financial institutions and big businesses (local and foreign), at the detriment of local and small businesses. In 2010, government used N2.5 trillion of public funds to bail out ten banks owned by a tiny clique of multibillionaires, while social infrastructures are in decrepit state. According to a House of Representative Adhoc Committee on fuel subsidy, more than 1.6 trillion naira was looted by various companies involved in the oil subsidy racket. The Jonathan government claimed that ‘only’ N300 billion was looted. However, neither N1.6 trillion nor N300 billion was recovered by the government.

mi. While public funds are given to politicians and big businesses, the same money, instead of being invested in productive and manufacturing activities, were again invested in government’s businesses that ensure huge profits e. g. privatization of state properties at rock-bottom prices, sale of oil blocks, importation of fuel, inflation of contracts and lending money to government. In situation where some productive activities were undertaken by big businesses like Dangote, Honeywell, etc. the government would have given several billion-dollar worth of waivers and dole outs to these private businesses. This is aside chronic exploitation of workers by these companies.

F. The state governments were not left out of this racket as politicians at state levels embarked on projects that were aimed at cornering public funds for private use, with little impact on economic and social development. The result is total depletion of public wealth. Excess crude account that was around $23 billion in 2012 was depleted to less than $2.5 billion by 2015, with little impact on the wellbeing of the majority of the population.

gramo. Not satisfied with this, governments at all levels developed a strong appetite for debts. Under Jonathan, the 3 tiers of government shared over N29 trillion ($145 billion) (Guardian 21/06/2015), yet social and public infrastructures are still in parlous state while poverty and unemployment still thrive. At the same time, the country's debt profile increased to over $66 billion (with foreign debt increasing to over $11 billion from less than $6 billion in 2011). While the Jonathan government mismanaged more than 52% of the N29 trillion that accrued to the country, the state governments run by all the major political parties also mismanaged over 40% of this revenue.

2. The implication of all this is that:

a. There is little development of social and physical infrastructures to support productive economic activities. This implies that the country is permanently stuck to import-based economy, while exporting only raw materials like crude oil, which constitute over 80% of export earnings. For instance, the country spent billions of dollars on importing fuel and food items like rice. At a period of higher earnings from crude oil sale, this may not strike any danger, but with crude oil hovering around $30 per barrel, as against more than $80 two years ago, the naira is expected to continue to dwindle in value. Even if government uses external reserve, currently at around $28 billion to save the currency, it will not go far enough, unless there is a shrink in consumption or the country develops productive capacity.

segundo. There is huge wealth gap between the very rich and the poor. This means public wealth is concentrated in fewer hands, whose luxurious lifestyle, denominated mostly in hard currencies, put more pressure on the currency, which drive up cost of living for the majority poor, whose income hardly increase. At a point, Nigeria became the destination for all kinds of luxury goods including exotic wines, cars, jewelries, and aircrafts. At another time, the number of private jets was more than commercial aircrafts. Also, during the 2015 elections, the two main capitalist parties spent millions of dollars for “campaign”. In fact, dollar became unofficial legal tender of the rich.

do. This, coupled with collapse of public infrastructures and services, and fall in the income of workers, will means working and poor people spending their meagre money on fewer things, which drives up inflation and reduces purchasing power. Businesses are also affected leading to mass retrenchment or at best no new employment. While not all consumables and products are imported, the fact that many of the country’s daily needs including foodstuffs, drugs, raw materials, industrial additives, etc. are imported shows that other goods produced internally will share in the burden, as inflation is contagious.

re. The pressure on naira also implies that there will be very little development of the country, as businesses that want to invest will scale back investment, while governments’ spending will shrink, leading to serious cut on purchasing power. For instance, the planned completion date of the oil refinery being built by Dangote has been shifted from 2018 to around 2020, while seeming permanent deflation of crude oil price poses threat to that business.

mi. To solve the problem, government need to reverse the causes of the economic crisis by:

yo. Stopping further devaluation of the currency by ending the senseless currency speculation by banks and Bureaux De Change (BDCs)

Ii. Increasing production of goods that can reduce imports and thus ease pressure on naira

Iii. Increasing production of exportable goods

Iv. Retrieving huge public funds looted either directly or indirectly, and stop further hemorrhaging of the public purse

v. Increase purchasing power of the majority of the population by reducing wealth gap and redistributing social wealth to the majority

3. Buhari Government’s responses

The government has stated that it is not disposed to further devaluation of the naira which has been pegged at around N198 to a dollar. This would have been a welcome development if it was implemented. However, this sounds more like a doctrinaire and propagandist pronouncement than any serious economic policy.

a. In the first instance, government banning of some goods, especially food items and industrial products, from using government’s hard currencies without serious programmes and policies to ensure production and availability of these products internally is more or less implementation of a neo-fascist monetary policy. It enforces compulsory suffering on the people, on the basis of maintaining the president’s rightwing nationalistic instinct.

segundo. While government fixed naira-to-dollar at N198/dollar, it allows previous manipulation of forex by banks to continue while directing anger against parallel market, which was supposed to hold less than 20 percent of the forex market. Meanwhile, banks continue to aid currency devaluation through round-tripping (i. e. buying dollar at N198 from government but selling at parallel market prices). The government’s policy of withdrawing dollar support for BDC is wrong and counterproductive. It is a middle-of-the-road approach that can be more ruinous. If government wants to end the BDC business, it should have done so directly and organized a more pragmatic approach to retail sale of dollar to end users, at affordable or official cost. Withdrawing CBN's dollar support to BDCs, while banks' forex business is enmeshed in corruption, round-tripping and ineptitude has led to BDCs becoming a major market for end users and thus a major decider of naira value. Allowing BDC to operate on free market approach under the above scenario has led to disaster for the economy. Contrarily, government can continue to supply BDCs dollars, and directly monitor and control their activities and tailor them towards government activities. With this, government can reverse the laisser faire arrangement in the BDCs and banks' forex activities.

do. It is funny that government will fix foreign exchange at official market, but make dollar scarce at the parallel market where law of demand and supply applies. Meanwhile, the parallel market is arguably more accessible and active than official market. To worsen already bad situation, the official forex market could not meet demand, even after government’s regulations. Furthermore, the government refused to release more hard currencies from external reserve to meet the fixed exchange rate and at the same time allows access to foreign currency. The summary of all this is that the government, while hiding under officialdom, has unofficially devalued the naira, and worse still deregulated the process of further devaluation of the currency.

re. In order to make naira gain real value, and become a tool of development, government has to implement some immediate and long term fiscal policies as highlighted in paragraph 2(b) above. But the fiscal responses of government does not show any sign of providing any serious clue out of the ensuing crisis that may get worse in the coming period.

4. 2016 ‘Expansionary’ Budget

Of course, the Buhari government claims to be planning about N2.3 billion spending on infrastructures and social programmes, but this seems more like piecemeal political project than serious economic revival project. Firstly, the N6.05 trillion budget with a deficit of N2.2 trillion will be financed by N1.88 trillion debt from local and foreign borrowing, while the government will, at the same time, be spending N1.3 trillion to service existing debts (a significant part of which is for local lenders). This means government will be borrowing back the same money it pays to service existing debts, or better put, will be borrowing to pay debt. This is clearly not sustainable.

a. Most part of the N1.8 trillion capital vote will be spent to fulfill existing contractual obligations on existing projects, while smaller amount is for new projects. More than this, the important aspect of the capital votes i. e. those for Ministries of Power, Housing and Works, and Transportation will gulp N660 billion out of the N1.88 trillion. With many contractors already indebted, the capital vote will only have marginal effect on purchasing power.

segundo. The so-called special social interventions that will gulp some N560 billion (N300 billion and N260 in the capital and recurrent sectors respectively), is not tailored towards some serious or long term economic improvement. For instance, some of these social programmes like payment of N5, 000 benefits to 1 million poor people will be run on pilot scheme, and rely on support of credit and donor agencies, which will make such programmes limited in scope and elitist in nature. More than this, it does not provide holistic approach to ending poverty or developing the economy on long term basis.

do. Possibly, the school feeding programmes, mass employment of 500, 000 teachers and conditional grants to the most impoverished, will be the most impactful of these social programmes. If implemented, it will have some minimal impact in improving living standards of some Nigerians. However, this is too little to make needed impact to reverse the economic quagmire. Over 3 million young Nigerians are reportedly thrown to the labour market yearly, while over 30 million people are jobless. Therefore, employing less than 500,000 young people over the tenure may not really address the problem. Worse still, the teaching jobs will only be a part-time job where beneficiaries are paid peanuts. This is similar to the Federal Teachers’ Scheme (FTS) of the Jonathan government which ended in fiasco as beneficiaries were unpaid for months. Furthermore, the social programmes will be carried out in conjunction with state governments. This is an assured failure, as most of the states are bankrupt and dysfunctional.

re. Moreover, the ability of the government to meet the revenue collection in the budget is doubtful. Currently the crude oil price is below the $38 per barrel, envisaged in the budget, while the ability of the country to sell 2.2 million barrels per day is highly uncertain, as there is a glut in the crude oil market. Therefore, over N800 billion in revenue expected from sale of crude oil may be hard to meet. Of course, there is possibility that crude oil price may rise again, after reaching a trough; but aside the fact that it is doubtful whether it will reach $38, the question of quantity supplied is another issue.

mi. On the other hand, government’s plan to rake in over N3 trillion-worth revenue from non-oil sector and independent sources, as much as this will be welcome, is not premised on any serious economic plan. For instance, as a result of the government’s tumbling monetary and forex policies, the non-oil export has fallen significantly by 25% fourth quarter of 2015 and 75% year-on-year. Although, the decline is driven mainly by fall in food and mineral sales, while manufacturing and industrial exports grew. However, on the basis on growing inflation, high cost of dollar, inability to access forex market and falling purchasing power, non-oil sector export and possible revenue for government will seriously reduce in the coming period. Already, there are talks of possible mass layoff of workers before the end of this quarter. Government’s plan to raise N360 billion from anti-corruption is also doubtful based on the haphazard approach to anti-corruption campaign. It is our contention that government can recover trillions of naira from anti-corruption campaign, if the right and radical approaches are taken, as will be shown subsequently.

F. While it is possible that some money may be recovered such as levies on mobile telecom company, MTN and others like Guinness, banks, etc. and through Treasury Single Account (TSA), this will not meet the budgetary need or the reverse the deficit nature of the budget as clearly explained above. More than this, the question of how government spend the money is another issue, as there seems to be no fundamental change to the rottenness of the past in terms of government’s spending. Huge, inflated contracts are still going to be awarded to contractors while Ministry of Works and its important agencies will be idle. Furthermore, the 2016 budget itself is already tainted with corruption as several fraudulent allocations and votes have been and are being discovered from the budget. According to BudgIt, a budget tracking non-governmental organization, over N111.3 billion has been discovered as hidden and fraudulent allocations in the 2016 budget (www. yourbudgit. com). As against the previous posture of the government, the 2016 budget and the burgeoning political population in the federal government, shows that there will be little change in term of reducing wasteful spending, even if more revenue is made.

gramo. All of these government’s policies in the monetary and fiscal areas will do little to lift Nigeria out of economic quagmire, neither will it engender long-term development of the country. More than this, it is our contention that the new government had the ample opportunities to make significant improvement in the economic situation of the country within the last 6-7 months, which could have raised the productive capacity of the country, improve the purchasing power of the majority poor, redistribute wealth and thus reduce inequality. However, the government is still committed to pro-rich neo-liberal capitalist policies that have held the country down, while launching austerity for the working and poor people. Of course, some minimal structural changes like the implementation of Treasury Single Account (TSA), and removal of monopoly of some import licence by big businesses have been carried out. However, these are too little for any major positive change. In fact, these piecemeal and minimalist reforms may create bigger problems than the previous ruinous policies of the Jonathan government. Neither moving forward nor moving back can be more disastrous than either of the two directions. Ample example is the Treasury Single Account (TSA) implementation.

marido. While government claim to be saving money through TSA and Zero Budgeting by centralizing revenue collection and disbursement, the 2016 budget and all the crazy allocations and votes tend to encourage pilfering of public till. This shows the limitations of piecemeal reforms. Politicians, contractors and senior technocrats, while accepting TSA and Zero Budgeting found another route through bogus allocations to circumvent the policies and continue with the past. Without total and radical anti-corruption reform at all levels, no amount of piecemeal reforms can effect any serious change. Interestingly, it was the National Assembly, generally adjudged as the most wasteful of the government’s three arms that exposed the frauds in the 2016 budget. Even if government implements the TSA and Zero Budgeting, politicians and contractors will find limitations in the policies to sabotage any gain that can accrue from it. For instance, with the sluggishness and tardiness in policy implementation associated with Nigerian government, TSA can be used to slow down government’s revenue collection effort, by ensuring that revenue generating agencies that draw their expenses from revenue they collect are starved of fund which will stunt their activities.

5. What can be done?

a. Government should invest in social and public infrastructures in order to raise purchasing power. For instance, massive investment in education, healthcare, road, mass housing, etc. will lead to employment of millions, reduce cost of accessing social services (with government subsidizing social services) and by extension raise purchasing power. This will spur economic activities that can raise government revenue and reduce pressure on forex. Unfortunately, the much-touted 'expansionary' 2016 budget contains arguably the worst capital allocations to education, health and housing. For instance, according to president of Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), just 3.65% of the budget is for health as against expected 15%; while less than 10% of what teaching hospitals needed to operate is given to them (Punch, 20/02/2016). This means further commercialization of health, collapse of health facilities, inadequate medical staff and expected industrial crisis. According to university lecturers’ union, ASUU, “the total capital appropriation to each of the federal ministry of education headquarters and 19 federal secondary schools is more than the capital vote of the 39 federal universities, 24 polytechnics and 21 colleges of education” (Thisday 24/03/2016). The special fund for universities, agreed to by Jonathan government in 2013, which requires government spending N200 billion each year for the next 5 years, was not included in the 2016 supposedly ‘expansionary’ budget. It was only in 2014 that the agreement was implemented, albeit poorly.

segundo. Government should directly invest in mass production of exportable goods, and imported products that can be produced locally. For instance, specific agro-products can be mass produced locally by government. Also, imported food items like rice and fish can be mass produced locally. Government can directly invest in large scale farming and/or provide inputs (seedling, fertilizer, etc.), machineries, market and extension services to farm cooperatives comprising mostly small farmers, under cost/profit sharing or equity arrangements. With this, forex will be saved, millions of direct jobs will be provided and economy boosted.

do. In addition, the government should invest in not just repair and revamping of existing state oil refineries, but also new ones. The country, after increasing fuel price severally and giving hundreds of billions of dollars in handouts, under the guise of encouraging investment in oil sector, has seen no serious private refineries being built. The effort by Dangote, arguably the biggest beneficiary of governments’ handouts, is already being threatened by the current economic crunch; while the glut and slowdown in global economy will further undermine any serious private sector investment in long term investments such as oil refining. Therefore, only government can take the serious effort to rebuild the oil sector and refining capacity. With the glut in global oil and gas sector, government can use the opportunity to expand capacity of local refineries, and production and distribution of gas for local consumption. For instance, massive investment in gas production and distribution will clearly resolve the power generation challenge, while investment in oil refineries will reduce import and price of fuel locally, which will have significant improvement on living standard, employment, purchasing power and by extension government revenue.

re. Government should also renationalize privatized public assets like power companies, iron and steel companies, and others that control the mainstay of the economy, as a way of planning a serious economic revival programmes for the country. All companies that have been involved in shortchanging the country and participated in looting of public funds should also be nationalized. There is no way the country can develop when her economic mainstay are in private hands, where the rule of profit maximization prevails. However, in order to prevent mismanagement associated with publicly-owned entities in the past, it will be important to introduce democratic control and management through involvement of workers’ organizations, communities, consumers and relevant professional groups in the management and control of nationalized and publicly owned entities. This is the only way to prevent looters from holding the country to jugular as was in the past.

6. Where will the money come from?

a. In the real sense, if government is serious about improving the economy, radical wealth redistribution will have to be carried out. This will mean government reversing the pro-rich policies of the past that had made the rich few richer. For instance, by introducing progressive tax such as property and luxury tax on the rich (especially in Abuja and Lagos, where federal government has tax coverage) and recovering withheld taxes by rich few and corporate entities, trillions of naira can be raised within a short time. There are so many unoccupied and underutilized properties and wealth across Abuja and Lagos from which government can raise hundreds of billions.

segundo. The recent discovery of how a manager of Abuja Electricity Distribution Company earned over N36 million monthly to reduce tax on the company's profit reveals how several billions of naira in taxes are being avoided by the rich. Businesses that cannot pay up their withheld or evaded taxes should be taken over and utilized in support of government's economic programme. Also, the over N1 trillion fine on MTN, which is now being negotiated to a fraction, shows that government can recover trillions of naira from those who have continually exploited the country, if the dragnet is extended to several other companies. Government should also recover N1 trillion owed government through AMCON. According to AMCON MD, many of those owing government are living extravagantly. By taking over their wealth, properties and companies, government can get enough resources to save the economy.

do. There is over N5 trillion in pension fund . If government take (or borrow) N2-3 trillion out of this fund to invest in its agro-allied programmes and social and public infrastructures, results in just six months will be seriously positive on the economy. For instance, government giving more than N500 billion to small farmers' cooperatives, and small (productive) businesses at around 2% interest through BoI or BoA or under equity and cost/profit-sharing arrangement, will undercut the exorbitant and cut-throat interests from commercial banks, and seriously drive down cost of borrowing. If CBN could dole out N2.5 trillion in 2009 to ten banks owned by handful of multibillionaires, getting N2-3 trillion from pension fund to save the economy cannot be a problem. The current technical approach of CBN of reducing MPR and CRR by 2% and 5% respectively in order to encourage banks to lend to local businesses is a worn-out approach. The same government will be borrowing over N980 billion from local market to fund the budget, while also paying the same market over N1 trillion in debt servicing (a case of borrowing your money back). With this, banks and financial markets are assured of quick wealth; therefore, they can 'sacrifice' for now by holding back lending to 'risky' businesses in a depressed economy.

re. Government can also recover hundreds of billions, if not trillions, from genuine anti-corruption campaign. For instance, instead of government's politicized and piecemeal anti-corruption campaign under EFCC, genuine and holistic fund recovery can be undertaken. The trial of Senate President by Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and Code of Conduct Tribunal (CCT) shows that if government commits some focus on building capacity of CCB and CCT to prosecute corrupt public officers, trillions of looted money. By providing synergy with other agencies like EFCC, ICPC, Police SFU, customs, CBN and local banks, CCB and CCT can recover (and could have recovered) trillions within short time, and avoid unwarranted sensationalism currently associated with EFCC campaign. Many of the corrupt elements are public officers. This does not mean that EFCC activities are not necessary, but through integrated and holistic approach to anti-corruption that links all the agencies and aimed at ending all regimes of perfidy, we can recover more money within short time.

But it seems the government is only interested in scoring political points against its equally corrupt PDP colleague, as any genuine anti-corruption campaign will expose the fraudulent basis of this government, which emergence was bankrolled by stolen funds from public till. This shows the uniformity of all capitalist political groups in Nigeria. Only a radical, democratic socialist government premised on revolutionary overhaul of the capitalist system, by mobilizing the working and poor people to the political and governance arena can make any tangible and long-term changes needed to move the country forward. It will be wishful thinking to believe that the current political structure comprising various elements who have played various role in the rot that has defined Nigeria will make any serious change to the political economy of the country.

The labour movement should wake up from its slumber and demand a radical reforms that will liberate the working and poor people. All austerity programmes should be rejected by labour movement. Ultimately, labour movement should build a mass working political party that can provide alternative social, economic and political programmes premised on socialist ideas, to the capitalist agenda of all the ruling but ruining political parties in Nigeria.

Conclusively, the current economic impasse in Nigeria reflects the crisis and fundamental failure of global capitalist economy. Since 2008, the world has not gotten out of economic maelstrom that has led to frailty of global economy. China and other big economies have not recovered from pre-2008 production. This is background to Nigeria’s economic crisis which is tied as a latecomer to the apron string of global capitalism, which is premised on obscene inequality not only among nations, but also between the richest 67 people (who owns more than half of world poorest) and the majority working and poor people. Therefore, the permanent solution to global misery lies not only with working people of Nigeria and Africa, but of the world, by ending the rule of capital and established a democratic socialist order.

Owerri: Customs Records N2.7 Bn Seizures, Arrests 316 Suspects

…As 500 Kwara Workers Die over Unpaid Salaries

The Federal Operations Unit (FOU), Zone ‘C’, an anti smuggling unit of the Nigeria Customs Service in Owerri, in 2015 recorded a total of 467 seizures, with an overall Duty Paid Value (DPV) of N2,709,807,358.

The Customs Area Controller of the Unit, Comptroller Dimka Victor David, who indicated this last week in a chat with news men, gave a graphic detail in respect of his obligation of nipping all forms of smuggling activities in both the South-East and South-South zones of Nigeria, noted that 316 suspects smugglers were also arrested; culminating in one conviction, seven cases won, while 23 cases were still in court.

Customs PRO and Image Maker, WALE ADENIYI

The unit, according to Dimka, also recovered the sum of N130,144,103 as underpayment on some items, providing a comparative analysis of seizure report and duty recovered with year 2014 which shows a geometric growth in result of suppressing smuggling within the zone.

“The current seizure report with duty paid value are 29% and 50% in increase respectively when compared to seizure report of year 2014 that recorded 363 seizures with Duty Paid Value (DPV) of N1,805,843,064.00″ he indicated further.

Ifeoma Onuigbo, PRO FOU command, Zone ‘C’

“A breakdown of the command’s 2015 performance shows a seizure-profile of 343 vehicles; 378 bales of bags/suitcases with 466 pieces; 6,472 pieces of imported used tyres; 8,855 cartons of foreign frozen poultry products; and 2,758 bales of imported textile materials.

“Others were 10 cartons of foreign beverages/juice; 2,584 bags of 50kg imported rice; 6,747 pairs of foot wears; 45 cartons of electrical/electronic equipment; 108 cartons of foreign vegetable oil; 1,387 packages of foreign furniture with 126 pieces; and 412 cartons of foreign soaps and detergents”, he stated, explaining that 1,561 cartons of fake drugs along with 7,493 bales of second-hand clothing and 5,642 cartons of other contraband items were equally impounded by the unit during the year under review.

“This increase also featured in the current report on duty recovered through DN issued as the increase represented in percentage of 81 percent is above the sum of N72,762,029 recovered on 59 Demand Notice (DN) issued and recorded in year 2014″, he also observed.

The CAC denounced the upsurge of smuggling activities in the country despite stiff penalties for culprits arrested; warning those still trapped in the illicit business to desist forthwith in their own interest, as the NCS has been further fortified, to deal with the nagging problem of smuggling being perpetrated by some unpatriotic individuals who are desperate to make quick money to the detriment of the nation’s economy.

He equally assured that the NCS under the leadership of the Comptroller-General of Customs, Col. Hameed Ibrahim Ali (Rtd.) would continue to apply decency and professionalism in the discharge of its statutory responsibilities even as he emphasized that officers found guilty of official misconduct would be strictly dealt with, and decried isolated cases of unwarranted media attack and blackmail against the NCS by some sections of the media, stressing the need for the media to always contact his office for verification of facts whenever necessary.

Dimka appealed to members of the public with useful information about smugglers: their agents, sponsors and collaborators, to contact law enforcement agencies for prompt action, emphasizing that such vital information would be handled with utmost confidentiality.

In the meantime, no fewer than 500 workers in the Kwara state public service have reportedly died due to the non-payment of their salaries and entitlements by the local and state governments in the past four months in the state.

The workers of the 16 local government councils in the state and those of the state tertiary institutions at the three state colleges of education in Oro, Ilorin and Lafiagi and the State College of Islamic and Legal Studies, (CAILS), Ilorin, had been on strike since November last year due to non-payment of over five months.

Also last week, teachers in primary and junior secondary schools in the state commenced their indefinite strike over the non-payment of four months of salaries while the teachers of senior secondary schools in the state have joined the strike in solidarity with their colleagues in both primary and junior secondary schools.

The state branch of Association of Local Government Chairmen of Nigeria (ALGON), Alhaji Lattef Okandeji has appealed to the striking teachers to be patient with them as all efforts have been put on ground to look for alternative windows to pay the backlog of unpaid salaries of teachers in the state.

Additional report from ThisDay

Foreign Investments Slid by N2.2trillion in 2015 – NBS

According to a new report released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the total value of capital imported into Nigeria in 2015 plungedby N2.21trn from the value recorded the previous year.

The report showed that a total $9.64 billion (N1.92trn) was imported into Nigeria in 2015 as against $20.75 billion (N4.13trn) that was imported the previous year.

The difference of the values attracted in 2014 and 2015 translated to 53.53 per cent fall in 2015. The NBS indicated that the data on capital importation used in this report was obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

Further analysis of the report showed that a total of $1.56 billion was imported in the fourth quarter of last year, translating to a decline of 43.34 per cent from levels recorded in the previous quarter.

The sector that imported the most capital in the fourth quarter of last year was banking, importing $193.49 million and “after being a relatively unimportant sector for the last few years” in terms of capital importation, electrical became the second largest importer of capital.

The NBS attributed the growth in capital imported by electricity to “possibly pointing to increased investments in the sector as a result of the sector’s deregulation in recent years.”

Balmoral Retains 100% Interest in N1-N2 Gold Project, Quebec

March 4, 2016 - Vancouver, BC

VANCOUVER, BC--(Marketwired - March 04, 2016) - Balmoral Resources Ltd. ("Balmoral" or the "Company" ) (TSX: BAR)(OTCQX: BALMF) advised its shareholders today that the Company will retain a 100% interest in its N1 and N2 gold properties, located along the Casa-Berardi-Douay Gold Trend in Quebec. The previously announced (see NR15-02, Feb. 2, 2015) Option Agreement between the Company and Wealth Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: WML)("Wealth") has been terminated with Wealth having chosen to focus on opportunities in the lithium space. Balmoral will therefore retain a 100% interest in the properties and examine other options to move the properties forward.

Balmoral and Wealth have entered into an Agreement (the "Termination Agreement") whereby Wealth will settle certain obligations originally contemplated under the Option Agreement by making to Balmoral certain cash and/or common share payments in installments between April 1 and October 1 of 2016. Any common shares to be delivered under the terms of the Termination Agreement shall be valued at the average price of Wealth's common shares for the proceeding 20 trading days and maybe subject to prior approval of the TSXV and standard hold provisions. Balmoral received a payment of 1,000,000 common shares of Wealth in February of 2015 and currently retains 425,000 shares for investment purposes.

"Given the rising tide in the gold market, in particular in relation to gold opportunities in Canada, we are pleased to get the N1 and N2 properties back unencumbered," said Darin Wagner, President and CEO of Balmoral. "This provides Balmoral with the flexibility to find an alternative path to advance the properties while having captured some benefit for the shareholders over the last 12 months."

Balmoral's N1 and N2 Properties are located along the Casa-Berardi-Douay Gold Trend which hosts the multi-million ounce Casa-Berardi gold mine and the immediately adjacent Vezza gold deposit. Work by previous operators has identified 6 separate zones of gold mineralization on the N2 Property. The most extensive of these zones, the A Zone, has been traced in shallow drilling for well over 1,000 metres along strike. Drill testing to date has been limited to depths of 25 to 350 vertical metres. All known zones of gold mineralization remain open for expansion. In 2011 the Company completed a VTEM airborne survey of the N2 Property which outlined several areas of interest which remain to be tested.

The project is road accessible and located 25 kilometres south of Mattagami, Quebec, approximately 55 kilometres east of the now dormant Sleeping Giant mill complex and roughly 100 kilometres south of Balmoral's Detour Trend Gold Project.

Mr. Darin Wagner (P. Geo.), President and CEO of the Company, is the non-independent qualified person who has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. Wagner has reviewed the historic work on the N1 and N2 Properties and visited the N2 Property.

Balmoral is a well-funded, Canadian-based company actively delineating and expanding both high-grade gold and nickel discoveries on its wholly owned, 700 square kilometre Detour Trend Project in Quebec, Canada. Employing an award winning exploration team, Balmoral has a philosophy of creating value through the drill bit. By focusing our efforts in proven productive precious/base metal belts in one of the world's pre-eminent mining jurisdictions, Balmoral is following an established formula with a goal of maximizing shareholder value through discovery and definition of high-grade, Canadian gold and base metal assets.

On behalf of the board of directors of


President and CEO

This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement, duration and cost of exploration programs, anticipated exploration programs and expenditures, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves. the prospective nature of the Company's land holdings, the nature and style of the mineralization discussed and its interpreted continuity, interest of investors in the results generated by the Company's exploration activities and business and financing plans and trends, the anticipated timing of payments, and Wealth Minerals ability to secure sufficient funding to complete its obligations under the terms of the proposed agreement and acceptance of the potential share issuances by the TSXV are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions or are those which, by their nature, refer to future events. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include those related to weather, equipment and staff availability; performance of third parties in particular Wealth's ability to attract sufficient funding to meet its obligations under the proposed agreement or receive TSXV approval for the agreement in a timely fashion; risks related to the exploration stage of the Company's projects; market fluctuations in prices for securities of exploration stage companies and in commodity prices; and uncertainties about the availability of additional financing; risks related to the Company's ability to identify one or more economic deposits on the properties, and variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located on the properties; risks related to the uncertain nature and interpretation of geological and geophysical models, risks related to the Company's ability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities on the properties; and risks related to the Company's ability to produce minerals from the properties successfully or profitably . Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via www. sedar. com and readers are urged to review these materials, including the latest technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

This news release contains information with respect to adjacent or similar mineral properties in respect of which the Company has no interest or rights to explore or mine. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in any such properties, and that mineral deposits on adjacent or similar properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.

This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.

For further information contact: John Foulkes Vice-President, Corporate Development Tel: (604) 638-5815 Toll Free: (877) 838-3664 E-mail: info@balmoralresources. com

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Balmoral Options N1-N2 Project to Wealth Minerals

VANCOUVER, BC --(Marketwired - February 02, 2015) - Balmoral Resources Ltd. ("Balmoral" or the "Company") (TSX: BAR) (OTCQX: BALMF) reported today that it has agreed to option it's N1 and N2 Properties, located along the Casa-Berardi Gold Trend in Quebec, to Wealth Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: WML)("Wealth"). Under the terms of the Option Agreement, Wealth will be granted an option to earn an initial 51% interest in the Project by completing $2.2 million dollars in exploration on the Project over 3 years, including a minimum of $1.2 million in drilling, and issuing 3.0 million common shares to Balmoral (representing approximately 14% of the currently outstanding shares of Wealth) (see table 1 below). Under a second option Wealth may earn an additional 24% interest in the Project (for an aggregate 75% interest) through additional expenditures of $2.8 million (for total aggregate expenditures of $5.0 million) and making cash payments of $600,000 to Balmoral. Balmoral currently holds a 100% interest in the Project. The Option Agreement will require Wealth to receive the approval of the TSXV.

"We are pleased to have found a partner to move the N1-N2 Project forward while we concentrate on the expansion of our nickel and gold discoveries at Grasset and Martiniere," said Darin Wagner, President and CEO of Balmoral. "Pending the acceptance of the agreement by the TSXV our shareholders will have results from another drill program in the gold space to look forward to in 2015 with the reactivation of the N2 Project."

Balmoral's award winning exploration team will provide technical oversight to Wealth during the initial Phase of the Option Agreement.

Balmoral's N2 Property is located along the Casa-Berardi Gold Trend which host the multi-million ounce Casa-Berardi gold mine and the immediately adjacent Vezza gold deposit. Work by previous operators has identified 6 zones of gold mineralization on the property. The most extensive of these zones, the A Zone, has been traced in shallow drilling for well over 1.0 kilometre. Drill testing to date has been limited to depths of 100 to 350 vertical metres. All known zones of gold mineralization remain open for expansion. In 2011 the Company completed a VTEM airborne survey of the N2 Property which outlined several areas of interest.

The Project is road accessible and located 25 kilometres south of Mattagami, Quebec, approximately 55 kilometres east of the Sleeping Giant mill complex and roughly 100 km south of Balmoral's Detour Trend Gold Project.

Initially, Wealth can earn a 51% interest for total consideration of 3.0 million common shares and work commitments of $2.2 million over three years (the "First Option") (Table 1). On completion of the First Option, Wealth can elect to participate in a Second Option to earn an additional 24% (total 75%). Under the terms of the Second Option, Wealth must meet work commitments of $2.8 million and pay a cash consideration of $600,000, both over three years. Cash payments of $0.6 million can be made in either stock or cash at Wealth's option. Interest earned is subject to certain existing royalties with third parties.

Table 1: Summary of Options Terms

* During the First Option, $1.2 million of the $2.2 million total expenditure in years 1, 2 and 3 must be expended on drilling. This is further defined as $200,000 in Year 1, $400,000 in Year 2 and $700,000 in Year 3. ^ During the Second Option, total expenditure of $2.8 million in years 4, 5 and 6 (or earlier) is subject to minimums of $500,000 per annum.

Following the completion of either the First or Second Option, a joint venture will be formed to further advance the Project. Wealth will be the operator of the Project through the First and Second Options and initial phase of any subsequent joint venture.

About Wealth Minerals

Wealth Minerals is a Vancouver based, recently reorganized mineral exploration Company focused on identifying and aggressively exploring highly prospective precious metal projects in the America's.

Mr. Darin Wagner (P. Geo.), President and CEO of the Company, is the non-independent qualified person who has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. Wagner has reviewed the historic work on the N1 and N2 Properties and visited the N2 Property.

About Balmoral Resources Ltd. - www. balmoralresources. com

Balmoral is a well-funded, Canadian-based company actively delineating and expanding both high-grade gold and nickel discoveries on its wholly owned, 700 square kilometre Detour Trend Project in Quebec, Canada. Employing an award winning exploration team, Balmoral has a philosophy of creating value through the drill bit. By focusing our efforts in proven productive precious/base metal belts in one of the world's pre-eminent mining jurisdictions, Balmoral is following an established formula with a goal of maximizing shareholder value through discovery and definition of high-grade, Canadian gold and base metal assets.

On behalf of the board of directors of BALMORAL RESOURCES LTD.

President and CEO

This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement, duration and cost of exploration programs, anticipated exploration programs and expenditures, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves, the timing of the receipt of assay results, the prospective nature of the Company's land holdings, the nature and style of the mineralization discussed and its interpreted continuity, interest of investors in the results generated by the Company's exploration activities and business and financing plans and trends, Wealth Minerals ability to secure sufficient funding to complete its obligations under the terms of the proposed agreement and acceptance of the proposed agreement by the TSXV are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions or are those which, by their nature, refer to future events. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include those related to weather, equipment and staff availability; performance of third parties in particular Wealth's ability to attract sufficient funding to meet its obligations under the proposed agreement or receive TSXV approval for the agreement in a timely fashion; risks related to the exploration stage of the Company's projects; market fluctuations in prices for securities of exploration stage companies and in commodity prices; and uncertainties about the availability of additional financing; risks related to the Company's ability to identify one or more economic deposits on the properties, and variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located on the properties; risks related to the uncertain nature and interpretation of geological and geophysical models, risks related to the Company's ability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities on the properties; and risks related to the Company's ability to produce minerals from the properties successfully or profitably. Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via www. sedar. com and readers are urged to review these materials, including the latest technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

This news release contains information with respect to adjacent or similar mineral properties in respect of which the Company has no interest or rights to explore or mine. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in any such properties, and that mineral deposits on adjacent or similar properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.

This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.


For further information contact: The Office of the President Tel: (604) 638-5815 Toll Free: (877) 838-3664 E-mail: info@balmoralresources. com

Corporate Earnings

The Analyst is a market service provided by Proshare Nigeria Limited.

Registered Office: Plot 590B, Lekan Asuni Close, Off Toyin Omotosho Street, Omole Phase II, Isheri LGA, P. O. Box 18782, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. Telephone: 0700 PROSHARE (0700-77674273) Registered in Nigeria. We may record and/or monitor telephone calls or intercept other telecommunications between us. This is to protect both of us and for training purposes.


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We Saved N2.2trn Using TSA – PMB

President Muhammadu Buhari revealed his administration has so far saved 2.2 trillion Naira using the Treasury Single Account (TSA).

The President made this disclosure while interacting with a cross section of the Nigerian community in the United Kingdom on the side-line of the Supporting Syria Conference in London.

LEADERSHIP recalls that President Buhari last year October directed that all revenues due to the Federal Government or any of its agencies must be paid into the Treasury Single Account (TSA) or designated accounts maintained and operated in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) .

According to the president, this measure is specifically to promote transparency and prevent the loss or leakages of legitimate income meant for the federation account.

President Buhari faulted past administrations for operating several accounts with which they siphoned money belonging to Nigerians vowing not to relent in the fight against corruption.

He said that he would make every Nigerian accountable and that money recovered so far can fund the country’s deficit and infrastructure development.

He said,“When we discovered that we were already in trouble, we tried to enforce the TSA. This government did not initiate it, it was the previous government, but it was so unpopular to the previous government” .

“For its own reasons, it couldn’t impose it, but when we came and we found out that we were broke, we saw that this as the way to do it.

“We discovered that the NNPC had more than 45 accounts, the ministry of defence and the military had more than 70 accounts; tell me which of the accounts to trace every year.

“So we enforced TSA, we said there must be TSA, and let me tell you by the end of December coming to January this year, last month we mopped up more than N2.2 trillion.”

We ended sale of Forex to BDC’s because of corruption

President Muhammadu Buhari has said that his administration decided to stop the sale of foreign exchange to bureau de change (BDC) operators because of fraudulent acts perpetrated by some directors of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

He made this disclosure when speaking on the state of the economy during an interactive session with the Nigerian community in the United Kingdom on the sidelines of the Supporting Syria Conference in London.

The president pointed out that some CBN directors used BDCs that they owned to shortchange the government.

He said,“We found out that some directors of CBN owned bureau de change and when foreign exchange comes, they take it to their bureau de change and give government the change,”

“We had to stop the federal government giving bureau the change. I am explaining this to give a tip of the ice berg of the problem we inherited. We are getting so hard because we have no other [option] than to make everybody accountable.”

SAP killed the Naira

President Muhammadu Buhari has said the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) which was initiated by former military President Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, between 1986 and 1988 killed the Naira.

Speaking during an interactive session with BBC, Buhari recalled that the introduction of the SAP was the origin of the problem facing the Naira today .

LEADERSHIP recalls that Structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) consist of loans provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) to countries that experienced economic crises.

He said,”It’s SAP that killed the Naira. I have asked governor of central bank and others to sit and see if they can convince me to murder of Naira’. It’s disgraceful Nigeria imports toothpicks, rice and tomato purée’.

He lamented that most of young people in this country today can’t get jobs, adding that that is one of the biggest dangers his administration is facing.

iBerry Auxus Nuclea N2 to be launched at Rs 19,990

New Delhi: iBerry has announced the launch of the follow up to its previously launched Auxus Nuclea N1 last year in India — Auxus Nuclea N2.

iBerry has decided to sell the Nuclea N2 for a 10-day introductory price of Rs 19,990. The phone will sell at its regular price of Rs 23,990 after the introductory price offer gets over.

Under the hood, the Auxus Nuclea N2 has a mammoth 3,500 mAh Li-ion battery which can give up to 12 hours of talktime.

The camera on the phone is an auto-focus 13MP with BSI sensor. The display mirrors that of its predecessor and features a 5.7-inch full-HD and carries the Active Marix Display with OGS technology. The phone is also 8.5mm in thickness.

The phone is powered by a 1.7GHz octa-core MediaTek MT6592 processor and runs on 2GB of RAM. It comes with Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and there is a planned KitKat update in the works as well.

Auxus Nuclea N2 is a dual-SIM smartphone which has both micro SIM and a regular SIM slot.

The phone is currently available at the company's website, www. iberry. asia. and at authorised retailers around the country.

We Saved N2.2trn Using TSA – PMB

President Muhammadu Buhari revealed his administration has so far saved 2.2 trillion Naira using the Treasury Single Account (TSA).

The President made this disclosure while interacting with a cross section of the Nigerian community in the United Kingdom on the side-line of the Supporting Syria Conference in London.

It could be recalled that President Buhari last year October directed that all revenues due to the Federal Government or any of its agencies must be paid into the Treasury Single Account (TSA) or designated accounts maintained and operated in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) .

According to the president, this measure is specifically to promote transparency and prevent the loss or leakages of legitimate income meant for the federation account.

President Buhari faulted past administrations for operating several accounts with which they siphoned money belonging to Nigerians vowing not to relent in the fight against corruption.

He said that he would make every Nigerian accountable and that money recovered so far can fund the country’s deficit and infrastructure development.

He said,“When we discovered that we were already in trouble, we tried to enforce the TSA. This government did not initiate it, it was the previous government, but it was so unpopular to the previous government” .

“For its own reasons, it couldn’t impose it, but when we came and we found out that we were broke, we saw that this as the way to do it.

“We discovered that the NNPC had more than 45 accounts, the ministry of defence and the military had more than 70 accounts; tell me which of the accounts to trace every year.

“So we enforced TSA, we said there must be TSA, and let me tell you by the end of December coming to January this year, last month we mopped up more than N2.2 trillion.”

We ended sale of Forex to BDC’s because of corruption

President Muhammadu Buhari has said that his administration decided to stop the sale of foreign exchange to bureau de change (BDC) operators because of fraudulent acts perpetrated by some directors of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN).

He made this disclosure when speaking on the state of the economy during an interactive session with the Nigerian community in the United Kingdom on the sidelines of the Supporting Syria Conference in London.

The president pointed out that some CBN directors used BDCs that they owned to shortchange the government.

He said,“We found out that some directors of CBN owned bureau de change and when foreign exchange comes, they take it to their bureau de change and give government the change,”

“We had to stop the federal government giving bureau the change. I am explaining this to give a tip of the ice berg of the problem we inherited. We are getting so hard because we have no other [option] than to make everybody accountable.”

SAP killed the Naira

President Muhammadu Buhari has said the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) which was initiated by former military President Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida, between 1986 and 1988 killed the Naira.

Speaking during an interactive session with BBC, Buhari recalled that the introduction of the SAP was the origin of the problem facing the Naira today .

LEADERSHIP recalls that Structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) consist of loans provided by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) to countries that experienced economic crises.

He said,”It’s SAP that killed the Naira. I have asked governor of central bank and others to sit and see if they can convince me to murder of Naira’. It’s disgraceful Nigeria imports toothpicks, rice and tomato purée’.

He lamented that most of young people in this country today can’t get jobs, adding that that is one of the biggest dangers his administration is facing.

Jonathan Approves N2.9 Billion Farewell Package For NIMASA

Goodluck jonathan, Formal President Of Nigeria

DG lobbies Buhari; Spends N79 Million On Letter-headed Papers

Col. Hamid Ali Awaits EFCC Chair

Tompolo’s Security Contract Renewed For $2.5Million

There are strong indications that the embattled Director-General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Mr. Patrick Akpobolokemi has intensified his lobby within the political hierarchy of President Muhammadu Buhari’s All Progressives Congress (APC) to retain his position.

Meanwhile, he has secured the approval and disbursement of N2.9 billion from former President Goodluck Jonathan for the agency. Seven different approvals amounting to this sum were swiftly granted by Jonathan in a space of four weeks in the month of April, 2015.

Surprisingly, one of the contracts was the alleged payment of N79 million to a phoney company for the printing of 50, 000 copies of NIMASA corporate letter-headed paper and another N75 million for sea protection levy certificates.

Yet another surprise was the approval of USD6.58 million (N1.5billion) for the payment of an alleged phoney contract of Maritime Domain Awareness System contract renewal paid to one Kleyman Mirad BTS Ltd, while the sum of USD2.5 million (N550million) was paid for the 2015 annual Satellite Surveillance Systems subscription contract. N18 million was paid for the printing of security documents and N30 million for the printing of administrative and operational documents, while the sum of N447 million was paid to an undisclosed contractor to enhance the implementation of International Ships and Ports Facility Security (ISPS) Code in Nigerian ports facilities.

Also, the sum of N318 million was approved for the agency to address capacity gaps in the maritime industry.

However, MMS Plus Weekly gathered that Akpobolokemi who was told by one of his supposed helpers to jettison his ambition of retaining the position of the Director-General and lobby for a reduced jail term in the new administration, was subsequently informed of the in-coming Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) as Col. Hamid Ibrahim Ali (rtd), a Kano prince who was a one-time military Governor of Kaduna state. He is currently undergoing the State Security Service (SSS) screening in preparation for his appointment.

Never the less, all the payment approvals were got through the office of the National Security Adviser, Col. Mohammed Dasuki (rtd) except that of the printing of administrative documents and letter headed papers which passed through the Bureau for Public Procurement (BPP) which declined to give the approval sought by NIMASA through the Federal Ministry of Transport. That notwithstanding, NIMASA had its way at last.

In disobedience to the extant Public Procurement Act 2007, NIMASA awarded the N78, 750, 000 .00 contract of printing a corporate letter-headed paper to one Messrs. Kalamazoo Security printing Limited. They were to print 50, 000 copies, while another company, Elgan Integrated Limited was equally paid N75 million to print sea protection levy certificates.

NIMASA had through the Minister of Transport in a memo dated January 29, 2015 requested the BPP to grant due process “No Objection” for selective tendering method for the printing of the security documents which it turned down on the grounds that there is the existence of Nigerian Security Printing and Minting Plc whose responsibility include printing of government security documents. But NIMASA went ahead with the contract insisting that the documents would be embedded with security features in line with the requirements of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).

In a letter dated 29 April, 2015 from the office of the National Security Adviser, addressed to the DG, NIMASA entitled: RE: Satellite Surveillance System Yearly subscription Renewal . signed by Col. N. Ashinze for NSA, president Jonathan approved the payment of USD2. 509, 500. 00 ”to Messrs. Kleyman Mirad BTS Ltd for the payment of yearly subscription for the satellite system project.”

Justifying this payment, Akpobolokemi stated: “The system was designed taking into consideration, known problems in the maritime sector of other regions and nations in addition to Nigeria’s peculiar nature. Some of the great features it has include: Ship to ship contact alert, ability to see beyond the territorial waters of Nigeria.”

Jonathan equally in a letter dated 29 April, 2015 approved the sum in the nation’s maritime administration preparatory to the IMO audit scheme.

According to the Director-General, the fund was to implement the various programmes required to prepare the agency for the NIMASA’s pre-audit activities.

Akpobolokemi in his letter seeking the approval of N447 million for ISPS Code facility upgrade in Nigeria, stated, “We wish to bring to the notice of the NSA, the fact that the agency has recorded significant strides and success story as evidenced by the local and international community including the report issued by United States Coast Guard (USCG) reports in terms of the current status of ISPS code compliance in Nigeria.”

However, a stakeholder who prefers anonymity said, “This is fraud at an unprecedented level. There is absolutely nothing to show for those expenditures. ISPS Code and VIMSAS were just smoke screens to steal money. The involvement of Bureau of Public Enterprises was to give the transaction the semblance of authenticity.

“The bureau is a creation of the presidency and it takes instructions from the presidency. The information is that the fraud was an orchestration to siphon money from NIMASA for Jonathan’s election. There is no proof of any procurement or work done. Nigeria is a jungle, GMB must move swiftly to arrest the thieving DG of NIMASA and all the EDs especially one Captain Bala Agaba who arranged all the deals. This is classified information and highly confidential.”

Balmoral Retains 100% Interest in N1-N2 Gold Project, Quebec

VANCOUVER, BC --(Marketwired - March 04, 2016) - Balmoral Resources Ltd. ("Balmoral" or the "Company" ) (BAR. TO ) (BALMF ) advised its shareholders today that the Company will retain a 100% interest in its N1 and N2 gold properties, located along the Casa-Berardi-Douay Gold Trend in Quebec. The previously announced (see NR15-02, Feb. 2, 2015) Option Agreement between the Company and Wealth Minerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: WML) ("Wealth") has been terminated with Wealth having chosen to focus on opportunities in the lithium space. Balmoral will therefore retain a 100% interest in the properties and examine other options to move the properties forward.

Balmoral and Wealth have entered into an Agreement (the "Termination Agreement") whereby Wealth will settle certain obligations originally contemplated under the Option Agreement by making to Balmoral certain cash and/or common share payments in installments between April 1 and October 1 of 2016. Any common shares to be delivered under the terms of the Termination Agreement shall be valued at the average price of Wealth's common shares for the proceeding 20 trading days and maybe subject to prior approval of the TSXV and standard hold provisions. Balmoral received a payment of 1,000,000 common shares of Wealth in February of 2015 and currently retains 425,000 shares for investment purposes.

"Given the rising tide in the gold market, in particular in relation to gold opportunities in Canada, we are pleased to get the N1 and N2 properties back unencumbered," said Darin Wagner, President and CEO of Balmoral. "This provides Balmoral with the flexibility to find an alternative path to advance the properties while having captured some benefit for the shareholders over the last 12 months."

Balmoral's N1 and N2 Properties are located along the Casa-Berardi-Douay Gold Trend which hosts the multi-million ounce Casa-Berardi gold mine and the immediately adjacent Vezza gold deposit. Work by previous operators has identified 6 separate zones of gold mineralization on the N2 Property. The most extensive of these zones, the A Zone, has been traced in shallow drilling for well over 1,000 metres along strike. Drill testing to date has been limited to depths of 25 to 350 vertical metres. All known zones of gold mineralization remain open for expansion. In 2011 the Company completed a VTEM airborne survey of the N2 Property which outlined several areas of interest which remain to be tested.

The project is road accessible and located 25 kilometres south of Mattagami, Quebec, approximately 55 kilometres east of the now dormant Sleeping Giant mill complex and roughly 100 kilometres south of Balmoral's Detour Trend Gold Project.

Mr. Darin Wagner (P. Geo.), President and CEO of the Company, is the non-independent qualified person who has approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. Wagner has reviewed the historic work on the N1 and N2 Properties and visited the N2 Property.

Balmoral is a well-funded, Canadian-based company actively delineating and expanding both high-grade gold and nickel discoveries on its wholly owned, 700 square kilometre Detour Trend Project in Quebec, Canada. Employing an award winning exploration team, Balmoral has a philosophy of creating value through the drill bit. By focusing our efforts in proven productive precious/base metal belts in one of the world's pre-eminent mining jurisdictions, Balmoral is following an established formula with a goal of maximizing shareholder value through discovery and definition of high-grade, Canadian gold and base metal assets.

On behalf of the board of directors of


President and CEO

This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian and United States securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, included herein, including statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement, duration and cost of exploration programs, anticipated exploration programs and expenditures, the discovery and delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves. the prospective nature of the Company's land holdings, the nature and style of the mineralization discussed and its interpreted continuity, interest of investors in the results generated by the Company's exploration activities and business and financing plans and trends, the anticipated timing of payments, and Wealth Minerals ability to secure sufficient funding to complete its obligations under the terms of the proposed agreement and acceptance of the potential share issuances by the TSXV are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions or are those which, by their nature, refer to future events. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from the Company's expectations include those related to weather, equipment and staff availability; performance of third parties in particular Wealth's ability to attract sufficient funding to meet its obligations under the proposed agreement or receive TSXV approval for the agreement in a timely fashion; risks related to the exploration stage of the Company's projects; market fluctuations in prices for securities of exploration stage companies and in commodity prices; and uncertainties about the availability of additional financing; risks related to the Company's ability to identify one or more economic deposits on the properties, and variations in the nature, quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located on the properties; risks related to the uncertain nature and interpretation of geological and geophysical models, risks related to the Company's ability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required for its activities on the properties; and risks related to the Company's ability to produce minerals from the properties successfully or profitably . Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via www. sedar. com and readers are urged to review these materials, including the latest technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.

This news release contains information with respect to adjacent or similar mineral properties in respect of which the Company has no interest or rights to explore or mine. Readers are cautioned that the Company has no interest in or right to acquire any interest in any such properties, and that mineral deposits on adjacent or similar properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on the Company's properties.

This press release is not, and is not to be construed in any way as, an offer to buy or sell securities in the United States.

For further information contact: John Foulkes Vice-President, Corporate Development Tel: (604) 638-5815 Toll Free: (877) 838-3664 E-mail: info@balmoralresources. com

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Dokpesi and N2.1b Money For Media Publicity, Bail Denied, To Remain In EFCC Custody

Not guilty, was the response of Chief Raymond Dokpesi at the Federal High after the six counts charges read to him filed by EFCC.

The charges, FHC/ABJ/CR/380/2015 and filed by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) indicated that Dokpesi is charged along with his company – Daar Holding and Investment Limited.

Charge 1. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, conducted procurement fraud by means of fraudulent and corrupt act, to wit: receipt of payment into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc of public funds in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria for the funding of media activities for the 2015 presidential election campaign for the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 58 (4)(b) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) & (7) of the same Act.

Charge 2. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court entered into a purported contract on presidential media initiative and received payment in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria on account of the purported contract without a “Certificate of No Objection to Contract Award” duly issued by Public Procurement Bureau and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 16 (1) (b), (4) & (5) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) of the same Act.

Charge 3. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court. entered into a purported contract on presidential media initiative and received payment in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria on account of the purported contract without any open competitive bidding for the said contract and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 16 (1)(c) & (d) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) of the same Act.

Charge 4. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between October 2014 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja, within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court submitted a purported proposal for the contract on presidential media initiative and received payment in the sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria on account of the purported cont1act without a written and comprehensive request to you by the Federal Government of Nigeria and you thereby committed an offence contrary to sections 45 (3) and 46 of the Public Procurement Act. 2007 and punishable under Section 58 (6) of the same Act.

Charge 5. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between 22nd January, 2015 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, took control of the sum of N2,120,000, 000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) paid into the account of Daar Investment and Holding Company Limited with First Bank of Nigeria Plc from the account of the office of National Security Adviser with the Central Bank of Nigeria which sum you reasonably ought to have known was a proceed of an unlawful act to wit: fund obtained from corruption and you thereby committed an offence contrary to section 15 (2) (d) of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, 2011 (as amended) and punishable under Section 15 (3) & (4) of the same Act.

Charge 6. That you DR. RAYMOND DOKPESI and DAAR INVESTMENT AND HOLDING COMPANY LIMITED between 22nd January, 2015 and 19th March, 2015 in Abuja within the jurisdiction of this Honourable Court, knew that an aggregate sum of N2,120,000,000 (Two Billion, One Hundred and Twenty Million Naira) directly represented the proceeds of criminal conducts of COL. MOHAMMED SAMBO DASUKI (RTD.) and SHUAIBU SALISU who were National Security Adviser and the Director of Finance, Office of the National Security Adviser respectively (to wit: criminal breach of trust in respect of the said amount) used the said property and you thereby committed an offence punishable under Section 17 (b) of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (Establishment) Act, 2004.

After all the drama today Thursday in court, presiding judge, Justice Kolawole adjourned the case to Monday, December 14.

The judge also ordered that the accused remain in the custody of the EFCC till the day of ruling.

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